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Everything posted by mscav

  1. This special made me remember how much I really don't like Nathan. He is a delusional, whiny, abusive POS that can't even take responsibility for his actions. And yet he is still the better parent. Poor Kaiser. I really liked Doris. She seems like she would put Kaiser's needs in front of Nathan's. I hope she gets custody of the roll. The little guy was so happy and comfortable around them, it was like watching a completely different kid.
  2. In her defense, that seemed totally producer driven. It also put the spotlight on how she has no storyline anymore, which in my opinion is a good thing.
  3. Nah..he'll get it all plus insurance after her unfortunate accident.
  4. http://cw39.com/2017/09/14/caught-on-camera-sc-town-mayor-pulled-over-for-alleged-dui-driving-a-lawn-mower-but-gets-off-scot-free/ No wonder she never gets in trouble. She's normal for Horry county. There are plenty of babies with flat head that come in to our children's hospital. Most are like Endtable where you don't notice it until you see them from the side. Most babies her age would be in a helmet. This can be genetic but is often caused by leaving babies on there back too much during the day. You know those two leave that baby in bed or in her car seat all the time. Also no way would Jenelle put a helmet on her. It doesn't make perfect pictures for social media.
  5. I think you are right. I think it's time to cancel both shows. At this point nothing is ever going to really change in these girls lives. Jenelle and Amber continue to get rewarded for being terrible people who should not be allowed within 100 feet of any child. Without the show they would have completely bailed on their kids by now (that is a good thing in these cases) or be in gel. Leah seems to finally have gotten her crap together (as much as she can) but I think living in the limelight makes is very easy for her to relapse. I also don't think it's fair to Ali to continue filming while her physical struggles increase. I think Chelsea and Kail will be the same with or without the cameras. Kail may have to give up her Pinterest place. I don't count Briana.
  6. I remember the Teen Dad special. I think that is how UBT got his name. I also remember that even father of the year Adumb Lind seemed disgusted by UBT.
  7. http://www.eonline.com/news/878584/jenelle-evans-responds-to-son-kaiser-s-grandmother-s-emergency-custody-filing Above is Jenelle's response. This woman has no idea what normal is. She does not deny ANY of the allegations. She is putting the blame on Barb and making sure everyone knows the order is against her and Nathan. She actually thinks it makes Nathan's mom look bad to say he is not fit either. I think it shows that Grandma truly loves Kaiser and wants what is best for him. I hate to think of what goes on in that house no one knows about. I truly fear that those kids are going to end up dead. MTV needs to fire her immediately. Brianna may be boring and dumb, but I can handle that. I don't think I can handle watching Jenelle's kids and wondering when the story about one of them missing or dead is going to come out.
  8. This is a school by school thing. The area I live in is full of 4 year colleges (22 in our metro area), the school I went to has commencement ceremonies every semester. That seems to be the norm around here. However, the school I work for only has a spring commencement. At my school you didn't walk until you had taken all of your classes but grades for those classes were not out yet when you walked so you received an empty diploma case. Your real diploma was mailed to you after your grades had come in. When I was in grad school I had to drop a class in the spring due to travel for work which meant I walked in the summer after I took that class. At the school I work for, all classes must be taken and the passing grades have to have come in before you can walk. At my husbands school you could walk as long as you only had 9 more credits to go. All of these schools are in the same area, 2 are state schools and 1 is an elite private school. I doubt any of them would have praised Kail for that presentation or put up with her dog coming to visit. I feel bad for Leah. She does seem clean and she seems like she wants to do something with her life but she really has no idea how. Quite frankly, being a single mom with three small children, one of which has special needs would make it very difficult to go to school or hold a regular 9-5 job. I know it can be done but she has Teen Mom money so she doesn't really need to. Also, Leah is just not very smart. This is probably a combination of genetics and sub-par education but I think she would find school and work much more difficult then most people. Maybe she could find fulfillment volunteering or joining some type of committee like a Junior League for the Holler. If Allie's hospital is local she could volunteer there. Something like that may also introduce her to a new group of people that could be positive influences in her life.
  9. UBT gets the line of the night. He thinks he's going to pass down the manufactured home set up on swamp land in hurricane alley to his next 10 generations. How dumb is this idiot? Janelle had the second best line. The producer asks how she's adjusting to life with a newborn. Her answer is its really hard and I'm tired all the time but when I wake up in the morning I'm so happy I have this house!? This bitch can't even fake being a happy new mom. Most people would answer how hard it is and how tired they are but how much they love their baby and they are worth all the hardship. Then poor little Kaiser is shown in the back seat of the car that's so full of crap it makes Leah's vehicles look clean. Then her bitching about her gym time. I remember that excuse with Nathan as well. I wonder how long until we see a car chase with her and UBT both trying to pawn the kids off on the other one. Brianna is a manipulative bitch. She has no intention of giving up that baby for adoption, she just wants to make Luis squirm. I also hate that they made it sound like dad's have no rights regarding adoption. If she really wanted to give the baby up and he didn't the courts would just give him custody. Leah, yes school is work. Online classes are also work. You are not cut out for college. Nothing wrong with that. Try learning a trade that you like. Kail, that presentation made a high school presentation look professional. It also made your school look pathetic for allowing you to pass. Chelsea has a cute family.
  10. I used to do a lot of volunteer work with families transitioning in and out of foster care. Unfortunately this is a very common theme with a lot of the women in that system. If Barb hadn't taken Jace and she didn't have MTV money with the other two, her and the kids would all be part of the system as well. Janelle has another trait many of them have. My other kids were stolen from me by (family member, CPS, dad, etc.) so I'm going to have another one no one can take away. Cue 6 moths later when that one is taken also. It's a very sad situation.
  11. This is what scares me with Janelle and UBT, Jenelle on her own, most definitely mutual combat. Janelle and UBT together, not even saying this in a snarky manor, no more Jace is what I believe would happen. I firmly believe Jace would end up beaten to death and buried somewhere on the "land" while they spin a tale about how Jace ran away.
  12. I've never watched that show. Heard enough about it that I don't ever want to. My poor little pug is named Duggar. My son wanted to name her Doug and when I told him she was a girl he decided Duggar was the girl version of Doug. Now everyone thinks we're fans of that show.... Topic, Janelle is scary. She almost came across as a normal human being and concerned about Jace. Then I remember this is a chick who willing left her 6 day old newborn to go on vacation and whose standard of what makes a good man is, "I haven't called the cops on him yet."
  13. Tatum, the parking lot wedding and all of its glory can be seen on the season finale.
  14. She looks like an advertisement for ID channels Deadly Women
  15. Ryan is no prize to me, you or probably anyone on this board but you would be surprised at what some people consider a prize. Ryan has a stable income (in her mind), a house that I believe is paid off, D level celebrity status, nice cars, plenty of toys (ATV's, dirt bikes etc.), parents that are free babysitters and parents that I'm sure would give money whenever they are asked. Add in the fact that she started watching him on TV in middle school with all of her friends she may feel like she hit the jackpot. Remember this is the girl who registered for a ton of gifts that were clearly meant to be returned for cash at her first wedding. Add in the fact that her parents were thrilled that she was marrying Ryan because he is so good to her... something even Jen and Larry didn't understand, and we are probably looking at a Leah/Mama Dawn situation. Now that she locked it down if Ryan goes to "gel" or OD's guess who gets his control of his assets. I also don't buy that she married him for insurance as MTV has shown us time and time again they are more then willing to pick up the rehab bill. I know they didn't for Butch but I'm sure they would for Ryan if for no other reason then to give Maci some type of story line. You mean Jeff right, lol? ;)
  16. I can't believe this happened, but after the show last night, Mackenzie went in my opinion from a dumb, but sweet girl to Matt level manipulator. I think this chick could give him lessons. The way she literally rushed him to the "wedding guy" in the parking lot of the aquarium. To hell with his safety, hers or the hundreds of people on the road, she was going to get married and lock it down! What's that... your mom is crying, your son's not here and you obviously have no clue where you are. Cool, time to say I do! Its OK if you mumble it. I know this is last minute but while you wear what you rolled out of bed in, I'm going to the store to buy my 3rd wedding dress in 2 years real quick. That girl was going to make sure that marriage happened no matter what. She knew damn good and well if he sobered up he wouldn't be getting married. Ryan has always been more of a playboy.. not a guy about to settle down. Now she has Teen Mom hanger on status (lol), Ryan's Teen Mom money, a house that most likely his parents paid off, free babysitters and we all know Jen and Larry are the type to pay all of Ryan's other bills and now hers as well. Not to mention she probably now has power of attorney over all of his assets due to his drug problem. I also have a feeling we'll start seeing more tabloid exclusives about Ryan now so she can get some extra cash from that as well. This woman is cold. She didn't even care about Bentley or her own son's well being. All she cared about was getting that piece of paper signed.
  17. I'm really starting to believe Simon on this one. We have now had Ryan, Caitlyn, Matt, Janelle and I believe Leah all with Xanax. It doesn't really seem to be the drug of choice for any of them but yet they all seem to have easy access to it when cameras are around. Maybe Kiki gives it to them to make them more cooperative. That being said, Ryan seemed like he was on something much stronger then Xanax.
  18. Now, now... everyone I knew watched Melrose Place back in the day. There was a sports bar my husband and I used to go to that had it on every week. All the games, pool, darts, etc. stopped while everyone watched Melrose. I would never admit to anyone I watch Teen Mom...
  19. Is Amber trying to look like Blanch from the Golden Girls?
  20. In addition to that I was thinking GTFO, who is this 3rd kid that lives with you, UBT? Anyone who would read your book knows you've never lived with Jace
  21. Not sure about the sugar packets but she got the icing out of the fridge for Addie because she was having a temper tantrum, gave her a spoon and told her to sit at the table and eat it. That is very different then letting a kid have a taste while baking. The reason Leah gets so much flack for feeding her girls crap is because she only seems to give them crap. The girlses have crap food in almost every screen. The others seem to realize that junk food is a treat, not a pantry staple.
  22. Exactly, also don't forget Adam loves to blame Chelsea for everything and even he didn't blame her and said he had other plans.
  23. This! When we were watching this my husband asked me what happened to the Florida venue?I told him it was the FL venue. He correctly pointed out, the chapel especially, looked like venues in Gatlinburg which is only about an hour or two from her house and would have made way more sense. On a side note, please help the victims in Gatlinburg if able to in anyway. Not only have these people lost everything they own, most have also lost their jobs as well.
  24. Gary is fine saying that because he knows there is no way in hell that Amber will take him up on it. Did you see the look of horror on her face when he suggested she could come help with homework? She is the same as most other deadbeats out there, whine "My ex never lets me see my kid", excuse on why I can't keep my kid on my weekend, attend a school function, little league game, etc. Amber is the female Adam Lind when it comes to parenting.
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