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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Hopefully tomorrow I shall be high as a kite and feeling no pain and also hopefully no one will let me near the interwebs, and really really hope no one thinks I'm so funny that they should put me on the YouTubes. I'm sure I will not sleep and after work I'm setting about scrubbing and getting my weekend nest ready. I will be armed with remotes, laptops, phone/time waster as well as my pudding station and watering station (stuff that I shall live off of for the next week) I got my Game of Thrones marathon as well as my GoT books, I'm nearly done with book 3, also just received the Harper Lee book and I shall see if leaves me all scandalized. I have a prop up pillow in case my face is all explodey and won't let me lay down on it. Perhaps I will work on my godfather impersonation. I'm gonna make you an offer you cannot refuse. Take the cannoli, leave the gun.
  2. Hahahaha omg completely forgot she's Trixie! And Joanie will be in "fear the walking dead".
  3. I'm finding the idea of tiny house living more appealing. Although I'd be making it like tiny tank living because I'd want it all fortified and extra strength for the coming ZA. We got lunch from a "chinese" place today, so when we asked for hot mustard we got Guldens spicy DELI mustard, how chinese can they be if they don't understand the concept of actual chinese hot mustard? OH! And SWEEEEEGIN cocksucka is on the new season of Ray Donovan. :D
  4. Oh I'm definitely getting more than 1. I'll also be hawking my goods by the roadside and you know that'll be 7000 customers later. Oi Vey
  5. I think I might throw up. This could cost me like $6-7000. I was thinking I could get away under $4k. I have a teeny house! and like the easiest roof on the planet, just a big rectangle, no dormers or chimneys. I may have a panic attack.
  6. What is the quote? "I think; therefore, I am" ? Mine is more "My life sucks; therefore I'm not dead yet". Meh, roof? ZA? roof? ZA? Tomato, To-mah-to
  7. That truly sucks, I'm sorry for her loss, more so the 30 years. But that's on him. It's his loss that he wasted time not keeping in touch with family.
  8. The universe really hates me. Wisdom teeth this coming weekend. That's gonna cost me some money. Then I get a letter from insurance that they're not gonna cover my house anymore. Asbestos siding (which it has ALWAYS been) anf it's supposed to be all right as long as its painted. And it is. They see peeling paint but it's only trim and thats wood. and roof shingles which I'm aware of but if I have no roof money how am I suppsed to do anything about it? I just started getting out of my house. I've been a shut in for over 5 years because I have no money for a life. after I got downsized I juggled 4 jobs for several years scraping by. I'm finally down to 2 jobs. And trying to get the rest of my debt down after paying my sisters bills when her husband got squished by a drunk driver. I'm swimming upstream.
  9. When I was just a tiny sqwiwwel my mother got very tired of is whining when she Would brush our hair because of tangles. I can remembered getting whapped in the head with the brush telling us to sit still and be quiet. So she chopped off all our hair. I had the Mia farrow/Rosemary's baby haircut when I was like 5. It was very traumatic for me. Ever since I can't stand to have a naked neck. My mother was just really really bad with hair. She would put a strip of scotch tape across our foreheads to get our bangs perfectly straight. And because she Didnt want to do it very often we would start out with bangs about 1/4" long. People thought I was a boy for years. I have some sad sad elementary school pictures of horrendous hair. She gave me a perm once right before picture day, huge Afro.
  10. Yes the preview fills me with much angst. Ricks acting kinda SHANE-y.
  11. YOURE IN LUCK! next Thursday night July 16 they are showing in theaters. Granted I do not know if they have it near you. But I had it near me and I live in as backwards a place as any. I actually had several friends who attended in different locations. Pennsylvania And Houston. Of course the movie absolutely sucks balls. But that it the reason you have the dudes. Google rifftrax and it should let you search your location.
  12. Went out to dinner with some people last night and there was a woman who I didn't think I was going to like, she's a teacher and she was very "teachy" kinda like she knew everything but then...somebody started talking about netflix and binge watching shows and lo and behold WALKING DEAD. I thought she was going to poo poo the whole thing but what happened to her is the same thing as happened to me. I was dragged kicking and screaming into watching WD originally, then I watched a marathon of the first season right when season 2 was starting and boom, I was hooked. she had to marathon 3 seasons I think but she said her husband found her where he left her from the morning to the evening and asked "good grief, you're watching the same thing as when I left?" So i didn't hate her although she still explained how to pronounce words in too much detail. Tonight I'm watching "Sharknado 2: the Second One" with the MST3k guys. They have an awful lot to make up for with the horrifitude mess that this movie is. Wish me luck.
  13. I think all my friends and everyone at work just wants to drive me crazy today. I need to pull the plug on today and quite frankly this whole month. Urgh!
  14. I had a dream I was dating a gangster. And I'm in our room in my fancy sexy nightie slicing bacon by hand. Like literally slimy slab of bacon wiggling out of my hand. The guy who my guy worked for walks through and takes my bacon. Then he closed off our wing and I had to walk a mile in this Mansion to find a loo. Then I woke up with monster heartburn.
  15. His hair is a combination of 2 things, I do have an aversion to the buzzcut/flat top because my father had that his entire life. But Jethro's (and his name is Jethro people!) has the buzzed sides and then he manages to PART IT IN THE MIDDLE up top. The parting in the middle is what gives me seizures.
  16. It sounds crazy but a drastic hair cut can completely redefine a chicks outlook on life. Many many times women do this right after major breakups and 1) it does grow back 2) does give you a different perspective 3) less chance of getting caught by the hair when the ZA comes. If you had more than 8-10 inches would be awesome too to donate.
  17. I like Ncis New Orleans. Cannot stand any of the others. I used to like mark Harmon but his hair gives me seizures as does the dog on the trip advisor commercial when he barks "book, book". I like Scott backula and the "kid" on New Orleans I adore. I love his accent. He was the kid from "sling blade" and I just always liked him.
  18. Karma's on me, went to a trivia night thing with some friends and it was allllllllll about Canadia. Turns out, we americans really do not pay attention to crap outside of our borders. They started off really easy, poutine question, "Mounty" question then they're like "what 3 provinces border Montana" hell we could only come up with 3! We won first place in a tie breaker, question was what year was the first Rush album? They had a list of songs and we had to come up with the Canadian artists, we got all 10 correct. :D We also needed 5 Ryan Gosling movies that had been nominated for awards, I came up with the only correct one of the bunch (I think we had 2 total hahahahhah)
  19. Do not fear, you can always catch up. And I don't get no holidays off either, besides, it's Canada, they won their independence saying "if it's ok, we'll be over here, eh?" :D they added please and thank you, they're just so gosh darned polite.
  20. Speaking of the south, I had a BLT with fried green tomatoes and pimento cheese. :D look Ma, I eated pimento cheeeeeeeeese!
  21. Was Rick Springfield supposed to look that creepy and weird?
  22. Yes, I'm a good sqwiwwel and I scrub my nuts (food you pervs) regularly and my pits, stuff and thangs. :D But when I read wedding invitations for "outdoor" in July or August, which means you gotta be dressed up...nope, we weren't that close. Sure she gave me a kidney and once saved me from a walker but naw, I don't need to be a bridesmaid or melt in the sun. Or even I don't know how restaurants with outdoor seating survive down here. I want to sit in the air conditioning! I want tons and tons of ICED sweet tea, emphasis on ICE.
  23. I do not know how so many people in the south throw so many outdoor events. My old boss liked to have people over and they would cook shrimp and oysters and I get that it's messy and easier cleanup but then they'd just sit around a fire pit. IT'S HOT! the only good thing from the fire pit is if you are sitting in the direction of the smoke because that deters the mosquitos and biting critters but then you smell like smoke and my eyes would burn. And even if the sun has gone down, it does not cool off here, so I worry that I don't smell so great, that's after beer, smoke, sweat and fish. Hello! I smell great today :D I got some gain for my laundry, I do love me some gain.
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