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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I take back what I said about Netflix and Chill; it sounds like the situation is more like Kail taking Lux to see Chris and hanging around like a homeless puppy looking for shelter. Furthermore, you would think she doesn't watch her own show. No amount of trap babies is going to make a fuccboi want to play house! If Chris didn't buckle down and commit when Typhoid Lux was born, not to mention Kail jumping through hoops to make herself sexually available to him, he isn't going to now! ETA: the only redeeming thing about this entire Andrew storyline is that Jace is not directly involved in it. Andrew had no intentions of ever meeting Jace and Barb had no intention of letting it happen.
  2. I hope Barb was able to enjoy her trip to NYC. Spending time at a guy's place doesn't equal a relationship. It's called Netflix and chill. Also, that text was intentional like in how Tristan Thompson kissed Jordyn Woods to try to get rid of KHLOE Kardashian once and for all intentional. And don't get me started on how inviting Chris Lopez and his family to a Lincoln's is doing the absolute most; his aunt had this "what the fuck am I doing here" look on her face. I know this sounds horrible but given Adam's drug addiction, it's only a matter of time before Cole can adopt Aubree , free and clear. They need to stop forcing the issue. Where has Andrew's family been for the past 9 years? Good for the Brujas for pointing out that Latinos can be black.
  3. 27 with 3 kids by 3 different men!
  4. I think Ensley edges out Lux because her face looks like it's melting while Lux just looks like a 45 year old Dominican man suffering from an endocrine disorder. Yep, I am going to hell, too!
  5. There is hope for Gracie yet. Who would have thought that the child that everyone pegged as repeating the cycle has enough sense to not want to end up like her mother. Lol I want to root for Lauren because that not catering to Kail's line was great but the follow up was terrible. If she cares about how she comes off on TV, she would give neutral answers regarding Kail and let Kail hang herself when she inevitably Hulk's out over the latest perceived slight from Javi. It seems like Briana's children are always in the hospital for something. Also, I can smell the sebum build up from Briana's greasy mane through my screen. The fallout from Lurch being fired continues with the BS Andrew storyline. I hope Jace never sees these episodes . I mean, how low do you have to go for a storyline to dig up Andrew and have him feigned interest in seeing Jace?
  6. Showing up for filming looking like the Unibomber...trying to keep her face down as much as possible? Yep! I agree that Jenelle needed emergency sinus surgery as a result of Lurch punching her in the face.
  7. Never go against the family in public, Vee! Notice how Vee told the producer that Jo has ask Kail several times to drop the order so why is she so mad at Jo for having to take drastic measures? I know Vee wants to keep the peace but come on, Kail failed to honor her word.
  8. This "How is Adam going to disappoint Aubree this week" storyline really makes me uncomfortable. I doubt ViVi carees if you buy her a Christmas present, Kail. Not to mention, I think Jo and Vee would secretly love it if communication was kept to strictly about Isaac.
  9. I watched the sneak peak of Kail and Jo at Isaac's practice... is she allergic to bras? It's one thing to show up looking sloppy, but to show up looking Walmart sloppy!?
  10. Sounds like Jo filed mostly to get his year's worth of money back. As much as I am Team Rivera, if you're having a short term cash shortage and can't get your AC fixed, it doesn't hurt to drive Uber for a bit, Jo.
  11. Someone said that Jason looks like Chris Watts and now I can't unsee it.
  12. Also, Jo paid for Isaac's health insurance separately from the child support. I knew this wasn't a money grab like Kail tried to frame it as but Jo forcing Kail's hand. Javi had to do the same thing in order to get her to drop the PFA. ETA: living in a 300,000 house and driving a Suburban when you make over half a million a year isn't beneath you, it's smart. It's called living below your means. How do you think rich people stay rich,?
  13. Did I clap when Jo exposed Kail's financials? Yes, the hell I did? Get money, Jo! Hey, Kail! You played yourself because an agreement was reached between you and Jo to stop the support order but because you think you're slick or maybe you were too busy trying to buy Chris Lopez's affections, that you didn't and he's been paying for close to a year. Jo wants his money back and this is the only way to get it. Jason and Corey shook hands, exchanged pleasantries and kept it moving. See, Kail. That's what mature people do when it comes to their exes new partners. Doris was about to say something that Nathan didn't want the audience to know hence the hang up. I love how Brittany reminds her sister of her reckless choices.
  14. Now, Kail allegedly started this rumor about Chris and Bone but it was Chris who initially accused Bone of wanting to hook up with him? So which one is it Chris? I
  15. "I am just love the new Vaeda Luma pants from Lululemon...worth every penny." "Now class, if you turn to page 233, you will see pictures of the inner and outer Vaeda Luma." "Captain Picard, the ambassador from Tezlee IV is currently in the grips of Vaeda Luma and cannot conduct negotiations at this time " " I use to suffer from embarrassing leaks until I tried Vaeda Luma pads"
  16. The kid is here and her name is.....Vaeda Luma. What the fuck is a Vaeda Luma? Sounds like some sort of mating practice the alien race of the week on Star Trek engage in.
  17. Eli is such a little cutie unlike a certain little future Patient Zero.
  18. Now if Jeremy told her he needs her to stop embarrassing herself over a guy who clearly does not want her....
  19. Raise your hand if you googled septic arthritis! Can you imagine being a medical professional and having to deal with Roxanne? Kail, I doubt Lauren is losing sleep over your refusal to talk to her. Matter of fact, you're doing her a favor not bringing your debbie downer and all around off-putting energy in her orbit. Water seeks its own level, Jenelle. I would have to be 302'd if I had a toddler and newborn at the same time.
  20. We know David didn't leave as evidenced by the fact that Jenelle is still alive. You know, even if Jenelle managed to leave David, she would find another abusive asshole on Tinder in no time because she can't stand to be alone.
  21. People really went there and told Javi that he wouldn't have his gym if it wasn't for Kail? So, they just want to forget that Kail wouldn't have a 10th of what she has if she didn't get pregnant at 17 and was subsequently picked to be in a reality show about pregnant teens?
  22. I hate to say this but if Jenelle finally got the strength to leave, she will have to go into hiding...Barb too for a little bit. I think David is too far gone at this point and now you add that he has a small arsenal in the mix, I can see him going on a killing spree at the realization that he can't control Jenelle anymore.
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