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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Is this now 50+ days off of work for her? August 17 30 weeks x 5 work days = 150 days. 50 days off. That's 1/3 of all potential work days. 3 hours x 150 days is 450 hours. She's worked 300 hours so far this year. "Worked," ha! She's appeared for 300 hours. I work like 50-60 hours a week, so 300 hours is like 1.5 months of work for me.
  2. Kasie needs a lot more seasoning. There's something about her that's not "finished" or polished. She's a little better on her own show, and is slightly awkward w/repartee. If you score a show by how thoroughly and intelligently Trump is eviscerated, then today's show ranks really high. A lot of bright minds tore him apart without Joe's brand of hysteria. But, sadly, it's unsatisfying because complaining isn't action and there is no antidote to Trump's presidential powers and 1/3 of the country's support.
  3. Still though, Rothman refused to agree with Heilemann and held firm that DeBlasio is as responsible as Trump for "attacking media."
  4. No one has mentioned Kasie's new haircut and eye makeup? A Heilemann/Rothman show?? OMG Stephanie Reuhl is attractive.
  5. It's interesting neither Joe nor Barnicle are present the morning that the Boston Globe's Linda Henry is on. Her husband owns Liverpool FC and the Boston Red Sox.
  6. The comments in the Morning Joe twitter feed are fucking bizarre. 60% of them are insane right wing propaganda. What right wing maniac is hate watching MJ while at the same time hate tweeting MJ and speed-memeing pictures of Mika? The internet is disgusting and discouraging. But this was funny: Ginny Ellinger‏ @ellinger_ginny 22m22 minutes ago Replying to @MSNBC @morningmika @Morning_Joe Noah Rothman adds nothing to morning Joe. From his greasy hair to his forever "I smell a fart" expression to his right wingnut comments he is unpleasant to look at or listen to. Fresh batteries in the remote and bye bye Noah Also, how many new suits has Robert Costa had to buy in the last 9 months?? The one he has on this morning is too big.
  7. No. They do chase it's Tweets, but it's doing nothing good. What's happening is the major news networks report on its zipper being down while it's destroying the economy, the ecology, and international relationships.
  8. Joe Scarborough took the high road against Omarosa? They had on the skulking, icky dude who just sat near a potted plant in the White House and dished everyone's dirt and wrote a book. What has she done that's different? Been a loudmouth on TV for a living? Pretend to be conservative? Got fake boobs? Do you think Joe even knows he's a hypocrite? So let me see... SHE is beyond the pale to even reference, but the Hieronymus Bosch painting that is this administration is hunky dory? FU, you imbecile.
  9. "Know your value!" But I'm having heat flashes so I just can. not. today.
  10. They showed Laura Ingraham being disgusting, then they showed... wait for it... RONALD REAGAN, because of course, in speeches and slow motion B rolls and then we get a split screen of Joe slobbing Reagan's knob and Mika sitting in her split screen doing literally nothing. Until Joe stops talking and she kicks it to commercial. Sorry it's not 1982, Joe.
  11. Fair enough, but the right wing is defending him and laying this at the feet of a politicized police force and politically biased media. It's of a part of the Trump defense mechanism where everything is a contorted conspiracy and crimes are not crimes unless Hillary Clinton. The left wing threw Al Franken out of office for perceived whiff of impropriety... btw... has he been tried yet for all the crimes he committed and sued yet for all the claims against him? No? No way!
  12. Christ that was weird. She was obviously shopping and dropped in. "Women stepping up?" WTF does that mean? 50% of the volunteers were men. "They are everywhere?" Oh yeah? It's hard not to hate her guts.
  13. A mystery for the ages. I guess it's in the same column as "but her emails," and, "but she gave speeches to 'Wall Street'," and things in that vein. She's a solid bureaucrat. And... that's about it. Just what you'd want from a career public official.
  14. So Ari Melber again made news tonight. He had on a wholly batshit crazy, ranting and raving lunatic who... well... I've never seen anything like it. I wonder if Joe will table the topic of both-siderisms. That any opposing view point is a valid view from some bullshit "other side." That unhinged maniac is going to get Ari better ratings than Rosie O'donnell did. And that is, scarily, MSNBC's business model in these times.
  15. Rosie O'Donnell is on "The Beat" with Ari Melber and she just called out Joe directly. And Willie as well. She laid Trump's popularity and success at Joe's feet.
  16. https://www.salon.com/2018/08/03/14911656_partner/ enjoy, y'all
  17. Would you even go if you didn't wear pearls and an A line cocktail dress? Do you even KNOW your value? And yes, I see "KY" every time too. (heee)
  18. Remember all those times Mika took an oppositional public stance against her father out of moral rectitude? All those times she renounced his professional work when her father was demonstrably incorrect? Yeh. Me either. Also, how sexist of Mika to lay the child separation and immigration crisis at Ivanka's feet. How the fuck is it Ivanka's responsibility that the current administration is soulless and evil? Because she has ovaries? What the fuck is that about? Mika's so stupid it's incredible. This morning after the panel discussed Trump's 2-note rally, obvious vacuousness, hypocrisy, gaslighting and pandering for the millionth time, she offers this gem: I'm just gonna say it. It's not popular. Many won't say it. I'm just gonna say it. He's not right. There's something wrong with him. And then goes off on a pet theory that Trump isn't sane. I would pay Heilemann to say what he really thinks of Mika.
  19. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/08/02/active_measures_documentary_says_russian_mob_marked_donald_trump_in_2002.html Mika can make a frumpy cardigan look frumpier than anyone else on TV. I honestly hope they're both on their way out. I bet they want to quit so badly, but don't want to give Trump that gift. The Pinterest situation occurs at around 3:00 in: http://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/foreign-interference-broad-ongoing-says-expert-1290722883830 But truly hilarious is at 10:20 where Barnicle dismisses everything these two national security experts were discussing regarding the devastating influence of propaganda and the weaponizing of information, by conflating it with hacking infrastructure grids. He might as well have just said "I'm an old man. Computers. What do we do?" This show needs to be better. They are lazy and a part of the problem. 100% chance this is true: MSNBC producers when asked about Barnicle, "He just keeps showing up. We stopped paying him in 2011."
  20. That fuckwit Mika is in a position to actually DO something regarding the children being separated from their parents, or women's issues, or combine the both. She has several platforms and limitless resources. MSNBC could have her fly KYV women to the border and research what's happening and tie it back to other issues and build a publicity platform to speak about things like this from the perspective of an expert. HAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAaaaa HAAAAA!! ha. whew.
  21. Speaking of John Dean, incorrectly as it was, Bob Woodward has a new book out that he claims lays bare Trump's chaotic White House. What an absolute clown. 100% chance he's on MJ this week.
  22. I can picture it. He's sitting at his desk with his face in his hands looking at a bottle of vodka through his fingers. "I promised myself today I wouldn't. God I hate them." glug Who is John Dean? Would've been funnier if I'd said James Dean.
  23. I was half asleep when I put on MJ. John Dean tried to make a point, but it was just a babble of cross talk. There were at least two conversations happening, none of which were intelligible. Interruptions were interrupted. My eyes were closed so I couldn't even tell who else was talking, save for Joe of course. And just like it was an SNL skit, Meekuh was just interjecting syllables. Syllables. Not even whole words. Not whole thoughts. Not sentences. Just sounds for emphasis. I laughed to myself and changed the channel.
  24. I like this morning's panel. It doesn't contain Joe's unique perspective, his mania, and his bullying, but it's good on its own merits. Mika is wholly unnecessary.
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