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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Cackles' answer to Rubio's and Trump's obvious, outright lies? "That's why they have moderators!!" I presume she means that Presidential candidates really ought to lie to the American people and if the moderators don't confront the lies, then the lies don't count.
  2. “That was pathetic. I know that she’s the frontrunner and I’m sure she’s going to win…I’m glad, I want a Democrat to win — but that was like ‘Veep.’” “I know sexism. Hillary Clinton knows sexism. She should know better than to let her staff make her do that.” "They should stop writing lines for her — they’re bad, really bad.” “Let’s not denigrate it with that stupidity. I’m like cringing.” Mika really picks and chooses what to become hysterical about, doesn't she? She called Mrs Clinton stupid. There must be an explanation for her hyperbolic reaction to Mrs Clinton simply doing what all politicians do. Also, despite what Mika says, there is no way in the world she's going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Mika hates her. She can't contain it. It's bewildering.
  3. "Poutrage." Awesome What did Mika say about millenials and Mrs Clinton?
  4. I would be disdainful if opponents in government tried to use the horrible death of my friend as a tool to lie about me, my work, my State Department and the American military in order to score petty political points in this new hyper-contentious politicized world. Disdainful wouldn't begin to describe my demeanor. Spittle-flecked, neck-veined rage would be a more apt description. And then when the opposition carried this investigation through 8 more iterations as an excuse to pick through my entire life to find anything they can expose to hurt me, I'd remain disdainful. Perhaps, my disdain would grow. Perhaps it'd show on my face.
  5. I just watched Joe long enough to hear him say the committee was asking her the wrong questions. That she should have borne the blame for the ENTIRETY of Libya... the Air Force and Naval bombings, the partnerships with rebels, the threats of genocide by Qaddafi, all of it. He said that is what the committee should have grilled her on, and stuck that on her. He said the entire enterprise was a failure and her fault because later on, 4 Americans died and the government in Libya is still in tumult, and she should be made to answer for that. Because Secretary of State Clinton is directly responsible for all things that occur on Earth, and if not her, then Obama, and oh, they are responsible for only bad things not good things... and they are weak leaders who cannot do anything. This from the same asshole who just last week was demanding she answer for the four deaths of Americans because we still don't know what happened and their families deserve answers. Well... now what, jackass? I guess you just blame her for something else and move right along to another topic. Sort of wonder who is using the families this morning as a prop or cudgel or lazy rhetoric conceit?
  6. What's hilarious about the events of today is how the narrative has pivoted. And within the pivot is the truth of the matter. 4 years and 8 investigations ago, the purpose of the investigations were to somehow prove Barack Obama was unfit to be President as he somehow allowed this attack to happen and he somehow covered up the "true" events to somehow help his reelection campaign. Today, the narrative is it's Hillary's fault. Since neither are true, the whole circus is surreal in its obvious shallowness. And yet, assholes like Joe Scarborough still insist the Secretary of State is directly to blame for a secret CIA safehouse suddenly firebombed. The CIA still doesn't know with certainty why it happened, but Joe fucking Scarborough sure as shit does.
  7. How did Mika ruin the Larry David / Bernie Sanders SNL skit? She is so unfunny and awkward, it's incredible. She takes something fun and nice, makes it all about her, makes it weird, and just... ruins it.
  8. But... if the FBI finds out her server was hacked, then wouldn't that just bring it equal to the State Department's server? Weren't many governmental firewalls breached by hackers? Forgive my density here, I'm not sure where to discern the actual facts on the matter separate from breathless hysteria.
  9. What did Joe say about the FBI, Hillary, and the pundit-sphere? I saw just 3 seconds of the show today and he made my blood boil and I turned it. something like... "... and if the FBI finds something, then... THEN what are the talking heads* in the media going to say for Hillary? They'll have nothing to say." *he didn't say "talking heads" he said something more derisive and insulting, but I can't remember what it is. 1. He's one of those talking heads he loathes, doesn't see the sanctimonious irony. (what bloviators do?) 2. And if the FBI finds nothing, will he have nothing to say and apologize? He's the one defining the threshold of what is and is not appropriate to say in her defense, so what is appropriate to say to attack her? 3. He's condemning her hourly w/out the evidence he's demanding the other side wait for. I guarantee if the FBI finds nothing, another cottage industry will pop up to investigate the investigation and this will drag on forever. Because... Clintons.
  10. "Let me say something that may not be great politics. The Secretary is right. The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!" Hillary Clinton: "Thank you, Bernie. Me too. Me too." "…And let me say something about the media as well. I go around the country, talk to a whole lot of people. The middle class of this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty. We have massive wealth and income inequality. Our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs. The American people want to know whether we’re going to have a democracy or an oligarchy as a result of Citizens United. Enough of the emails! Let’s talk about the real issues facing America." Hillary Clinton: "Thank you, Bernie. Thank you." So... Halperin is saying the above comment is "a mistake?" He "mistakenly" said voters are tired of nonsense and want issues resolved, and that an email server is nonsense? That is some convoluted shit right there, Halperin.
  11. So what is the drama about Bernie Sanders' comment about the email list? He clearly came to Clinton's side and said it was much ado about nothing... is Jo-ka arguing that it was a slam by Sanders??
  12. All they are talking about is Trump. Again. I haven't heard word one on another Republican admitting the Benghazi committee is just a political smear campaign targeting Clinton.
  13. Tomorrow morning ought to be epic. I will not be watching. I'm out of blood pressure medicine. Can y'all set your alarm clocks and bite the bullet for us weaker types???
  14. So there's new faux outrage that a former Clinton aid did something. The charge is so obtuse and shapeless, I didn't follow. And it's merely another reason for Joe to screech, "Why do the Clintons get to follow their own rules." They had on that nice Cokie Roberts who was nonplussed by Joe's comments and was even and sober and said a lot of people do a lot of things, Joe. And she sees nothing here. So Joe tuned her out and said, "Eh. Yeh. Uh huh. Right" and kicked the segment into something else w/out saying thank you or goodbye to Mrs Roberts. I suppose it's true that MJ is actually the morning show of record. How the holy f did that happen? David Ignatius and Cokie Roberts and brush more gravitas, connections, and insight out of their hair in the morning than Joe and his Abuse Victims have accrued together in their careers. How is THIS the show of record? What the hell? I have an idea, folks. Let's produce our own political morning show. I have a feeling any alternative will work.
  15. Did Joe and His Battered Housewives discuss Ben Carson today or ever? Carson claims that if Jews had handguns, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened, and he's doubling and tripling down on it. The level of ignorance and pandering stupidity behind his comments is awesome. The quality of political discourse in our nation (world?) is deeply discouraging.
  16. Mika's contribution to that McCaskill "interview" is curious. I understood plainly what McCaskill was saying, what was Mika driving at? "What are you trying to say? No, I really want to hear. What are you trying to say, Claire? I think that sometimes you might misunderstand questions and take it as an attack. And I think that’s a political ploy, I think that’s a game that’s been played since the ’70s, and it’s getting old.” I'm serious when I ask what was Mika saying? I don't understand.
  17. I think we could add Ronan Farrow and Luke Russert. I don't have a case for Farrow, beyond that it's just his face. He doesn't act entitled, he's not a weenie, he may be a bit too earnest is all. Russert is getting so much better. He's almost bearable now, but about 2 years ago he was the smuggest, least likable personality not on Fox News. Come to think of it, I bet he got his face punched quite a bit over the past 2 years and now he's mellowed and matured. I wouldn't feel great about it, and I would lie if confronted about it, but Cackles, while she's cackling. Donnie Deutsche, ofc. Bob Woodward. Maybe not punch him. He's so old?
  18. Rancid Preibus isn't in that list of punchable faces? It is a good list, though. What did Cackles say about Carson? That he's not afraid to speak the truth and that's why voters like him? I didn't have the sound turned up. And since her comment involved two of the most vile figures on TV and politics, I didn't investigate further.
  19. What is Joe's specific issue on Benghazi? Everybody on the panel laughed at McCarthy and support Clinton's vindication and her counter punches, but Joe. And they all smirk at Joe when he declares "we still don't know anything about Benghazi." Is this just an act on his part and they're all winking and in on it so he can publicly toe the GOP line? If he does have an issue with Benghazi, has he ever expressed specifically what that issue is?
  20. Did you all see Joe smack down Howard Dean who laughed at the Republicans' endless investigation of Benghazi? Dean called Republicans silly or wing nuts or goofy or something like that because they now have been outed for doing what EVERYONE knows they're doing, politicizing the deaths in Benghazi and using fake patriotism as a weapon to attack their opponents. Joe interrupted Dean to say, (paraphrased) "No, Republicans aren't wing nuts, they're proud Americans who are standing up for the families of those who were killed to finally find some truth." Which is something an immense asshole feels comfortable saying because he knows he'll never be challenged. Longest Congressional investigation in American history. Over 2900 dead on September 11, 2001. Shorter investigation when our nation's homeland was attacked and two symbolic, massive structures were destroyed, and the Pentagon was attacked. He's such a pig. And Mika attacked that long-haired asshole conservative. He's a smug prick, but she was rude. 10 students shot to death, and yet ANOTHER mass killing here in the US, and the one thing he's most sure of is that the President is wrong about everything because nothing can or should be done. She could have calmly challenged him to make a case for doing ANYTHING to cut down the number of mass killings, instead she spazzes on him like an emotional teenager. I hate this show.
  21. Ha. Mika asked her hair stylist to give her the Robin Wright from House of Cards. It does look good, but, Mika, it doesn't make you Robin Wright, dummy.
  22. Who was the politician-looking politician* with white or blonde or silvery hair speaking about how "Obama's administration did nothing" to stop murders, rapes, killings, etc... in Syria and Ukraine? This led me to wonder... he's in Congress. He is in American governance. It's his job. He has a bully pulpit. Where was his outrage previously... and, who cares about his feckless mock outrage, where were his alternative suggestions as to what exactly, precisely America should have done to intercede in foreign conflicts and bring the entire world to heel? (*Seriously though, could that man have been anything else other than a conservative politician? He looks like he was made in a GOP factory.)
  23. Cackles is a super patriot! Her President faces off with an opposing world leader, she takes the opponents' side 100% of the time and does so with a euphoric glee. #JournalisticIntegrity
  24. What I don't understand is why the analysts and media watch dogs who are on in the late afternoon and after Chris Matthews don't analyze and scrutinize Morning Joe's mudslinging and yellow journalism. It would make for CRAZY ratings as MSNBC would seem to turn on itself. It would boost both MJ's ratings and also the late evening bloc's ratings. Chris and Rachel must have been told not to. Only explanation. Scarborough is such a soft, easy target for them to skewer.
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