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Posts posted by nara

  1. I know this is unpopular, but it pisses me off that Sidney didn’t leave with Amanda if he was going to leave the show. I really do like Violet and acknowledge that she is good for Sidney, but I don’t buy that he’s in love with her after 3 years of pining for Amanda. I wish they had closed out that storyline better. I  can believe that he left the priesthood for a cause rather than for love, but not this. 

    • Love 11
  2. I’m really glad they didn’t drag out the Jane and Rafael drama until the last episode. I was starting to get pissed off at Rafael for his hypocrisy towards Jane. He was recommitting to Petra and then suddenly decided to get back with Jane and then quickly got back into the dating pool, all while being angry that Jane was confused that her dead husband returned.

    Now we can focus on resolving the bad guys and getting happy endings for Xiomara and Petra...and Luisa.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

    Why does Roger have to be on the wrong side of the American Revolution?


    I meant that if they settle in NC, he will likely be fighting against the British. (Not sure what happened to people living there who sided with the British, but I imagine they didn’t stay in the new U.S. afterwards.) Being British himself, that probably feels uncomfortable.

  4. 9 hours ago, cam3150 said:


    I can give Roger a pass for needing a moment to think when he found out about Bree, etc. It was a lot and he wasn’t in the best place emotionally or physically already. Plus, he was expecting to go back home so choosing to stay meant giving up his 1970’s life....at least for the time being. He hasn’t had the best of luck in the 1700’s. Also it’s not a coincidence that they now have 3 gems. They’ll go back with the baby eventually. 

    I agree. Roger has to think about living in a time that has been pretty miserable for him. Plus, he has few real skills for living in this world. And he has to be on the “wrong” side of the American Revolution so that has to be strange.

    He also has a father-in-law that threatens him at every opportunity.

    Regardless of what he feels for Brianna, this is a lot to think about, on top of the shock of hearing about what happened to Brianna. He seems less impetuous than our other main characters, so I can see him needing a few days free from Jamie’s disapproving eyes to think it through  and make a lifelong commitment.

    • Love 10
  5. WTF? No more Ian? Good thing Jenny is safely in Scotland because she would beat the crap out of Jamie for getting her child into this situation. I did Iike the fact that Ian took responsibility for his role in what happened to Roger. Also, it was nice to see him ace the gauntlet. He finally looked like a confident adult when he completed it. He has always been into Native American culture so he will fit in. 

    I thought they should have offered to take the exiled woman back to Fraser’s Ridge and give her a home there.  Right now, she’s more collateral damage. I hope no one has squatted on their land while they’ve been gone for 8 months...

    Good for Claire for insisting that Roger be allowed to take his time to decide. Jamie’s behavior on that point was annoying.

    I was hoping a Jocasta Murtagh romance (Jotagh? Murcasta?) would happen and they delivered, but I think a little more bodice ripping would have been good.  But wasn’t Murtagh crushing on her sister, Jamie’s mother, at some point? If so, that should have been part of the conversation, but I could be making that up.

    The run across the lawn was cliche, but okay IMO.

    1776 is creeping closer!

    • Love 8
  6. Brianna to Lord John: “You are impossible not to like.” Perhaps the most true statement ever spoken in the series.  I think he’s the most likable person so far in the series, with the possible exception of dear old Mrs. Fitz. Lord John has been a constant support for the Fraser’s. I just hope he doesn’t have a bad end because of it. And I hope Brianna and Willie meet soon.

    i think it’s incredibly stupid that they left the prison keys on the floor for Stephen Bonnet to use to escape. Yes, they were in a rush, but they apparently never learn that he’s good at saving himself. Given how soon the jail blew up after our guys left, there was not time for Stephen to escape, but I am sure he did, and will cause more havoc.

    I do like that Briana went to visit Stephen to ty to forgive him. that’s very mature. I was iffy on whether he should know that he possibly has a child, but it did appear that he felt some responsibility, so I guess that’s good.

    I liked Roger’s story and how he berated himself for stupidity, but continued to do “stupid” things. The priest’s story was interesting. I agreed with Roger that he should just say the Lord’s Prayer and call it a day. (It’s ironic that the Mohawk were converted to Christianity so thoroughly that they were adamant enough about the baptism to kill him because of it.) I admire faith but his stubbornness was more ego-driven in my opinion. I didn’t suspect the end of the healer until right before it happened, so that shocked me.  I suspect Roger’s actions will make him more respected, but I could be wrong, because of the loss of a healer.

    • Love 9
  7. Given how much some fans seem to idolize Jamie, it’s good to see the moments when he is a complete jerk/more human.

    I liked how he got Brianna to realize that it was not her fault and that surviving the rape was what mattered.

    When confronted with his mistake regarding Roger, however, he became very defensive. “I could not have known...” Yes, but you could have brought the man to Brianna and given her the opportunity to decide what happened. However, this was a very realistic reaction IMO.

    Unfortunately, he didn’t learn anything, and now Murtagh is tasked with bringing Bonnet to be killed by Jamie. I think it’s likely that he will do this in secret again, rather than letting Brianna decide what happens. I am worried that there will be some further ramifications, like Murtagh or Ian or Lizzie being hurt in the process.

    I like that the abortion option was discussed because I was wondering about that last episode. Ditto for the option of returning to modern day.

    I guessed that Roger would end up at the American stones but I still liked it when it happened. Go, Roger, go! But of course he won’t. 

    Nice to be back at River Run again. I Wonder how Brianna will react to slavery. Maybe engineer Brianna will bring some modern day invention to at least make their lives easier?

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Unless they refuse to interact with anyone but each other, their actions will have unpredictable consequences (and that goes for everyone, not just them). You can't live your life afraid to say or do anything because it MIGHT affect someone else. I still think that Claire and Jamie should consider how their actions an affect others (you know, like letting George Washington take the blame for something that Jamie did) but that in their day to day lives, they can't constantly second guess what might happen because they do X, Y, Z. Helping Bonnet escape wasn't something that Jamie was eager to do but it was done out of kindness and sympathy.

    I thought there was also an element of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” when it came to Bonnet, which a very dangerous sentiment.

  9. 3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Ha, Brianna and Jamie finally meet - in an alley where he's taking a piss. Just how every girl imagines meeting her long lost father!


    Ian took meeting his cousin very well. I love how he took it all in stride and just said that he has learned not to ask too many questions when it comes to Claire.

    I am so glad that Brianna told Claire the whole truth. I was afraid that she was just going to let her believe that the baby was definitely Roger's or that she was going to say that she met some random guy at the tavern and that it was consensual. As painful as it was for her to tell her mother the truth, I think she needed to tell someone what happened. I think it has been good for her to spend time with Claire, Jamie, Ian, and Murtagh while she processes being raped (in addition to dealing with the whole Roger situation) but part of me now wants her to go back to her own time so that she can get some much needed therapy.

    I know I have to remember it was a different time, but when Jamie blamed Lizzie for "letting" Brianna leave with Roger while he was manhandling her, I was like BITCH, PLEASE. As if a maid trying to stop a man in public would do anything but get her fired.


    As much as I enjoyed the meeting of Jamie and Brianna, I was grossed out about the idea of him holding his d**k one minute and caressing her face the next. 🤢


    I was also afraid that Brianna would not share the truth. I’m glad she did. That scene was very well done. And I’m glad Claire figured out who was the rapist. I am so tempted to go to the book thread to find out if Bonnet is ever served justice for his crimes. I do think that this episode really highlighted unintended consequences and how they continue to happen.    Are Jamie and Claire morally responsible for all the actions of the man they freed from the scaffold? Including the rape and the child who was thrown in the ocean? I think that would be an interesting discussion.


    I think that Jamie just lashed out at Lizzie because of his own anger at not being able to protect his daughter. He sent Claire and Brianna to the future to protect them and it’s gotta feel like all that was for naught. I’ll give him a pass for that...

    But attacking Roger without Brianna’s confirmation was a stupid stupid thing to do. Typical of his compulsive behavior, and the flip side of the way he can think on his feet. I fear that this will end up being a permanent wedge between him and his daughter. Roger deserves a verbal beat down for his sexist condescension, but not a physical one.

    I really enjoyed the “get to know you scenes” and the discussion of Frank. They do need to age up Jamie, though, because he doesn’t look old enough to be Bree’s father.

    • Love 10
  10. 31 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

    Well, remember, before Claire even showed up, Blackjack had already "visited" Lallybroch, had tried to rape Jenny, arrested Jamie, and whipped him to an inch of his life. So, it's not like Blackjack was unknown to the community and vice versa.

    As for Dougal, he was trying to usurp Colum's position without actually outright challenging him by going behind his back, collecting money from their tenants for Bonnie Prince Charlie, and, in effect, pulling their clan into a rebellion Colum didn't want to support. If it hadn't been for Jamie's last minute maneuvers, all the Fraser men would've died.

    Also, Blackjack’s men were about to ambush Douglas and co at that rooster shaped rock, but Claire warned them.  Otherwise, they might have been killed and Jamie might have been raped anyway. 

    I wonder if Dougal would have maneuvering without Geillis’s influence. I got the impression that she played a big role in his actions, but I am not sure if that was explicitly stated.

    • Love 1
  11. Enjoyed meeting George Washington! But now he’s another victim of Hurricane ClaireandJamie, having been accidentally framed for treason. Maybe they can find a way to frame Bonnet instead? I mean, he was already slated to be executed by the British. By helping him go free, Jamie and Claire have done damage that needs to be repaired,

    I wish we knew more of Murtagh’s people so we could speculate about the mole. I was annoyed that Jamie sent Fergus into a potentially dangerous situation when he has a little baby. I’m glad Murtagh was a little miffed too, even if for a different reason. I am tired of everyone loving Jamie. In any case, I want a story line for Fergus! 

    I hate hate hate that they put another rape on this show. I am beginning to wonder if something is seriously wrong with the author. However, I will say that they did a good job staging it, and we felt the horror of it without us having to see too much. The callous disregard of the pub customers did not come as a surprise to me at all. Poor Bree—I hope she doesn’t feel like she deserved it. Perhaps Jamie will help her get through the recovery process.

    On happier note. I thought the love scene between Roger and Brianna was well done. I do wonder why all the men have to talk so much during sex! And what was up the carpet-drape question? Do men really speak like that?

    • Love 6
  12. 2 minutes ago, Hannah Lee said:


    She did go there, didn't she?  Isn't that where Joan brought her after she fled from Laoghaire's house?  That's where she spoke with Ian and got the trunk of Claire's clothes.

    I thought that's where she was headed when she collapsed by the roadside.


    I thought she told Laoghaire she was headed to the harbor.

    • Love 1
  13. 34 minutes ago, viajero said:

    My understanding was that each portal takes you back a specific number of years from when you started and always to the same place.  This is why when Claire returned to the past, the same number of years had gone by for her as for Jaime.  What I don't get is what causes the portal to activate.  Do you just have to touch the stone in a particular place?

    My interpretation is that you have to be a person to whom the stones call, which appears to be hereditary. Also, Geillis figured out that it was related to precious stones. IIRC, having a precious stone and concentrating guided your direction (but I could be wrong). Claire had 18th century Scotland and BJR on her mind due to Frank’s discussions and that’s where she ended up. Geillis was trying to change the planning for the uprising and that’s where she ended up. Brianna is concentrating on Claire, and Roger, on Brianna. It would be nice if it that concentration took you to right location and not just the right time period.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, taanja said:

    It never occurred to me the actress wasn't available? Did you read the somewhere? Old Ian said she was birthing a baby -- one of the many grand kids they seem to have-- I took his word for it and didn't even question anything about the actress. But when I watch the show-- I think of them as people/characters and NOT the real life actors who portray them! haha!


    I love Jimmy from Downton Abby! What's the character name? Bonnet? God! He is great! Throw that kid over the boat! haha! I freakin' laughed out loud!

    At the time of the post, it was an assumption, but I subsequently saw an article about it. 


     Thanks! Downton Abbey—that’s why he’s so familiar 

    • Love 2
  15. 2 hours ago, AAEBoiler said:

    I just found it laughable that in the middle of the Scottish highlands, with it's wide open vistas and snow-covered mountains that Brianna stops, opens her map, looks around, and thinks, "Yep, that's the way I need to go." I literally laughed out loud at that scene.

    What made me laugh/worry was her starting a fire under a tree . A little sensitive about forest fires right now.

    1 hour ago, Cdh20 said:

    I thought this part was weirdly rushed, & lacked emotion- I expected Ian to be more excited(remember when he first saw Claire when she came back?) & although Jenny was unavailable -where was everyone else? Wouldn't Bri have enjoyed meeting her cousins? 

    I think they’re saving actor salaries for the big America and boat scenes, which require a lot of people.

    • Love 4
  16. 1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    While Leghair was not my favorite character, what I liked is that we got to see that she is capable of being a perfectly nice human being when it comes to things that don't involve Jamie and Claire. She was kind of Brianna up until she learned that Claire was her mother and then she went from zero to sixty in about two seconds.

    How old was Brianna supposed to be when Frank told her that he and Claire were getting a divorce? Because she was acting like a six year old. When she said, "I have no say in this?" I was like no, you naive little brat. You don't get to decide whether or not your parents get a divorce.

    It was really good to see nice Laoghaire, who took in a stranger despite not having much herself. I laughed at how easily Joan accepted that Claire was a witch—and she seemed quite nonchalant about it.

    Briana is 18 or 19 at the time of the conversation and I think her reaction is pretty normal. Her world is being rocked, so it’s pretty natural to be a little selfish in her initial response. Later on, she might have realized that this was not about her, but Frank died first.


    Speaking of Frank, I was so happy to see him again. I hate when important characters are forgotten once their time in the plot is over. Good job on including him.


     I wonder why Brianna didn’t try to go to Lallybrock before heading to America. She could have sent a letter to Claire and Jamie and warned them and/or alerted them to her arrival.it would have given her time to learn the ways of 18th century in a safish place. She could have also gotten the latest news on Jamie and Claire. 

    Was sorry not to see Jenny, but I assume the actress was not available.

    I wonder what they will make of Brianna at River Run. maybe she will be named heiress! ;)


    That Bonnet guy! I guess he’s the big bad of the season. Pretty horrifying to see him throw a child off the boat, but I wonder if there was a place to quarantine people on the boat. The story of the sacrifice was good. That happened last season too until the Chinese gentleman distracted everyone, so it’s a nice throwback. 

    I almost didn’t recognize Roger without the beard. Why did he have to shave it? We’ve see other characters with facial hair.

    Despite no Jamie and Claire I enjoyed the episode. At least we know they didn’t get into trouble for one week.  I know lots of posters don’t like the Brianna actress, but I think she did a great job as the lead for this episode.

    • Love 10
  17. On 11/18/2018 at 10:30 PM, TiredMe said:

    I thought I was watching a rerun in the beginning when I saw Francs and Agatha. I actually picked up my remote and pressed info. Lol

    Lol. I had the same reaction!

    On 11/19/2018 at 12:45 AM, voiceover said:


    At least Caro has snapped to attention.  Fingers crossed we next find her doing good deeds in Cornwall proper, and letting Dwight chase her and baby Enyses 'round the drawing room.

    Agreed! It annoyed me when he was detached from her after returning from the war and when she returned the favor. Both cases were understandable, but made me yell at the tv.

    On 11/19/2018 at 6:30 AM, Neurochick said:

    George never loved Elizabeth, he loved what she represented.  He didn’t even know her.

    Elizabeth could have broken her engagement to Francis when Ross came back home.  She was engaged to Ross and only got engaged to Francis because Ross was presumed dead, so since he wasn’t dead...

    I don’t think Elizabeth would have been happy with Ross.

    I think that George did love Elizabeth, but let his greed and desire for revenge distracted him. That’s one of the things that makes this situation so tragic.

     I don’t think that Elizabeth and Ross were ever engaged, they were in love. Also, engagements were considered legal contracts back then, and breaking the arrangement with Francis would have had serious repercussions for her reputation. Additionally, it would have created a wedge within the Poldark family. I think that Elizabeth did the right think and mostly did a good job of hiding her feelings for Ross.


     I always liked Elizabeth, though I wanted her to exert more influence over her husband to stop his ungenerous behavior to the people. I do think it’s good that this chapter of the story is over and  the love quadrilateral is over, but I will miss her. 

    • Love 3
  18. 6 hours ago, terrymct said:

    You KNEW that Adawehi was going to die.  Claire has been like the Grim Reaper on this show.  Where she goes, death and suffering follow.  Sometimes due to her actions, sometimes not.

    But they could have given us a few episodes!

    • Love 2
  19. I was really glad to see Murtagh. I’d forgotten that he was sent to America. Willie from season 1 went there too, but I think it’s unlikely we’ll see him.

    America agrees with Murtagh—he seems years younger despite having whiter hair. I am also glad that his storyline appears to be less Jamie-centric now.

     I thought the story with the Muellers and the Cherokee family was well done.  I think it’s more nuanced than season 1’s “Scots good, English bad” approach. It’s sad but realistic to see how issues can get escalated quickly, and how the difference in ideas and inability to see the common ground can create fear and violence. 


    However, I am pissed that my favorite new character, Adawehi, was killed off so quickly.  What is this, Game of Thrones?

    • Love 9
  20. Really enjoyable episode. It’s the type of slower “characterization” episode that some of us have been craving for a while. I enjoyed the slow building of trust between Jamie and the Cherokee family. I think that grandma is going to be one of my favorites, along with John Quincy Myers.

    I am curious about how Claire feels about being part of the colonization of America, which had its own brutality, given her principled stance on slavery. It hasn’t occurred to her yet, but I wonder if she will think about it later. You just know that the governor is going to make them do something awful to the Cherokee...

     I am glad that Claire continues to think about Briana and how her daughter might miss her. Claire was already married at her daughter’s age, and had grown up without a mother, but Briana grew up differently, and will miss her during key points of her life. Glad that was addressed.

    Lol. I have a picture of Grandfather Mountain on my phone. I like to think that the scenic overlook from which I took the picture is Fraser’s Ridge.

    I think that it’s interesting that the color which is continuously associated with Claire: white dove, La Dame Blanche, she was wearing white when she went through the stones. I wonder what it means...


    Fiona is my favorite tertiary character. Glad she had an important piece of info, and knew more than anybody suspected, but I am not sure how I feel about sharing it with Briana...


     I really hope that “visiting her mother” is a euphemism and not Briana going through the stones, but the daughter of Jamie and Claire will do something reckless, of course. Any bets on how soon she gets attacked?

    • Love 5
  21. 2 hours ago, taurusrose said:

    Right.  Jocasta's thinking is perfectly natural for someone born to believe her place is to lord it over others all the while thinking herself as a benevolent and kind task master.  I'm having a hard time keeping a civil tongue in my head after reading this.  "Slavery or not, I think most people would choose a life of luxury over life in the wilderness.”  Jocasta's life of luxury was threatened or damn near destroyed by the time she left Scotland, so her idea of reclaiming her life of luxury was to take steal the land from the people who were already living in the new world and to enslave others stolen from their homelands?  She's a hypocrite and the worst kind of monster.  Jamie and Claire made the correct decision.  They were not going to be forced into anything especially into being slave owners. Your comments are reminiscent of people making excuses to validate their mistreatment of other human beings simply because they don't look or behave like them.  It is a fairy tale that somehow J&C could make being a slave more tolerable to those being held in bondage.  Did you watch the previous episode?  Did you see how helpless they were in trying to save one slave from the "justice" of the white mob intent on teaching all concerned a lesson?  You are surprised Jamie didn't stay at River Run?  I'm amazed that so many of the Europeans who came to the new land were so quick to embrace the bondage, torture and rape of others when many of them had experienced almost the same treatment at the hands of the lords and ladies in their homelands.  They were not slaves, but they weren't too far from it and they were at the mercy of the nobility.  Jamie had experienced being held in bondage, he had endured rape and false imprisonment, not to mention torture.  He would have a very short memory indeed if he wanted to be put in the position to treat other people that way.


    You are entitled to your opinion of me, but I have to disagree with you on the options available to Claire and Jamie.  Claire knows how much longer slavery will last in America.  Making life a little less unbearable for several generations of people would definitely have been worthwhile.

    I did watch the previous episode.  Just because they were not able to stop a mob does not mean that they could not do things to improve the daily lives of the slaves.  (I doubt that the mob would come every day to River Run to interfere with how they run the plantation.  They came in response to a perceived attack on a white man for which a punishment was stopped.) Jamie could take over running the plantation and replace the overseer with someone of his own choosing.  We know from Season 2 that he is good at making friends and becoming influential, which over time might have earned River Run a little freedom to operate as they see fit.   Claire's medical skills could heal people injured during work or help pregnant women.  Between the two of them, they might be able to get the workers more food each day, or teach reading and writing, or convert River Run's crops to something less slave-dependent.  Is that as good as being able to free them? Of course, not, but the obstacles to freeing them seem insurmountable (at least, right now). After leaving River Run, they are no longer in a position to help the slaves in ANY way. 

    I don't blame Claire and Jamie for not wanting to be involved with slavery.  However, IMO it's a missed opportunity to help the slaves, even in a small way.  Instead, they've chosen to leave and go where the slaves are out of sight, out of mind.  Of course, that might be a result of their futile attempts to prevent Culloden.  Personally, I would rather try to fix things from  inside an institution I despise, rather than simply moving away and burying my head in the sand.  I hope I'm wrong and Jamie and Claire remain aware of the slaves' plight and do things to help them.  Maybe they will become wealthy in a different way and exert influence and pressure on the plantation owners...but I'm not holding my breath.

    • Love 2
  22. On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 7:21 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    How old is Ian supposed to be now? As he pointed out to Jamie, he's older than Jamie was when he went to France so it's about time Jamie stopped treating him like a child. If he wants to stay, he should be allowed to stay. When he left with Myers, I was sure Ian would get into some kind of trouble (regardless of whether it was his fault or not) because duh, it's Outlander so someone is always in peril, but even so it should be his choice. Based on how much trouble Jamie and Claire have gotten into, maybe it's better that Ian isn't traveling with them.

    When Claire ran off after the mule, I was just waiting for her to get attacked or kidnapped. I swear that I'm not always paranoid, but given what we know of this show, it's always just a matter of time.

    I liked Roger last season (or at least I don't remember hating him) but good lord. He has written and called Brianna a few times since last summer and then he proposes to her within a day of his flight landing? I'm with Brianna on this - NO. As for his "we can be engaged as long as you want but I just want you to say yes," GTFO. How about we can date as long as you like until you feel we have gotten to know each other well enough to get engaged and commit to spending our lives together? THIS GUY. Seriously, slow your fucking roll. His all or nothing attitude is shit. Either you marry me or we have no relationship? Okay, BYE.

    Claire, when you find a skull on the ground, that doesn't mean you have to pick it up and carry it around! 


    I think Ian is meant to be 19.  Wasn't Jamie 18-19 when he and Jenny were attacked by BJR? Then, 4-5 years later he had gone to France and was on his way home with Dougal when they found Claire.  I'm too lazy to find the link, but I believe it was discussed in this forum in Season 1.

    I was expecting Claire to be kidnapped, so I'm glad it didn't happen,

    I like that Roger was a jerk on the marriage issue.  It adds layers to the character instead of him being the perfect guy.

    I laughed out loud about your comment on the skull.  I was thinking that only Claire would take a skull with her, instead of screaming at the sight of it.  (Not meant to be sexist. I think that anyone who found themselves curled up with a human skull would run away screaming.)  I thought it was horribly disrespectful that she didn't leave the bones alone, but I do think it's cool that there is another time traveler out there.  What if it's Roger? We know he has the blood of a time traveler...


    On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 9:11 PM, BitterApple said:

    Briana's never been my favorite character, but yeah, I was totally on her side. An international long-distance relationship where you've only seen each other several times in two years is hardly solid ground for a marriage. Roger's character certainly took a dark turn when he didn't get his way, so Briana's hesitation was well warranted.

    I'm glad Fiona got the Reverand's house. She seems like the type of person who would cherish and take immaculate care of the place.

    I'm dying to know whose skull Claire found in the mud.

    I wonder if we will see Roger turn into a bad guy...

    I am glad Fiona got married and has the house, though I'm sad to see it leave the family.  IIRC, Briana was a little snide about her having a crush on Roger, so I'm glad she is happy.

    I hope we will learn about the skull this season.  BTW, did Claire make the connection between Geillis and the skull that Joe mentioned?


    On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 9:05 AM, Cdh20 said:

    I knew they were filming in Scotland- I wondered if the backdrop was actually there though, since they have been green screening in some scenery? Anyway that view was incredible!

    North Carolina also has some similarly gorgeous views..

    On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 4:54 PM, Lily H said:

    Didn't Roger tell someone that Brianna is studying engineering at MIT? So why on earth would he expect her to give that up to marry him right away and have lots of babies? You don't get an engineering degree just for the fun of it. She's obviously career-minded.

    A lot of women went to college but abandoned their studies when they found a husband.  Also, as Claire mentioned, Briana was unsure about what to study.  Perhaps he assumed she would gladly give up college for married life.


    On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 10:32 AM, kwnyc said:

    And when Brianna was setting HER boundaries she was very like Claire, and I assume as a woman at MIT in 1970, she's probably one of the only women in her class *\(like Claire in med school.) She's definitely Claire's daughter.

    Jocasta is absolutely true to her high-born roots, to the disgusted sound she makes at the thought of Jamie as a printer. And while she blames Claire for him walking away from the estate, she really seems to think that Jamie could get used to "our ways" (slavery). 

    But Jamie clearly loves the mountains; and 200 years later, all the Scots who found them are still evident in the festivals and their descendents.

    I do like that Briana is growing up from the whiny girl she was and is setting her boundaries.  I would be nice to hear more about her experience as one of the few women at MIT.

    I think that it's natural that she would assume Jamie would prefer the life as lord of the plantation.  Slavery or not, I think most people would choose a life of luxury over life in the wilderness.  Also, being a laird makes you responsible for the entire ecosystem on your land, so I actually think it's disappointing that they did not stay at River Run.  Yes, they would be forced to be slave owners, but they could have found a way to make the lives of the slaves and little less awful-- less brutal daily treatment, stopping rapes, etc.--even if they could not easily free the slaves.  I feel like Claire and Jamie put their own needs of how they want to perceive themselves above a real opportunity to help the slaves.  I think this is especially true of Claire, who is very black and while.  Jamie is typically more practical and nuanced in his thinking, so I am surprised and disappointed that he didn't try to stay. 

    I was in Asheville, NC a little while back and saw some ads for a highland games type event.  Unfortunately, I was not there at the right time for them.  Sounds fun! (But I would skip the haggis-eating contest...)


    On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 10:32 PM, ganesh said:

    With their only attempt to free all the slaves over 100 years early thwarted, Claire and Jamie leave the only secure shelter they have to wreak havoc in the west. It seems like it's been quite a while that we've been in one place and got to know everyone. 

    I believe that Claire does believe that she just 'wants to make a home', but I mean come on. She can't sit still for 5 minutes. 

    I still find it odd Claire hasn't thought to leave a message for the future somehow. 

    You would think Claire and Jamie would have some emergency plan by now if they got separated. "head north to the biggest tree, mark your path", or "find the nearest river/stream". 

    I was hoping that RiverRun would be the new Castle Leoch and we'd be there for a few episodes, at least.  I miss the days of Hamish and Mrs. Fitz and seeing the everyday life without always being horrified.

    I think it's interesting that in the opening scene of the series, Claire looked at a vase and wanted to make a home for herself (and Frank) but never seemed to be able to do that.  I believe she asks herself what would have happened if she had just created a home for that vase...

    Planning is not Claire or Jamie's strength!  Maybe the series would be boring if it were, but it does seem that they never learn from their experiences.

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