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Everything posted by DisneyBoy

  1. I don't think I could stomach seeing Thersa be friends with Abby. I'd want her to reach for the fireplace poker.
  2. I would like to see the people of Salem have more varied employment. They're all independently rich mega moguls or working for the ISA/Cops or Doctors. Eric the priest, Theresa the designer and Marlena the therapist have the three most unique jobs (on paper anyway).
  3. My unpopular opinion is that I actually liked the Chad who was around when Kristin first returned. The one who worked at the coffee shop and refused to become entangled in Stefano's bizarro family dynamics. I like the Chad we currently have, but that guy seemed to have a certain integrity to him. I guess I'm tired of everybody discovering they are related to Stefano and immediately getting wrapped up in his games and being labeled as a villain.
  4. Probably wishful thinking. Did I miss it, or did Justin explain to Sonny at length why he felt Chad - his partner and friend - had killed Will? I feel like there was a whole conversation there needing to take place. Doesn't Sonny want to spend time with Ari and see justice done for Will? Heck, was Sonny even aware of the multiple murders?? I want to say its too bad Sonny isn't sticking around longer, but we have 47 storylines all going at once and I wouldn't want to see him stay just to cry over and over.
  5. I expect to be moved beyond reason by Kelly's new Emily. I really hope and believe that Amy will do marvelous things with that. And after all these years we may finally get to know more about Emily as a person instead of as a wife and mother.
  6. Gabi found out about Eddie and Paige on Thursday. I didn't care much for this week. Monday was a big day, but the rest bored me. How I wish there was one single happy thread playing out. The Basic Black storyline is all we got, and it seems to be back-burnered until after the 50th. But then, I also don't know what happened to the Johnny Be Good story either. How are we supposed to care about Mar and John getting hitched again if we don't actually see them overcoming their past relationship problems?
  7. See, if Daddy Herandez is back in town to make his absence up to his kids, why not take that 100K and put it towards...oh...I don't know...setting up Arianna with a trust fund, and getting Gabby into a really good college. Cause I'm betting "I used to be a model before I killed someone" probably isn't helping her during interviews. I'm glad plots are intertwining finally, but seriously man. What?!? And neither Eve nor Rafe are at all questioning how he has that much moolah?? IMO, that scene of him being deliberate with his writing in the hotel room was just a long-winded attempt at showing us he's tracking his family members. DAYS couldn't write an OCD plot to save their lives. They can't even do a funeral properly, right?
  8. I'm just disappointed that apparently twice now Sami has failed to celebrate Halloween. Last year she left on Halloween and this year, same story. I want to see some fun costumes!
  9. Michel would be welcome in very small doses. I basically want about 150 times more of Paris than him, though. I have no problem with Gigi being right back as she was one of the characters introduced when the show was still at its peak. There's a lot of history wrapped up in her, so she's welcome. If we do get into whether or not Luke and Lorelai have had kids, it will be impossible for Amy not to bring April up. I kind of just want to pretend that everything after Rory returned home didn't happen. Heck, I'm even fine with Lane not being married to Zach.
  10. I won't lie - the writing on Bunheads has me a little spooked too, but I'm holding on to the positive vibes and thinking Amy will be more comfortable in her old stomping grounds.
  11. But why did we have to watch an entire freaking year of it becoming over? God. This has dragged on for long enough. Send her off with Sonny or give her a job to occupy her or something. But no more scenes of her and Justin please - they are worse than teenagers!!
  12. I can't deal with Adrienne either. I adore Judi Evans from the Another World days, but I just can't with this character anymore. I don't know where the story with her marriage is going, I don't know why she missed her son-in-law's funeral, and this breast cancer gene thing does nothing to make her more sympathetic. Cut ties with Justin or shut the hell up! Be mature! Gahhh! I just feel like every scene with her is a total and utter waste, and that's a testament to the writing. Why Sonny - a character with unresolved plot lines and a child to look after - is moving off canvas and we're stuck with boring folks like Adrienne is beyond me.
  13. I still hate that Sami essentially walked away from Kate to go back to her creep of a husband, after Kate stepped up to help Sami put him away.With Kate and Sami dismantling the DiMerra empire, it would have been a great way to begin writing out Stefano...if they had seen it through. No, the Basic Black question was why. John has zero interest in fashion so...
  14. Why did John Black start a fashion company named after himself?
  15. And yet, Nicole's performance acting-wise was perfect. Did you see her choke up at the end? It was as if Nicole was finally having a happy moment and a little bit of hope for her future after years and years of crap. I couldn't help but choke up a little too. Great actress. Terrible dance choreography.
  16. I'm liking the effort the show's putting into trying to make Aiden's thought process artistically interesting, but it still feels a little amateurish. Having Murderer Aiden take one moment to look back at Real Aiden would have been more compelling then them constantly exchanging looks the whole time. And did the director forget that they'd already shown Murderer Aiden walking up the stairs? In the next scene he's suddenly outside breaking in and then going up the stairs...is continuity within the same episode too much to ask for? Also: this is the biggest bag of horse poo ever. Way to throw your best new leading man under the bus show! And wouldn't Andre be able to guess that Aiden would kill off Hope by impersonating the strangler? It's not like that wouldn't assist him right? He further dooms Chad while at the same time getting the money to buy himself and his son their safety.
  17. It's clear that Amy only created her out of necessity - to stall the Luke / Lorelei wedding because she didn't know how many more seasons she would have to write. Hopefully, now that she knows exactly how much screen time she has to write for, there won't be any fat. April was indigestible fat.
  18. I absolutely will not tolerate any talk of or appearances by April. I so so hope Amy does not put her fondness for the actress above our distaste for the entire storyline. If I can just watch these films instead of having to watch the second half of season 6 and all of season 7, that would be ideal.
  19. That was totally the best Emily scene ever. Well, she has a lot of really awesome scenes... I think it makes the most sense to spend some time reintroducing all of the main characters and then have the funeral and the loss of Richard play out. I suspect that might be the context of the first film, to bring Lorelai Emily and Rory closer together for the next three. Is anyone else still completely giddy over this news!?!? I am so flipping happy!
  20. WTH??? We suffer through months of this creepy character and don't even get to see him on the receiving end of his long overdue comeuppance?!?
  21. Wait... Do we know for a fact that Clyde isn't reappearing later? That was the only thing that I was really looking forward to with his character - payback! I wanted Sami, Kate, Stefano, JJ and and possibly Jordan to get to see him sentenced formally.
  22. Paris is my MUST for this revival. I miss her so badly. I want her there the whole time. I want scenes of her and Emily. And Taylor. And Lorelei. And Mrs. Kim. May it never ever end. Also: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!
  23. I've only just realized that Victor should definitely have been at the funeral. And by extension, Maggie.
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