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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. I hate that. I hate that so much. It is NOT a given that Hillary Clinton's defining characteristic is lying. She is demonstrably proven to not be a liar. She may have been mistaken at times in public, she may have intentionally nuanced a now-unpopular policy perspective, but she is not a liar. Saying "not to my knowledge" is NOT the same thing as Trump's endless string of lies. For any proponent of Clinton use that language is wildly irresponsible, and just dumb. It furthers a false understanding, an understanding that is used against Clinton as a cudgel daily. It's the #1 reason why normally sane people won't or don't want to vote for her.
  2. Does Barnicle watch EVEN ONE show on his own network? Every single hour-long magazine show or chat show or news show on MSNBC has spoken at length about the grievances that poor whites list as the reasons they support Trump and have a "burn it all down" mindset.
  3. Look, here's what needs to happen when he's not elected... Weekly mid-80s-quality (think A Team, Magnum PI, etc...) TV show with Trump, Giuliani, Christie, and KAC (plus the craaaaaazy brunette surrogate from Texas whose name I constantly forget) who remain on the side of evil and become a sort of criminal empire, ala SPECTRE or the Legion of Doom. Fighting against them will be Obama and Bill Clinton... and the TV show is really just a buddy pic vehicle for them as they make their way across the US charming the shit out of people and being generally hilarious, and both a little too self-important but in a charming, roguish way.
  4. It's incredible. Mika is like a negative energy battery. The very funny Al Franken is a guest, and she steps on his jokes, she derails his momentum, she doesn't understand his jokes but laughs hesitantly anyway, and she doesn't let his segment breathe and be all that it can. She is so awkward, it makes me uncomfortable as a freaking viewer in the safety of my own living room.
  5. How is Nosferatu up in the sunlight? He's telling political insiders that they just don't understand how corrupt Clinton is. And they are just looking at him. He's a nauseating person. Sorry. "Person." Fixed that.
  6. Bwaah, LMAO. I wish I could like your post more than once. Because that initial quote is HILARIOUS. There is no reason that Trump's handlers took away his Twitter from him like he's 12 years old. He didn't attack a former Ms. Universe because she's fat. That never happened.
  7. Correct. Forever in history, Hillary's campaign will be memorialized by how disgusting, misogynistic, xenophobic, race-baiting, racist, inflammatory, vulgar, insulting, stupid, pandering, coarse, and disorganized her campaign was. Spot on. Forever on, Donald Trump's campaign will be held up as a sterling paragon of virtue and solemnity as befits the position for which he campaigned. Yep. Because the true vulgar bully is the person who alerts the bully he's vulgar. Right? This is the internet, so that's how it works, right?
  8. Uh... what? So holding up a mirror in front of that f*****'s face is "going low?" Your boss is an idiot. How does he/she not accidentally kill him/herself every day?
  9. That is really funny. And do you remember when Mika would wear high-end 4" or 5" heels every day? She stopped about the same time she stopped working out, and she began to dress differently. I have to have a tell-all book on what happened and why!!!
  10. South Carolina. Nothing to see here. Keep in mind that at voting locations, it can be construed as intimidation or illegal in some manner if your dress or behavior is judged as being intimidating, influential, etc... This is the kind of nonsense that could potentially, maybe, possibly, not likely cause results to be disputed. While all-white is benign enough, remember that the bottom line is you vote, and that's really all that matters. That's the statement to make.
  11. Made me laugh out loud. Rancid Yam is good. I like the repeated "a" sound. It's fun to say and is a funny visual. But, have you seen this one? "Coral Caligula." Alliteration? check. Ideal allusion lost on Trumpers? check. Smart and very funny? check. One of our fellow board members produced it. It's great! But seriously, Scarboroughsplaining has to start trending. It needs to be his permanent hashtag.
  12. Ha. Trump is speaking now. Every single thing he says is a lie. His every comment is a lie. Everything. He said of Donna Brazille: Illegally. Illegally. She gets the questions to the debate. She then takes those questions and takes them to Crooked Hillary Clinton. Now.. Does Crooked Hillary report it? Does she say 'I shouldn't have these questions, or these answers?' Cuz, I think they gave her the answers also." Um... now... WHAT?? "The answers?" The answers to a debate question? Donna Brazille cheated and gave Hillary Clinton "the answers." Ok. That right there is just a liar saying words to morons. He could make animal sounds to those mouthbreathers and would not matter.
  13. Props. I love it. Stock market up big today. It's no accident. Optimism and positivity means good things are expected.
  14. Ah, so the genius Mika is employing the "Original Sin" false equivalency? Hillary Clinton was caught in a benign bureaucratic oversight, her email server = the apple. And because of that, no other professional federal employee has to: follow the law, remain unbiased, or conduct themselves as professionals? Got it. Mika is so smart. It's not Comey's fault large portions of the FBI are rogue and politicized. It's Hilary Clinton's fault. GOT IT!
  15. Comey had lost control of a portion of his FBI, and nobody is pointing this out? Nobody is pointing out the empty hypocrisy of this particular individual and the terms "reckless and careless?" He is now an important part of history, and his name will be used as a verb going forward. "I was going to win, but he Comeyed me." "I got Comeyed." "Let's wait until he's complacent, and then we'll Comey him."
  16. Meh. The people who need to believe someone was there armed to shoot Trump, were going to vote Trump. With or without proof of a weapon or intent or conspiracies.
  17. There is a path towards authoritarianism. You can't tread it without the comparisons. Is he Hitler? Nope. But he's a fucking maniac who evinces the same traits, to a degree. Every non-partisan 3rd party evaluator of political speechifying claims he's the biggest liar to have been measured in American politics. His stupid supporters are free to believe Hillary Clinton caused the men to die in Benghazi. They're wrong. EVERY observable fact concludes this. Their position is indefensible. Anyone who truly believes otherwise is intentionally deluded. Willful ignorance is a definition of stupid.
  18. The world isn't equivalently smart. Stupid people tend to fear the unknown and fear change and are small "C" conservative. The other America IS stupider than the smarter America. It's a shame that poor white men vote against their own self interests because God, guns, gays, blacks, army men, flags, eagles, trucks, football, NASCAR, etc... If they'd unionize and stand against their manipulators, they'd have 1950s-ish salaries and benefits (to the degree the economy could support that) and vote Democrat. They got fooled off their positions because they're stupid. The world changed and now they're mad. Mad enough to rip apart the fabric of the country. Which is what a stupid person would do.
  19. Interesting statement. Trump IS actually very similar to Hitler in the way he divides and uses propaganda. Actual facts, phrasing, philosophies, tactics, patterns between the two can be observed and correlated. Trump promotes himself as a totalitarian strongman. Comparing Trump to Hitler or garden variety totalitarian strongmen is a supportable position to hold, to a degree. Satan isn't real... so we'll say that Hillary is entirely corrupt and bent on... I dunno.. "bad things." That's actually not true. She used a private email server. Satanic? Corrupt? She doesn't trust the press, so she can be reserved and circumspect with her energy. Satanic? Corrupt? She was Secretary of State when there was a terrorist attack. Satanic? Corrupt? Her husband, former President of the United States, helps manage one of the best global charities ever. Satanic? Corrupt? Her efforts made her wealthy. Satanic? Corrupt? They hate her because she's a woman. She's an attorney. She's Ivy League educated. She's ambitious. She's "elite." She's worked in government and is a traditional politician. They've been told she rigged the game and is out for herself. She's not like them; their provincial lives are unfulfilling. They HATE her for those reasons. The sentence quoted could be better written, "They're stupid, and Trump is dangerous."
  20. If Trump ascends into power, businesses will lose TRILLIONS in expected profits world wide. The stock market will recede like Kellyann Conway's gums. There is a very large, well-known social media company based in Silicon Valley that has been looking at 2017 as a year for outrageous, exponential growth. Plans are set, BUT, they can't get budgets past finance because of the market's downturn during the last 60 days... due to Trump. This isn't something that would happen if there was a conspiracy for white guys to become rich. Also, Trump's inner circle isn't clever enough to order lunch, let alone manipulate the earth. And, there are 3 iterations of idiots who have commanded his campaign strategy.
  21. It's not been well-planned. It's been a circus. Comey should've indicted Secretary Clinton, if it were a coup. They'd have faked emails as evidence they can vigorously point to and parade. It does, however, smack of 3rd world politics and an empire in decline, however.
  22. Wait a minute. It is all actually happening too fast... Did Donald Trump accuse and condemn Chris Christie? Did the DNC HQ actually get bugged? Why would anyone do that when they can simply read their emails? (How has nobody drawn the Watergate parallel before, btw, with the Russian/Republican hacking of DNC HQ?) There are ocean tankers-full of criminal wrong-doing occurring now and being uncovered from Trump's past. The DOJ could investigate this forever. This could launch a whole industry of paranoid conspiracy TV series and books and movies.
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