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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. I turn off the "choice" or "select" whatever they're calling it these days package from directv once TWD is over, that's 6 months that's almost $15 cheaper. Other than that, if you find cheaper to stream/download go for it, I got nuttin. I put nothing real on facebook, my birthday is 1902, different name and I don't do any current "works at" "studied at" people think I'm paranoid but hey, nobody has attempted to hijack my life. (seriously, no one wants my life) Found a guy who will hatchet my bushes and do a massive cleanup for $200. That's actually pretty good considering how big a job it will be. I will be duct taping my shoes again and tightening my belt. Ramen noodles here I come! Technically I'll have a little more money coming in, my weekend job will be giving me extra hours but they're such annoying hours! Stuff we already throw away and I'm talking about tons of food, they want me to make more. why? They can't seem to order what I need and We don't sell what I make already but lets waste more?! Sure, why not. And no they can't donate it. Can only donate pre-packaged (unopened) food. So it's just a waste. morons
  2. I have no hbo or premium channels. Meh I'll survive. Im sure there are things I haven't counted on the ceiling. Sigh.
  3. >:( I can't bold on my phone. Years ago I made a huge mistake by answering the question "what did you do this weekend?" With "I trimmed my bushes" I hastily added AZALEA. for years the joke became "did I trim my bush this weekend?" So what am I doing this weekend? Searching for someone to come trim my azalea bushes. I got a note from my insurance co that they doing a routine exterior inspection and hooboy my bushes needed a serious whacking. They guy who cuts my grass is an older gentlemen with even more ancient fellas on his crew. They've ignored my requests for 2 years. It's beyond my ability. I got one weak hedge trimmer and those big clop clop shears that are beyond useless. I know the insurance is gonna say cut everything back and possibly tell me my roof needs attention. But I ain't got no roof money. Sigh.
  4. You don't even know the half of it you evil scarf monster. If there are bubbles it isn't tea. If it's more fruit than tea it isn't tea. I don't hate Arnold Palmer for calling half lemonade n tea Arnold Palmer because he gave it a new name. He knows it's not tea anymore. I HAVE SPOKEN.
  5. Would a name like that make you tougher or more humorous? Granted I have a weird name so I know the answer for me
  6. I went to high school with a Peter reader. Office lady gets on the loudspeaker "can you send Peter reader to the office?" You hear the squelchy noise. Minute later "can you send Pete ... Long pause ... Reader to the office ?"
  7. I used to have the very best boss in the world. Fucking loved that guy, he was like my dad. If my dad job didn't get phased out of the universe I'd still work for him. The tragic thing about this job Is the credenza guy was a friend of mine for years. Actually thought getting this job was a godsend. Then 3 years rolled by. No raises in that time. Always blamed for everything that goes wrong. Since I'm the only non family member who works there. You can't ever say his 77 year old mother forgot something so I take the fall for that. And she's slipping lately. Quite a few things she's filed wrong and I'm starting to wonder if she's not heading into dementia. Can't blame his fuckin brother even though he's a shitty printer. He pissed off a customer so bad about a week ago because she didn't like something and his response was "what's wrong with it?" She doesn't have to defend herself. She's the customer.
  8. My boss is a porch dick, seriously, dude is a fucking asshole. Invitations that this guy left to way too late. Not my fault. I did not hold up anything. He gave them to me like Monday, got approval yesterday, the guy's event is the 28th which yes indeed means once he gets these in the mail he really isn't giving anyone time enough to respond, that's not my fault or problem. So it's absolutely marked ASAP on the job. Dude is calling me asking if they will be ready today, I go ask, the answer I get is "you coming in tomorrow to print them?" fuck you asshole. I didn't give you short notice, the customer gave you short notice. I don't care if you don't like it, I did nothing wrong. You get paid, I don't, go be a bitch to someone else. Where is my dick cake? >:( hmph
  9. /me very tiny voice, I don't hate Chris D'elia. slinks away I just wish they had Ron Funches to complete the trio. I do think having worked together it makes a fun show.
  10. Omg my dvr has reached a whole new level of douche baggery!!!!! It's been playing shows automatically if you don't cancel the next episode witching 5 seconds. So I watched the last episode I had of some show. IT WENT TO ON DEMAND TO FIND ANOTHER!
  11. Tru calling was my first taste of zach gallafinakis. Love him.
  12. I'm just really really happy I can't be tracked. AND DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU CAN CUZ I WANNA REMAIN GIGGLING IN MY CORNER ANONYMOUSLY, like a loon. Here's how paranoid I am, I put a post it over the camera hole on my computer. In case we ever got hacked and dirty dirty mens ever wanted to spy and get chicks undressing videos to put on the web, even though this is my work computer and I don't change at my desk or sit around in my skivvies. We got a call today from a saleman that wanted to put cameras all around the office that could record video AND SOUND and they could pull it up on their smart phones. My boss is so cheap he won't turn on the a/c so I do not believe he would ever pay the $79 a month monitoring fee much less whatever it costs for installation. So I did not pass along this call. I would never get in trouble with my boss for anything he would see me doing, like I don't steal office supplies and my goofing off looks suspiciously like work, but oh I'd be in mucho trouble if they could hear me. Me and the boys in the back bitch quite often after some stunts they pull on us. I'd be on tape mocking credenza, credenza, credenza.
  13. That's why I said they were not european castles! I'm good, thanks, really, really good. so good.
  14. That's exactly where I learned to cuss. I've started izombie.
  15. I like that idea, because he is also a germophobe.
  16. I do not consider jesus cuddling a velociraptor a fail. And I'm so glad we got a nashville sighting, I was skurred I sent him packing. I just couldn't resist the "we ALL" It's a humid 72 degrees at 8 am, high today supposed to be 84. I'm about to sit down in front of an oven to laminate stuff TURN ON THE FRAKKIN AIR CONDITIONER YOU CHEAP ASSHOLE. >:( he has the damn door open to "catch the breeze" THERE'S NO BREEZE! A/C NOW! rassin frassin #%$!?*&@$%#&$*^@%@#$&$T^$%#&&*#*@#* cheap, credenza lovin, my dog drinks designer water, jackass. move along, nothing to see here.
  17. The end result is very delicate pork that melts in your mouth.
  18. There is no photo yet kikismom cannot find. I had pulled pork for dinner. No dick cake. I made some god awful spaetzle with celeriac and Apple. Those are not things I do well so went back to leftovers. Ok who else sees this ford commercial where they have Honda owners drive fords and switch and theres a Midwestern mom whose haircut is ...I don't know. Partially a throw back to the 90's but also the example of why they say don't get your hair cut the day before picture day ? Anyone ? It's pointy. And I'm not a good hair person. My good hair days are rare.
  19. I hate it when I go on a road trip and the turkey cake eaters are in the room next to me. The noises they make Ö Turkeys say gobble gobble Roosters say ANYCOCK'LLDO
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