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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. BTW... The Great British Bake Off is the best thing that has ever been on TV, probably. Startling juxtaposition of that against this morning's Morning Joe.
  2. It's not "kool aid" anyone has drunk. His followers don't care at all about his policies or his background or anything; he COULD shoot someone and their support wouldn't wane. They're mad, and he fuels it. They are full of hate and lowest-common-denominator rage. There is literally nothing he can do to shake their support. Nothing. People in this thread have said they support him because he's "non-PC." That phrase doesn't even mean anything. It's an ephemeral thought where the believer thinks he's being persecuted because he's full of hate, and Trump allows him to unleash his hate. "Now I can say 'fag' and not feel bad." THAT is the underpinning of that person's political beliefs. Trump's policy on energy or trade or tax breaks have 0 meaning to his supporters. That fucking idiot in the red sweater and creepy mustache said he understands that Trump will strip the rights of many Americans, but, he says, he may help his job. This guy is able to vote, and the entire world to him, the legacy of America, to him, ends at his own fucking mustache. He's not cute. He's a moron. He's an actual evil character out of "Animal Farm" or "Lord of the Flies." He's a symbolic manifestation of greed, stupidity, and selfishness. He's a Trump voter. It's not "kool aid." It's hate, misogyny, fear, xenophobia, anger, and most of all, stupidity. He's their representative. He didn't convince them to feel that way. They already did. FINALLY, the stupid people have a candidate that says and does things they understand, he's one of them. Even though his MBA is from Wharton and he's the scion of vast wealth. To put a too fine point on it, he slams the military and veterans every few days. The military, the sine qua non, the third rail, the heartbeat of the Republican base. His careless insults elicit not a ripple of reaction in his pond of supporters... the "PATRIOTS" with their eagle avatars, and NASCAR fans, and military fetishists, and gun fetishists, and the hard-right pro-military. Officers, of course, don't and never have supported him, but to the lowest-common-denominators... no inexcusable statement he makes matters.
  3. So, if Hillary is disqualified by speaking about others' infidelity because her husband cheated, then isn't Joe disqualified from judging anyone else's comments on infidelity, because he's a known cheater... with the woman he daily abuses in front of our eyes? Joe: "But I'm not running for President." Nobody on his panel because none of them has guts: "Yeh. Neither is Bill Clinton, asshole."
  4. Is the 8:05am mark a repeat from earlier? Joe is now attacking Bill Clinton, a figure in the past he hugely admires, and supports Trump going "buck wild" because right now Bill Clinton's transgressions are more important? They are re-litigating Bill Clinton's behavior. Trying to attach it to Trump's fitness to be President. I just cannot believe this.
  5. So yesterday when Joe said in admiration that Trump is behaving as he has to behave, ""Donald has no choice but to do what he's doing right now. I know the media can't get past their sheer [with hand gesture for emphasis] hatred of him. Their. Uncontrollable. Sheer. Hatred of Donald Trump." He's displaying his sheer hatred of Clinton today, doing, what one should presume, what her team ought to do. Puff a little wind into the sails of women who've come forward. Or, does Joe suppose the women are all liars, fabricating the story? The game is politics, Joe. But, what's good for Donald is NOT good for Clinton? Got ya. Seems unbiased and even. Also, there is no evidence that Clinton's staffers are involved. Or surrogates. It's just as likely that Republican operatives encouraged these women to finally put a stake in the Trump's heart. And Republican operatives would explain why it took so long, whereas Clinton would've pushed this story long ago when they first became aware. For Joe to victim blame is foul and disgusting.
  6. Since Joe is certain that Trump has tapped into the zeitgeist of our day, and is merely representing the pent up angst of good hard working Americans left behind by uh.. something or other, then he should have no issues with #RepealThe19th. Just blue collar workers being blue collar, man. And anyway, it's just a joke, and it's another example of the media hating Trump. Just like the long line of women speaking out about being assaulted. I wonder if Joe will even show up? I presume he will, though. He views himself as the best spin doctor/salesperson in politics.
  7. There is no point in observing the disqualifying behavior and language, and being rational about that. His supporters will not choose to understand Trump's threat. Cogent arguments are pointless at this stage. That guy in a red sweater is undecided. Think about that. Trump's supporters would either articulately attempt to dismantle your points with "But Hillary..." and that is their pivot point, and all they care to see. That won't change. The others are exactly like the Louie Anderson-looking blonde lady holding the "Bill Clinton is a rapist [or papist? unsure]" sign at the Trump rally yesterday who said, "I think people are going to rise up because we're tired of taking it. We're tired of being deplorables. We want to be thought of as Americans, instead of just her stepping stone. So yes, people will probably rise up." 1,000% sure she doesn't catch the layers and layers of irony.
  8. Ted Cruz produces a similar reaction in me. But this isn't about Cruz. Trump is a manifestation of the worst aspects of our culture.
  9. I think Joe would be out of his mind (I mean REALLY out of his mind) to turn his back on his established $8M a year fiefdom there at MSNBC. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush, Joe. Or is it, a bush in hand is worth two birds grabbed? I dunno anymore. I apologize for the vulgarity. People tell me Trump started it. Some very good people. He could make $15 million a year at a new network, but that is so so so damned risky. And his base viewership would literally be the stupidest people in America... not great for ad revenue. I don't see it. It's a short-term, desperate move for someone who can play his long con well into the foreseeable future, if the GQ article is any measure.
  10. At 8:18am, Barnicle is the voice of reason. Before coffee, Barnicle is making sense. I don't know what to think. Also, for the whole 8am hour, Mika is chirping in the background, not saying whole words, but trying to join the conversation and is just totally ignored by Joe and she doesn't actually say anything intelligible. I hate that part of the show. She's weightless and weak, and, they simply ignore her. It's offputting.
  11. at 8:06 am Joe said "Donald has no choice but to do what he's doing right now. I know the media can't get past their sheer [with hand gesture for emphasis] hatred of him. Their. Uncontrollable. Sheer. Hatred of Donald Trump. We can all be offended by what he did, but we're still supposed to report. But the sheer hatred is stopping so many analysts from observing he's doing the only thing he can do right now to keep his campaign alive." Can someone please interpret that?
  12. Can one of you please break down for me what Scarborough's point was this morning? Was it: It doesn't matter if Trump is vulgar, because Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary Clinton? He furiously interrupted Anand Giridharadas when Giridharadas made mention of Trump's vulgarity. And then he ranted, nearly standing up out of his chair leaning over the table. He was very angry. I muted it, because I just cannot with him when he gets like that. The guy out of studio who wrote a bio of Hillary (I think that's why he was there, anyway), was really interesting during those final segments. Strangely, Joe treated him with human-level deference even though the author pushed the narrative that Hillary Clinton is actually a person just like all of us and not a living breathing conspiracy theory and the most evil political robot in the history of pant suits. As the author spoke, I kept expecting Joe to have a mental break and attack him verbally.
  13. OMG, this is going to make for amazing TV tomorrow. Hopefully it gets picked up on other MSNBC shows, as well as CNN and Fox. This is gonna be good.
  14. Uh... what just happened in the final 15 minutes? Joe has never been a bigger bloviating interrupting bully. What was the point he was trying to make? He condescendingly interrupted the high hair guy and there was real animosity in the studio.
  15. I can't believe I slept through the show this morning. Sounds like it was one for the ages.
  16. haaaaa ha ha ha ha ha, that link is awesome. He called out Scarborough! Monday morning is going to be awesome. The gang gets to talk about infidelity!
  17. There was a lot of right wing noise yesterday about Clinton having an ad buy on the Weather Channel. It's hard to believe that horse shit nonsense would be repeated by Mika. She WORKS IN TELEVISION, and doesn't understand it at all. "Stunningly superficial."
  18. I find this forum to be hilarious. Well done everybody. This show is getting worse at warp speed. We're all witnessing it. As a group, can we start a GoFundMe for Willie Geist to write a full, thorough tell-all? I have to know what's going on behind the scenes.
  19. Mika conflated Clinton's comments on the ACA with travel plans re: Hurricane Matthew? That is laugh out loud funny. She is so stupid it's amazing. We're days away from seeing the first rain from the storm, but every single gas station here in Charleston is sold out of gas. Yesterday because Gov Haley said there needs to be evacuations from the low country, the entire region was absolutely gridlocked with people waiting for hours for miles to get gas. I suppose they're all driving to Calgary to escape? I dunno. But people are taking it very seriously. Gov Scott of FL is freaking out. So... yeah, flying into a hurricane is a bad idea, Mika. You twit.
  20. If Mika and Joe were truly interested in castrating or punishing Wall Street for some reason, then they could examine every person who addresses Goldman Sachs' current meetings or conferences or conventions. They are happening today. Tomorrow. Yesterday. If presentations to power brokers is the heart of evil, then why are they uninterested in looking into this today, but are only interested in what happened 6 years ago (or whenever) when Hillary spoke to them once? Their bro is not only leveraged to the hilt to Wall Street, his Wall Street speaking fees are 3x greater than Mika's. No issue. Odd. Why could that be? There is not a more fake issue in the history of US politics. And THIS is what caused me to be so confused yesterday when that fucking idiot Mika claimed "the liberal media, or if you like 'mainstream media'" gives Hillary a pass and is being too tough on Donald Trump.
  21. I wish Morning Joe would describe for us how powerful Hillary Clinton really is. Her mystery speech must have been the most powerful presentation in the history of lecterns and Powerpoints, because it is literally the most important thing in the world. She controls Wall Street. And she keeps it a secret. But they don't want her to be President. She manipulates the entirety of the most powerful group on Earth, and they think she's not qualified? Heh. Yeah. None of it makes any sense. They are just burping thoughts on air born of half-formed pre-show meetings, and push the day's particular stance through the morning to get social media friction and push-back. Causes page views, clicks, impressions, mentions, and they repeat the same nonsense the next day. I don't think they're serious about anything they say. Later at their cocktail parties I bet every single resolute stance they took in the AM can be explained away by, "I said that? Wow. I had sooo much coffee and Xanax. Stinging hangover. Well... I suppose I said it, but it was for clicks. Pour me some more Veuve Clicquot and I'll tell you what I really think of x, y, z."
  22. The segment this morning where Mika actually attempted to call out "the liberal media, or [finger quotes] mainstream media," for being too hard on Trump but not Clinton was... bizarre. Surreal. So unmoored from truth or rationality or proportionality. It was bewildering and I had to sit and think for a moment about what I was hearing from them. Talk about an echo chamber. Joe's article about Trump being a change agent because he's the outsider is cute. Among certain right wing thought leaders, Obama was never presidential because he wasn't experienced enough and just preached change. Reason enough to disqualify Obama then and now, but the only good reason to vote for Trump. Makes sense. That's an adorable deplorable argument you're making, Joe.
  23. I couldn't get a read on Joe's perspective on the WSJ editorial. It was a withering takedown of Trump, and while it made Cackles happy, the woman sitting to her right seemed to be looking at Joe for guidance as to how to react. Was Joe uninterested in the editorial, or did he agree?
  24. That segment when they went around the table and read the tweets was good, but, they wasted like 2 minutes with stupid Joe yammering over Mika, yammering over guests, and taking forever to get going. I hate that so much. Also, Eugene Robinson is a dud. Sorry, but he's an awful extemporaneous speaker, and has a kind of reverse energy. It's not that he's not smart, but he's not bright.
  25. When they made fun of the bumbling moron Gary Johnson, it was actually laugh out loud funny. A bit gratuitous. But funny. I'm not sure if Johnson should be mocked or pitied. But when he couldn't name ONE foreign leader, and Joe likened it to asking a doctor what his/her favorite bone is and he/she says, "Hair. Is hair a bone?" I admit, I laughed. When Joe said, "He should've just said Peter Frampton. Peter Frampton is my favorite foreign leader," I laaaaughed. Johnson is feckless and lost. And any person who thinks he's a plausible option to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is a [insert series of vulgar, insulting pejoratives here.]
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