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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Will Mika exhibit the same outrage over Donald Trump using an unsecured cell phone, his old phone is the one he uses currently, as she did over Hillary Clinton's email server? The mind boggles.
  2. Did Joe wonder why Trump has not signed an Executive Order demanding all available bureaus investigate the coordinated voter fraud in the vastest conspiracy of its kind in American history? Is Joe not curious why Trump is trying to solve this criminal issue that Trump refers to daily? Trump could put the entire DNC in jail and "drain the swamp," yet... odd that he's not even interested in it. Heh. Clearly, Joe is one of those married women who just want it so badly from any celebrity and doesn't mind Trump's hand up his skirt... but every single other guest on the panel won't stand up and ask what the fuck is happening here? I refuse to watch any of the Political-Entertainment networks any longer as I won't contribute to their prolonged non-serious push for ratings, but surely there are adults at MSNBC who see Joe's antics as dangerous?
  3. Did Joe discuss: - the cost of building an unnecessary wall the length of Mexico's northern border? - Mexico dropping out of NAFTA - the US abdicating its role as chief trade partner on Earth - the freeze on any public communication by any science bureau, agricultural bureau, and federal land bureau - the approval of the stupidest person in American public life to direct HUD - the repeated lie that 3 million people voted illegally for trump, and the lie that there is proof - the actual impacts of dropping out of TPP - Trump has done nothing other than sign Executive Orders, something that made Fox News and the right wing burn in white hot sanctimonious rage, that destroy established American policy, and has not pushed anything forth that requires the legal approval of Americans - his taxes - Russia This is just off the top of my head and I haven't had coffee
  4. Joe's wrong. The Republicans should be worried. The Democrats should support this and encourage it and spin it as a huge win for unions in America and for progressive ideology. The Republicans can react to that.
  5. Does Joe know he works in news? What's the big news? Why is it big? Did Joe explain what the TTP does, what it doesn't do? He's got a 3hr TV show about political news. I feel as if that's an opportunity to discuss "big news." Why is it not "big news" that Trump is telling one of the biggest lies in Presidential history? He claims that the opposition party actively committed the biggest instance of voter fraud in the nation's history, a crime of treasonous proportions and if true would mark the crumbling of American government (something Trump wants his supporters to believe and act on). Joe wants us to normalize Trump's lies. Joe wants the lies to fade into white noise and let the axiom "if you repeat it enough, it must be true" to rule the day. Joe wants "media" to be held in contempt by an undereducated populace who demonize the opposition party and media and mistrust every single thing about both entities. I'm capable of holding the notion that trade agreements are a thing and the President intentionally lies continually in my mind at the same time, why can't Joe?
  6. This is what is known as "fake news." Better defined as propaganda. My health insurance also covers me for therapeutic massages, and from leprosy. Is that coverage I don't need because I'll never use? My car insurance protects me from meteorites, stupid libtard car insurance.
  7. She is such an idiot, it's astonishing. Works in entertainment, despises those who works in entertainment. Seems legit.
  8. I know why Mika said that. Because she's a fucking idiot.
  9. She's likely the worst person at that job in American national media. As a talking head on a news show, Mika has no skills, no ambition, and no sense of circumstances. I think she's 11 years in to this gig, and came from local media as an on-the-scene TV reporter. Editing b-roll for fluff packages covering local dog shows seems way more her speed than interrogating Ben Carson. At a cursory glance, if you were to squint your eyes tight, she looks the part of a news show hostess. She's got the component parts. I like her hair. I like her posture. She has a pleasant enough face. She anchors a major network's major news show so one presumes, at first glance, that she ought to be capable of anchoring a news show. Yeah, but no, she can't. The regular posters to this board could probably each write academic essays analyzing her psychological issues, which are legion.
  10. So, specifically, how did they deflect from the topic? And did NOBODY as a guest or panelist challenge Joe? (I suspect that won't happen, as access to Trump is this show's business model.)
  11. I agree with this 100%. Really? What is the #1 reason Joe Scarborough loathes President Obama? From Joe's own description, it's because Obama wasn't polite to his opponents. Obama wouldn't bend over backwards to accommodate those who were attacking Obama. Joe's favorite reason why Obama's was a failed Presidency... he couldn't unite. He wouldn't have cocktail parties. He was stubborn. The left and center doesn't have to play nice or sit quietly while the President elect pulls his pants down and sucks his thumb in public. They can, and should, eviscerate Trump for having an ill-disciplined, soft mind while at the same time criticizing the bat shit ideologues staffing his cabinet.
  12. Ho Lee shit! Joe is getting into a mean girls spat with Hannity as to who is Trumps' fave. Just like Ben Bradlee. What a news man.
  13. If Joe had jammed his foot in the door at the Obamas' home in Hawaii over the past 8 holidays for impromptu interviews, then Joe is right and the world is wrong. He did pursue a personal relationship with Barack Obama constantly and carried his water to curry favor, right?
  14. The network certainly hopes that Joe is a jackass, and gets worse. Joe's purpose there now has zero to do with news or journalism. I don't know if this business model started with the Kardashians, or perhaps with some other reality show, but it's the same model. Root against him. Who cares? Know he's wrong as hell. Who cares? Hold lower than no respect for him or the news industry. Who cares? None of it matters. Just watch, baby. While Joe behaves like a clown and Trump sparkles shiny objects on Twitter, the GOP has just voted to gut the Ethics Committee. It's been less than 2 months since the election and Trump is already headed 180' in the opposite direction. "Lock her up." "Crooked Hillary." "Shillary." Cynical lies told at the time to shape the thinking of morons. It's news shows' responsibility to observe this and call out officials for explanations and investigate plans for actions to remedy this. Joe is leading the vanguard in the other direction. The business model is to be outrageous and troll well enough to build an audience. The audience is culpable.
  15. Hilarious. If his panelists refer to him as a concierge journo from this point on, I'll start to watch again.
  16. I'll never watch the show again, but I am curious what this particular Trump propaganda outlet has to say about Trump's nuclear policy Tweets.
  17. Oak, that overview you just wrote could be re-used 3 to 4 times a week every week for the past 8 years. Change the order the phrasing, the colors of clothes, and "Aleppo" to "Paris" or "Orlando" or "Mosul" or "Ukraine" and the show's the same. What did Barnicle mean when he described Trump as a transactional politician? He's not a politician yet. He campaigned as a hard line ideologue. And he ran against the transactional politician of ALL transactional politicians... and condemned her for it, and, she was slammed for not being an ideologue with a warm unifying message, which is something Trump did not have, yet, she did have lucid, complex policy plans for everything. The show is bullshit. Smug, undisciplined, incurious minds ejaculating syllables for an hour and a half, desperately trying to generate social media buzz for any reason at all.
  18. "I don't see color" is a (laughably unsophisticated) rhetorical conceit that allows her to deny racism exists, and is meant to absolutely rule out any "racist" motivations within anything she'll later say. It's also bullshit. I wonder if she sees gender? Or poverty? Or discrimination?
  19. Not going to do this for a while. I won't support this show, and I won't make the mistake of conflating political analysis with entertainment. I played a role.
  20. ugh, not enough wine in the house. or the neighborhood. maybe the world?
  21. Not saying I hate you! I hate what Joy Behar did so casually. She's propagating the... well, lie... that Hillary Clinton is inherently untrustworthy and the equivalent liar as Donald Trump. This branding-as-fact meme the right wing hammered home may prove to give the Presidency to Trump. It's outrageous. "Where there is smoke, there is fire." Is only applicable where there is smoke. From a fire. The right wing invented their own fictions and repeated them as truths. About 10 or 11 months ago we were having a very polite happy hour with another couple. And the talk drifted into politics and the craziness of Trump and the absolute lack of viable Republican candidates. Our friends are nice, wealthy, and he's a public servant, a fire chief. I simply presume people who I like, or are like me, or I think are smart... are liberal and we share political viewpoints. He casually remarked that Hillary Clinton was a witch and a liar. Like, "Oh, I see you're wearing shoes." I know the Benghazi accountability report backwards and forwards and the email thing was nascent. So I asked him what she lied about, what specifically she lied about. And he said "everything." And a spring shot out of my head. Something popped. I'd had 3 wines at that point and I was entirely prepared to have come across that table and broken his jaw off his face, but the wives changed the subject and we said goodnight. He's a smart, accomplished guy. But he's also a low-to-no-information voter who is WILDLY biased so much so he warps reality to fit his prejudices.
  22. You'll need rejoinders for: Vince Foster, Benghazi, attacking the women involved with her husband, Huma Abedin, never having done anything as a Senator or SOS, investing in 1977, defending a rapist as a public defender, and on and on and on and on... they've thrown a lot of bullshit at her from 1980 to today. 37 years is a long time for once ceaseless right wing conspiracy.
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