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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. What no one has mentioned is that Mika has daughters roughly the age Dr Ford was, who also hang out in exactly the same kind of prep school circles where young power brokers are being groomed. This same thing could EASILY have happened to them. Has Mika explicated her thought process on this issue? The Know Your Value gal is declaring the attempted rapist is the real victim here. The only way to improve the show is to vote via Twitter, phone calls, and stop watching. As long as we tune in to see the slow motion car wreck and indulge in schadenfreude, the show won't change because hate watching is still watching.
  2. I tuned in and saw a clip of Clinton saying "I did not have sex with that woman," then saw Willie alone in at a table and changed the channel before he said a word. Hey, I'm in the path of that thing! I need to know what it's doing!!
  3. Joe and Lupica were wrong, but Mika's argument is just stupid. Serena wasn't "becoming?" Is it not "becoming" of LeBron to argue an errant foul call in Game 7 of the Championship Series? Serena needs to know that her value isn't as an athletic champion competing against her opponent and a biased umpire, but instead her value is only wrapped up in her comportment and in only ways that make Mika feel comfortable. Knew Yer Value, Serena. Or is it Know Your Place? Ugh, today's show. Who can be the most somber and wax the most poetic. Be more maudlin and somber than last year! Your patriotism is on the line! Bloviating in slow motion about where they were that day, every year. Mika, for her part, said her "mind kept her sane." Got a real way with words there, Winston Churchill.
  4. Has she worn the same shirt each day she's worked this week, just a different color??
  5. All of you cross your fingers and PRAY that they have Nicole on tomorrow. She and Schmidt are dishing and gossiping about Sarah Palin. WIDE OPEN. Joe is in his living room shouting at his producers to get her on, and Mika is running around in circles yipping like an annoying puppy.
  6. Drink. Barnicle asked, "Senator, what are we going to be doing about the Twitter? I mean, we've got people walking around... looking at their phones... Senator?" Then the white haired Senator gave a cogent thoughtful answer on how government regulation of the internet is perilous and no one knows what it could look like anyway. Then the white haired Senator thanked Meachem for his book, and Joe steps all over the moment in order to insult Meachem, but the whole segment is mired in cross-talk and I couldn't even understand Joe's playful insults of Meachem.
  7. their self congratulatory assault on "the left" and The New Yorker made me want to puke. Fuck you, Mika.
  8. The Dems are so stupid. The guy needs to take the initiative and call the other guy the monkey because he wants to continue the same policies that produce red tide and gun violence and crime and literally WHATEVER is wrong in the state. He wants the same. Call him a monkey with monkey policies. He wants you to have red tide and loves the policies that promote that. Jesus christ, you delicate flower, HIT BACK. Tell him what monkey policies really are. If precious, fainting Mika is on your side, you're on the wrong side.
  9. That was awkward. And Mika's replies were smug, sarcastic syllables, "Oh? Mhhm. Yeh. Right. Ok." I thought in the moment that if I was Elise, I would have playfully said, "Well, dear, if you were ever here on the set and talked to me in person, you'd already know what I think of the GOP." But whatever. Mika looked petty and snide and incapable of joshing around. Every time a guest wonk provides a few minutes of thoughtful expression, and Mika transitions to another guest by NOT adding her opinions on the matter, and instead says the other guests name, "Eugene?" I cringe. Imagine Stephanie Ruhl or Ari or Matthews or Rachel or even Kasie on her show NOT offering their opinion or controlling the shape of the topic as they transition from one guest to the other? Mika is just in the wrong job. She's miserable, too.
  10. Oh wow. Drink. Trump's daily scandals are just like Bill Clinton because missile technology to "his friend in China." JFC
  11. There was nothing normal about it. He pronounces "russia" as "rusher." When he's a host, you can't help but notice the volume of words he mispronounces. He should never, ever, be a host. Not even at dinner in his home. The merry band this morning can't even gin up the energy to be put off by Trump attacking: China, Hillary's emails, the FBI, Google, and predicting violence if the GOP doesn't win. We've been browbeaten by an endless barrage of stupid and are now inured to it.
  12. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/msnbc-pecker-chyron/ Awww. I hoped it was real
  14. Have you ever seen her mother or father? Wet blanket doesn't go far enough. As fun as an anxiety attack. She probably drinks to circumvent her wiring and is probably amusing and volatile when drunk. Bingo Duncan Hunter and his wife will plea out. If they go to trial separately, they'll both be found guilty and will be made examples of. A lot of witches will get burned at the stake in the coming years.
  15. C'mon. His name is "Pecker." And he's a horrifying human. All shade thrown is fine, no matter how schoolyardy. Last night Rachel Maddow couldn't stop giggling when she said "Pecker." She said I'm 45 years old and I'm laughing I'm just a 9 year old 5x over. Then she said, Pecker puts the potus in a pickle. I laughed. It's officially a "thing" that Meeks isn't working. Something's afoot. It sucks we have no insiders in the know to share gossip.
  16. Ha. A documentary filmmaker shows a 2 minute clip of his movie. It ends and Mika is on camera. She's got ZERO to say and is nervous. "[fake gravitas and emotion] Oh. Wow. That's amazing. Eddie Glaude?" She SO depends on kicking it to Joe or someone else for thoughtful discourse. She has absolutely no opinion on what she's seen in the clips, or any pre-arranged comments/questions, and nothing personally to pull from to comment off the cuff. Like... You went to high school, Mika, you idiot, what was YOUR experience of race as a socializing factor in school? But woops, ya got nothin' for us. I guess this is knowing your value. Sometimes when you have no value, just know to get out of the way.
  17. You have to slam a full cup of coffee every time Mika says any variant of: But when are the Republicans going to do something? Jeremy just cogently explained why the GOP won't fall out of ranks, and Mika's reply was something like: But when is enough enough? or But why won't someone do something? or When are they going to X, Y, Z? He just explained it to you, Mika. He literally just explained it to you. She is so out of her depth it's astonishing. I wish that interviewer for Fox had thought bubbles we could read as she interviewed Trump.
  18. She just said, "Bless his heart. Y'all know what that means in the South." Christ amighty, Mika. Cut that shit out. Her fake southern accent is so affected it hurts. I winced. Perhaps I'm being too critical. If I had spent the past 2 months in Nantucket with my girl, and came home and threw out, "Lahbstah," I would think I'm being funny and nobody would be critical.
  19. They just had a screen where there were people in 7 blocks. They each have 1 camera. Podhoretz and Donnie are together, with Katty? but Wittes, Eddie, Sam and Mika are in different locations. I think it lowers the quality of the program. On the other hand, kudos to the production staff to cobble together this kaleidoscope of opinions in different locations. Ugh, they are interrupting each other. (Mika just said "ain't." Christ, that hurt my ears.) Way to talk over Wittes to make your dopey pre-planned comment on a "fish flipping on the dock," Meeks.
  20. REHAB!!!! Boom! There we have it. But wait. Didn't she just post something a few days ago in support of wine or vodka?
  21. Meh. She hasn't said much. The panelists are great and yesterday was one of the biggest news days possible. Experts are being allowed to speak expertly, and we all are enjoying the rush of Trump being humiliated as we can all say "We all knew he's a criminal." She's said "The president has no clothes" 3x at different times. She's said, "Um. Wow," at least 3x, as her thoughtful response to the reported news. And she's described Cohen as "being in it" 3x as well. She's had 9 opportunities to opine, and she just repeatedly burps those syllables as if it's discourse. Same Mika to me. Elise calling Trump a scumbag so coolly and easily shocked me. I was at first, "Yeah she's right," and then thought "She just called the PRESIDENT a scumbag on a news show."
  22. Well I know who would prosecute this show's murderer/murderess... Avenotti. Oh, also... tomorrow's show is going to be nuuuuutz. And at the same time, more of the same. I wonder if Drunky McGoo will part that platinum hair and don a frumpy cardigan and "tsk tsk" felonies. Is this all real?
  23. They had some fun with this. What you couldn't see in the car was the graphics they had on screen that listed Veselnitskaya's title as described in the email to Don Jr as "the crown prosecutor of Russia," (which is wrong, there is no such thing) and that she was a "Russian government attorney."
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