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Everything posted by DisneyBoy

  1. WOOT! Yup. You said it. I just hate how they seem to resist doing things that would please the audience, like wrapping up unfinished storylines or character arcs. They bring Kristin back and show her with a baby, but she doesn't get a single scene of tenderness with the child? This miracle child she spent her entire adult life hoping to finally have? Instead, she's just wearing a Real Housewives dress and swirling a glass of wine and scheming. Seriously? Ugh. To say nothing of the "trip" out the window. Is it true that Eileen Davidson had to insist on a Susan subplot in order to agree to return to the show following the Eric Rape storyline? You'd think they would have known they could use Susan in some capacity, since Eileen enjoyed the character and her son EJ is now a leading figure on the canvas. But nope - the actor has to practically beg them to do the obvious. Susan's couple of scenes were crowd-pleasing to be sure.
  2. That's the sad truth, ain't it? I've spoken with people with firsthand experience of how hard it is to break into Hollywood simply because of their Asian heritage. It's as though casting directors just don't see them as leads. Very strange. Well I ended up watching the opening monologue (if that's what we're calling it) and the winners of best leading man and woman in a musical. I didn't care for Kelli's speech, though I think she's amazingly talented. I felt lousy for Chita - I thought she had this in the bag, it being her last go and all. But Kelli certainly has earned this. So...I have a problem that's resurfaced. And it is Dreamgirls. I am once again re-listening to Jennifer Holliday's two big songs from the show practically every day, and I can't help it. Have you guys heard her final broadway performances of "I Am Changing" and "AIATYING"? They're incredible. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any other soundboard recordings or broadway bootlegs. I hate the cast album - everything is so truncated. Has anyone here seen any OBC soundboard bootlegs or audience-recorded bootlegs? Please let me know. Need some variety here :) And being able to listen to a good quality full version of Steppin' To The Bad Side with Ben Harney would be great. Say, has anyone seen a bootleg video of the OBC (or one of the other casts from the 80s) that provides a clear view of what's going on during Steppin'? The only bootleg of the original cast up on YT isn't from an angle that really allows you to understand what's happening with the performers on the bridges/ramps. This commercial gives a slightly better look, but it isn't much: Man, I love that funky bass during the "Dreamgirls" tune.
  3. Boo - I liked creepy/sassy Ciara as-is. I'm thrilled to learn Sami will get a scene with Stefano. At this point, as much as it might be appropriate for Marlena or Roman or John to kill Stefano for all the stuff he's done, I'd much rather see Kate or Sami (or both!) get to pull the trigger. They're just better actors and Stefano has done stuff to them more recently. And if Stefano has - as some suspect - done something to Caroline that could bring her close to death, it would make sense Sami would return, quickly get to the bottom of it, and just off the monster once and for all. Hopefully, it won't be as abrupt a death as Kristin's was. A memorial for EJ would be gross. I get that people here hate Kristin something fierce, but compare her with EJ and you at least have a tie. Both raped people, both tried to kill people (I think) and both were skeevy. Personally, I hope that Sami gets some scenes with Stefano where they both learn Clyde was responsible for EJ's murder. Is the actor playing Clyde going to still be on the show for the anniversary stuff? Has his contract expired?
  4. Anyone else skipping the Tonys on purpose? I haven't seen ANY of the shows and kinda of want to watch it after I have, so I won't be spoiled by the performances between the handing out of the awards. How long is Chita doing The Visit? I've got to see that!
  5. Wow - good catch! I never thought of that exactly, but do remember thinking when I last rewachted the episode "is Rory really that into technicolor accessories? I never see her with any!" Makes you wonder who is worse when it comes to trying to live through Rory: Emily or Lorelai. My personal gripe, though I get why it happened, is that none of the Stars Hollow annual events were ever revisited. By the time we got six seasons in, I was asking myself where the pilgrims were, and what happened to the Fire Light festival. I know it would have been repetitive to have the same festivals every season, but still - some consistency would have been nice.
  6. Yup - Solotrek got it. I am beside myself with smiles right now - I had NO IDEA all this Gilmore Girls-ing was going on. The podcasts, the interviews and the reunion of course are coming out of left field to surprise me today. Guess I should be keeping a closer eye on Reddit. Congrats to Melissa for her star on the walk of fame - I absolutely feel it's deserved, though I wish some of the projects she was involved with now were half as good as Gilmore Girls was. Sookie was a good part and she elevated it and then some. As one of you said, she brought a warmth and genuine loving kindness to it (and serious comedic chops) that I don't think Alex Borstein would have been ideal for. LOL at the comment about Christopher's absence from the reunion :) So true. Actually, I found it noteworthy that neither he nor the actress playing April appeared. Given how Season Seven went down, I wouldn't at all be surprised if that was because audiences probably don't have such warm fuzzy feelings for those two characters. In reality, it's probably because they just weren't part of the "main cast" or weren't available. I am SHOCKED at how thin Liz Torres is now - I hardly recognized her in the group shots posted at EW.com. Has she been well lately? I know she was dangerously overweight in the original series, so I'm happy for her if she was able to get the weight off and is healthier now, but it's a drastic change and I hope not because of a health issue. In the 9th picture posted in the EW gallery, Lauren is with two of her co-stars from Parenthood, right? The girl and the guy? I don't remember either of them on GG... http://www.ew.com/gallery/gilmore-girls-reunion-red-carpet-atx/2211048_lauren-graham-mae-whitman-and-miles-heizer I LOVE that Hep Alien did a concert. That's amazing. So awesome to see them together again, and Keiko looks even more like a real-deal drummer with her shorter hair. Love it. Also love that the actress who played Lindsay participated (though I'm surprised no one asked her or Jared P about the cheating storyline if they were both there). Who was moderating the talk? In one photo it looks like a woman with dark hair (at first glance I thought it was Gyspy) but the EW site says it's the actress who played Lindsay. Confused.
  7. If Caroline does go, I hope Dan is nowhere near her operating table. Did she have scenes with the current Eric at any point in the last few years? With AS coming back they can at least show flashbacks of the two of them over the years...but there might be not much of Eric to show...
  8. Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all the answers I've been getting to my questions lately :) I'm really sorry if my replies/posts have seemed curt or very too-the-point. My phone has been dysfunctional and I've often had to re-type messages here several times to get them to post. After ten minutes of trying, you drop the pleasantries and just ask your questions bluntly, you know? But again - thank you for taking the time to reply. So...did no one see when Sami and Marlena learned EJ Wells was Elvis Junior? I can't find any clips of that online, and I'd love to know how it went down.
  9. Hey! I said it first :) I don't want either to leave the show - Caroline, for as little as she pops up, is always a delight. And Stefano, in spite of JM reading off cue cards, is a personal fave. I don't want either of them to go! But the anniversary would be an appropriate time for either of the to. How about we pretend Abifail and Dan die and have a joint funeral? Let's pretend. Join me! There's nothing the writers can do to heat these two up as a couple. They've already been reheated so much they're brittle little biscuits. Unless someone pulls Drake aside and gets him to stop his annoying head tilt/wheezy-speaking and Marlena to stop the condescending tone and head tilt, they'll continue to be loathesome.
  10. Was it a cool reveal- did Mar and Sami's heads explode when they realized who EJ Wells really was? Did Sami express disgust over finding out she was lusting over (or already involved with?) the spawn of Stefano?
  11. Stefano wanted a grandkid for stem cells? Ewww. When did Sami and Marlena learn EJ Wells was actually a DiMerra? Before the rape? How did it come out? Did the characters comment on EJ's SORASed age?
  12. I saw something on another board about an October script partially leaking thanks to a instagram pic, I think....anyway apparently Caroline undergoes surgery. A bit depressing, I think! Totally figured it would be a John/Mar vow renewal ceremony or something. Of course, that could still happen.
  13. I was able to find EJ's first scenes, moving in across the hall from Sami and Austin (how did he ever end up with her again?) and you are right - it isn't exactly subtle that he's likely Susan's son. But did EJ come to town knowing that, or did he discover it?
  14. EJ wasn't EJ until he showed up as EJ Wells. I know about the most epic Kristin storyline of all time. I wasn't watching when EJ Wells popped up, so I ask again: how did his heritage come to light?
  15. When and how did it come out that EJ was Susan and Stefano's baby boy?
  16. Ryan was indeed a favourite and that relationship with Carl was really interesting. In rewatching some of those episodes last year, I did find myself noticing that Paul Michael Valley wasn't as good an actor as I'd remembered him being. Of course, he was younger then, but had a certain cheesiness. Of course, it's nothing as bad as most of the soap acting these days. Wow - yup! I never saw Evan Frame at any point during my time watching the show, but I remember Carl's shooting and him surviving, losing his memory and developing a crush on Iris. So it was Evan, hun? Well. What happened to him? How did his arc go following Iris being behind bars? I think I remember Ali Fowler warning would-be stepdad Cameron at one point in 1998 (I think?) that he'd better be careful about Amanda because if Evan Frame ever "came back to town", she'd be all over him. I guess that means Evan's last storyline on the show did not involve him dying. Why did he want Carl dead and Iris framed for it? Wow - thanks for recapping that! I never saw any of it and wondered about how things had gone down with the character RKK played before Shane/Bobby Reno. Gah - THAT was a fiasco of a comeback, wasn't it? But this sounds pretty lousy too. I hate it when writers poop all over past character's relationships to make the one they're currently in seem more "for real". Of course, it didn't make much sense that Amanda went from being the princess (Sandra F played that angle well, I always felt), to the business lady married to scheming Grant (suddenly smarter and more proud and yet also much more blind), to then scheming to break her mother and Carl up by dressing up and pretending to be Carl's mistress (leaving us all going WTH??), and then back to being a sort of Princess (when Sandra returned). Amanda didn't have the best character arc, to be sure, but at least it was interesting overall and had very likeable actresses playing her ("Hadley Prescott" era Amanda aside). Did any of the rest of you have a chuckle when "Hadley Prescott" shared drinks and flirted with "Shane" (effectively reuniting Amanda and Sam, even though it was a different actress playing Amanda and a completely different character played by RKK)?
  17. Now that Kristin is seemingly gone for a while, I'm done with the show until she comes back. Does anyone know what will be up with Stefano, Chad and Tony in the meantime? Is Stefano going to continue his revenge plot against Marlena in June...or can I tune this crazy show out?
  18. There isn't a thread about her yet? For shame! There has never been more to discuss, from her romance with Superman, to the Sensation comics, her main title, her Lynda Carter '77 series and soon...her big screen debut! What have you been interested in? I am liking the variety in Sensation comics but find it odd how so many Bat villains have appeared. I bought the printed '77 Special and generally enjoyed it. Are there more digital first stories coming? Is this an on-going series now? What are the Finches doing in the main book?
  19. I agree it was maddenning watching Marlena dance around the obvious simple explanation of " she was trying to shoot me, for the third time, and I wrestled the gun away but she tripped and fell" when speaking to Chad, John, Eric and Stefano. It seems all the dialogue is written to be intentionally murky to support multiple interpretations.
  20. Slightly confused by the return of Tony/Andre....wasn't that all wrapped up pretty well? Aren't they both played out? Man, there are a lot of doubles on this show...Gina/Hope, Mar/Samantha, Kristin/Susan/Penelope/their brother, Tony/Andre...
  21. Oh boes, so right about the flashbacks. Marlena in her demon Halloween mask with an overbite was just so bad I couldn't believe it. And don't get me started on how they always zoom in on Fullscreen/TV aspect ratio archive footage to make it widescreen, even though it cuts out pertinent visual information. Lord I could see the stubble on Marlena's thigh in that one shot!! TOO CLOSE!!!
  22. Was Hattie played by DH's actual twin? I only found out she had a twin recently and found that super creepy. DH was terrible during her scenes with JM today. And wasn't he visibly reading off cue cards? Awkward. Though him calling her Saint Marlena and her about to be tossed out a window was possibly the best this show has been in YEARS.
  23. Um...that's hilarious! Paul older than EJ. Lordy. Is EJ the most SORASed character ever in the history of soaps? I wish I had been reading soap message boards when he first popped up just to see how people felt about him aging 25 years in what....six? Seven? You and me both. I'm guessing they'll have her prop up Mar/John, who I bet will be renewing their vows for the 50th. Because DUH! Really, though, I hope she learns that EJ was a scumbag drug dealer and gets over him super fast. I will hurt myself rolling my eyes if I have to hear about this "movie" they're filming about her amazing, totally important and marketable life. Wonder what they'd entitle it? I guess I blinked and missed that. I get kinda weirded out by the notion of pairing up the show's only two black characters, but I really think Maxine was a nice alternative to Lexi, who was pretty uptight/serious. Maxine seems like a LOT of fun and just the kind of woman who would be a great stepmom. They should hook these two back up. And yes, she DOES have great comedic timing! Missed that plot point too. I actually don't mind Melanie, but she NEEDS to stop acting like a twitchy little kid. It's annoying as hell. AGAIN - how did they get him on good terms with his father? Doesn't he know about what he did to Jordan??? The mind boggles. Abby's hair is really in rough shape. It's looking thinner and straw-ish now. Hope the actress is okay and this is just about growing it out and chopping off the dead parts. Okay - you just made me spit my beverage out all over myself picturing Mar stopping mid-fall, grabbing the mountainside and climbing back up with her head spun around.
  24. Um....yes. Without any behind the scenes info, I still say: definitely yes. There's little cohesion to this show and all the scenes are filmed to end the same way, with a startling questions hovering in the air! But they didn't even look threatening. It seemed like Marlena was going to be asked to go over her taxes or something... Can I ask: how on earth did Dan go from sleeping with Brady's ex-fiancee Kristin to allowing his daughter to bang Brady? Those two take GF-swapping to an uncomfortable place...
  25. Robert KK played Bo? Hun. That kinda makes sense. Was this before he appeared on Another World as (ugh) Shane Roberts/Bobby Reno? That was a disaster, but you could see how he would be appealing otherwise. Very rugged, good actor - clearly a "Bo" type. I wouldn't care one bit if Melissa left. Sorry but that ENTIRE FAMILY has been ruined by the writing. When was the last time Melissa did a scene so well that anyone enjoyed it? I know scripts are the problem, but I can't even look at her anymore. A fresh actress and better writing could help turn her in to the likeable person the show seems to want her to be. Could anyone be so kind as to recap what happened post Secret Room for Kristin/John/Marlena/Susan? I know Kristin showed up at the wedding with Roman and that put things on hold for a while...and then later it was revealed that Susan was triplets...but it's all a blur after Secret Room, until the very end, where Kristin ended up in the harem. THANK YOU!
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