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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. My GOD that was awkward. I had never re-heard that clip. Do they have ANY sense of themselves? They weren't being hard on Trump, she was giggling. She was just happy to be talking to a very famous person. The clip is ridiculous. The takeaway from the clip is what Trump says, not their participation. MSNBC should edit her out of it and burn the master copy.
  2. I think Mika cried, or nearly cried, this morning when she read the bit on Trump claiming that he was contacted by parents of soldiers whose bodies had been left behind in North Korea from the Korean War. Which means the POTUS is now so free and easy with lying to Americans he's not even trying to fake it... knowing that 40% of us are too fucking stupid to think for themselves... and, in fact, don't even care that he lies. I don't blame her for being emotional about it. If that's what caused her to choke up.
  3. My wife and I were going to vote in the GOP primary to support Sanford. We chickened out and cast our votes in the Dem primary. Sanford's opponent is a crazed Trumper. 0 experience and no platform. Sanford is flawed, but he's a far better option than the woman who beat him. It is sort of gross that Joe/Mika are friends with Sanford.
  4. Oh my lord. That archival footage with Tim Russert. They were babies!
  5. Mika had time to speak, and literally mentioned her father as filler. "It's times like these that lead me to think of my dad. David Ignatius?" And so then Ignatius compliments her father and so do others and they go to commercial. Ugh. Hard to watch. Why won't they do prep work? She's not a wonk. She can't wing it. She's not a natural sales person or articulate speaker. She can't wing it.
  6. Of all days, today it's the most apparent. What happened with the G7 and North Korea will forever change the United States and geopolitics. It's a huge moment in history. They are somber and stoic on the set for really good reason. Navigating through this is far, far, far beyond Mika's slight abilities.
  7. They broke into a taped segment with the live gaggle. I watched that fucking shitshow for about 6 minutes until I realized I hadn't moved and my jaw was hanging open. Then I had to mute it because I was afraid my brain would melt if I listened longer. Yeah, the looks of wild-eyed concern of his staff watching him rant was pretty fun.
  8. Her selective outrage is only fueled by a desire for attention and approval. It's not genuine. She is exactly like a child in this regard. Child accidentally says something funny, reads the faces of the audience, repeats the same increasingly less funny thing hoping to sustain the flattering attention. Think she'll hammer Giuliani tomorrow on the show?
  9. Mika is wearing the same preppie dress/top as she wore yesterday. And the same shapeless cardigan she wears all the time. Is it Interruption Thursday? They are hell bent on setting an interruption record. I can't watch any longer.
  10. By the way, drink. Joe transitions a segment on Sarah Huckabee being a liar towards Susan Page to kick the topic to her. He greets her and she smiles, then he rants, "Susan, you were there during the Clinton administration. You saw time and again the lies..." and so on. Her smile and brightness in her eyes melts and concern and bewilderment take their place. I wish that just once, someone would say, "What the fuck are you talking about?" This show has collapsed under its own weight. They don't prep enough for it to be serious and weighty, and they aren't normal enough for it to be effervescent and fun.
  11. The level of interest Mika has in advertising and broadcasting, literally her industry, is incredible. She has on a man discussing the causes of pain points and disruption in network ad revenues, and her reply is, "Interesting. Interesting. Hm... Joe? Why don't you jump in?" I laughed out loud. Then Joe says he liked to watch Happy Days and commercials were 8 minutes of the 30 minute show but now he avoids ads. Not as bad as Mika, but they were not prepared. Good guest, though. The author came on right after they talked about Facebook using the "Like" widget to set pixels/cookies on devices to retarget ads and collect data. Mika wants to know if Facebook will be charged, because it's surely a crime, and why didn't they divulge this previously. I thought Barnicle was going to fall out of his seat from faux outrage. His grasp of these matters is hilarious. Dropping a pixel on your computer is akin to watching consumers' movement and purchase patterns as they enter your store. So you can put things they want in places they go. How do you think you don't have to log into Previously.TV every time you arrive here? You have a pixel on your computer so the site recognizes you. Evil! Facebook is arrogant, though. Zuckerburg is his own worst enemy. Rand Paul is just fucking awful. Investigating crimes is bad because he's tired of it and Eliot Spitzer?
  12. On Craig Melvin's show they are discussing the Clinton interview, and there was a packaged segment he led into by saying, "Reaction from around the media has been swift." And it began with Mika saying so breathlessly and sanctimoniously, "When you have done something wrong, you should own it. And not talk about distorted facts. My God, he sounded like Trump." She is too precious by half. That sanctimonious act of hers is disgusting. She's the one distorting facts. Laying Trump and the Me Too movement at Bill Clinton's feet. And also, fuck Mika. If Clinton had turned into a totally different person and given the media something else to screech about by apologizing, Mika would STILL be sanctimonious and shrill. All of this is theater to allow outraged self righteous Mika bytes to play for a day on MSNBC and in Twitter.
  13. Every single portion of Joe's rant about Samantha Bee was wrong. A rhetorical mess. A conservative old-man muscle-memory-twitch in reaction to progressives. Except for that TBS shouldn't have allowed "c*nt" on air. "Bitch," sure. "Fucking bitch," absolutely. She IS a fucking bitch for using her father's office to lever new trademarks in China in order to produce shitty goods there. MAGA, amiright? And she's a fucking bitch for being a part of an administration whose stated policy is to literally rip children from their mothers' arms. Heilemann tried to make these points but Joe wouldn't have it. I like it when Heilemann treats Joe like a child when Joe's mid-rant. Barnicle said that because people don't say "Excuse me" on the subway, Samantha Bee's use of "c*nt" is a marker of the end of times. I wonder what progressive liberal, and woman renowned for knowing her value, Mika Scarborough, would think of the matter? Dunno because she's worked 3 days in the past 2 weeks.
  14. That was one of Joe's all time rants. Love how he and all the other old white guys just mansplained (Joeviated? manviated? maleviated? blowsplained? Joesplained?) how a woman furious that women are being targeted by Ivanka Trump's father by having their babies ripped away from them is a "misogynist" and liberals are at fault. Just fuck you, Joe. HE is the true vulgarity.
  15. Never heard of it. I didn't know Jimmy Buffet was still a thing.
  16. What the hell is she wearing this morning?? A cocktail dress underneath a shapeless, ill-fitting shawl? Cardigan? wtf? I hope Heidi wears a hoodie tomorrow and Kasie wears her workout bra top with a hat on backwards. Barnicle asking questions about drones to the Time magazine expert was equal parts hilarious and eye-roll-inducing. Has there been any planning for when terrorists use them to drop germs on us? Has there been any planning for when they collide? Has there been any planning for when we use them as cell phones? Do they like sports? Will they be fair rulers? Mika has apparently just found the phrase from sports talk radio, "hot take." She's used it 3x this morning to insult Barnicle. Also, she's insulted every person on the set. She called that one dark haired guy with the round face, "cute." Such an imperious queen commanding those in her orbit. Know yer value, toots.
  17. Is this serious? This didn't really happen, did it???
  18. No kidding. I bet working with him is no picnic either. Watching him on TV passively is difficult. Knowing him must be such a fucking chore. Where is the tell all book?
  19. The blonde lady in the grey sweater dress is in this article: http://www.shorelinetimes.com/news/reporter-s-notebook-trump-s-tweets-about-mika-hit-home/article_209b1014-4ccb-5f25-8a7c-c66db176c106.html She's Mika's best friend!
  20. I presumed he was making a joke, "Ha ha. Now you're just like a Kardashian." An ironic overstatement. I'm nearly 100% certain he wasn't empathizing with the Kardashians. Today's show was bad. Mika there or not there makes no difference.
  21. It's hard to tell if most of this show is a repeat from earlier today, or earlier this week, or last year. It's the same damn thing. Panelists and Joe are horrified at Trump controverting hundreds of years of established norms and laws. "We'll look back at this in 15 years and be shocked at what happened." Yeah I don't think so. Who's to say this won't be the way it is forever more? They are shocked every morning that Fox News and stupid people exist and show up to vote. Every morning. I get the outrage. But newsflash, this isn't the morning when you hit that rhetorical conceit out of the ballpark and perfectly encapsulate what's occurring in a manner that will convince the other side and also become viral. But the other hand, I suppose it's what they have to do.
  22. What a breath of fresh air. They were AMAZING during the coverage. That was the most fun TV I've seen in a long time. When Meghan went by, I fell hard for Tur and Reuhl. So so cute and fun and goofy and smart.
  23. The energy this morning was fantastic. Everyone was genuinely laughing because funny things were said by funny people free to have fun. Imagine that. They all made fun of Donnie's dumb comment about royal weddings. Stephanie did say that Diana wouldn't be at the wedding, but it was a clunky segue into describing the Prince's issues surrounding the loss of his mom. Susan Del Percio couldn't stop giggling. She's so serious, she doesn't seem like a giggler. Meachem said a few genuinely hilarious things making fun of Trump. Fun show.
  24. Paraphrasing, "Bill Clinton was the best politician America has ever seen." That's a broad paraphrase, but Joe Bloviatin'borough has uttered this thought dozens of times. I always thought Joe had an embarrassing crush on Bill Clinton. Within the past 3.5 years, his attitude has changed 180 degrees. Something occurred. I guarantee you the Clintons dismissed Joe and Mika as being D level hacks at a cocktail party to a 3rd party, or, better, to their faces.
  25. They didn't always have this attitude towards the Clintons. They've been on TV. I've seen them fawn over Bill and Hillary Clinton. Something happened long after the two were in office.
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