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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. If anyone ever wants to slam Morning Joe for being biased and leading, they need only have to point to this segment. It was awful. So embarrassing. I had to mute it. Mika asking an intentionally provocative question then answering it herself and asking him to agree is just bottom of the barrel effort.
  2. "Whenever I leave New York or DC I meet and speak with people who tell me "Yes I would vote for him again. What would you expect me to do?" And then he rants about how Trump will be elected again. And asked what's her name a 3 minute question. Then they play a recording of the village idiot explaining on a panel study why Trump is such a good President. Sometimes I hate this show so much.
  3. How does Mika rate in that pic? Joy has a regular show, but only on the weekends. Also, Joe's hair is bananas. I cannot describe why, but that picture of Mika makes me hate her. All of it is distasteful. The eye makeup. The severe platinum bob. That she's leaning in to say something stupid that detracts from the discourse. Her 2 thousand dollar preppy collared shirt I hate underneath a Kohl's cardigan. And much of it is designed to please the man next to her she cheated on her husband with. I guess I can describe why.
  4. Mika, of FB, IG, and TV Show fame, tilts at the oddest windmills. She kept asking expert guests near the end of the show when Facebook was going to fail. "This has to be it for them, right? They're finished. They will never rebound." You could tell that the experts, and Ratner too, were barely tolerating her breathless stupidity. Ratner gently slapped her down, saying that everyone knows that Facebook is packaging user data to marketers. Most people are aware, and nearly all participants don't mind. Mika is just finding out about ads and marketing, apparently, and thinks it's a vast conspiracy. He and another guest tried to gently lead her to the real abuses where Facebook has fallen short, and she just changed the subject. The internet and Facebook must be to Barnicle what horses or ships or guns or armor were to the original inhabitants of the New World.
  5. He's peeking through the blinds at you, XO
  6. Loved that part of the show. And since snark is necessarily built into this format here we use, I have to add to my originally positive statement some negativity... Joe Scarborough is the very definition of all the obstacles to women succeeding in politics. He spread the fake news about Hillary, he said, "There is Something About Her I Just Don't Like," he called her an "historically flawed candidate," he harped on only negatives about her. However, he knew to keep his big yap shut during that segment.
  7. "When I travel this country, I meet with small business owners. Many of them. Medium sized business owners. They all talk to me. They all want to know. Large business owners, and even very large business owners. They all say the same thing, Trump is a pig. Trump is a deplorable human. Trump makes them physically ill. Trump is an embarrassment and beyond distasteful. But... that's right, BUT, he's opening mines in Colorado. He's lifting restrictions. He's changing policy. He's helping us out. That's what they tell me. What a childish rhetorical conceit to make up a fake story to support your own point. This is Joe's go-to move. He's forever inventing stories to support some stupid pet narrative.
  8. If I was at MSNBC and Joe & Mika weren't on the show at the same time, I'd halve both their salaries, explaining that they can't invest so much into one family because the inclination is to stop working hard. MSNBC is paying $14 million (Joe gets $11 and Mika $3, right?) for one person to work weekly, yet the family still brings in $14 million by actually doing 50% of the work. They are WAY too comfortable in their roles as gab faces. They should be on the show daily, produce the show, and sit in on other shows (they shouldn't, they suck: Joe got kicked off of Chuck Todd's Sunday show - bitter party of one) and they should earn those millions. And if they won't, pay my girl (who is already a millionaire) Stephanie Ruhle millions and let her kick television's ass for the next 10 years. Stephanie will outlive Trump and will still produce great work. J'meeka won't. J'meeking me crazy.
  9. Well... no. No, you don't. I was just blinking awake when it was on and when I saw the diffuse filters added to the video's scenes and the slow romantic wipe cuts, and then turned it up to hear the music, I was like, 'I can name this abomination in 2 notes, Alex," and [then laughed at myself] and muted it. I knew in a second that it was Joe's own fucking song played over treacly images of protests. It's hard to believe they really did that. Like that is going to elicit emotions from the likes of us. They don't know their audience. Also, they played it twice.
  10. Awww. :( I was writing almost that exact sentence. You beat me to it. If you mute that video - and why wouldn't you mute it - and just watch the corny jump cuts of supposedly emotionally charged visuals... you can only come away believing a hack amateur put that nonsense together. "I hope she tells him to take his mid life crisis rock band and shove it up his ass. "" He's a mid life crisis actor.
  11. Joe's song. I don't know that I've ever seen or heard anything more corny and embarrassing.
  12. LOL, Ha! Anyone notice how Mika has been trotting out this line over the past 3 days, "Trump has relationship issues. With women... with putin... with.... "? She's trying it on and hoping it becomes a thing. You're not going to make "fetch" happen, Mika. Just read the news and stay in your lane.
  13. Yes. Wow. When she looks to her left and bites her lip at around :35... wow. Really, really attractive. I had totally forgotten or never realized. I'll never take you for granted, Stephanie Ruhle! (Hmm... what would Stephanie look like as a Bond villainess?)
  14. When Mika tries to be funny, it's... just awful. The last 3 minutes of the show after Sam Stein let people know his wife works at FB, Mika made the same snide comment over and over and over and over and over again. Like working at FB deserves derision. It and Google are developing technologies that don't exist anywhere else. They hire the best of the best and pay them lavishly. Yeah, Mika was just being snarky, but she can't pull it off. In a private moment if Mika tried to pull that in a small group, Sam Stein I'm sure is perfectly capable of a flip rejoinder that would flay her open.
  15. Notsofast... turns out he was part of a Christian survivalist group. This story will never appear on Fox now. Also, apparently not on Morning Joe, either. [Meh... could be fake news. Salacious and fun, but likely inaccurate] I get that Mika wants to make this about the women, whom she hasn't slurred this morning, but all they're doing is opining about what may happen and mourning the state of things. It's not news or revealing. I want to know about interest rates, Facebook, and the Christian bomber and how the FBI brought him down. And I want to watch Joe Biden/Barack Obama tag team match against Vlad and Trump.
  16. Mika's either on meds or off of meds. She's different. She looks bright, and great.(I like attractive Mika) She's positive. (I like chin-up, confident Mika) She owns the space she's in. (I cannot stand know-it-all smug Mika) So her new attitude is a bit of up and down for me. She also needs to understand that because she's talking about weighty matters, it doesn't make her profound. She'll never be profound, no matter how long she belabors a topic. It's a thing now. Why hasn't her show covered the bomber in Texas????? There must be a reason? I'm sure Mika thinks she must discuss politics because it's so important and she's a serious newsie. Or something. I flipped to Fox n friends and some bimbo was interviewing some retired fireman and telling him that he's a hero and god has blessed him with heroism and real Americans love him while there was a crawl underneath saying that Finland (who in Finland?) has said that the preparations for a meeting with NK and Trump are perfect and all involved are excited and optimistic. I should have gone to the gym and listened to loud music. Sometimes the modern world is discouraging. :( So the first "I" is silent? I'm in the "vla-DI -meer" camp, myself. Picturing Mika years ago in her dark closet-sized dressing room, looking into her grubby mirror practicing saying: "Vee Lad a MIRE" "VLAD EYE Muhr" "Vee LADDY Mo" Vladdy MURE" "Ugh, this job is so hard." Pouts, slumps in her seat.
  17. Landsnark likes to think you're 3rd person-ing us when you type "Stormy."
  18. I changed the channel to watch news on CNN. Mika ought to be perhaps be fired for this... this is dereliction and irresponsible. The breaking news this morning is the "Deep State" found and neutralized a murderer to save red state voters from one of their own, and, Trump is infuriated about the leak of the Putin meeting yesterday. THAT is the news this morning. Mika has chosen to talk about her pet topics. She made the wrong call and right now MSNBC is not a source of news and today's ratings are probably miles behind their competitors. Mika should have zero control of topics and no producing authority.
  19. Ignatius was a touch wry, and flummoxed, when he said he couldn't believe that 75% of people believe the world is run by a sinister conspiracy, led by the FBI. Half-mockingly observing that those conspiracists are at the same time thrilled when the FBI is on top of the bombings and shootings... but he didn't go far enough and I can't believe he didn't say the above quote verbatim. I can't believe every single news person on earth doesn't say that when confronted with "the deep state."
  20. Wait a minute, so they have a place in Connecticut, Manhattan, Georgetown, and presumably Mika pays alimony for her husband's place wherever that is? That is reasonably $9 million to $14 million in real estate. Have Mika's books sold well?
  21. That's not the issue. Cambridge Analytica stole the user profiles of 50 million Facebook users. This means they know who their friends are, what they subscribe to, what they write, how frequently they use the platform, what they "like" on the platform, where they live, where they travel, where they work, male/female, education, values, parenthood, religion, politics, and on and on and on. Facebook prides itself in its analytics and ability to slice data by demos and psychographics, as well as optimize ads/messaging against behavioral attribution algorithms (totally legit - if you bought shoes on Amazon Facebook could follow you with an ad for socks from your most local store, or a local 5k coming up - not sinister, helpful to you and the business who bought your data). Cambridge Analytica built predictive analytics from all these profiles in order to build a strategy to manipulate values, probable voting habits, to biases, etc... all to exploit fears from less intelligent, more malleable minds. To do this, they: set up fake accounts that would either incite real accounts to anger, or act as an echo chamber to exacerbate existing biases; they planted fake news stories disseminated by fake news "companies" that only exist as a Facebook page and these stories would be propagated by their fake accounts and then taken up and spread by real accounts; and other tactics too, it was a constant barrage of messaging designed to divide "us vs them." It may seem benign but playing on fears probably won the election for Trump. They also split the Hillary vote by backing Bernie, exploiting naive 20 somethings and cynical smart asses who hate the status quo, with fake stories, fake events, and boosting their energy with fake news about Hillary being corrupt. A large portion of the voter base was manipulated by Cambridge Analytica and Russian intelligence. The evidence of that today? When Ignatius said that 75% of Americans believe there is a "deep state" cabal that controls the world. That is so fucking stupid and simpleminded it's scary and deeply depressing.
  22. I would pay to watch Mika explain Cambridge Analytica's malfeasance tomorrow morning.
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