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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. 1. Trump was called a genius? 2. So Hillary was corrupt, eh? Sold access, eh? Wow. This show truly is an alternate reality FWIW, Trump is literally selling access at levels that dwarf the untrue allegations hurled at Hillary... but, emails and speeches, you see.
  2. Who is the little grey headed man who wears smoking jackets and silk scarves and fancy belts? This is true.
  3. Yeah well. She used her major national political news show to support and promote the man who is preventing refugees from coming to America. So, gee, if she weren't such a fucking idiot, she could sponsor Syrian refugees with more ease. In fact, if she ever actually did care about refugees, she'd have fought tooth and nail to prevent a Trump presidency. She did not. So, she can eat the crap. Her liberal guilt and expansive humanitarianism extends to helping 1 family, but ends when she could have helped all of them? That math doesn't work out. "But, emails!"
  4. Where online could I see Friday's show? And I don't mean a few minutes of a guest talking, but the parts of the show where Willie, Katy and Heilemann interact.
  5. "Morning Katie Tur's Tight Sweater" I think is the correct option.
  6. There is an explanation for Trump's Sweden comment. It's long been held, co-started by Brietbart and promulgated by Brietbart, that Sweden is being overrun by refugees, and because of this, crimes and rapes in particular are skyrocketing out of control. It's a fact in the right wing world, even though it's totally untrue. Because it's an accepted fact, it made its way to Fox News, from where the President apparently gets all the briefings he needs. Trump mentioned "last night," presumably, because he saw the fake documentary (just pure nonsensical racist propaganda) the night before. He's such a fucking idiot. Sweden has an opportunity here to press Trump and demand an official apology and really embarrass him.
  7. LOVING this show without Joe or that idiot who burps sounds when sitting next to him. How fucking pleasant is it to have adult men and adult women calmly discuss events without being intimidated? It's very pleasant (and informative), is the answer. Whaddya know? A morning political news show can exist without histrionics, lies, bloviation, and aggression. I picked the right day to start back. And shit. As soon as I typed that, he appears from a different location. Muted, then channel turned. Find that action in your metrics, MSNBC programmers.
  8. The Hill is a conservative, Anti-Hillary rag. The author is a conservative water-carrier. The article was June 20. The article states WITHIN ITSELF that the allegations you "easily googled" are meaningless. She had lunches with non-administration civilians... some of whom had been donors. Ooooooooh. Evil. EVIL! I love reading daily about how much you hate Hillary Clinton. Doesn't get old. It's especially fun now, given the shit that Joe and crew tried to tie her to, when we can see with literal truth Trump is actually worse than the worst allegations directed towards Clinton. All allegations towards the Clintons over time combined, and we're 4 weeks in. Hillary's lunches with donors and State/FBI/CIA/Pentagon's belief in the first 4 days afterwards that the video that was causing global riots may have caused the attack in Benghazi... that they retracted within 7 days. Yep. She's evil. Worse than actually collaborating with Russians to steal the election. Know what's fun? the reason it's known who Hillary Clinton had lunch with a few times during her tenure as SoS is because of a level of Congressional digging and undivided focus that we'll never see investigate Trump's many-tentacled ties to Russia. Lunches > Russia because "Clinton." Seems about right.
  9. What a fucking idiot. Thrilled I didn't choose today to begin re-watching.
  10. You wanna know why Cackles is not on the show anymore? She HATES Donald Trump, and presumably the state of current political discourse... which is perfectly exemplified by the self-serving shitshow that is Morning Joe. Read her Twitter feed. I think she's taking a break right now from TV now that there are no more elections for a long while, or perhaps her NBC contract lapsed.
  11. oakville, your post caused me to visit Ann Coulter's Twitter feed. I honestly didn't know all that existed. That hate, division, and willful ignorance is unsettling. Her followers and the vile fake news she re-tweets are disturbing. It's such an aggressive, hate-filled universe they live within, and Trump is their God.
  12. Before you laud Joe and Mika for acting sane for one morning, please imagine the neck-vein, blood-from-the-eyes outrage directed towards Obama himself if his lieutenants stepped out of line. In that scenario, it wouldn't be the lieutenants who are rogue, it'd be Obama's fault that he cannot lead and is not in control. Not so with Trump, eh? Huma Abedin used her fucking computer to write emails, and THAT was proof enough that Hillary Clinton is disqualified for being President, and it also fueled a week's worth of sanctimonious, screaming outrage from Joe. They'll need to cobble together about 5 years' worth of consistent sanity before they get the benefit of the doubt from me.
  13. My wife watched a clip of MJ at some point this morning and told me about Joe going crazy against the Trump White House and Miller... and I told her that it's only because it's personal to him. Miller is probably preventing Joe from having access, and preventing Joe's opinion from being considered, and so Joe's outraged. Otherwise, I can't see why he's put out by Miller's rhetoric, because he supports Trump saying the exact same things. The outrage rings false because it is.
  14. So now Hannity is having a little twitter war with Scarborough. It's so odd that Scarborough and Mika are calling for Miller's job. Hannity wrote something like, "should I tell people who you really are?" to Scarborough.
  15. This is deeply discouraging. Conflict as entertainment. Friction as substance. "Debate" as weighty as gossamer, and it's what the people want.
  16. Joe Scarborough bangs his subordinate, causes her to abandon her marriage. Infidelity outrages Mika. Trump brags about his infidelities, is proud of them, gets votes from 56% of white women, but it's 2017 and it's Bill Clinton who's the villain. Make of those 3 sentences what you will.
  17. Ad rates doubling like that is a judgment by management. It's a qualitative leap, not quantitative, because viewership has not gone up. So the ad execs selling time have been instructed by their bosses to rep Morning Joe’s air time as having more value now than it did before… somehow. And we come to understand the purpose in allowing Joe Scarborough to become a virus infecting American media. This is why he is permitted to be a herpes sore in American media and politics. Higher ad rates for a while and profits could increase.
  18. Can someone explain that? Why would Rachel Maddow need to escort an alt-right troll and provocateur anywhere? Is that a joke? Was it a dig at Maddow? Do other hosts and panelists use Scarborough as a punch line on their shows?
  19. What a fucking zero. Nobody - NOBODY - supports the unaffiliated professional anarchists and provocateurs who show up to seed chaos. Way to add less than nothing to the dialogue, you simpering lap dog. "Bad things are bad, Harold Ford, Jr? Ok. And it's the Democrats' fault, eh? Ok. Thanks for that razor-edged intellect."
  20. That is genius. Calling him the Great Fatsby to his face would cause him to E X P L O D E in rage. Two kill shots in one jab. GATSBY He puts on airs like he's old money and just like everyone on the cape, or Wall Street, or the Hamptons, or uptown, but... he knows he's a hick salesman from nowhere on Florida's panhandle. Yeck. There's that, and... FAT He's about 6'4", I'm a little taller (I mention for a purpose...). He and I can carry weight and you wouldn't know. I promise you he struggles with his waist and knows he's not in shape. The "Great Fatsby" would set him off... like, I don't know, a certain thin-skinned baby man who is now our fucking President. Create a fake Twitter handle called "The Great Fatsby" and hound him.
  21. Harold Ford Jr has probably said nothing interesting, or rather, individually thoughtful, during the history of the show. He just contorts logic to agree with Joe. He might as well hum instead of shape words, has the same effect.
  22. And Obama did cause Syria to stop using chemical warfare against his own civilians and rebels. He maneuvered Putin into handling the situation. Joe never once through the years offered an alternate suggestion for the 4-headed monster in Syria: refugees/rebels, Assad, Putin, ISIS. Obama should've just made it stop, somehow. Magic, one supposes. I guess Trump will now end it and make Assad pay for it too... and if he doesn't, doesn't matter, Obama's fault. How do you all watch Joe? What Mika meant to say is, "He looks Presidential because he's an old white man. How comforting."
  23. Did they talk about the Screen Actors' Guild award show? The written (then read) comment by the sheriff from "Stranger Things?" Awesome. Gave me goosebumps. The funniest part of all of that, was after the crowd's emotional outburst after his awesome speech, the look on Jonah Hill's face when he walked on stage to follow. Anyhow, this is the sort of thing the Morning Joe dopes would talk about and laugh about, especially if Willie was leading a segment. It's a great topic for the sort of show Morning Joe is in particular. Politics/celebrity/pop culture/timely. I'm curious if they covered it. OTOH, there are a lot of real, weighty topics to discuss currently.
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