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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Mika had on khaki capris, sneakers and a summery New Englandy shirt, intentionally looking like the mom in a JCrew ad, and they both spoke about vacationing at Joe's island compound. Either they are intentionally being provocative and obnoxious with the gossip media to cause waves (it's all an act), or, they are being super on-the-nose with this whole affair.
  2. She is definitely not wearing her wedding ring. I want SO BADLY for there to be a tell-all book written about these people. Not that they're particularly interesting, it's just that I really don't like them and want to bathe in schadenfreude as I read about secretive stories that confirm my intuitive dislike of them all. Liked the segment with the "Hillbilly Elegy" author. Love how he so easily encapsulated and laid waste to Trump and his motives. It's been so long since they had an author on, I had forgotten stupid Mika's signature move. Since she can't add to the conversation, and is to empty-headed to be prepared or interested or provide a thoughtful rejoinder, she instead opens the book/magazine and sticks her nose in it like she's doing something constructive and is like, "See? I'm interested and participating by reading what he brought." What host does that? What host opens the book and sticks her face down into it, looking away from her guests and her conversation?
  3. So what has changed since the time around Joe's divorce, that was... what? 2.5 years back? ZBig is gone. Mika stopped working out, and stopped dressing in her "preppy sexy" look" (which I prefer above her frumpy cardigans and shapeless sleeve dresses.) Have they traveled together less? The show changed tone and became wildly pro-Trump for reasons that may now take on another dimension. Are they in the studio together less now than previously? Is Joe dating? There may have been many nuances signalling romantic issues. Also, it's possible they aren't having an affair. But that appears unlikely if you listen to gossip. However, I can see her being in love with Joe S, and Joe S being unaware or uninterested, but her husband having had enough of it.
  4. It's a far, far more fun topic when we joke about them having an affair. It's disgusting and bewildering now that it may be true. He behaved that way to his mistress when he'd freak out on her on air? Imagine the ripple effects, and triangulation of suspicion, loathing, and anger at home? That sort of dominance and submission was actually intimacy, and their spouses had to know it. Barf.
  5. Any links to the Chris Jansing round table re: Benghazi? I can't find video on MSNBC or her Twitter.
  6. How does that even make sense as a slur against her? SHE IS GOING TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. How is it a smear on her character that her circle of acquaintances includes the "elite?" The "elite" like hanging out with her, too, Joe. You idiot. She's powerful and connected. It's what happens. What has happened to our culture where those who achieve and ascend are derided as not being "ordinary" enough? It's insanity.
  7. Goofy crew made up of only the supporting cast today. Nice to not hear Joe's repetitive bloviating and Mika's awkwardness. I would have fun at a cocktail party with Donnie, Cackles, Barnicle, and Lupicka. They are knuckleheads.
  8. My God, Ben Carson is a stupid, stupid man.
  9. Joe's little booth he was in this morning was lit strangely. I picture him in an outfitted bathroom stall in his favorite bloody mary/hamburger joint in Georgetown. I was sleeping on and off through the 7am block and they spoke about Trump continuously in that period. While it IS a big deal that he fired his campaign manager and has almost no funds, there are other things happening in the world. I wish they'd gone into greater depth on the Senate voting down every proposed gun measure. The GOP literally has no problem with suspected terrorists buying assault rifles. Incredible. A clever person on the panel (precious few of those) would note the dissonance between the GOP's ear-splitting hatred of the ATF's "Fast and Furious" plan to root out drug cartels, and their lackadaisical view on suspected domestic terrorists freely purchasing weaponry w/out scrutiny.
  10. It was weird watching him yelling about Trump’s overt racism to Rev. Al. He got all neck-veined and animated, and what’s weirder was the look on Mika’s face. She was facing him with her face turned away from the camera, grinning ear to ear and looked like she was about to burst into laughter… like the whole thing was an act or a put on or something. She is one weird woman. The show can be strange at times. Joe is contradicting himself when ridiculing Trump and his perspectives... time was he'd describe Trump's racism as a breath of fresh air, or a politician being real, or simply voicing the frustrating of good hardworking white Americans.
  11. Mika said something like Trump has the brains and skill to learn to be a serious candidate, but she's not sure why he's not turned it on yet. That is so far beyond giving him the benefit of the doubt, it's crazy. Mika would know this... how? He was once pleasant at a dinner party where he didn't use a slur when calling over a waiter? He starred in The Apprentice? He's done literally nothing to prove anything other than he's a self-indulgent opportunist and a full throttled megalomaniac who I think actually hates people both philosophically and in practice. Why is Steve Kornacki interviewing Trump surrogate, MSNBC regular, and painted sociopath Katrina Pierson? She is f'ing crazy. CRAZY. Her answers are insane. Her answers on the history of Trump's Libya comments were awesome. Just awesome nonsense. I don't know if I love her on TV or hate that someone so insipid is begin treated as a voice of reason. She needs to play herself on Veep. Or she needs her own documentary or mockumentary. I promise you all that every journo with his salt is trying desperately to be the one to buy her her 4th margarita at the hotel bar. And she's followed by articulate Clinton surrogate Brian Fallon. Although plainly biased (he is a PR flak), he doesn't come across as an ignoramus who is wholly unfamiliar with facts and logic. He seems, I don't know, smart. Capable. Logical. Supported by data. Plagued by honesty. Capable. Informed.
  12. Was there any comment made of Trump calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" and she's got "a big mouth?"
  13. well, we're gonna have to disagree. As a professional journalist, perhaps Mika may be aware of the long, documented history of Presidential extra-marital affairs. Nah, inconvenient. Starts with Clinton. Sex is Clinton's fault and if we talk about sex, it's aalll Clinton. Perhaps Clinton is to blame for Trump's serial cheating? Perhaps he's to blame for any grab-ass Trump got to enjoy during the decades he funded beauty contests. Clinton did nothing to alter the culture. For fuck's sake. He's the ONLY President who was caught and exposed by the 24/7 news/gossip media and a brand of vindictive hyper-partisanship that's virtually unprecedented in the history of high-level American politics. The culture altered his legacy, not the other way around. Let's not re-write history or misrepresent what is occurring. Clinton was caught and paid for lying about sex. Sex. With an eagerly willing participant who was no victim. She was an adult who sought it out. If Trump is going to be elected it will be BECAUSE OF his disgusting beliefs, not in spite of. Clinton's faults were personal and don't affect any one of us. Trump's faults will become policy. The scale breaks when you weigh Clinton's peccadilloes with Trump's faults. It's totally nonsense to say that Trump's racism, hate, fear mongering and misogyny will affect school children and reshape the parameters of accepted speech and aggression the same way that Clinton's affair did. School kids will be empowered by Trump, because the culture thinks it's ok for the President to be a racist pig. Clinton was caught and punished. It's in-equivalent.
  14. Joe is being super critical of Trump. A new poll shows that Trump trails Hillary in the rust belt because of his insulting rhetoric and blustery persona. Joe said Trump is geared only to perform in front of 2000 partisan maniacs, and is not willing to speak to individuals’ issues with nuance. Joe… you have a head injury? Or… no, you just need to produce Trump content so in this part of the first half hour, you’re gonna be critical. Later, you’ll be supportive. Who cares what you say? It’s just meaningless content to connect commercials. So recurring moron Donnie Deutsch responds with this ponderous non sequitur, “If Donald Trump is elected, there will be a cultural shift, forget political, a cultural shift in what is acceptable behavior in schoolyards, in schools… and [Mika mumbles to interrupt and he looks at her irritatedly but keeps going] … and I think a lot of people are afraid of that… [staff moron Mika’s pea brain now has formulated a thought and she interrupts Donnie] “You mean like Bill Clinton did in the 90s.” And chief moron Joe interrupts Donnie fully and derails him and says, “Just like Bill Clinton did in the 90s in a negative way.” O_O O_o Wut? I mean… what THE FUCK? Those idiots just invented a false equivalence where Donald Trump’s unprecedented lying, racism, bluster, arrogance, Mussolini-esque rhetoric, hate-filled screeds, misogyny, etc… that are supported and condoned by his rabid base as a fresh way to dialogue is now the same as Clinton’s charismatic, inclusive tone? And Clinton’s charisma set a negative cultural shift in our schoolyards? Seriously, what the holy fuck? I cannot even fathom what that might mean. School kids were talking their secretaries into one-time bjs? (“awww, c’mon, baby.”) That was a thing? This show is just ponderous sometimes. All the time, really. I used to call on Deutsch, the name of his digital ad agency, in the 90s. And it was staffed by hard working underpaid brainiacs. And when I’d go on sales calls to their office in midtown, the sole thing I’d notice and take away from the experience, and my female mentor is the one who broached the topic and confirmed my observation before I gave it voice, is that the women who worked for him were scorching hot. It was a very, very sexy office. There are tons of attractive 20 somethings toiling in marketing at ad agencies all over Manhattan. But that office had a tone or a vibe or something that was very very different. It wasn’t off putting or unpleasant or an affectation, it was who they were. It’s like he was a producer who casted a drama about a sexy ad agency. I had no idea who he was back then or that the agency was his name.
  15. Ha. That Anan guy's hair is like having another another guest at the desk who doesn't speak but whose presence dominates the conversation.
  16. Looks like I'm glad I missed today's show! Sheesh. Ok, so I need to ask... moderator, give me some wiggle room here... are there any networks or panel shows or news magazine hours as in the tank for Hillary as MSNBC is for Trump/Sanders and Fox is for Trump? (Shows that aren't late night or overnight.) I'd like to bask in some of that yummy liberal bias I've been hearing about in order to be reassured that adults are indeed driving this paneled station wagon.
  17. You nailed it, MulletorHater. The simple answer is that if MSNBC or any network-sized news outlet were to cover those topics, then their ratings would drop. Today's audience wants to be angered by Trump or Hillary. They need topics simple and gossip-based. To wildly oversimplify... the sudden evaporation of television journalism is the result of ubiquitous reality-shows, immediate gratification, a proudly stupid and divided populace, and Fox News. It's audience-driven, not topic-driven, and is overseen by the business side of the company, not the news side. These factors have shaped the journalism industry, on cable television and the internet, anyway. Imagine for a moment if Donald Trump was not asked about racism or McCain's patriotism or genitals or menstruation or how great he is... but about any of the topics above daily and was hammered about his inconsistencies and lack of familiarity with any of the topics? Immediately - IMMEDIATELY - he'd appear unPresidential and a joke. His campaign would have folded last autumn. But that doesn't make good TV. This isn't about who is a capable Presidential candidate, this is about ratings and selling advertising. Hillary can speak expertly on all those topics. She's Presidential. She's not an ideologue or an insane celebrity whore. She's a professional politician. This is how two wildly un-serious candidates are still in the running and have huge #s of support. News-byte ideology where immediate emotion is far more important than boring seriousness. "Banks are bad!" "I'm mad!" Those childish emotions shouldn't be pointed to by people like Joe Scarborough as legitimate election triggers. His job should be to inform, not inflame. Morning Joe and its producers have a lot to answer for. They give horse shit politics credence without examination because it sells. This is corporate news journalism as profit center playing out before our eyes.
  18. FWIW, I don't think Joe had one tiny thing to do with his intern dying. There is nothing suspicious about it other than right at that moment there was a lot of nasty sexual and violent things being reported being done by Congresspeople. Our satellite doesn't work and so I can't watch, which normally is a cause for celebration, but my sister in law just texted me that it's reported Trump has a lead on Hillary in the national polls. My SIL is an avid MJ fan, so I was wondering if the show is reporting it, and if so, whose poll? Is it the Survey Monkey poll?
  19. Holy smokes, I feel exactly, precisely the same way. That is truly what drew my interest. They had SMART people on the show who were free to be smart. I actually wrote a business plan for MJ where they would have a "kiosk" on MSNBC or Amazon or somewhere where a person could easily see who the authors were that had been on the show, and you could click click click and buy the book. (I had connections and coulda gotten a meeting, but.. meh) I bet I have purchased 20 or so books from having been blown away by the authors and their discussion on their show. That ended a long long time ago. It's barely anything. It gets viewers because it's on TV. Anything else would get the same audience. More people would watch if Joe got challenged and we could root for other characters. I have stopped watching. I just swing by here to get the updates, hoping things may change back. That will never happen. The show needs to be scrapped and re-worked. MSNBC could improve ratings with changes.
  20. I think that MSNBC views "Morning Joe" as their vanity news program. Sort of a loss-leader that provides the network with hard insider pundit street cred. I think MSNBC believes that this show is the official morning political discussion on American television that sets the day's topics. That's partially true, in some respects, but the show isn't "journalism" in any capacity. Since the show can't be easily defined. What is it, really? Limbaugh-esque? ok. A magazine more than newspaper? ok. Politics with banter? ok. Led by a strong personality with a strident voice? ok. Is it free form that flows with the news of the day? ok. It's all of those things and none of those things. I think the executives believe that since the show can't be easily described or fit into a niche, that it's a trend setter or important. It's not. It's not the future of anything. It's simply a sloppy disaster. When Trump loses, the show will have to demonize Mrs Clinton more than they do now in order to sustain attention-generating friction, which really should relegate it to a side show. Because screeching anything in the hopes of gaining ratings or coverage, regardless if the message is relevant, sane, correct, or what anyone actually believes, isn't news or journalism. I think Mika's not long for the show. I think post-election there will be significant changes, and the network will begin tinkering with other co-hosts, mixing and matching personalities. The Williams who left network news in disgrace would be great in the role if he had just a little more wiggle to his step. He's dry as toast, but he's a pro's pro at hosting a political show w/out making it about himself. Mika would be easy to replace. Get a woman in there who can bat aside Joe's bloviating, bullying horseshit.. and this show becomes dynamic. Or a man. Don't know why it has to be a woman... other than Joe appears to feel that he can bully women with impunity, as he naturally ascribes more respect to men in general. I think Barnicle should be let go. I think the show should up its edge. Willie should only be on to slow the pace and talk about the softest of softest topics, and never weigh in with opinions. The point of the show should be to hold Joe's feet to the fire and cause him to either prepare cogent, sustainable arguments that have more to do with reality than the effects of caffeine on a hangover (which is the fuel now for his rants). If he can't prepare and bring it every day, then he'll be embarrassed. Hire equivalently salesy, charismatic assholes who tell folksy lies to bolster their opinions, but who hold counter arguments to Joe. There's a lot to be done to improve the show. I'm guessing MSNBC wants to ride the Trump ratings boost to November, then reconfigure.
  21. It is FASCINATING to me that Mika said Trump's wife will help him with women voters. I could really rant about this, but there's no point. The myriad reasons to ridicule Mika on this point are well known to us all. I am honestly astonished she gave voice to this nonsense, and thereby running counter to every women's issue she pretended to stand for. But... yeah, Mrs Trump is pure Americana. A true every-woman. This boggles the mind. And, by the way, is an ideal example of "journalists" not only giving Trump a pass, but being the wind in his sails.
  22. http://www.salon.com/2016/05/05/rob_reiner_voices_the_frustration_of_millions_calls_out_media_coverage_of_donald_trump_on_morning_joe/ Kind of a transcript of sorts and a bit of commentary. Comments are sort of funny.
  23. I flipped by the show this morning. Cackles was defiant (in perhaps a short burst of righteousness) in her claim that Trump cannot unite the GOP and people will find reasons not to vote for him... as has already been documented. Joe dismissed her. Willie said that just yesterday afternoon Trump claimed Ted Cruz' father was involved in the Kennedy Assassination, and a few hours later claimed Ted Cruz was a great competitor because Trump won. Joe laughed. It's funny to him. Just imagine if Hillary Clinton made up an outrageous lie about Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump... imagine the neck-vein, red-faced rage from Joe Scarborough. He must be feeling SO smug today. Today his unabashed cheerleading is vindicated. The insults about being up Trump's ass are now meaningless. Joe's support of Trump paid off. Those 4 or 5 months when he was on the show every single day DID have a material effect on shaping the landscape around how Trump was perceived early on, and caused all outlets to use Trump to drive ratings, which brought his message to all American voters, and it resonated with the stupidest. Trump's tactics worked, and Joe was complicit, and today Joe is smug AF. I hate that guy.
  24. These are all hilarious, but is such an awesome observation. He DOES do that and it's so funny to point it out. It's such a lazy rhetorical conceit where he invents bullshit to support his own bullshit. Joe does it too, "I get calls all the time from [powerful "people"]"... "People come up to me and say..." "My brother likes Trump." "My father was once friends with black person. There was no racism in the South." Ugh, I hate/love this show.
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