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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. If Trump's star on the walk of fame is a destroyed Horcrux, does that make Avenatti Harry Potter?
  2. I tuned in to hear Sykes say "Imagine for a moment if Obama had done this,' and he was interrupted and bloviated over by the very avatar of what it is to be a fucking douchebag who replied, "Obama did this and worse! There. Fixed it for you." (or something similar.) I turned it off. If this show is going to set up strawmen and whataboutism deflectionary rhetoric as truthful debate, then I'm out. I didn't wait to see if facts where explained. I'm out. To whom can I write to let know that I won't watch this show again? Joe won't care. Mika is an idiot.
  3. I bet if Trump hadn't Tweeted about Mika he'd be right there. This could be a show that MSNBC could produce. They could peel this onion and come to understand the reason Trump is president. Joe would have 100% supported Trump. They could cause him to face that and discuss the gravitational pull in this situation between sanity and winning another term.
  4. Why would Mika Tweet that to a co-worker? Yes Mika, way to pretend to be friendly to someone you've probably never spoken to in order to hype your book and assert that at MSNBC she'll still have a job. Like Mika fought MSNBC brass for the rights of moms to return to work. That Tweet makes me hate her.
  5. Avenatti is back in the news. Mika is gonna be randy Monday morning.
  6. I really like Mark Warner from Virginia. He and the giggling governor from Montana could be potential leaders of the Democrats. Mark Warner had about 3 uninterupted minutes speaking about the conditions Dems face and what they can do. He finishes speaking, and Joe's response is, "Uh huh. Ok. Thanks Mark." And moves on. That was an ideal time for a discussion. But.. no. I doubt Joe was even listening.
  7. I wish Katty Kay would relax re: her appearance. She looks a lot better w/out Botox and peels and severe hairstyles. She looks great just natural.
  8. I don't need my elected officials to slide on stage with an electric guitar or dunk basketballs. If you need to be entertained, you're the problem. Give me a career professional who has the majority of American's best interest at heart, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion. It's the best we can ask for. If they're boring, GREAT.
  9. Who is the weenie with the dark hair who just closed the show comparing Obama's Iran negotiations with Trump bending over for Putin in front of the world? He's nauseating. He's like an peripheral evil character from a Harry Potter movie.
  10. "Well you look at Flynn, it’s a shame,” Trump said, referring to Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians. “But the FBI didn’t think it was lying with Paul Manafort, who is a really nice man. You look at what’s going on with him, it’s like Al Capone.” Trump last night, getting his knob polished by Fox News. Chris Wallace Sean Hannity didn't push back or comment on Trump's utterly moronic analogy. Toady coward.
  11. Is Barnicle wearing a terry cloth blazer?
  12. “I never thought I would see McCarthyism come to Martha’s Vineyard, but I have,” Mr. Dershowitz wrote in an opinion column last week in The Hill, revealing that he has been on the receiving end of a social chill from friends here. “For them, it is enough that what I have said about the Constitution might help Trump,” he wrote. “So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard.” “There’s a whole cabal of people who have decided that they will try to get people to stop interacting with me,” Mr. Dershowitz said. “The campaign has utterly failed. It’s affected my life zero. I’m not looking for sympathy.” I can't even decide upon the appropriate pejorative to insult him. He's a grown man behaving this way. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/03/us/marthas-vineyard-trump.html
  13. Was he that super agro asshole barking at Rosenstein at a hearing? I tuned in only for that, got depressed that partisanship is hoping to erode the rule of law, and bailed. But just before, I saw Joe blabber some platitudes while Mika looked like she was adrift on Xanax or whatever (i don't know pills). However, that particular cut of dress wears well on her figure. She's got like 3 of those exact same dresses in different colors, and I notice every time. Because that's her Bunny McBoobity dress. And I confess I do enjoy.
  14. Mika complaining about nuanced political messaging and complaining that Hillary wasn't on her show (hinting that if she was, we'd all have understood the messaging better)... is the lowest point of the show to me. Mika's point is that everyone is stupid. That without a Fox News soundbyte, no voter can ever understand the issues. Also, Mika's story is a lie. Also, Mika's point suggests you need to be Trump/Fox to influence thoughts. She slams Hillary gratuitously, then slides into a segment on Bad Ass women. In the same slot that yesterday a woman said Bad Ass women are the reason women are raped. This is the show we watch. Also, Joe led into that segment with some moronic rant on how the Democrats need to go to bed later and wake up sooner... that left us all stupider for having heard. Their lack of self awareness is dizzying. That 3 minutes or so could be the turning point for me. And her outfit made me irrationally angry. She's worn that 3x in the last 8 TV days
  15. Oh, and I just learned that feminism was a cheerleader for the rape culture. This shrew is straight out of central casting... like she was made in a GOP lab.
  16. Who is this piece of crap liar trying to gaslight me, telling me I accused John McCain of being a racist? And because of this strawman lie, the left is as bad as Trump. Go fuck yourself.
  17. Ability to sleep means I'm addicted to alcohol and prescriptions because I'm an anxious, unhappy, neurotic person that will never unwind the issues coiled in my mind. It's possible her therapy led her to change some of the surface level aspects to her life, no more sexy heels, no more sexy dresses, no more exercising, no more status quo marriage in favor of her major desire. It's possible, but I don't think therapy has influenced her life in any meaningful way. She's in the wrong job. She's with the wrong man. She doesn't have to please her parents to have self worth. She should fucking relax and stop trying to be what she imagines others want her to be. There. There's your therapy, Mika. Doctor is in. $0.05
  18. Speaking of Twitter and childrean, Mika's tweets are childish.
  19. What does this mean? Him wanting to be all alpha and assert his affection in public would normally read as he's apologizing or in a position of weakness and is trying to force her to reciprocate affection. Not a super healthy signal. Imagine the vibe on set if they break up. Would she start dating Avenotti? They should write this up as an HBO series and play themselves.
  20. I agree with someone upthread who thinks Joe is on a World Cup related getaway. But, zero chance he's in Russia seeing the games in person.
  21. Her opening salvo against that smug harpy who runs DHS was good. She didn't get hysterical and was measured. Although she should never do snark. She can't.
  22. Mika wore the exact same outfit last week. With all the contradictory hypocritical comments from every member of Trump's administration on the immigrant family issue, you'd think that the teams at MSNBC that produce graphic packages could pretty easily put together some incendiary imagery. Ready to roll out as campaign commercials. But... no. Meachem's segment was bleak. Christ, the news is depressing.
  23. Can we discuss her outfit? I guess we're grilling at a pool party on the Cape? She doesn't have to be a Fox News bimbo in a bodycon cocktail dress with Instagrammable hair extensions, but c'mon Mika.
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