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Everything posted by princelina

  1. Thank you! It bugs me when I hear real-life people talk about "couples counseling" when they have just been dating for a while - break up, for Pete's sake! If you need counseling a month or two into your relationship, get out! Of course I realize that's the point of this show - that they have more motivation to make it work, but the other premise is that they are really matched with people to whom they can relate and connect. And I did see it last year with Doug/Jamie and Jason/Cortney. And I even could see why Monet and Vaughn had been paired, with her realizing at the end that she doesn't want a guy who expects her to be a "traditional" wife. And I did think he was kind of a dick at the time. But compared to these fools? Last season Doug was all about wooing and winning Jamie, and she enjoyed it and fell for his patience and charms. Jason and Cortney were into each other, doing all of the stupid convo someone posted about previously, because they wanted to get to know each other. OTOH, we could all tell the minute Vaughn checked out. (Much like Basement Ryan from this season, actually!) I don't know whether I would get along with Davina in real life or not - but I know I would hate Sean, and roll my eyeballs at him and make fun of him behind his back for sure, and probably to his face as well (in an oblique, sarcastic way of course.) IMO both she and Jaclyn were taking the high road and trying to be polite on the show about the disappointing middle-schoolers they were matched with. I don't follow SM so I only know about her being bitchy there from this site, but whatever. Here's the type of response I might have given to the VAE (Very Angry Experts): "Yes, I was thrilled with Sean on our wedding day, and really excited to get to know him. But after being together for the first two days of our honeymoon, it became obvious that he wasn't interested in me at all, was way too hung up on his own anxieties and "bullying" past, and for the cherry on top he acted like a bullying ass to the hotel staff about my ring. Knowing he could care less about me, why would I worry about "compromising" with someone who doesn't give a shit about me, let alone spend every weekend in BFNJ while he works 12 hour shifts? You all couldn't even get one camera shot of him giving me a peck when he walked through the door or saying good night, so don't tell me he was interested in any way." I know there are two sides to every story, but sometimes the second side is told by a lying asshole, and has no validity. With the right examples, you could convince me that Davina is a high maintenance PITA; you could also convince me that she's a nice lady with a lot of friends who was done wrong by this show. But there's nothing you could say to convince me that Sean is a nice guy, a decent person, someone I'd want to hang around with, (or even someone who's filled with the angst and anxiety he tried to portray. I call BS on the whole deal.) Clearly Dr. C is in love with him and Dr. L hates Davina, so I question their judgment about everything else for that reason. As for the producers - the Survivor producers think we love all things "Hantz" - maybe these ones thought we would love all things "sensitive cute gray-haired whiner" :) JMHO of course :)
  2. My guess is that she was a good enough actress to give them what they thought they were looking for. She's attractive without being gorgeous. I remember her from season 1 and I remember feeling bad that she wasn't picked; maybe they felt that too and thought others would feel the same about her. You are kind! And I appreciate that and try to be that way myself. But I can't believe it about this dude. When he still thought he was in with a chance he asked her if she was noisy during sex on camera and in front of the masseuses -both of which would have shut me down in a hurry. (I also think his altercation with the hotel staff about her ring was meant to make him look like the tough guy he's not, but end result exposed him for the puss he is.) If Davina had been willing to do it at first he would have, but when she was holding off he just couldn't be bothered. We may never know why, but I'm of the opinion that it was due to lack of interest in putting in the effort needed, possible gayness, or (my first pick!): the opportunity to become a beloved, sensitive TV character who "America" now wants to see on the Bachelor, Survivor, etc.
  3. I didn't mind the color - it was just too tight and you could see a "fat roll" in the cutout over her upper abs. And (no one has accused me of this but I'm just pointing it out FTR :) I don't think that she made Ryan behave like an ass or "brought it upon herself" or anything like that - it's just that I don't think she's the sweetheart she wants to be seen as.
  4. Also - at one point the "experts" mentioned that 7,000 people applied for this season! And these 3 boys are the best you could get?
  5. Agreed! They all pretty much admitted that they weren't into it once it happened (even if they went into it for the "right reasons" :) and the women all seemed pretty hurt. Although in spite of what has transpired btw Ryan D and Jessica, she seems the least genuine of the women to me. Or maybe the least ready for marriage? He was an ass, to be sure, but the watch smashing, dollar bill taunting, etc. made her seem a little crazy pants too. Whereas I felt Davina seemed perfectly rational and didn't seem to care when the experts ganged up on her - loved how when they told her how Sean was apologizing she said "And I'm sure he seemed VERY sincere"! She came in knowing that they were pissed at her and fooled by the man-child they had fixed her up with, and didn't care. Furthermore, when she said last week that she needs a strong man, many people thought it was insulting to Sean - but he is so into owning his tears, anxieties, childhood trauma, etc. that he should have taken her comment as a compliment :) Did anyone else catch the time Cilona and Logan gave each other an arched look around the back of Dr. Pepper's head? Like two adults might do about a disobedient child? I've never liked him, but until tonight I did like her, but I'm over her now. Agreed again! (Experts were Bullying! Call Sean!) Luckily, I think she went along with it at the end for the same reason. She did say at one point that he stopped trying as soon as the 6 weeks were over, so that's what - 4 months of nothing from him? She's not an idiot. On a (more) shallow note, who dressed the experts? Whoever it was must hate them too. ("Spiritual advisor" excepted, I guess :) And I also did not think Jessica's dress was flattering. .
  6. Well we're all bothering to watch this garbage and come here to discuss, so plenty of shame to go around :) I don't know what Hank's deal is either - it seemed that he would have liked to do something in sports like talk about it on tv, then there was some business about a gym/fitness, but nothing ever panned out for him. But for all I know it was just a bunch of lies for their show. Kendra definitely has no skills or work ethic other than playing the fool on tv. Most of last season's KOT was just her griping about him while he was staying somewhere else and barely there, and when they talked he just said that "he would tell her someday" what happened with the cheating. Honestly, part of me believes that they cooked up this whole story to give themselves a storyline. And I would like to expect better of Hank than that too!! But he did marry Kendra, after all.
  7. For the record, when they (didn't) deal with this on Kendra on Top, she made a point of being pissed that he cheated on her with someone WITH A PENIS (her emphasis, not mine) - so yes it bothers her. IMO they have discussed it in private and have come to some sort of reconciliation, and are using the prurient interest of the rest of us to make a buck on their various shows!
  8. You are not! It is my opinion that he is a (possibly gay) friend of Aubrey's and helping her out by getting her on this TV show - and a little 15 minutes of fame for himself as well. Gay or straight, I am not buying them as an actual couple.
  9. This is why I am getting sick of them - her whole season a year ago was her upset and him either not there or not answering questions. According to The Soup they then re-ran that whole season with Kendra and Hank commenting on it from the sidelines. And now this show - its been close to 2 years since the cheating thing and they're still together, at least for TV, but I don't believe for a second she's still waiting for him to "be able" to tell her. Now I'm pretty much at the point where I don't believe anything happened anyway, and my limited amount of giving a care is gone.
  10. I think Cliff was Blair's boyfriend until the end of the show - if you think he played a bad guy elsewhere I think it's because the actor played one of the guys who raped Jodie Foster in "The Accused"!
  11. I disagree - I think she indicated that she would like them to be heading in that direction - but this guy doesn't even kiss her goodnight! and the "back rub" he gave her that one ep where he called her skin pizza dough - he's made it pretty clear that he's not interested. Now maybe he would have sex just to do it ( he is Christian Grey sexual after all!) but he has not shown one bit of interest in becoming gradually more intimate -unlike Doug, who was all about getting the kiss and the cuddle until Jamie was ready to take it further.
  12. Count me as one who dislikes Sean more than Davina :) I'll bet Sean's ability to "score" with the ladies comes complete with the "I was bullied" wahh-fest to women he has just met (remember the ep of Everybody Loves Raymond where they learned that "being pathetic" was the way into a woman's heart?) He is a good looking enough guy if you don't hate him, it's only repeated exposure to his bullying tales/constant blah blah about everything that makes him unappealing. And his ability to tell people how good he is at things (which never turn out to be true) probably also works if he is only having hook-ups or short term relationships. I don't remember which episode, although I think it was the one where he outed himself as being "Christian Grey sexual", where they were talking in bed and he decided it was time for him to sleep and announces it and says "good-bye" and then lay down and closed his eyes, so she got out of bed and went to watch tv on her phone in the other room. He couldn't even lean over and kiss her good night! So it had to be obvious to her that he was not into her AT ALL, and I don't blame her for becoming even more reserved and bitchy. Where I see a major fail on the part of the "experts" - especially in light of what someone posted about Jackson, NJ - was them ever pairing these two! She made it clear that Manhattan is IT for her; he lives in a house in the middle of nowhere that he "decorated himself" in "1990's old lady" style - that should have been Drs Pepper and Cilona's first clue. Sheesh. Agreed that the Season 1 brides appearance was the highlight of the episode :)
  13. Sorry to arrive late here; I watched the show but haven't looked here in a while. I have been very curious about this whole thing because it's not something I can understand. And I am sure I am very "un-PC" here, but here goes: Chastity Bono was a homosexual, preferring sex with females. If "he" liked sex with females, that would make him straight. Conversely, if Bruce is a "she" and always liked sex with women, then he would be the homosexual, right?
  14. Well I am watching this as a former Girls Next Door fan - I've looked in on all of the "girls'" shows since then. Kendra was always my least favorite - but for those who didn't watch let me tell you why her mom was REALLY pissed when Hank proposed - it was because she LOVED LOVED LOVED hanging out at the Playboy mansion. She had no problem with her 19 year old daughter being part of a posse of playthings for an octogenarian - and every time she was there she was even dropping hints to Hef to move her in too - as if. But he bought her a new nose and those boobs. After Dustin Diamond, she is my least favorite person from reality TV.
  15. I guess I get to be the first to mention Christian "Sean" Grey's grossness from this episode - they've each "played beneath the other's Mason Dixon Line?" I can infer what that means, but can someone explain "She definitely knows I'm Italian"? He needs to just. stop. talking.
  16. He would only be Jr. if he was named after his dad - if he was named after a grandpa or uncle he would be "the second" :)
  17. Same here - I come from a family where we could have a screaming fight which ended in slammed doors, followed by everyone sitting around the dinner table 15 minutes later (and possibly making fun of each other for what was yelled during the fight!) Mr. P comes from an easily offended family who holds grudges, "teaches lessons" and doesn't talk for ages. So I had to learn to speak softly and not yell; he had to learn that fights don't have to last for weeks. The thing I found most interesting with Ryan D and Jessica was when he called her out for putting "selfish" on her list - she spoke up immediately about why she didn't want to hear it, and he said okay. Whether he will stand by that remains to be seen, but it was the first time she talked back rather than stewing silently, and the result was the respect she claims to want. For Jaclyn and Basement Ryan (love that!!) I do think that she is more extrovert and he is introvert; also think that she is possibly over-the-top seeming due to being on TV, and also that her "raging libido" might be more that she's just more aggressive than he is. I can see where she is just "too much" - and as far as the "let him be the man" argument goes, I would say from what we have seen, the grocery store was the example - let him pay for the damn groceries and say thank you. If you are married it will all come out even eventually. (Back in my dating days, I always offered to pay or contribute to the first date, but if the guy insisted on paying I said "Thank you", and then took my turn if there was a second date. It is a stupid fight to have if you like someone and plan to spend more time with them, and I don't mind being called sexist for thinking that it's better to let the guy win the initial argument.) The bit about blowing her off when she left on her trip and having friends over rather than running home to Mom's basement are, for the time being, things I can blame on editing until I see how this all plays out. Sean and Davina - so weird. I agree with the poster from last week's episode who said that they are like aliens trying to act like people. And how do people have fun? They do Legos. Just ask my nephew - he's 9. I have seen lots of married couples over the years - hey Davina! I have seen lots of chicks with super-devoted husbands who put up with their nonsense and kiss their asses like crazy! and they are not nearly as attractive as you! It can be done - keep looking! I also am pretty good at "snap judgments" of people, and the person I liked the least on episode 1 was Sean. And I still think I'm right. That being said, my gaydar is terrible, and while I still wondered about Sean, I didn't get a ping from his boyfriend, "Dr. Joseph". But I did wonder if "Dr. Joseph" had been bullied in his youth :) Hahahaha!
  18. In addition to his personality problems already listed, Dan was perpetrating one of my pet peeves - men wearing out of season hats :( So I was ready to see him toddle off the stage in his cap. I did not have a problem with Shirin saying that she wished Carolyn wouldn't get pizza/adventure, as it was in her TH and she was kind of laughing about it.
  19. Ding ding ding!!! IMO that was fairly obvious (to us viewers) in the way he was introduced and talked about in the beginning - he was staying with her while undergoing cancer treatment but had done so off and on for years (NOT dying tragically in her guest room while she brings him hot towels and pudding); trying to help him out and make sure he was included in the wedding (even though he pops off without notice for Vegas trips); etc. And it seems they did a great job with all that (no snark here - I really enjoyed the wedding episodes and was happy to see how they took care of everything). But on Poker Night she was either depressed because he had left unexpectedly - or he had given her a pill for her pain - or he had just gotten back and she needed to get home immediately - who knows? And in the finale he showed up - Kim ignored him most of the evening - someone talked to her about drinking with Monty - and then she shared a moment with him where he was slurring worse than Kim or Brandi ever had. (FWIW - I don't know if that was because of pain meds or booze or both, nor do I care - I am totally on the team of "if you're dying, do as you please and enjoy it!") My point is just that they seem to have a relationship that is based on more than "love" (addiction! enabling!) - and while he SEEMS like the nicer person, we have seen a lot less of him, and I'm inclined to believe that they are both people with addiction issues, who find it easier to live with each other once in a while (not long enough for it to cause problems!) rather than look at themselves and change their behaviors. No matter how nice they are when sober, when actively addicted they are always selfish jerks who love themselves best. Which is why no one may ever know exactly what happened with Kingsley and Alexia, but Kim has shown whom she is, so I'm inclined to believe that her story is a lie and a deflection (as someone previously posted - Kim doesn't want to prove that Alexia or Kyle or assholes - but merely to prove that SHE (Kim) is not the problem at all. She never made a bad call or did anything stupid - it was all bad luck or other people's foolishness! Which proves she is sober!) I have posted here before about the addict's brain - if you were to slap a short brown wig and a penis on Kim she would be my brother - the type who could get lots of fans by his charming behavior, but a total selfish dick; many would see through him after a few seasons, but he would still have his fans ( he does actually - they are called "our parents" :) This past Christmas, my brother was removed from his home in mid-December by the court for his out-of-control, drunken antics, and all I heard (from our parents) was "poor guy, he misses being with his family for Christmas." Even the wife who had kicked him out was feeling bad for him. But the year before that he WAS with his family on Christmas - until the entire clan (wife, several kids, dogs) had to flee the family home around 7pm to the grandparents' 2 bedroom apartment, due to his drunken, physically and verbally abusive tirade. If they were on TV I'd probably get lots of sympathy, but right now everyone BUT me wants him back in that house!! It will happen soon, at the behest of my SIL, who will no doubt be hustling her kids and dogs back to her parents' small apartment on the next birthday or major holiday. As the common sense aunt, what do I do? It's just always something with these unrecovered addicts, which I believe Kim is. My brother did do a rehab that "took" - lasted about a year, but gave a picture of what real "sobriety" looks like. For example, he said, "I was wrong when I _____ , and I am so sorry. I see now how selfish I was, and I hated that about myself." He said it to his wife, said it to me, said it to several friends who had been put through his wringer. BUT he did not say it to everyone he had wronged (our parents? - did he not think he had treated them badly, or did he think they were too dumb to understand his real transgressions?), which is an AA maxim. Is that what derailed him? Who knows. (I do. He was still playing games, as Kim has been doing for the past few seasons) Question: who has seen any of that "I was wrong" behavior from Kim? I have not. Nor have I seen it from my brother since he got back to drinking several years ago. They make me tired. But this is why I don't care anymore about Kim's feelings. Or about anyone who wants to try to explain Kim's feelings to me. Respectfully to you all - I don't just think she's full of shit, I know it. I can't always explain it, but I think that if you know it you will understand what I am saying. And if not - you are lucky :) and if what I say here helps you later on, I am glad. Peace to all and Happy Easter!!
  20. He already told us - women with no standards! ;)
  21. I find the use of the "human decorations" at Adrienne's parties (and others - like the girls in Lisa V's pool last year) to be incredibly tasteless and embarrassing. All I can think is that those angel girls are pointing their toes and arching their backs in their slings, or lackadaisically flapping their wings, for what - like 6 hours? If I saw them at a party it would ruin my good time. Of course I am just a midwestern chub chub, so I could be wrong. (but I don't think so :)
  22. I respond to you with a friendly smile and no snark - it is because (first of all) you just hate Kyle, and (second) because I think the exhaustion of dealing with an addict can never be expressed on a show like this, so it can come across as embarrassment, or irritation that the addict is interfering with your good time or making you look foolish (and sometimes there is something to that! You thought you could relax for a while!) and while I'm not saying Kyle deals with her well at all times either, it's when they seem to be doing well for a while (as Kim seemed at the beginning of this season) and then show that they are not - years of experience make you just say in your head - "Oh, mother fucker . . ." I can't get too offended by these women bringing up "issues" in inappropriate places because it seems to be their job; I see Brandi and Kim getting the most hate because they seem so pleased to do so - the other women seem to at least "kind of" get that they have been wrong, even if it only an "I'm sorry BUT . . ." type of apology. On the other hand, Brandi is all about the "This is who I am" defense -- guess what, Brandi -- people are annoying! Including you! Including me - which is why I decided that having an unexpressed thought is okay! (I used to be a "truth cannon" but realized that I didn't like hurting other people's feelings. It doesn't make me a hypocrite to keep my mouth shut when my opinion has neither been asked nor prodded for.) If you have behaviors that are either annoying or just making your life unpleasant - it is not hurting you or anyone else to work on them! When Brandi/Kim say that they would admit it if they had an addiction (Brandi) or relapsed (Kim) because there is no shame in it, that is a true statement on the surface - what they are bypassing is that they are NOT not admitting it because of the shame, but because admitting it means they would have to do something about it, which they don't want to do. (And I will repeat what I said in a post a few weeks ago - I don't believe any addict or substance abuser is cackling with glee over having "fooled" us; I believe they are wiping their brow with relief at having "fooled" us for one more day.)
  23. I know, right? I always knew it but when they were showing those flashbacks from previous years - I had forgotten how bad she looked! And even when she first got her bob she was into the "blow it all straight back off my face look" - I'm glad she finally learned how to wear her bangs :) I'm sick of Kim and for those of you who don't know any mean drunks be glad. She's like my brother in drag. Lisa R did get a taste of "why everyone is so afraid of Kim Richards" However - I sneered at Yo when she made them all sit down to hear her lecture on teamwork before her event - didn't Kim try to do the same before her circus outing last year, and Yo told her to shut it and let them get on with the activities! And when she was yelling at them for the milkshake incident, I was reminded of ye olde "You are da hostess! Get in da pool!" Apparently she annoys me less than usual this season, because I had forgotten that stuff :)
  24. Nah - he reminds me of Coach. And according to his bio, he can flirt and "use his sex appeal like Parvati" - as we saw tonight :) Clearly he tells as tall of a tale. Joe became my favorite with "I learned how on youtube and practiced every day." I do think it's hilarious how they fall into whatever story they are given - from the angst and drama Jeff loves over the "blood v. water" angle to the "look how we act, we're ____ collar" - I also like Joe for not giving us a bunch of that :)
  25. In my opinion and experience, as one with an addict sibling, it is hard to judge Kyle because she was expecting Sober Kim to show up, and as I said in an earlier post, having Relapsed Kim show up probably put her in a feeling of shock/confusion where you feel kind of sick and not sure how to behave. Ignoring this shit is not good - in fact it is bad and enables the person to keep getting away with it! But you don't want to embarrass your host, the other guests, yourself when the Relapsed Kim starts calling you an asshole, and to be honest the Relapsed One is actually at the bottom of this list even if you don't realize it at the time, because addicts don't really get the shame that the rest of us think they should be feeling. (Or they do in their heart but certainly won't admit it because that would be admitting to a problem - which leads to having to do something about it - which leads to giving up their booze, pills, whatever - which they don't even want to think about!) So as the sibling, the battle goes on in your head - "Just ignore and keep the peace - we'll deal with this later! No - it has to be mentioned - ignoring it only leads to excuse making and never helps! No - it will just make our hosts feel bad and ruin their party! But something should be said so she knows we know what she's doing!" and on and on, and the next day, no matter what you did, you wish you had handled it differently. So no judgment on Kyle from me here. Instead of second-guessing Kyle, I'd like to address what I think was going on in Kim's addled, yet cunning addict brain (based only on what we saw tonight, and how very well i know my own angry and aggressive alcoholic of a brother): 1. When Lisa gets in the car, she is overly friendly and upbeat - she is feeling good and wants to have fun with Lisa! 2. That doesn't last long because Lisa quickly asks if she has been drinking/taking drugs 3. "Yikes!" thinks the addict. "I need to defuse this shit ASAP!" so denies immediately 4. Followed by "Here's my sob story - STFU because you feel bad pressing me when I'm feeling blue/stressed/upset" 5. Followed by a little bit of deliberately wacky behavior - "I'm not drunk/drugged - just being my usual wacky self!" 6. (Interspersed with a little bit of drunken emotion that gets away from her - "Don't feel sorry for me, Lisa!" - also designed to keep Lisa wary about confronting her with anything else. *Confrontations are unwelcome if they could lead to admitting I'm wrong/having to deal with my addictions.) Arrive at Poker Night: 1. Cunning Addict Brain knows that if acquaintance Lisa R. guesses I'm fucked up, Kyle who knows me will figure it out very quickly, so definitely don't want to sit by her! 2. Coincidentally, my good, hard-drinking friend Brandi is on her nth glass of wine - let's hang out! I'll sit by her! 3. At this point, Addict Brain gets unreasonably angry with Kyle and begins heckling her - even though it would be the smarter move to ignore her in the hope that she will not notice/let it pass. But the addict wants the person she knows is onto her to not notice/act like she doesn't notice/deny it. 4. When Addict starts challenging Kyle (the one who knows her best) publicly, she is actually daring Kyle to state the obvious to the crowd, because in her inebriated state she ostensibly wants to see the group agree with her that clearly she is fine and Kyle is being an uptight asshole, but in reality the challenge is this: "You won't dare say in public what you think is wrong, which means tomorrow I can deny it all or give an excuse, and everyone will want to give me the benefit of the doubt, and I can keep on keeping on for one more day in spite of you.") And it sounds like she should end that thought-rant with a Ha Ha! but I think it is more of a sigh of relief as she wipes the sweat off of her brow :( 5. When Kyle keeps the peace/refuses to engage and heads off to the bathroom, Addict Brain worries that Kyle is getting the upper hand. {Also, let's step back as outsiders and remember that there are some anger issues in the minds of both Addict Brain and She Who Knows Her Well - and Addict Brain is used to SHKHW fighting back whenever certain triggers have been pulled - as they were tonight.} Addict Brain feels threatened that SHKHW is not responding per the life-long script, and so follows her to the bathroom, in attempt to get things back on their proper footing. 6. Here is where Addict Brain gives the game away - when SWKHW asks about drinking/are you okay - she says she took a pill Monty gave her. ("I have to admit to something - Lisa R asked in the car; Kyle has been giving me looks all night; all of the others seem uncomfortable - they all think something is going on! Since I know I took _______ (?), I had better admit to taking something! What's the big deal about one pill? Everyone will understand that! Etc., etc." 7. At this point, Addict Brain knows she needs to get the hell out before others are onto her (still, she's pretty sure that only Kyle, SWKHW, is really hip to what's happening.) Leaving seems like a great idea until a better one rears it's head - go on back in and say goodbye to everyone! That way when Kyle voices her concerns to the group, they will all say, "What do you mean, Kyle? Kim was lovely tonight! Didn't she come back in and wish us all goodnight?" *Here's where Drunk Brandi gets to do her thang in all her glory - only those readers who are big drinkers/former big drinkers know the guts and the glory of the Drunk Girl Who Is Worried About The Other (Drunk) Girls! ***In my opinion as the person writing this, if she had only taken one pill, no one with the exception of possibly Kyle would have noticed anything different about her behavior, and she would have answered with an "Oh, I'm just tired; Kyle is over-sensitive, blah blah" (which may or may not have already happened off camera as well) Which means that she has taken more than one pain pill (aka Bella had more than one glass of wine even though Mummy doesn't want to admit it:) Not accusing Bella/Yo of anything other than normal behavior - teen drinking happens, but when it happens to be part of a larger problem, this is how it starts!
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