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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Spinach is a wonderful thing. As far as being good for you is concerned, always substitute lettuce for anything greener. Lettuce is a non-food nutritionally speaking, it's water encapsulated in a leafy carrying case. The darker the green of any vegetable the better it is for you. I'm not fond of kale so I won't be putting it on my sammiches and it would take 3 weeks for me to chew a salad made of kale but spinach is yummy.
  2. Be very very careful! Right after you have heart to heart talks with your sister the zombies eat your arm when you go potty! The only thing lettuce is useful for is when you make a nice sammich, preferably Italian, and you put the oil and vinegar dressing on...the lettuce makes a nice nest to not make your bread soggy.
  3. It's positively idiotic how psyched I am for Sunday. The weather has cooled off so I can make soup! I'm not sure how that's a Walking Dead menu but I'm going to make a "roasted" potato soup. Brown my taters in the oven and add them to the soup. And I have bacon and avocados for BTA (bacon tomato avocado) lettuce is a waste of time.
  4. I think that's what I saw a picture of him being carried in or whatever. Very cool.
  5. Is Dave Grohl still on crutches? I saw where he broke his leg MID-CONCERT and kept on playing. And I've seen him being carried, etc for recentish shows. I think I saw something new, well something clicked in my brain. When I first started TWD I was all out of order. I had refused to watch it and my friend Marsha begged me. I was like "they're zombies, they're slow, how interesting could it be?" Soon I had like 3 people telling me that I absolutely positively had to start watching this. So I recorded the marathon of season 1 right before season 2 started. I think I watched the first and second episode then season 2 started so I got them jumbled and somehow completely missed the episode right after Rick reunites and Lorie and Shane have their first conversation about "oops he aint dead, no more squeaky squeaky". She's really mad at Shane and tells him to stay away from her family. It seems implied to me that Shane flat out lied to her, told her Rick was dead, as in he saw it, rather than "I left him in a coma up at the hospital" there was conversation about patients supposed to have been medi-vacced to Atlanta yada yada and that hadn't happened. Seems like Shane was in a hurry and said "well, he's practically dead, I'll just leave him here, tell her he's dead and we will skedaddle". Am I cuckoo? My first season was so sketchy that I didn't know until season 3-4 that Ed had even existed, I never saw him, didn't know the abusive back story or that they killed him. Ooops.
  6. Where did the kitten come from? Like a neighbor family or humane society? I've learned that most critters acquired from human societies etc are almost always gonna come with an illness. They told me my first cat had something like that when his eye got all goopy. And I had to swab out his ears, there were mite like things and made black gunk. Used drops and swabbed for a week. He never had it Agajn.
  7. I just don't think Kirkman can write that powerfully. Just my opinion. I can also blame just not terrific acting. I don't hate it, I just think something is lacking. I'll still tune in next season and I'll always hope for greatness.
  8. I remember how funny Darryl used to be, hostile as well, calling Lorie "Olive Oil" and telling Dale to go back to "Golden Pond". It's both weird how fast everything happens in the beginning and yet how it makes perfect sense. And good lord almighty how tiny and young Carl was! I remember during the farm days I hated Carl because it was always "where's Carl?" Carl you stay put, queue Carl doing something stupid like getting Dale killed. He hasn't annoyed me in probably 2 seasons. How's the kitty?
  9. I watched first 2 episodes of original recipe tWD. And imho I blame Robert Kirkman for fwd. He's a comic book guy he writes 2 dimensional characters. In the first 2 episodes of tWD you got a tremendous amount of heart. Rick cries not finding his family. He's freaked out by the first walkers he sees. Morgan is just frikkin awesome unable to shoot his wife. The Cali folks didn't blink when their son's drug dealer kept getting up from being run over.
  10. So far so good, episode 1 makes me think I'll continue.
  11. I have the first season queued up to record during the marathon starting tonight. I should record season 2 but I doubt I'll have time to watch them, but I haven't watched season 2 since season 2 really. I'm starting "the Leftovers" from the beginning I hadn't watched so we will see if it intrigues me.
  12. But they have to give us characters we'd give a shit about first. I'm so excited just 1 week.
  13. Better Call Saul surprised me in so many ways. He was a character I didn't like on Breaking Bad, no interest whatsoever and I freaking love it. And I'm clarifying, you think Z Nation is a better ZA show than FTWD, correct?
  14. I do like Jack McBrayer. Since the points are meaningless I'm ok with him keeping the lower scored players as long as it adds to the funny.
  15. Please tell me you wear this to take your kids to school and PTA meetings and shopping for groceries where you stab the fruit and slide it down your blade. I would just love to think that crowds part for you and you scare people in coffee shops etc. I watched the first season steadily, they lost me a bit in the second, but I will give you one small thing to take with you when you watch (not spoilery) when viewing the main chick...keep in mind her strong resemblence to JANICE the lead singer hippy chick of the muppet band. YOU'RE WELCOME :D
  16. Why was the priest so smiley? He's in no rush whatsoever, going for a drive while Ray bleeds out. He's good, he saved his soul, no need to hurry. sheesh.
  17. Oh yeah, FWD isn't winning me. But unless there was something else on at the same time that's where my channel is. But I don't feel guilt or worry about spoilers if I'm out on Sunday night now, I just watch when I get to it. No big whoop. I do have 1 friend I think I'm disowning but it isn't specifically because he gave up on FWD, he is just a giver-upper, there is no quicker-picker-upper that will unchuck the wood that he hath chucked. That means absolutely nothing but I think I'm in an abusive relationship with my house. I whine and cry about the money I've poured into it but I think it just comes up with new things to cost me because I whined and cried. I should have taken my beating on the roof and been silent because now I may be forced to fork out for new siding.
  18. Nacho is a beggar. Oh my, he acts like he's never been fed and he's ginormously rotund. Honestly, I did pick him because he had a cute little bumble butt when he was a baby. He just waddled. It was adorable. There's virtually nothing he won't eat. I've seen him pounce a dropped cheeto, peanut, mushroom. And the face! He will paw you like a starving orphan if you're reaching into a bag of chips. And I learned never to set anything thing down, not a plate or a glass, he was knocking drinks over left and right. Everything is his!
  19. I hate that he didn't win every single day of Bunches O Funches week. I aint saying I wanna make babies with Ron Funches but great googledy moogledy do I wanna have a sleepover with fuzzy pj's and sneaking around and just hugs and giggles. Hell I'd make babies.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear about the pet losses today. I think the 6 month old kitty will be fine, he's not 2 weeks old. He's already adapted to new situtations before. I had a cat, Monkey, for many years and he was the bestest. He was not clingy, he didn't wake me up at night, he was almost completely silent. I got a chirp from him when I got home from work, he'd jump on the edge of the couch for a chin scratch and then he was mostly done with me. He was always nearby but he wasn't a lap cat, he enjoyed being in his window hammock and playing on the porch. So one day I decided that maybe he was lonely, maybe he wanted a brother. So I brought home Nacho. Oh dear lord have mercy did I misjudge that one. He could not stand Nacho from day one. And it wasn't like they fought, there was no hissing or craziness, Monkey just completely ignored him. Nacho would come poke at him to play and Monkey wasn't having it. You could just tell that he was annoyed by Nacho every minute of every day. Nacho is exactly oppostite, that's a needy gd cat! Omg he wants up in my business 24/7, apparently thinks I'm dead at night and must come wake me up to make sure I'm still breathing. Always, always always wants my food like his big bumble butt aint getting fed. He is highly active and for some bizarre reason he eats packing tape. Any box that gets delivered he will eat the tape and the cardboard. He is clearly not the sharpest crayon in the box, oi vey! Monkey passed away about 5 years ago but Nacho keeps on ticking. He's destroying my house, lil varmint. I'm desperately trying to hold on to my a/c being turned off, it's been humid which isn't comfortable but I'm trying to save a few bucks. Might sell some blood to dig my way out of a few bills.
  21. I watch that damn Undateable show just to see Funches and they don't give him a lot. If they put out a Funches flavored Kool-aid, I'm drinking it!
  22. What are you catching up on? I started the new season of Z nation. They pulled a tdawg. I'm catching up on Fargo as well. Watched an honorable woman, ummmm Orange is the new black. Fink that's it.
  23. Oh my, I adore Bunches o Funches week. And I loved the "dignified" John Hodgeman dropping the F bomb.
  24. Where are your priorities? I'm gonna run run faster than you from the zombies.
  25. Fear the Walking Dead is my countdown. I've got 2 more then boom, Camp Dinner Bell.
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