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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. That's a great idea. But, who would they have? The only option would be an operative from a political party or a local politics writer. DC politics is covered from DC and NYC, and only NYC because it's the seat of entertainment and publishing. I guess Clarence Page from Chicago is a good guest. But they never have McClatchy writers on, which is weird. It's weird how as a news source it's 10x more subterranean than al Jazeera. But let's all back up a moment. What the fuck was Mika wearing yesterday? All she was missing was a prairie bonnet, pitchfork, and bible.
  2. Willie was great this morning. I especially like how he carefully phrased (and yes I know he was told to, but Joe wouldn't have been careful) the breaking news that Uday's attorney claims there was another person on the room. He didn't say there WAS a 6th person, he said that Uday's attorney claims there was. Big difference. 100% chance the Trump White House (what a disgusting phrase) will soon disseminate false leads for the media to pick up on and run, and when proven false will claim the media is biased. So when Willie checks his language and speaks with clarity and caution, I love it.
  3. Me too. I actually thought as he said that nonsense about "chain emails" that he's an old old man that has already fallen for the ol' "African Prince" scam a few times. I guess his contention is that Manafort and Voldemort dropped what they were doing to walk into a meeting cold, knowing absolutely nothing about it before hand, even though Trump claimed hours later that he was going to release criminal secrets about Clinton. They colluded with the Russians. Think about that. And they aren't going to pay anything for it. That's where we are. Fucking Scarborough normalized this disgusting situation for much of the past two years.
  4. Yeah. He was derisive of anybody's opinion that colluding with an enemy nation to spy and cheat in an election is somehow bad. He practically spat out his thoughts. One thing that was very interesting was that the Senator who sits on some committee that oversees the Trump investigations said he was already aware of the Trump Jr meeting and a whole lot more. Looks like the investigators are doing a thorough job.
  5. Joe really, really launched into Bill Clinton today. Because you know who the real villain is here regarding Trump's collusion with Russia to subvert the American political process? Bill Clinton. The snippet from The Today Show with Trump's attorney was demoralizing and scary. His narrative, which is entirely lies, wasn't hammered flat by Savannah Guthrie or Matt Lauer. It's the story that 80%+ of Republicans will believe as truth. And it's the narrative that the right will use to great success to attack Democrats.
  6. Where does Joe actually go when he leaves the set? His office for some nosh and high-powered phone calls? Helicopters to Nantucket? Why leave his own show for huge portions? It makes no sense.
  7. FWIW, Cackles' show at 4pm is great. It's GREAT. Smart experts speaking to other smart experts about smart things with clarity and a minimum of emotion. Donnie Deutsch really is an outlier in the show... so so much more than on Morning Joe. Nichole may have to go by her regular name now. Her show is great, and the only reason it is, is because she is smart and sharp and funny. She steers that ship tightly, and does it with a super bright sense of humor. Savannah Guthrie on Nichole's show was GREAT. That segment where media members criticized themselves and their complicity and their role in the nation's politics was just great. Good stuff. More. Also, love Katie Tur sitting-in on MTP.
  8. I tuned in to Morning Joe this morning and the national disgrace was giving a speech. He obviously hadn't written it, as the rhetoric was a thousand miles above his reach, and he obviously hadn't read it because he was looking at it for the first time. Just like Teddysmom wrote, he was pausing at the wrong places, putting emphasis on wrong words, using gestures for emphasis when it's not necessary or wrong, and sprinkling in his fucking moronic hyperbolic syllables that he imagines make what he's saying more convincing. "Best," "great," "bad," "very,"...
  9. This morning Joe wasn't on set as they ripped fat Christie apart. Mika over did her part as she tried to be too cute. "What is he doing? This is just so much no. No. No. So much no. Why would he say that? So much no." Ugh, Mika. You twit. Leave slang for the young and quit being offended and sanctimonious. She actually sucked the energy out of the room as they all wanted to take easy shots at Christie. She made the topic immediately tired, and at one point there was like 3 seconds of silence, because no one wanted to participate and continue repeating themselves.
  10. Extortion is a crime. Using a business connections to squeeze people is being an asshole. "Be nice or I'll gossip" isn't criminal, per se. They accused him of nothing, by the way. How is it cynical that they kept a private matter private, until they decided not to? You could also look at the same situation, and see two people trying to maintain dignity, and, at the same time, gather leverage against a powerful opponent.
  11. I cannot believe that fucking idiot Trump replied to Joe and Mika's blackmail story of Trump, White House staff, and The Enquirer trying to force Morning Joe to stop being mean. His Tweet is a Presidential document, and in it he affirms that he did not attempt blackmail. If this was Obama or Clinton, there would be a Congressional investigation and an independent counsel, and Fox News and the right wing world would be volcanically erupting in outrage to prove the Tweet a lie and impeach. I hope every question to the South Korean PM today is about whether or not he respects women, and as a world leader would he start a spat with a morning zoo TV show. I hope they ask him, "Do you respect Donald Trump? Why?" If Trump wants war with the media, give it to him.
  12. Jealous. Have fun! 4th of July there must be just incredible. Be sure to head to 'Sconset and walk around those perfect neighborhoods. And visit Cisco Brewery and listen to music and eat great food truck seafood.
  13. They really really unloaded all the secrets on Trump. Two doofus chat show hosts are now in the same footing vs the President of the United States as a foreign leader would be. In negative dialogue, criticizing back and forth. It's totally fair to call that shit stain a thug or mentally ill. He is a mentally ill thug. They - second-handedly - claim that his campaign managers and cabinet members and members of Congress believe he's unfit mentally for the rigors of the office. He tried to blackmail them. And yes, absolutely his moronic Tweets weaken his position and the United States' stability. Every foreign leader can manipulate his weak ego and drive his behavior. They can seed chaos and cause him to make mistakes they'll take advantage of. They can split US diplomats' loyalties. They can make all relationships tense and generate leverage. All you have to do is have a woman insult him in the media in some way, and he becomes unhinged. It's real. It happens daily.
  14. Right. Exactly. Because remember that time Hasselbeck insulted President Obama every day she used to work, and President Obama would LASH OUT at her? Because yeah. Fair is fair, right? And if that happened, you'd be like "What else could he do????? He HAD to strike back." Jesus
  15. TV studio lights can burn above 1,000' Fahrenheit. TV sets can be extremely hot, so they really cool the air.
  16. I was just in Nantucket. They call June "Junuary" there. It was in the 50s and 60s. Ergo the sweaters?
  17. Joe does a pretty good Yoda impression.
  18. I'm going in a few weeks. Dunno when he plays, but I'll schedule a work trip around it. Ha! Great point.
  19. It was odd that they broke the Post's bombshell news the way they did. They were all practically dumbstruck to ask insightful questions, save for that sour face conservative pundit Kristol, who asked bright questions. I don't think I've seen them all stunned and at a loss before. Joe was there, but didn't participate. Weird. Further odd is that Obama's defense guy who testified yesterday to Congress was on set, and Joe wasn't. Why the hell not stick around for that? And Kristol left. I'd love to understand the real schedule of the show and the real sequence of things. Bill Kristol went to Rockefeller Plaza this morning to do 9 minutes on Morning Joe, and then he's done? WTF? At 6am? It's bizarre. Cute how trump Tweeted that Russian hacking is Obama's fault, and Obama's defense guy said, "He knows he's President now, and in charge, right?" paraphrased
  20. I wish they would point out that the hateful rhetoric in today's political discourse is Trump's stock in trade. It got him elected. He fans flames of hatred and division and that is what powers his support. HE DID IT THIS MORNING in his Tweet. But Joe won't go that far.
  21. You've got to admit, it's pretty funny when they go around the table and pretend to fawn at Joe as they come out of the video package of Trump's obsequious cabinet humiliating themselves.
  22. I think she was mocking him teasingly when she said "that was so insightful," because he was calling House and Senate members "stupid" repeatedly.
  23. If only she had ever been investigated. Because, yeah.
  24. And not only was the anti-Clinton attack a false equivalency, it came from NO. WHERE. Sparked by nothing. Nothing on-set, anyway. I think he gets abused by RWNJ idiots who have his ear, and comes to take their perspective... meaning, I think he probably vacationed with RWNJ policy wonks over the past few days, especially since he was seriously rubbing elbows with heavy hitting wonks due to his FIL's funeral. And come Monday morning, he needed to represent. So he reminded us all he's biased in favor of conservatism and bent facts to underscore that. Digging the flimsy spines on all the panelists who let him equate Trump w/the Clintons.
  25. So in back to back segments, Joe compares Trump's illegal business dealings and unwillingness to disclose financials to as being as almost bad as the Clintons. Because of course they are equal. And relevant. Speeches, you see. And then, he says, "And for the first time, the French are not following, the French are leading." Keep it classy, asshole. Someone woke up Monday with a seriously chapped ass. Because he's a bloviating ass, Joe is now arguing the opposite of what he argued on Friday.
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