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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Did she ever. I think Joe/Mika's energy made her incredibly nervous. But, she was great.
  2. Their interruptions and bickering are not fun or funny. They aren't Cary Grant and Kate Hepburn charmingly bickering. They are two numbskulls who squash the energy of their eminently qualified panel of guests. When the group came to agree that what's happening today (why Trump can lie without effect and why the Republicans support him casually) has 0 to do with policy, and is merely the whiplash effect of white rage, hysteria against the media, boredeom of status quo, and a general desire to be oppositional... they were about to launch into a truly interesting topic that I really want to be examined. Why are Trumpers and Bernie Bros voting against their best interests and just arrogantly want to watch establishment burn? But.. No. Mika interrupted the funny bald guy not named Heillemann, and she just ranted for 2 minutes about Trump lying. Ground she covers every 12 minutes or so. It was cringeworthy and I changed the channel until I thought she finished. I hate their latent aggression and bickering and snide interruptions. It's seriously off-putting. I hate her on this show.
  3. Clapper says this is worse than Watergate, and Joe and all his guests say that it doesn't matter, that facts don't matter any longer. Facts, behavior, statements, nothing matters because biased, narrowcasted, gerrymandered news will always keep Trump at 40% and will insulate him from Republican criticism. This has to be investigated constantly and discussed constantly. It's the only way to chip away at the current state of things.
  4. I could be wrong, but I would swear he said that every doctor's office needs MORE specialists. Doctors who can diagnose chronic diseases quickly, and spend the time to follow up with patients to make sure they are doing the right things to get better.
  5. Hillary was correct to call out the DNC. They're clearly disorganized. They couldn't take advantage of Trump's moronic campaign and aren't taking advantage of his moronic presidency. They absolutely bear blame and should be RACING to stand for something and prep for midterms. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/steve-bannon-president-joe-scarborough_us_593175c0e4b0c242ca2344ab
  6. It's weird how Joe drops "Nobody lies more than Bill Clinton" into every few comments. Like it's a syllable meant for emphasis or a throwaway phrase like, "Know what I mean?" His "President Bannon" thing is tiresome. Used lightly, however, it IS funny. I honestly never thought there was any collusion of any shape between Russian hacking interfering in the elections and the Trump campaign staff/administration, until this morning. It now appears that every key member of Trump's staff has lied about extremely unusual secret dealings with Russian operatives. It appears that the administration is tied to Russia in layers that go beyond just straight-up financing of businesses. The point that China is the big winner here while Trump dismantles America was well put, I thought. Coal, paper, and other outmoded industries are Trump's focus while China races to own the green energy industry. We're being led by D students. Are there no adults in the GOP? None? Gerrymandering is causing the deterioration of the American way of life.
  7. I don't see the constant insulting and rehashing of Trump's, and his moronic, criminal thugs', antics as a bad thing. It's necessary. The only flaw is that Joe isn't disciplined in his reactions and commentary. If Joe had a staffer like Rachel or had that sort of research/case-making bent to him, so much the better, but he doesn't. He doesn't edit and organize to build a case, he reacts. It's a little tantrum-y, but in general, he's in the right to do it. This is a bigger issue than Iran/Contra. Bigger than Watergate. It's important to view Trump as what he is, a clown and egomaniac careering out of control while in his role as President of the United States. It's important to normalize Trump as a fool and his henchmen as complicit, knowing criminals working against America's best interests. If it's boring, then one needs to understand this is not a reality show. "I'm bored" is the reason he's President. Too many people view political discourse as dull and repetitive and they wanted change for change's sake. The details of policy shouldn't be splashy and great TV.
  8. Her previous hair was very attractive. I do like her platinum look, but, it's tired now. She ought to change it up. When she's in the South of France, she should transition to a new look. Nobody has commented on Joe unloading on Mika? "No NO NOOOO, YOU'RE WRONG, MIKA. THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" So cringeworthy. Especially coming after someone praising her father. Ugh.
  9. did he fall in Joe's office after jogging? That's a shitty joke, and I apologize. In 8 years it'll be moderately humorous. I really really liked and respected Zbig. He was great on the show, and he made me confident and relaxed about the brains and professionalism that professional, career politicos and wonks bring to our security and prosperity. There's a vibrating current of hate towards people like Zbig these days, but I respect and appreciate his work and expertise.
  10. OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod Jared is apparently the biggest American traitor since Benedict Arnold, and was Joe's boy toy inside the WH. HOLY SHIT this is good stuff. I hope he burns, and I hope they sell tickets. These amateurs are criminals and need jail or worse.
  11. Love how Joe and Donnie and Robert Costa took haymakers at that ghoul, Sean Hannity. The brunette on set is hot. No, not Robert Costa.
  12. I think that so much is happening, it's an "all hands on deck" situation there. Chris Matthews was on the other day too, so they regularly poach evening talent. It was reported briefly last night that The Guardian had been investigating Gianforte's investments in Russian oil, and how after when he was warned, or there was a dip, or something... he doubled his investments instead of divesting himself of those potentially poisonous, potentially compromising assets. I dunno if it's accurate, but it would explain the nature of his quick anger at The Guardian. And if it's true, he's about to be roasted alive, and used as a club to hit Trump.
  13. He was the last 8 minutes or so and spoke right up to 8:59am
  14. I absolutely love Richard Clark. He should do a podcast or have 20 minutes on this show every few days.
  15. I'll never understand this. Obama wasn't allowed to use the U.S. military against Syria, so instead he forced Putin to handle the chemical weapons situation... and know what? Syria didn't use chemical weapons again, until Trump became President. Syria admitted they had stockpiles and know what? They destroyed them. Yep. I do not understand the mockery of the red line comment. Syria didn't cross it. Obama enforced it.
  16. I am really enjoying this odd schadenfreude regarding Trump's ridiculous, continual failures and Joe's ceaseless cheap shots, fair shots, funny shots, and pained grimaces as he observes the failure as well. Barnicle said that Trump is Chance the gardner, and Joe said no, he is Lloyd Christmas. That is some funny stuff. OFC Mika has no idea what they are talking about. LOVE their reaction to that fucking ****** Wilbur Ross praising the lack of protests in Saudi Arabia. Christ on a cracker, what is happening to our nation?
  17. I don't remember "As I Lay Dying" being that difficult... FWIW. I guess he's never read "Ulysses." And anyway, trump's moronic babbling is more akin to "Jabberwocky" than high literature. His speech yesterday had the subtlety and nuance of an 8 year old on soda explaining why homework is not done.
  18. I have to admit, I like Joe taking constant cheap shots at Trump. I guess I'm biased. Sue me. It's at once comforting, but also uncomfortable. I like what I like and I like that he and I see eye to eye on this and he confirms my biases and ideas. On the other hand, this same f-ing asshole would see things in Obama and Clinton and Trump that seemed invented or insane at the extreme, and biased towards reactionary/corporate/conservative politics at the minimum.. and all of it seemed phony for ratings. So is he being phony for ratings now and I'm caught up in it like a softheaded mouthbreather who watches Fox? I worry.
  19. But, McCain did keep smoothly insulting Joe throughout the piece. So, that's good. Dummy Mika kept putting her face in her hands.
  20. The final 15 minutes was absolutely delightful and the reason I got hooked on this terrible show. The Yale author was great, and so was The Atlantic journalist and they each got time to breathe and answer follow ups. Anaan (?) with the hair is on now with John Podhoretz with Ari. Sensible fellows! Hurrah!
  21. I am a huge fan of all the young women on their way up at NBC, including Kasie. Smart, sexy, funny, focused. NBC has all the cool girls.
  22. Know who the weirdest person is in the whole universe of Morning Joe? Well... besides Mika? Harold Ford Jr. On Cackles (great) show this evening, Ford said, "I'll just let the attorneys figure that out," and Heillemann said, "Hey man, YOU'RE AN ATTORNEY! Tell us what's up. Be an attorney." Joking, ofc. And Harold Ford Jr's frown got SO frownier, and his ramrod straight back got so so straighter, and his eyes narrowed and he glinted over to Heillmannn and glared at him for an instant. It was such an uncomfortable moment. He's only barely human.
  23. FWIW, I wrote that before Mika used the exact same phrase, albeit negatively, on the show. I was super proud of myself and thought I'd coined a clever little bon mot. :(
  24. This is political porn. It's hard to believe this is all really happening. Trump is a bigger fucking idiot than I imagined. I'm going to give MSNBC and other news outlets that breathlessly cover his incompetence my eyeballs, ear, clicks, and money constantly so they don't let up until he's and all his disgusting cronies are brought down.
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