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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. I laughed when it was clear Mika isn't on the show this morning. Joe is on, but isn't on set either. I may be projecting, but when Willie is their traffic cop, panelists in NYC HQ seem more... relaxed? Comfortable? Their postures suggest they are at ease and the length they speak suggests they are comfortable letting thoughts fully unfurl. And, the other panelists seem to enjoy listening to their colleagues' thoughts. I guess only Katty's ramrod straight posture hasn't changed. Every other dude is leaning to his side with his arm on the chair. Just bros being bros. I think there should be a contest at MSNBC. I'm going to take a carpenter's level and a protractor and see who has the straightest posture. Katty Kay, Heidi Przybyla, or the FBI/Marine/Intelligence specialist/robot. He gets special credit if I can put the balance on his jar head and his haircut is absolutely flat.
  2. Meh. While it's a juicy well-written read, the protagonist is Donald Trump. I will probably never be able to think of him as anything other than a syphilitic infection upon America, or come to normalize this period of American history where the D students are in charge. I got through 35 pages and realized it confirms what I knew, and I don't give a fuck about Trump or his crew enough to read longer about him.
  3. I asked my guys in the know this morning about Haley. Some of my friends here in SC are connected to people in the state house in Columbia. It's a rumor, but accepted truth, that Nikki Haley slept with several powerful lobbyists in order to speed her ascension in SC politics. In the book, a Trump staffer called her "more ambitious than Satan," and in the book there is a claim that she sees herself as Trump's replacement as President. My friends said that she has/would flirt with Trump (or anyone) to manipulate him, but couldn't imagine in a million years she's actually have sex with the pig. These rumors/history must really be a sore spot for her, so that is surely why she overreacted to stories she spends private time with Trump.
  4. Was the segment with Wolff really just a few sentences before Mika cut him off and threw it to commercial? That Mediaite article suggests the whole thing was staged. Did Mika read the book? He does NOT suggest they're having an affair, for fuck's sake. Mika is so stupid, it's astonishing. I have the book. I looked in the index. I found the 1 paragraph on Nikki Haley's naked political ambition and suggestions she's plotting to manipulate Trump. NOWHERE is there a HINT of sex. Christ.
  5. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/mika-spars-with-frank-luntz-over-trump-speech-dems-supposed-to-clap-for-the-great-dictator/ Mika is so embarrassing. She doesn't have the wherewithal to be the voice of dissent.
  6. What is the Nunes story? I have never heard the "memo" fully explained. I don't get it. Is the smoking gun "proof" that the DNC paid a British agent for a dossier on Trump? And if that's the case, then it means that the DNC colluded with the Russians to attempt to influence the elections? Or am I way off?
  7. Hillary killed on the Grammys. Mika's whole week is likely ruined. She's gonna wonder why Hillary used that time to mock Trump instead of apologizing for everything in the world outside of Hillary's control.
  8. Mika just tweeted this about an article on Hillary Clinton: “This exposes again the trademark Clinton failure to take personal responsibility; the allergy to owning up to error; the refusal to cede any ground, no less apologize; the incessant double-standarding, with more forgiving rules for the Clintons.” What does Mika have up her ass about the Clintons? Her fiance is a philandering, abusive, cheater, but hey, that's cool. Hillary Clinton, however, must be the United States' barometer of morality ,and ANYTHING short of perfection is a whole failure. Fuck Mika. I don't know why I let such a flea irritate me.
  9. I only just now noticed Mika wasn't on the show. Hilarious. The show is SO MUCH better without her. It's sexist, I know, but I prefer her in turtlenecks and heels, reading things and calmly kicking it to commercial... otherwise I have no use for her. She can be an inoffensive attractive object well, but she can't be a political anchor. Peggy Noonan embarrassed herself this morning. I'm sure she's a fine lady to have dinner with and she can probably tell great stories (if you could stomach her ideological conservatism), but she's past her prime. Her comments on the Q4 economic numbers were bizarre. Also, she appears to be an apologist for Trump. This happened 3x when Noonan spoke.
  10. And of course what Peggy offered as simpleminded but overworded. She's a really poor guest.
  11. Since Trump is speechifying about how great he is on Morning Joe, can we rip into that son of a bitch here? It looks to me like he's a cast member.
  12. Peggy's 3 minute long question for the panel made me want to rip my ears off.
  13. He was mad, and he should have been. Comey made a judgment call on his own that was poorly considered. What Joe didn't suggest is that the whole FBI is a corrupt body that is bent on subverting the rule of law and overthrowing the government... which is what Fox News and that fucking moron Sen. Johnson would have you believe. Joe thought Comey made an error. Comey was trying to be up front with information before a right-leaning cabal of FBI agents leaked to the press that Hilary was being investigated again - - there was a reason that Christie and Giuliana knew beforehand about the investigation... Comey knew there were leakers and didn't want to seem to have his finger on the scales, but in doing so put h is fingers on the scales.
  14. Joe affecting his Southern Joe McCarthy accent making fun of Senator Johnson is pretty funny. Also, I cannot believe the GOP. I cannot believe the news every f*cking day.
  15. Was it yesterday on MJ (all the MSNBC shows and the MJ episodes just bleed together sometimes in my mind), that Joe casually made it clear that in the context of illegal immigration, inflow vs outflow is at a net negative these days? Meaning, more illegals are being deported and turned away than there are arriving. Why isn't this, and other underpinning facts regarding the truth of illegal immigration, being trumpeted 24/7? Why aren't those facts and figures immediately the go-to reply whenever a wall is mentioned? Even the most hardened Fox viewers should know this It makes zero sense to me. Yeah, the border SHOULD be secure. Also, the border is more secure today than perhaps it's ever been.
  16. OMG, they are playing Joe's song over images of the women's march. I laughed out loud.
  17. Do Joe and Mika refer to all elected officials by their first name? They called Bernie Sanders "Bernie." I feel like they use the title when speaking to other officials. Maybe not. I don't think they called that batshit, wingnut, fascist, retrograde idiot Jim Jordan "Jim." He and is ilk are alarming. I have a physical reaction to them.. it's like fear. How do you reason with a person with NO hold on reality? You can't, and that's dangerous. I also have a physical reaction to Sanders, best described as dismissive amusement. The Democrats really really have to get their shit in line. Fucking millennials.
  18. I just watched a focus group answer questions about Trump. They were evangelicals. Also, they were loathsome, disgusting sub-humans. The definition of lowest common denominator. Was this the group the NYTimes interviewed? Was the journalist who wrote the article on MJ? What's his/her name?
  19. I'm fairly certain that Heidi Przybyla was never young. I think I read somewhere that she has been 31 years old for 44 years. She was born sitting ramrod straight, soberly quoting the Ford Administrations' formal statements on the key economic indicators pointing to an impending gas crisis and strife in the Middle East. She's from Alexandria, which explains a lot. I bet her parents were two brainiacs from aristocratic money... guessing one was a professor and the other career State Department. That explains her sober, articulate, sharp mind and her perfect posture. Heidi Przybyla has NEVER worn a jersey. That's how you know it was a dream.
  20. Forever more, that is how I'll pronounce that word. A funny word is now 2x funnier.
  21. Flake routinely votes to provide Trump with more power and influence. If he was serious, then he'd be more of a wrench in the works instead of grease for the wheels.
  22. You are completely right. She was wearing YSL and Louboutin heels before Donnie got her a pair. She ran and exercised a ton and was meticulous about her diet and appearance. Something changed. Her legs and news kitten outfits used to be peripheral characters on the show, and then one day, that ended. She obviously stopped paying attention to careful eating and exercise, and stopped caring about her outfits being sexy and stylish. I guarantee that coincides with her marriage hitting the skids then a tree. She was sad, and she didn't need to appeal to Joe to manipulate a commitment from him. (If Stephanie Ruehl starts wearing fleece and preppy-mom-on-the-weekend shirts, I'm writing a strongly worded letter to MSNBC management.) Also, Jeff Flake can suck it. He's not some fucking hero. A mule is aware that part of what makes America great is a free press, and that persecuting the press is the first step towards a general collapse. This morning a few guest journos tried to get him to describe why he voted with the President on every vote. "Well.. I'm a Republican." Is there a shortage backbones in the US? Are they stolen? Are they being warehoused where they store the Ark of the Covenant?
  23. Ashleigh Banfield was great. I've always been a huge fan of hers. Perhaps she's Mika's replacement? While she is dreamy to just look at, the interplay between her and Joe would be abrasive. Maybe she and Stephanie Ruehl would make a great duo? I don't really like Ali Velshi. I feel like in his private life he wears a bunch of rings and wears silky button downs unbuttoned to his navel with a lot of pendant necklaces.
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