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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Oops, and we're back to Bill Clinton and liberal tribalism. This isn't about Roy Moore being a pedophile and Alabama being a shit hole of racist Republicans, it's about Bill Clinton and liberals, you see.
  2. Good God, Joe and Mika are insufferable this morning. Joe has interrupted every single person so far, save for Mika's horribly awkward rant against Huckabee Sanders. He's so smug and claims this signals that we all don't understand the deep South and northern liberals are the worst. Then an Alabamian Rep comes on and says that he voted for Roy Moore because he's a Republican and Moore's loss had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Then came a commercial with Joe's voiceover saying, "Country over party." This morning's show is an inconsistent, careening wreck.
  3. Joe's schtick on Bannon going to Harvard/Georgetown isn't as funny as Joe thinks. Joe should have practiced his rejoinder better so it was more glib and succinct.
  4. It seems incongruous that the pendulum has just suddenly swung as far over as possible. I suppose it's steam being let out of the system with Weinstein's outing finally unplugging the blockage. Wall Street and Sports haven't exploded yet, so that's to come. It's incongruous because 55% of white women voted for a man who is a self-proclaimed sexual predator. Didn't bother them then. Suddenly bothers them 10 months later but only when it's other men whose politics they disagree with? If Mika wanted to declare that Clinton shouldn't have hired PR flaks to defend against/deflect accusers, she could mention that. She doesn't. She says "Clinton did it," as if we all equally understand what the fuck that is shorthand for. He sort of banged a 20something who pursued him in order to have sex with him. He was also a womanizer in general. Infidelity as President is slightly distasteful conceptually, with a younger woman is thoroughly distasteful, and being a womanizer isn't necessarily distasteful - he was appealing to a lot of women - your mileage may vary. Today it MAY disqualify him. Who knows? Who cares? What odd theoretical gymnastics she engages in for ponderous reasons. Meh, I have no problem agreeing that a Playboy model who's made her entire career firing up men's basest sexual motivations seems to have been electively delicate about her status as a sex symbol as regards a man in a party she campaigns against. He pretended to grope a woman whose career was inspiring men to view women as sexual objects. BFD If Franken had released pictures of Tweeden nude, Tweeden goofing around with men, and released the soldiers' pics/testimony of them doing what Franken did... would that be beyond the pale? Nah. He should have. He should have punched her back so hard the back of her head hit the floor first, but... he's a decent guy who apologized for her perceptions of offense. And he paid.
  5. Mika's sanctimony re: Clinton is nauseating. Why are they SO fixated on that, pleading with us all to re-litigate Bill Clinton's relative morality? Mika is trying to take the higher ground above the higher ground of Senate Democrats... Bbbbbbut CLINTON! I WAS FIRST!
  6. Imagine Harold Ford Jr. approaching you in an aggressively sexual manner at work. I'd leap out a window. Those humorless dead eyes and boring focus on getting his grope on.
  7. I know. I had no idea he worked for Morgan Stanley. I've probably seen him on the show 400 times?
  8. She DOES look good this morning, but my comment was a shade more gross than I'd intended, now that I re-read it. Not as snarky as I'd hoped. :( An intervention may need to be scheduled, or are you going to Al Franken me off the site?
  9. Joe is right about due process for Franken. Democrats are such p*****s. They want to wound themselves to take the moral high ground for real, against a side that doesn't give one fuck about being moral and only uses morality as a cudgel when it suits their purposes. Senator Gillenbrand's comment that should be no distinction between grabbing someone's behind and pedophilia/rape is perhaps the stupidest thing ever uttered by an elected official, and is the perfect single comment to underscore why Democrats are losers and are hated. I'm glad Joe opposed the red head's commentary. Even if he was rude. In the vein of sexually objectifying women, that sweater dress Mika is wearing looks hot. It really suits her. I'd flirt with her there at MSNBC. Until she became irritating and then I'd snap out of it.
  10. Mika runs a side business where women in the corporate world support each other, it's mainly a speaking series, "Know Your Value." It's astonishing, but not surprising, that the woman behind Know Your Value, has nothing substantial to offer Time Magazine's editor as she discussed why those who are breaking their silence were named Time's person of the year.
  11. "Thank you, Bill Clinton, for starting all this," chirps in Mika during cross talk about philandering men. What an absolute idiot. If she says, "this is not normal" again about Trump, she should be tazed.
  12. There are mysterious circumstances involving a staffer in Joe's office who after jogging fainted or fell while in the office alone after hours, and hit her head causing her to die. Joe retired soon afterward. There wasn't a lot of coverage over it and it had the aroma of a coverup. There is no evidence of any wrong doing, and it looks like it was just an unfortunate accident. However, it's also the perfect circumstance for innuendo and conspiratorial imaginings. Chandra Levy had been murdered shortly before that, and she had an affair with Congressman Gary Condit, so the same assumptions were made of Scarborough.
  13. Trump calling General Kelly "Chief," then dropping a "Pocahontas" on his guests under the portrait of Andrew Jackson ought to amp these lunatics off the charts, combined with his support of Putin's war on journalists... tomorrow morning ought to be a doozy.
  14. It was one of the worst ever episodes of cross-talk gibberish about pointless topics thought to be cute. It was cringeworthy, especially the confusion and discomfort in the eyes of the guests.
  15. Is Masha Gessen the oddest looking person on the set ever? Green/blue fingernail polish. 2+ thumb rings. 10 inch-wide shoulders. Pale... so pale. Humongous statement glasses. A fitted grey wool blazer with black collar. Pen in her front jacket pocket. An Oxford button down. Ungainly, unruly hair in a boy's cut. Harsh blush (unless that's just not actual blushing). Jeans. I bet her feet are dangling and don't touch the ground (super petite). Super brainy, though. Her comment about the uncertainty that democratic freedom provides, is genius. It explains why the stupids elected Trump. She's dry, but she's incredibly smart and articulate. She'd be a great regular guest. (She said that Glenn Thrush went on 2 bad dates, and Mika interrupts to say Thrush had it coming because alcohol was involved in an office setting. Fuck you, Mika)
  16. Is that a quote? This leads us to the question, how, exactly, is she a progressive? "Ladies inhibit the full experience of your lives, because all men are predators. If you let your guard down, you only have yourself to blame." She's as regressive and anti-feminist as Ted Cruz or that pig from Alabama.
  17. Mika's point, taken to its logical conclusion, is that women and men cannot coexist in a workplace. Joe just sits there and lets her hang herself with her own wrong-headed comments. The looks that others give her are entertaining.
  18. Mika's argument with Ruth Marcus is so embarrassing, "bbbbut, we have a multigenerational workforce now." I had to mute her because she's so out of her depth and embarrassing. I think Mika's used, "this is an incredible conversation," 4x in the last 10 minutes. She is so limited it's uncomfortable to watch. (she said it 2 more times just before the end of the show. I think she thinks she's found her voice and is the spokesperson we need at this time for this topic. Ugh.) Rep Charlie Dent seems sober and reasonable. And he's quitting.
  19. You people are the funniest. Love reading these recaps. FWIW, as a huge British Premier League soccer fan, it's my duty to defend Joe's interest in the league. His guest, Roger, has one of my favorite podcasts and TV Shows, "Men in Blazers." The match this weekend that Joe and Mika went to was the North London Derby and is a major event. Tottenham vs Arsenal. Two world class teams with world class personalities and decades of history.
  20. Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski are both promiscuous and had sex with each other. Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough are both promiscuous and had sex with each other. What's the issue?
  21. She IS shrill and an unpleasant speaker. She's just like Lawrence O'Donnell or Martin Bashir. You're free to lecture to me if you're holding my interest, but that takes charisma, which she doesn't have. There is zero chance she'll ever be an American President (I also said that about Trump, but she's appealing to the brainies, and he's appealing to the idiots, and there are SO MANY MORE stupids than smarts.)
  22. I heart Stephanie Ruhl so so so much. Ha, she just said, "Kiss your sister and enjoy taking her to the prom, honky tonk."
  23. The segment on Trump's collusion and as a wannabe despot and the following ramifications of that was terribly alarming. A lot of my fellow Americans are fucking morons, and that's the flaw in a democracy.
  24. I don't care that she's the avatar of the left and the "it girl" of the moment, I cannot stand Elizabeth Warren. Her forced, fake enthusiasm is so nerdy and watery. And if it's not fake or forced, she's just awful. I have zero toleranace for her schtick. I also hate that Mika loves her.
  25. Joe called in to the Dan Lebatard Show on ESPN radio this morning. They gushed about his hair and Joe said he puts no product in it at all. Nobody believed him and they pushed back, and Joe said it's the truth... it sits like that naturally. Then they talked about his music, his album, sports, and funny things. Joe was a really good guest. Fun interview. Now... most sports shows interviews are as interesting as a room temperature glass of water, but Lebatard's show is wacky and super liberal, and Joe was game.
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