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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Ok I member now. Chinese hash sounds like s.o.s. Guess what's on TV? National lampoons vacation! Original recipe. It's on amc!!!!!! Hahahaha they take the wrong exit in St. Louis. Maybe they ended up in ferguson. Hahaha
  2. Yes! They ducked into a cabin hiding from some walkers and dude started making noise. He was attracting walkers, you could call it self defense. I'm thinking season 2 maybe before they even reunited Andrea with the group. So it was MIchonne and Andrea together and Andrea sick???????????? Am I cuckoo pants?
  3. she just needed the peanut butter! We used to have S.O.S. when the pantry was running low. We lived about an hour out of town most of the time, the company my dad worked for had remote facilities and provided housing, it was kinda like being a military brat, you moved every couple of years and the house was exactly the same as the one you just left, same layout, maybe different painted siding outside, you couldn't paint rooms, 1 bedroom 2 bath,* boring boring. But we would go to the grocery store once a month. Load up like $300-$400 dollars, pack everything in dry ice (at one point we lived 2-3 hours from civilization in Utah) for a week you would have fresh fruits and veg, then it was all canned corn, peas, beans and frozen meat, milk, bread. One time we moved and I was about 3, walked into the new house (exactly like our old one) and declared "this is not my house, this is Eddie Phelps' house" and started to walk home. And one time, I took a nice toasty bath and we had a nice toasty gas wall heater in the bathroom. I bent over to dry off my toes and branded my butt! I had cute little bar code striped burn scar for long time =) I was like Maggie Simpson, run me through the grocery checkout.
  4. I remember my mom making some kickass fried chicken and generally pretty good cook but there was some stuff that was off the rails bad. She went on some diet once where she made egg bread, I dunno if it was low carb =thus no flour and somehow eggs made up the bulk? but we know how I feel about eggs....puke. And as a snack my mom used to make...drumroll please...peanut butter crackers with MAYONAISE! It wasn't even mayo it was cool whip!!!!!!!!! cracker + schmear of pb + plus schmear of mayo = ralph, ralph, ralph ralph all over the floor. And it's possible my feelings about marshmallows were formed by my mom eating the fluff out of the jar. gross!
  5. It's possible that the "real" folk just sucked that much.
  6. You are going to smother in those scarves! several things my mother made have scarred me for life. stuffed cabbage, something she called "strip cheeser casserole"* it was rice, a "cream" soup, could be cream of mushroom, celery or cream of cream, green chiles, diced ham and kind of lasagna-nated with layers of american cheese. You put a layer of your rice glop, then a layer of cheese, sprinkle some chiles, more rice glop more cheese. Number 1) in my professional opinion "american" is not a cheese. And I am a professional, I slice cheese on weekends for money and I want to slap everyone who pays $9 a pound for "american" cheese in the face with the cheese like it's a fish, slap slap. go get the pre sliced crap cuz it's all crap! You know what I like and this will illustrate how white trash I am, I love me the sharpest damn white cheddar on the planet. Oooh yum yum and you know how people pair food with wine? Coca cola goes well with a nice sharp white cheddar. MmmMmm good. =) *for the life of me I do not know why it's called this. I wanna say it's a play on "strip tease" and maybe because it's strips of cheese? ridonkulously stupid name
  7. just the canned fruit cocktail makes me feel all squidgey inside. blergh I need to go to my happy place.
  8. Oh I shoulda got that! Footloose and original recipe Vacation movie are the 2 movies that closely resemble my life. We did not set out for Wally World but we were driving cross country with my evil grandma. I poked my sister with my elbow and whispered "is she breathing?" about gramma slumped over on the ice chest in the front seat. We watched her for like 15 minutes and couldn't tell if she was breathing. "I will never sit in the front seat again if she's dead", I whispered. Finally she snuffled to life and we thought, phew, crisis averted. We get to my aunt's house and she hauls my dad outta bed in the middle of the night to take her to the doctor. I was overhead muttering "big baby". Next morning my dad's in the kitchen and says she said her feet were cold so he went to get her socks and he came back they were working on her. She died )=O which did not concern me greatly because she was frikkin evil, I am so not kidding. but they did point out that I called her a baby. Oooops! We did not strap her to the top of the car like Aunt Edna, we just turned around and went back to Louisiana to bury her.
  9. I don't like jiggly food! I've never liked jello. My mom used to make some kind of salad with pineapple and I thought cottage cheese but later I found it was cream cheese, I could tolerate that. I once went to a baby shower and the woman served jello that had noodles in it and tuna. and I was convinced it must be a savory gelatin as in not a fruit flavor but kinda throwback to old school english gelatins but nosiree bob, it was like lime jello with tuna and noodles. You thought regular tuna casserole is disgusting, you aint seen nuffin! and apparently there's some kind of jello cake. Where you poke holes in your cake and pour jello in?? My mom made one of these once and told me go pour the jello on it. She didn't say stop when you've filled the holes so I poured the whole jug of jello in, so they had jello mush cake :D
  10. Yes! I remember this because that is the cereal my sister stashed a bowl under her bed and months later we found it and it coulda cured a third world nations polio.
  11. =O What eeees eeeet? Looks like jello mold with tato chips. and I can't think of the cereal embedded in the jello. FYI jello is also eeeeeeville
  12. The way they prep non-comedians, ie actors, who appear on the show, I wouldn't think they would let the winner bomb completely. I imagine they give them topics ahead of time and they can brain storm their best lines, then edit the best and my guess is if the non comedian/winner didnt come up with winners they would provide. But yes, I can see how a complete novice didn't win.
  13. High fives brokenremote. !!!!/ <--fingers and a fumb. Cilantro free since '23. I think we all have the same dad. My dad refused to buy anything he couldn't pay cash for. If you didn't have the money you didn't buy it. He was so poor as a kid they rented him out during the summer. He had to go sleep in a barn on whoevers farm and be a field hand. And thankfully he taught us credit is evil. I have credit cards but I try not to maintajn a balance. He had a very good job considering how he grew up. Great benefits. Health insurance, paid vacation stock in the company. A FREE HOUSE and no utilities for 20+ years. Sad thing is where the hell did his money go? Yes we had thd microwave and but but we didn't live like crazy people. Unfortunately for him he cashed in company stock every 10 years to buy a car. No car payment but 30 years of stock would have been a better retirement. He always had $500 cash in his Wallet and yes that but him in the ass. He came out of a store where some dudes followed him to his car. He kept a pistol under the seat but they got to him before he was near his gun. They got his gun and his money. But thankfully no worse than that.
  14. I HATE YOU! You've ruined two fiances for me! Holy fuck I love mushrooms! And I been on a tempura avocado kick lately. 2, 2, 2 things in 1!!!! I'm gonna be on some sister wives show soon with my irish, messican, Asian husband. And I will flick cilantro bits at morgankobi.
  15. Oh wöw! I wonder if grandpa had the dementia? Cööl story bro!
  16. And I've been TRYING to sound like a phone sex operator!!!!!!! Instead I sound like a kid phone sex dude: what are you wearing? me: nothing but a smile phone sex dude: is your mom home? me: :(
  17. Those thumbnails will fool you sometimes, kev looks like dude and took me forever to figure out Mandolin was Rick riding the horse into Atlanta. Mine looks exactly like me except today it's >:( I'm so freaking pissed at myself for letting this job posting get by me. I hesitated thinking I could work up the courage to ask for a raise rather than try somewhere else. Today has convinced me, fuck them, I will not hesitate next time. I'm tired of the blame game and being accused of shit (not filling out paperwork) that he himself does not do. It got done correctly and the only reason I didn't fill it out is because I'm still unable to print from my computer (since December!) and I always have to sneak onto his when he goes out so sometimes I rush things because I don't know when the next time I will be able to get on to print. You fix my work flow, I get my paperwork straight.
  18. It didn't have to be. >:( You didn't had to sprinkle it on top there. and I saw you wearing that scarf! hmph! (actually psssst...I signed up and I get my first one next week, I'm gonna have to cancel a lot (like maybe get 2 weeks out of the month) but I'm gonna see if it cuts down on what I buy in the store or go out to eat and if it expands my horizons. I was irked that when it lets you "customize" it only meant vegetarian, pescatarian, etc. I can't go in and say "no sweet potatoes, bananas, eggs, cilantro" granted my list would be way way way too long. but still that will help me decide which weeks to cancel. I saw somewhere online that there's a tour of Senoia in May for $132 to which my head exploded. I could drive up there and scoot around on my own for a tenth. it includes lunch! haha $32 would be too rich for my blood.
  19. Ok I swear I linked or posted photos from my phone before but can't recall how. Oh well yall don't get to see me go down on my crab RANGOON nachos. :D
  20. Ours lasted forever! I was 8ish when we got it, it was still going strong when I went off to college and my pops still had it when he died. The oven had died but the microwave was still ticking. The vcr lasted forever too, we got a newer one DIGITAL and everything! So the dinosaur moved to my parents bedroom and here's a fun story for ya! We used to babysit this little boy and he watched stupid Disney videos every day. I had "hi ho hi ho" in my head every day, and the pirate song and "we are siamese if you please" ad nauseum so when we wanted him to take a nap I plopped him in my parents bed and played his tape for him. One day I could still hear him and went to check, apparently the tape had been changed and he was watching naughty naughty and he went around all day making the hannibal lecture sip sip sip noise like when he says "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti". :O
  21. We cooked eggs and bacon and they were terrible but everybody came to try. And microwave popcorn in a little plastic thing cuz they hadn't invented the popping bags yet. FINE! I LIED :( I never had a microwave, or a vcr, or indoor plumbing. I am in fact a sqwiwwel. I don't even have a tv, I never watched walking dead and I don't even have the interwebs.
  22. Ted is somewhere laughing his ass off at how much easier it would have been for him just a few years later. I feel bad for my dad, he croaked before internet porn was all the rage. haha and he had refused to learn anything on the computer. But we were the first people I ever knew who had a vcr! We got one early early 80's and it was a monster, it loaded from the top and there was no remote. Actually there was a remote, literally a cord to a pause button! and we were so stupid we were watching recorded shows and we thought hitting the pause button skipped the commercials. No, stupid people, it was so you could pause them while recording the show then they wouldn't be there for playback later. But he got it so he could buy vcr tapes. We were also very early on the microwave front. Had a stove/microwave combo way before anybody else. But I never had a refridgerator with water and ice cubes in the door until the last few years.
  23. Wouldn't it be freaky if you went to high school with somebody like David Koresh? I would love to believe I'm un-cultable. Like I think I've got enough brain juice that I'd be able to say he was a freak and couldn't fall for any of that. But who knows, I might be dumb and fall for Ted Bundy.
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