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  1. And people said nothing happened in this past season of "The Bear"! I thought this episode was merely ok. I also felt strongly that "nothing happened". Yes, Helly was outed (heh) in the end but the whole team-building thing was annoying because it was overdone in every way. I'm already bored by the kooky religious family and the Lynchian goat scenes. It's gone from deeply intriguing to convoluted and almost silly. For me comparisons to "Lost" are apt. "Lost" became a big mess that dragged on and on after the exciting and clever episodes were long past. I hate to see this show going downhill so soon.
  2. I was sure from the beginning of S2 that we were seeing Helena pretending to be Helly. Thought that was clearly set up from the S1 final episode, although they played with it a little in each S2 episode to make us forget occasionally.
  3. I found myself liking Bitter Pete better than Pollyanna Pete. I like that he's annoying, especially to Sass. If nothing else, the character being so positive and upbeat all the time would get old so seeing this side of him is fun.
  4. Like we all do, right? Right???
  5. I blame "Sex and the City" for women having these totally cringe and immature conversations out loud in public. The "girls" and their brunch talks that were supposedly so revolutionary at the time because we'd never seen that on TV. Well, we'd never seen it in real life either because it's trashy behavior, but somehow now women especially after a couple of drinks think it's ok to shout this stuff out in a public space. Not classy, "ladies". I too felt bad for the waiter. I always feel bad for the servers who have to deal with the Real Housewives, but they agree to it in advance. The Blue Check conversation was hilarious, the funniest thing this season for me, because it seemed real. Like, not at all pre-planned. Karen seemed truly surprised and even admitted she was wrong. She was getting up to go call Apple Pay!😂
  6. I am with Karen on "the dirty bird"! My grandma had chickens and to me they were always dirty, scratching around in the shit-spotted barn yard, yuck. The chickenshit bingo board, actually the whole place, looked nasty! I can't believe Karen did not turn on her heel and leave immediately. If contractually obligated she should have pulled out a blue mask and worn it. Total Karen move and I would have howled. (I still keep one in my purse for just such occasions.) The Grand Dame owns a farm but she is above chickenshit bingo. And speaking of, yes, Karen is coming across well this season, so far as I've seen. I'm also bummed that Karen and I are the same age and I didn't hear or think of "Triple 20" last year for my birthday celebrations.
  7. I just cannot anymore with Robyn and Juan. That backyard wedding might have been a legally binding event (I have my doubts) but Juan didn't consider the vows he spoke as binding in any way, shape, or form. They are "bonded" but in such an unhealthy way. Robyn's choice not to let go of him and move on in her life is pathetic, annoying, and now sooooo boring to watch.
  8. It has BEEN this way for a while now. LOVE the comments! I'm only now watching S8. It's the only Housewives show I still bother with (because I live in DC) and I barely knew it had come back, much less that the entire season and the reunion eps had already aired.
  9. I live in DC and geek out when I recognize places, too. Karen and Rayvin have been filmed in a spa my friends own, and that new location of The Joint that Mia opened is just up the street from my home! I hadn't kept up with that season and when I saw it here in the neighborhood I wondered if it was one she owned. Then saw the episode and was bummed I hadn't known about the opening event so I could have wandered by the cameras. I would have given a little wave at y'all. 😉 Sometimes the show gets so dull that I only watch for the B-roll of the various DMV* locations. 😁😂 *ETA: DMV is local's lingo for The District/Maryland/Virginia. It caught on 10-12 years ago, but I still think "Department of Motor Vehicles".
  10. What will Carol's ghost power be???
  11. Clearly enough lemmings to be lucrative. All of these reality show "celebs" figured out they needed to use their (often temporary and fleeting) fame to put out a "line" of some product and hopefully hit the big money like Bethany on Real Housewives of New York. Or for someone like Kim Zolciak, they manage to put out a (highly auto-tuned) "hit" song. Most of these celebs find some product or business to slap their name on and promote, which means all the shows have become a showcase of infomercials.
  12. At this point I'd take an extended tour of the mostly empty pillow warehouse over another rehashing of whatever Taylor and Austen did or didn't do.
  13. I believe at one point Larry's lover mentioned to him "sowing wild oats". She was more realistic about their chances for marriage although she let herself get carried away by love/emotion. Wealthy young men of that era had "affairs" before marriage and it was accepted as part of their life before settling down to marriage. Their brides of course had to be virgins. Again, read Wharton's "Age of Innocence" for examples.
  14. I was also going to recommend Wharton's book or the film for those who want to understand more of "the times" when this is set and how people in high society behaved. For example, how they attend the theater to enjoy the music or the play, but more importantly to some is to see and be seen, and to give or attend a big party afterward. IIRC in an early scene the society hostess who is throwing a big party after a performance is seen leaving the theater early, as she always does, to attend to the final details of her event and be prepared to welcome her guests. In reality, Bertha would probably have left the opera performance early. Some society people still do this, by the way. Yes, the attend the opera, ballet, symphony to enjoy the performances to whatever level of their interest -- some much more than others -- but many attend so they can dress up and be part of the social scene. Subscribing to a specific box on a specific night every season is still done, and people visit other boxes, etc. during intermission.
  15. And a reliable alarm clock could easily be one of the patents that make a fortune. My friend's grandfather patented a device (I think in the early 1940s) and it made him a multi-millionaire.
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