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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. The level of panic on display this morning was deeply unsettling. They all realize the GOP is going to allow Trump to be absolutely corrupt and circumvent the Constitution and gut 200+ years of democratic structure. Muller will get fired and Paul Ryan will do nothing.
  2. Also, if I am understanding the internet correctly, George Soros has more money than anyone on earth, and all of it is for convoluted conspiracies designed to sap the precious bodily fluids from True American Patriots. Why isn't he just paying for these women to break their NDAs?
  3. If there is a recording of it somewhere, watch her 2 minutes before the show ends. She congratulates herself and her detective work in zeroing in on the right question. "I just knew. I just knew there was more. More... like... a THREAT maybe." haaaaa. I laughed. Then facepalmed. Then wrote on this board.
  4. I liked how Donnie, after the famous-forevermore, "Threat Of Violence Moment, March 16, 2018" that savvy, gnarled journo, Mika Bryzynski cracked wide open that memorable Friday morning, how Donnie said, "I know who it was. It was..." And Joe about leapt out of his seat, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! NO. I think we all can suspect who but we won't surmise here now." Ha. That slander lawsuit by Michael Cohen would shut the show down. Joe being smart. But I do like gossipy Donnie.
  5. "Will be?" Thank God this happened on a Friday. It won't even be a memory by Monday. Trump will have fired a few people and whole new news cycles will already have ended by then. 100% chance at their rehearsal dinner or at the reception, someone is going to give a speech where the loving couple is referred to as "...fucking unbearable. I kid, I kid. Mazel Tov!"
  6. This is the perfect (perfectly awful) MJ to watch to get the full experience. It's had everything that typifies why the show sucks. Joe making a Star Wars joke nobody gets that is awkward and like 45 seconds too long. Coming out of a break after a huge event, and Mika attempting to be traffic cop and Joe interrupting her as rudely as possible without literally backhanding her face, leaving her mouth open, mid-word, in shock. Endless self-references to news they accidentally broke 10 minutes earlier. Mika being smug about something (accidentally asking a good question.) Oh, I almost forgot, Joe shoe-horning in a prolong slam of Bill Clinton for threatening some people about something having to do with weapons or technology or something that was never anything but proves how Bill Clinton is the real villain of the Stormy Trump scandal (or really, any scandal). And oh lord, Mika closes the show by saying she always knew there was more, perhaps a threat. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST she's the worst. Way to slap yourself on your accidental back, you clown hack.
  7. Mika of the sheath dresses and 5" platforms was a woman looking to appeal to her new beau, her married boss. Know your value, toots. On the one hand, I like that look and I thought she looked great. Those outfits were of that time, and she was on the fresh side of 50 and had a kick ass body and her own TV show. Flaunt it. That's all fine. If she wants to be sexy she should. It's her hypocrisy about it all that's distasteful. I think she dressed hot because Joe liked it and that made her feel hot. While at the same time he's her boss, and she's telling women to know their intrinsic value in the workplace.
  8. Again, today when they have a guest on set, Joe is gone. Where does he go? Do they remove him or else he'll talk over everyone? Does he have Crohn's disease? Making phone calls? Typing his Post column? Last Danish at the cafeteria buffet? Was this recorded yesterday and he just wasn't around? I have no idea. Hillary's comment in India about conservatives being conservative and her winning 2/3 of the regions/voters who fuel the economy are right. Ill considered, but she's not wrong. Trump appealed to nativist notions. "They're sending us their rapists." It's a fact. Also, now every Dem can run against her comments to woo those delicate-yet-hateful snowflakes in the fly-over states. Love Mika's smug as shit comment on that Hillary clip. I'd love to see those two together in a room. Mika would run out crying in a minute or two.
  9. You saved me the time today. Nailed the description. At least Mika isn't drugged or morose. She's 2% more palatable when she's bright and pleasant.
  10. If there is evidence of this being true, and provable, then it is possible that Mika's husband could have some legal avenues to sue Joe and receive alimony from Mika. Depending on the state. I've been trying to picture me having a lustful crush on Katie Tur, or Stephanie Ruhle, or Hallie Jackson, or Heidi, or Kacie or whomever (all super easy to imagine), and connive to invite one of 'em to join my show as a co-host so I can get my paws on her. And no.. I wouldn't do it. Straight up icky, right?
  11. My issue with this conservative Dem Senator from PA is that he's pro gun and anti a woman's right to choose. These are special interest issues. They exist because of $ from PACs and lobbyists. The majority of Americans don't want to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. The vast majority of Americans think that children or mentally unstable people shouldn't be able to walk into a gas station and purchase an assault weapon. These are issues backed by money and culture-warrior media outlets. Right wingers must support them to toe the line in media, and to get financing. There is a right side and a wrong side to these issues, and money/influence tips the scales for conservatives towards choosing the wrong side. This kid is choosing the wrong side of the issues out of ideology. It's nauseating. The NRA isn't giving him money, but he would vote to protect a child's right to purchase an assault weapon without a background check. No Christian groups are backing him, but he will vote against a woman's right to decide. He's not a Dem. His victory is no win for Democrats.
  12. That segment was amazing. An insight into his hubris. He led off with a self-reference to how he always brings up how he was a former congressman, and then immediately forgets to be humble and brags that he knocked on 10,000 doors but knew after 3 doors exactly what the voters wanted. And the kid Senator from PA was like, "Uh... ok. Didn't take me 3 doors, but ok. You must be better than me." "Joe is forgetting that the Southern White Democrats have been shifting to the GOP since 1980." Also he forgot that those voters have always been incredibly conservative no matter the party name.
  13. Oh, my favorite part of this morning's show that caused coffee to nearly come out of my nose (I drink it cold, so it's not so bad), their clip of someone (Kristen Welker, if it's you, you are hilariously funny), shouting at Trump as he boards his helicopter, "DID YOU FIRE HIM BECAUSE HE CALLED YOU A MORON??" "Wut? Say again?" "DID. YOU. FIRE HIM. BECAUSE. HE. CALLED YOU. A. MORE. ON???" aaaah. good stuff.
  14. Did you all just see a clip where Trump gave a speech to the Air Force about building a "Space Force" to nervous laughter? I want you to affirm you saw that, because I may only just be having a stroke. Which is the reality I think I'd prefer to live in. What DID happen in the last 2 segments? Are they getting up and leaving their desks mid-segment? Good god, it's confusing. After 3 segments, I honestly don't know who is really in the studio and what is contemporaneous. [This is completely sexist, read at your own peril. You have the right to judge me. ] Yeah, Heidi Przybyla is all woman. If she starts kitten-ing herself up a bit she could be MSNBC's next big anchor - or bigger than that on other networks. She's already a top-notch wonk. She's becoming more and more relaxed and personable and savvy. Girl has skillz and the camera likes her more and more. Don't like the new senator from PA. He eats vanilla and spits it out, "Gosh mommy, that's too spicy for me. I'm just a simple man of the people, you see." I don't think I'm going to enjoy the next iteration of my Dems. That was great TV. I love it. He's such an earnest nerd, and he gets SO worked up. I could watch him do that stuff for hours at a time. Especially with O'Donell and Brian Williams watching him so happily I thought they were going to start giggling.
  15. He wrote "She is" over where it says "I'm" [ <--- whoops, wrong] Noonan told a story about how someone described the way Reagan dealt with the press, "Like they were geese and he'd gently shoo them away from his legs." And she squee'd and sighed. Then she told a story about how she saw Reagan drink a full boot full of beer then lift a grown man over his head. Then she described how she once saw Reagan karate chop Bruce Lee and when Jesus went to high five him, Reagan left Jesus hanging and instead smoothed the back of his hair.
  16. Good God, Joe is a dickhead Republican through and through, with such a maniacal grudge against Hillary. Prof Eddie just made - twice - an argument that within Trump's rise, within the nationalistic fervor, as the GOP collapses here forever and grasps "for how things were in the '50s and '60s" (Joe's words), it reveals an anti-ethnic, anti-minority, anti-woman reactionary facet to that brand of conservatism. Studies show it's a verifiable fact. Oh and... "Let them call you racist. Wear it as a badge of honor." Joe interrupted Eddie twice, because his nasty Republican DNA just watched a black man, on his own show, call GOP voters nativist regressives who realize they're becoming a minority and voted out of prejudice and fear. Joe was all like NO NO NO, HILLARY CLINTON HISTORICALLY BAD CANDIDATE. Prof Glau reminded Joe that... uh... those voters who elected Obama didn't vote in 2016, but conservatives came out in greater numbers. TL;DR: Glau - "Let's talk about race's role in Trump's rise" Joe - "No racism. Clinton worst."
  17. Did any of you see the section of the show before and after Mika carved space for her own Mika-rant about Trump using Kim Jong Un to deflect from Stormy Daniels? The show was totally, totally off the rails during that period. Everyone was talking over everyone, with Joe and Mika making interrupting sounds and grunts for emphasis and mugging and so on. It was pure chaos. Terrible TV. Turned it off.
  18. I think he was thinking more Einstein than straight-up racism. The meaning is that Obama is a wonk, nerd, academic who doesn't do mundane things like tame his hair because he's more worried about books. I think that's the meaning. More absent-minded professor than slur.
  19. Love how stupid bloviating rantsypants claimed that Trump meeting NK's dictator is identical to Obama preventing Iran from getting nukes. Fucking idiot gasbag. LOVE how his guest waited for his spittle-flecked rant to end and said, "If not for that agreement, Iran would have nukes. He prevented them from getting nukes. So, there's that." Joe said, "well.." Also, fwiw, you all are very very funny. Coffee + this board = :)
  20. Holy shit, that succubus harpy from the NRA produced a video and called out Mika by name with a vague threat of violence!!!!! Sweet jesus, what's happening in our world??
  21. Joe just explained to us that the greatest villain of the Stormy Daniels scandal is Bill Clinton. Did you know Scarborough was in Congress and Bill Clinton sold technology to China and Clinton lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and the only thing that caused people to pay attention to him was Monica Lewinsky. Ok. Thanks, Joe. It's odd. I've heard Rantsypants call Bill Clinton "the greatest politician" consistently until about 2 years ago.
  22. MSNBC spent the day wrecking the premise that Cohn is some avatar of morality. Ari Melber had Corey Booker on and he went through a list of reasons Cohn is literally a pawn of Wall Street making the rich richer, explaining how the tax cuts have done nothing for 98% of america. https://www.salon.com/2018/03/08/cory-booker-the-system-is-rigged-against-working-americans/ The Dems need to give this a face, and make it present to Ma and Pa Iowa. Much of the wealth from these tax cuts, roughly 33% of it, is going to foreign investors... like oligarchs in Saudi Arabia and Russia. Visualize it, Dems. Blue wave. But, Johnny Coveralls is getting an extra $2,000 bonus. Not a wage raise, but a bonus. Yay. That's $5.50 a day before taxes. Their vote was bought by a daily free Big Mac and soda.
  23. What difference does it make? The threat of pictures of prostitutes peeing on the POTUS is that he could be blackmailed to prevent them from being made public. Or, he could lose the evangelical vote and the "moral high ground." His supporters DON'T CARE. They would simply laugh at how liberals are mad, say "whatabout," and say it's fake. It doesn't matter. There is no foreign leverage in terms of morality. In terms of crimes, he's in threat from Mueller. In terms of being a pig, there is 0 threat. Think of the tight wire Obama walked like a saintly human. Think of the mud this current worm squirms through. The right has no shame. List your right wing friends/acquaintances who support Trump whose support would wane if pictures of him having uriney sex were made public. The list is likely at zero. I bet they start with "Tax Cuts," then move quickly to "Fake News," and then laugh at "Libtards Being Snowflakes." Am I close?
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