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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. I've found them all online at some point or another. I'm seeing Mad Men through as a completionist. If we watch Jericho can we make a drinking game? shout "Morgan" every time Lenny James appears. (we will be drunk quick) cuz he's not off and on like on WD. I watched most of the first season of Silicon Valley, god help me but TJ Miller has grown on me. There will be cilantro in my house next week, I shant use it but it's part of a meal, I shall discard. I also will discard apricot chutney.
  2. Ok I swear I replied, if this shows up twice I'm having deja vu computer day. It wouldn't let me post in Mad Men, told me I had no privileges. :( Anywho I adore you morgankobi even if you like cilantro, the best episode of Keen Eddie was where 2 idiots stole a racehorse and wanted to sell the semen. They didn't know how to procure said semen so they hired a prostitute from the want ads. They showed nothing but omg the uproar! All they showed was her bending down under the horse and then the horse keeled over dead. So they only had 1 shot, so to speak, to sell. It was sick and demented, like me...like us! He kept getting beat up and there was some bar co-owned by brothers-in-law one was scottish and they hated each other and they had a line drawn down the middle. If you were standing on the one side the scottish dude wouldn't listen to you or talk to you.
  3. Hugs to the survivors of non WD Sunday nights. I watched Mad Men because they haven't shut off my AMC yet which is great because I'll get the season finale of Better Call Saul. I knew David Anders was in izombie and maybe I'll check it out. sigh. I'm such a pushover.
  4. I remember her! And I think you're right. She was also the deaf gf on Weeds, right? I also liked Skeet Ullrich. /runs away. Should I be watching izombie? Not like I need to add anything, my DVR is at 14% as it is. I remember Better off Ted here is an immortal question... who remembers Keen Eddie?????? It was Boston cop who gets sent to England as punishment. and he had one of those budweiser dogs, the ones with the funky face. Sienna Miller was his "roommate" she was some posh flunky, had dropped out of school but didn't tell her parents. He was renting the flat from her parents and she was "squatting" there????????? anyone? Bueller? It's one of my favorites shows and it aired only 4 episodes.
  5. TWoP, morgankobi? hit us with your observations, if it's old some of us watched it and we can recreate those threads for you. I will portray the pompous blow hard! And then I will get a disguise and play the really dumb question asker.
  6. We still have that pimento loaf, some of that white stuff was sliced almonds and some is fat, blech. I called earlier in the week to turn off my amc and I still have the channel. Do I call or hope they forgot and wait for my bill then yell at them? And I would eat the bacon and fried green tomato sammich. oh yeah! and no never shop hungry, you will buy so much crap you don't want.
  7. I'm going to work to avoid dt's. Maplebrew, there will be 78 dead characters eventually. I think I just heard of the most disgusting thing ever. Bacon, fried green tomato and pimento cheese sandwich. I like bacon. I like fried green tomato. Ix-nay on the imento-pay. Only thing worse Would be if they put hummus in it. Hummus and garbanzos in general are quite possibly the worlds most evil food. Surpassing cilantro.
  8. He likes Sunday's cuz it's walking dead day. My poopy weekend boss wants me to come in Sunday evening which would be a huge en schkade you if there was walking dead but I'll probably go. I don't care that she has no help for Easter but at least in the evening it's like after Easter. If you're rushin to get your kids Easter basket crap after 6 pm on Sunday it's a fail.
  9. Apologies that was horse penis. hleent be chaunt is poop. Moogi be chaunt is monkey poop. En schkade shi ma son nay. Is go fuck your grandma. :D
  10. Exactly. You can also call him hleent be choat, horse shit.
  11. I left off german because I no long work with the dude who grew up in germany who taught me the german swears. So my german is rusty. well you know how people say "chode"? choat is the navajo word for penis. :D so I do wonder if that's how it found it's way into our vocabulary. Chitty is the word for car and as a kid I thought the movie chitty chitty bang bang knew that.
  12. I can swear in several. English Spanish french and Navajo. I Collect the durty words. Navajo is creative-est.
  13. Well, yes. I just meant the deadwood class would be solid swearing. And very gleeful stubby arms frantically gesticulating.
  14. >:( get to work kj! You're supplying the treehouse, scarves and goofballs. Not to mention I think we will be marathoning shows. Errbody grab your classic and you host our watchathons. You will prepare an appropriate snack or dinner. And fill us with your wisdom. Walnutqueen will just swear a lot during deadwood.
  15. It was definitely weird. I don't think I saw the last couple of seasons.
  16. I get a free HBO preview for the premiere, after that I have to scurry about to get my viewing.
  17. I could of been a contender! My laptop is so weird, numbers don't show up. It says : for when something is posted and the post that says "it's only 12.99 on amazon" just came through as "its only on amazon"
  18. You said the f dash dash dash word =O I believe in 4th grade I was shocked my friend Elizabeth said damn. And I would skip the word "sex" in a song. Within the next year I embraced the f word as my new best friend.
  19. thank you! I vaguely wanted to think they weren't natives of New Mexico but I wasn't sure. (I am, preens) Anywho, it would bug the ever living shit out of me if my jimmysister moved near me and tried to horn in on anything, my work, my friends etc. She just did it with my ummm...chucksister(?) She mooched off my chucksister for nearly 2 years, co opting her church family and everyone looking at my chucksister thinking she's soooooooooooooo horrible to jimmysister but nobody knows the shit jimmysister has pulled and chucksister's got 40 years of knowing, everyone else gets a glimpse and the glimpse is where they turn on the charm. It isn't until jimmysister does something so over the top, gets caught that anyone says, "oh yeah, you were right, she's batshit crazy". Chuck's been trying to get away from Jimmy his whole life. Did Chuck ever have a wife and kids? Ok, now I'm having a crisis. Who knew I was related to the McGills! I'm from New Mexico and my last name starts with "M" I'm not chuck, I'm not jimmy...who am I??????!??!?!?!?! I've broken my brain, I have to turn off all electricity. Where is my solar blanket!
  20. /chants GOOGLE IT! GOOGLE IT! GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE, GOOGLE IT! I love cockwomble!
  21. fuckpuddle, fuck me in the ear, fuck nuggets, shit a brick and fuck me with it...etc Debra Morgan, Dexter. I can see it now, other threads think we are fighting.
  22. gross! You have a twizzledick. Ya'll have heard of the infamous interweb "blue waffle"?
  23. These are all good! I can put them in my repertoire.
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