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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. It's entirely irrelevant that Hillary is or is not a liar or duplicitous or untrustworthy. The truth of it has literally no bearing on the matter. Those who need to believe that she is "other" and those who want to believe she is somehow not worthy, will believe just that. We're post-facts here, folks. Blogs, biased cable networks, right wing radio, and internet hate simply produce propaganda that is fed upon. Donald Trump could be found objectively guilty of all that is being charged of him, including ties to Russian espionage and debts to Russian banks... and it wouldn't matter. The facts don't matter to the people who find him appealing. At this stage there is nothing to gain by pointing out Hillary is actually better than most people let themselves believe, and he's far worse than had been proven up to now. Nobody cares, and nobody will be swayed. The majority of his base electorate would vote for Putin to add "POTUS" to his title along with leader of Russia rather than vote for Hillary.
  2. Yes, I can imagine. That's why I NEED either a tell all book, a mockumentary, a documentary, a 30-Rock-style thinly veiled lampooning, a blog, Twitter bombs, anecdotes over drinks... SOMETHING! It must be an absolute shit show behind the scenes there. There has to be so many people willing to tell their stories. I can imagine those stories. Burn the eyebrows off your face.
  3. There is no statement in the above quote that is almost true. But hey, whatever, right?
  4. Right. Exactly. Just like last time when she was President of the United States of America. She's regaining that status. Or something. It does make a nifty play on words, though. Fun how it's a pejorative too. She wants to "REGAIN" power (whatever the fuck that means), and it's a negative. Anyone else runs for office 2x, and it's the American story. Keep on keepin' on. Persevere. She does it, and she's a greed-mongering, slavering evil harpy bent on controlling the world. Anyone else run for office 2x, and it's ho hum. She does it, and it's proof of... uh... I guess it's just proof enough to apply any insult needed, cuz her ambition is whatever insult to her you need it to be.
  5. OMG, Melania Trump should not be doing this. I feel so icky watching that poor woman struggle. That top really flatters her implants, so... there's that. This election is fucking surreal.
  6. The "evidence" that Chaffetz has a private server is that his gmail email is on his business cards. That's not a smoking gun. However, as a prerequisite to sit on a committee investigating another member of the US government, the committee member should at least be vetted and proved to not be committing the same malfeasance they are supposed to investigate. But, fuck him. That prick can endure a pointless witch hunt that likely will produce other discoveries that will take on lives of their own for the next 20 years.
  7. "Come to a final end?" LOL. No. No. It won't have even begun. If she is elected, there will never be a more investigated, blocked, hated, accused, and belittled President. The purpose of politics, at least on the right, has now become to blame and attack. Governing or legislating is not in the top of the list. The electorate on the right wants to punish, to condemn, to humiliate, etc.. the other team, because this is a game to them. Attacks and accusations and inquiries will be discussed and announced daily, a new one with every 6 hour news cycle as Republicans attempt to win the social media and network media "game." No, it's not over. The work to cast her as the supreme villainess hasn't even picked up speed yet. The right wing will want to impeach her, and to do that they will need evidence of something. Anything. EVERY single thing she does will be subpoenad and investigated and called into question. Everything. She will be considered in-valid as a President and that will come with levels of disrespect Obama has not had to contend with. His birth certificate was a laughable issue, her status as a "criminal" is a truth among the right, and so they will attack her relentlessly.
  8. Mika looks good in turtlenecks. Her pink lipstick is odd, though. Right? Also, I hate Joe Scarborough.
  9. There are laws related to mishandling classified documents. None apply here. Huma Abedin emailing herself a meeting schedule to download into her phone app or laptop calendar isn't a violation of state secrets. It's not a crime. It's actually responsible office work. If Huma Abedin emailed herself and Hillary Clinton wasn't aware, that actually, factually, doesn't make Hillary Clinton a liar. Huma Abedin hasn't been subpoenad. She'd not been required to give evidence or offer evidence. That's not obstruction. There is literally no evidence at all that the State Department granted... uh... "things" of some sort or whatever because donations were made to the Foundation. It's this sort of willfully stupid horse shit innuendo that the deplorables play amongst that defines the split in our nation. Willfully stupid who gossip and lie and divide the nation. You all realize, don't you, that all of Hillary's subordinates emailed themselves from device to device, right? All of them. It's how work gets done. It's not "the missing emails." As this is "discovered," there will be a new "scandal" over and over and over and fucking over again. Emails were sent. She's so corrupt.
  10. Just turned it on to see Draco Malfoy's evil face. Changed the channel.
  11. Just turned it on to see Draco Malfoy's evil face. Changed the channel.
  12. What does that mean? And as for this, this is precisely how the smear of Hillary continues and grows. That sentence has no meaning. It's three unrelated, meaningless clauses. Underpinned by no facts, no evidence, no actual phenomena. Just innuendo. Innuendo innuendo innuendo, and voila! It's "Crooked Hillary" because innuendo is all the casual public is familiar with, and it's fun for people like Joe Scarborough to scream about. And so opinions are warped. The narrative now is that she's a liar and a villain, yet she's never lied nor been villainous. Furthermore, it deflects from the topic at hand. It suggests that the real villain here is Hillary Clinton, because spurious allegation. Please pay no attention to the violation of the Hatch Act that happened hours ago, don't you realize the real villain is Hillary Clinton because 1992?!!
  13. That made me snort. You are 100% right, of course. She's probably said that 1,000x this weekend to every single person she's seen.
  14. Financial ties to the Russian and Chinese governments. May be an actual legal disqualifier.
  15. Wow. That's incredible. Not only is he a sexual predator and sexual battery to him is "boys will be boys," but within hours of his election the Supreme Court will become arch-conservative for generations and her right to marry will evaporate before the bunting is down from Pennsylvania Avenue. Her rights to be gay and American will evaporate and she will again be discriminated against legally. And her religion will have become a factor in how she travels, how she's legally judged by police and businesses, and potentially will have become a legal reason for outright discrimination against her. Her ability to pay for that chemo may also evaporate as her pay could be lowered due to her gender, and/or, her health care may just disappear.
  16. I've a feeling that tomorrow Joe's position is going to be anti-Comey. I feel pretty certain he's been working on some rants over the weekend.
  17. I sometimes email documents to my wife for her to print out, and she sometimes does the same to me. Christ, I hope the FBI doesn't find out. Ever had this discussion, "The house really needs another printer?" Or this one, "Let's buy a bunch of extra printers?" Me neither. Ever printed something off of your phone? Me neither. Ever sent something from your phone to another account on your laptop or assistant's laptop for printing? Yeah, I've done that too. How devious of me.
  18. If Democrats had intestinal fortitude, and had a totally biased news network on their side, they would attack Comey constantly. Literally constantly. They would investigate his wife's affairs, they would discover his childrens' drug use, they would disclose his college grades, they would parse and evaluate every word he's ever spoken and written. And after 30 years, then it'll become close to the effort exerted on the Clintons.
  19. The Presidency is average. The Clintons are average. FBI investigations born of political intrigue is average. Yeah. An account manager is being investigated by the FBI is IDENTICAL to Hillary Clinton being witch hunted because of Benghazi. Same thing. Sweet equivalence. Go Trump.
  20. But I thought the media was "biased?" I thought it was "rigged?" I thought the FBI was "biased?" I thought they were part of the whoooole "rigged" structure? I thought the FBI was "incompetent?" I can't blame the media much, but it's disgusting and galling that there is one level of responsibility to level an accusation at Trump, or repeat gossip. However, that doesn't exist for Clinton. Just fire away. No need to investigate or evaluate. Just repeat broad comments as if they are devastating facts in evidence, and create hysteria. It is fascinating that this all arose after tens of millions spent against her, decades of prying, decades of media hysteria, and decades of propaganda against her. "There MUST be something there!!! Because we haven't found anything yet." And liberal Democrats believe the same fucking thing, is what's disgusting. The notion she's evil is so pervasive, it's now believed as fact. Her husband was found to have gotten oral sex, and - GASP - lied about it. After 20+ years of constant investigation on other things. Oral sex. Didn't want his personal sex secrets part of the American historical record, oh, and his wife to know. She was part of all the same investigations, and more because she stayed in office. The emails came up because of Benghazi. A total fucking partisan snipe hunt. They found literally nothing... so they pursued this for years and years, and demanded to read her emails. "She must be a liar, after all, because so far we haven't found anything." They found a technical error on her part that was a FRACTION of the severity of what Rice and Powell did, who just flatly refused subpoenas requesting their emails. She had a private server like they did. Never hacked. Breach of office policy, but one with 8 years' precedent. She's evil. And because Anthony Weiner is a pervert and married to a Clinton aide, years of investigations found innocuous emails on his phone. Gets blown out of proportion by an eager media, and here we are. Why can't the Democrats do this? Can you imagine what the Republicans would do to Trump if he was running as a Democrat? I get it that we're smarter than the right, and better educated, and more sophisticated and mature, and we "go high," but for fuck's sake... have the balls to open their bellies when it's appropriate. Oh, also... where is yesterday's story that Bill Clinton earns too much money and is mean when he asks the rich to donate to charity? Poof. Gone. It wasn't an actual story. The new story is that Huma Abedin wrote emails. Cuz ratings.
  21. Why are none of the emails released hilarious? There is no office in the world, especially ones where everyone is a brainiac, where there are no not funny emails?
  22. His new hotel is across the street from that Irish bar and Union Station???? What an asshole.
  23. That's some fair-to-weak trolling. Set up a bunch of false premises as if they are accepted fact, and preemptively inure yourself from criticism, because any criticism means I'm intolerant of your nonsense... and while you can be nonsensical, it's unfair for me to observe it.
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