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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/sep/23/donald-trump/hillary-clinton-obama-birther-fact-check/
  2. Meh... it's the only type of media that covers MJ. Don't read the comments beneath that article, though.
  3. http://cnsnews.com/blog/melanie-hunter/joe-scarborough-dr-ben-carson-stop-embarrassing-yourself What could Joe's motivation be to attack Carson? Support for Fiorina or Jeb? It's not like Joe suddenly became reasonable and decided to be human and decent and speak plainly about stupidity and hypocrisy.
  4. Curious if Joe and Mika will screech "LIAR" when they discuss this: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/carly-fiorina-responds-criticism-hewlett-191854629.html Naahh, they won't discuss this. Because Hillary sent emails, Carly's lies don't matter. Even though what Carly was involved in is implicitly treasonous.
  5. What did she say that made them all genuflect...? "Life isn't measured in time, it's measured in love?" Was that it? I turned on MSNBC in the gym and turned the sound up... lots of older Doctor-types and retirees gave me the stink eye... and when MJ did What Did We Learn and repeated what she said in such hushed, reverential tones, I laughed out loud and dropped the weights. On CNN they were worse than MJ in terms of kneeling in front of Fiorina. I don't know if the two guests who were talking were Fiorina's campaign managers, but they ought to be. They claimed that nobody hurt worse about her firing 75000 employees and nearly bankrupting the company than Fiorina, and she did an excellent job, "She did what she had to do."
  6. I was just trolling @Morning_Joe on Twitter, and apparently Bloviatin' Joe said that doctors are overworked because of Obama? Which Nicole supported wholeheartedly and said the ACA doesn't work because too many people want to see doctors? Did this really happen?
  7. I watched part of the latter part of the first hour. OMG, Mika's sneering at Mrs Clinton is... I don't know how to describe it. She's giddy. She's gleeful. I've never seen a bitchier face. They threw a question to the old guy sitting to Mika's right, and he pondered sloppily on how Clinton isn't always straight with things, using her quip about Trump's helicopter as "proof" that she prefers to speak very carefully like a politician. (Um, like your garden variety politico, save the incredibly stupid ones or the incredibly glib ones) Then Mika straightens her back, makes her smug head toss, lifts her chin and sneers, "So you're calling her a liar?" And flashed her eyes confidently. He said, "No." Then went on to explain Clinton isn't straight ahead or brusque or off-the-cuff, but instead carefully chooses language in a way that frustrates him. Then Joe said, "I cannot remember a politician who has a harder time with the truth than Hillary Clinton." Which is simply pure bullshit. (And also is an ironic comment because... it's not true. Nixon? Cruz? Trump?) Gonna think about this for 1 second and off the top of my head, on his own damn show yesterday, he accused DeBlasio of being untruthful about crime numbers, and, he had on his set an outright liar - Chris Christie, he of the Bridge-gate string of lies. Changed the channel. I hate this show. Joe is loathsome. Douche bags are like, "Well... at least we're not Joe Scarborough."
  8. http://observer.com/2015/09/weekly-wrap-up-morning-joe-remains-the-bright-sun-of-the-wobbly-msnbc-solar-system/ Weird article about Morning Joe. I think the author has perhaps only read about the show. And, he actually thinks Joe's interruption of Capehart (as described) makes for good TV or discourse or... something.
  9. "Carson is gaining ground on Trump." Surreal http://www.salon.com/2015/09/04/hell_is_4_hours_of_morning_joe_msnbc_just_made_a_horrible_disappointing_mistake/
  10. Secretary of State Rice refused to release any emails regarding 9-11. 3000 Americans died Secretary of State Powell refused to release any emails regarding the case for war. 7000 Americans died, it's unknown how many Iraqis died, deaths and tumult continue to this day. Secretary of State Clinton releases 30,000 emails. 4 people died in Benghazi. If you ask Joe Scarborough, she's the worst person who's ever lived.
  11. This morning I think I saw John Kerry on MJ live discussing his Iran deal. Joe kept interrupting him, "But! But! Bbbbut!!.." And I turned it off. Joe can't have a balanced conversation and I won't watch when he's the Bloviatin' Bully. Did anyone watch? What was said?
  12. What are the ratings? They have to be up. There can be no other feasible reason for the overboard support of Trump and aggression and derision towards Clinton. Or, there's some strategic plan to tack the show's political leaning to the far right... which makes so little sense. Morning Joe is the hard news right-wing alternative to FoxnFriends, which is fluffier less serious right-wing wing-nuttery? Had drinks with a lovely couple last night (yeah, I was drinking on a Monday evening. Don't judge). He offered out of the total blue when the word "cartoon" was mentioned, that "the real cartoon is that clown in Washington." I didn't reply, or let him know he had mixed his metaphors. And then later we were laughing about something Trump had said and he said "at least he's not a liar like that liar Hillary." Lost my shit! Shouting match! So embarrassed today though. That's why Morning Joe's callous disregard for evenness, fairness, perspective, and objectivity makes me angry, because it has a material effect. It matters that they are partisan and bloviate and cherry pick and shout down other voices. Shrieking talking points repeatedly goes to truly shape narratives for many people. I have heard "Hillary lies," dozens of times now in the past few weeks from totally unlikely sources... my friend from last night is a high ranking civil servant here, for example.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/joe-scarborough-blasts-disgusting-hillary-clinton-comments-linking-123416890.html Bloviatin' Joe attacks Hillary with a tsunami of hyperbole because she employed hyperbole. “It was disgusting,” the Morning Joe host said about comments the Democratic frontrunner made on Thursday comparing Republicans to terrorists. “She had to be so hyperbolic and insulting and quite frankly it’s gutter politics at its worst to compare people to radical terrorists who cut off people’s heads.” He is such a douche bag.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/msnbc-turmoil-high-profile-anchors-against-network-hard-163938530.html I wonder how much higher Morning Joe's numbers have gone because of the wall-to-wall Trump slurping and Hillary hating? It's clearly a directive from the new guy. They saw a bump, and attribute it to Yay Trump! Boo Hillary! and have been ordered to lather rinse repeat.
  15. But what if Elizabeth Warren is using a private server? Would Mika's unbridled enthusiasm shrivel on the vine replaced by cynical sneering?
  16. So... was at a neighborhood dinner party last night with dear friends and fun neighbors and family as well (who are also neighbors). We live in a quintessential old Charleston neighborhood with the live oaks and Spanish moss canopying the streets and azaleas and the whole 9. Idyllic. So at this party our hosts are close, close friends and we go to each others' clubs and vacation together, and at the table, he said without prodding, "I volunteered to chair the Charleston for Trump committee, and we get started on our real work next week." There were muttered approvals around the table. I felt like I was hit by a bolt of lightning, and I just stared at the table top like this for about 7 minutes -> O_O I actually thought of you guys and knew you'd each have funny or pithy snarky remarks, but I had nothing other than profound disappointment and confusion. His wife looked at me the whole time and laughed out loud and pointed at me, "Look, Joe is dumbstruck!"
  17. Poor Rev Al. He's a nice guy and means well. But my GOD he has a tenuous handle on normal English. My wife and I will say, "What did he just say?" in unison constantly as his show is on. It's too frequent to take him seriously, although he is an earnest man for the most part (he sometimes panders for ratings at times, as does everyone). It's always been curious to me that the other side considers him a walking, breathing demon. I don't understand what he represents to them, and I don't understand where they've been fed this meme.
  18. If I was Hillary, I'd go on all the other shows,and not MJ. She's not going to achieve anything by being on the show. She'll get attacked by a very antagonistic show, and she won't change minds or win points. She'll just weather a willfully biased storm. No point. She can rebut them at speaking engagements. Also, I'd simply just hold a grudge. Today on Morning Trump, it is Groundhog Day. Emails and Trump. Trump called in and spoke for 20 minutes, dominating the topics as Mike and Joe lay prostrate at his feet. Disgusting. Muted it.
  19. I flipped around this morning... I saw Ron Fournier smugly insult Hillary so I flipped to sports... flipped back and it was Trump, Trump, Trump and Joe said "We knew, I knew, from the beginning he was the real thing." Matthews' face in this was priceless. so I flipped away, because Joe just lied about being on Trump's side from the get-go. I flipped back and Woodward's ancient face had a chyron underneath "bla bla blah emails are like Nixon tapes," and as he took a breath to speak, I decided to not watch any more. Mika looked terrible this morning. Very red lipstick looks bad on her, it washes out her face. And her awkward cardigan looks sloppy and odd. SO frumpy and not preppie.
  20. Of course. Scott Walker. I'm sort of happy I don't have their names memorized, though.
  21. A storm blew up just as that rat-faced goon from Wisconsin agreed with Trump that being born in the US should no longer afford the baby citizenship. I saw Joe Scarborough, of all people, make this face O_o when he heard Ryan's remark. Because is no one aware that the 14th Amendment affords citizenship to babies born here? Aren't Repubs strict Constitutionalists? I guess they are until they aren't. Joe complained that they are going waaay off the rails and are going further right than ever before to establish "true" conservative bona fides. He complained that a general election would be unwinnable with this rhetoric and was disappointed in Ryan. Then the storm knocked out my satellite signal and I couldn't follow that segment. This election cycle is insane, right? I mean the "scandals" and rhetoric and Barnum & Bailey-ness is worse now than in memory, right? Or am I just forgetful because it's happening now?
  22. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bob-woodward-clinton_55d1f553e4b0ab468d9dbe94?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592&kvcommref=mostpopular "Bob Woodward Says Clinton Emails Remind Him Of The Nixon Tapes" Hilarious! I wonder what news items don't remind that has-been crank of Watergate? Is he sad? Or is he laugh out loud funny?
  23. The snap chat joke WAS funny. Joe just hates her, is all. She can do nothing, literally nothing, without earning his absolute derision. She made a joke and Joe snorted, turned red, and rolled his eyes, and I changed the channel. Caught a whole 15 seconds of this garbage and had enough.
  24. Is the non-stop coverage of Trump actually an MSNBC tactic to buoy him in the polls and provide him an even greater profile? The longer Trump is emanating noise and disrupting the GOP's talking points, the longer they are straying from issues to react to Trump's nonsense. Nobody comes out of this looking presidential. That has to be it, right? It can't be that producers on Morning Joe are just lazy as hell and content to pick the absolute lowest hanging fruit, right? Also, I don't understand the issue behind Hillary's personal server. It's wrong to send classified messages off the gubmint's servers, right? That's the issue? Ok, beyond that, what's at issue? I honestly don't understand. So the same people who HATE gubmint and don't want to follow it's rules (Cliven Bundy, off the top of my head), HATE Hillary for not following the gubmint's rules? That's about it?
  25. Fiorina said she didn't call Hillary a liar. O_o Ok. She defined Hillary by her "lies." Then she insulted Chris Matthews, and now Fox News is orgasmic. So, to put a fine point on this, and perhaps I'm willfully ignorant due to my biases, but what, exactly, are Hillary Clinton's lies about Benghazi? This next election is going to be unprecedented in its ugliness.
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