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Posts posted by nara

  1. 3 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

      I sort of wish if they had to use a white POV for a picker, they had gone with someone not as frail/pretty as Jessup. I see the point that is being made, but an equally plausible argument visually is that black/brown people are "made" for work that white people cannot cope with, and therefore we need to import an almost slave population to do what weak whites cannot be expected to handle. IMO, it's the wrong way to get the point across. (I know Jessup's character's weakness is tied to the drug storyline, but it's the visuals that are annoying.)

    She could do worse. Again, I sort of hate that a woman HAS to give birth for fulfillment, but, hopefully there's a storyline (like adopting a kid that needs it) that will make it worth it.

    #1) To clarify, do you mean that someone tougher than Connor, who could do the job well if he weren't addicted to drugs?  Because they would still need the drug part to create a way for him to be victimized.  A non-victimized worker (of any race or ethnicity) could at best be a minor character in this story.

    #2) Yes, it could have been her brother.  ;)

  2. On 3/19/2017 at 10:59 PM, TobinAlbers said:

    Would've been great if Griffin had been a descendant of John who purposefully targeted Vanessa as she's a descendant of Welles but since Rebecca is his sister and she slept with John that's out. Still wouldn't be surprised if the show gave us a Romeo/Juliet style descendants of Welles-Stevenson coupling in the future.

    I think Jane might be that descendant of John. Otherwise, at some point HG might decide to go back in time and stop John before he leaves the 19th century.  

    But  I don't think Brooke and Griffin being John's descendants precludes her from sleeping with him. The relationship would be very distant. In any case, if you're crazy enough to hang with a notorious psychopath, I imagine a little incest wouldn't bother you.

    On 3/20/2017 at 2:23 AM, Dowel Jones said:

    I missed something.  How did Stevenson get the key to the machine?

    I don't think you need the key to use it. But without the key it immediately returns to where it came from and you're stuck whereit left you.

    On 3/20/2017 at 8:25 AM, blackwing said:

    I had been wondering if Vanessa was supposed to be mixed race as the actress looked like she could be (although my theory was that it was because she was descended from HG and the vaguely Hispanic looking Jane).  So now we know her parentage.  I wonder which parent is the descendant of HG?

    I think Jane was clearly talking about the 80s in general since as mentioned above, none of those things had happened by 1980.  The fashion trends of the one shoulder off big top wasn't popularised until Flashdance (1982 I think) and Madonna.  Madonna wasn't really known until 82 also I think and her other fashion trendsetters (leggings, bangle bracelets, big bows in hair) came along with her.  I think.   Would have loved to have seen HG talk about Madonna and have someone assume he was talking about the Virgin Mary.

    I think Vanessa's mother might be HG's descendant, even though (or perhaps because) her father is the obvious choice.

    Since the writers got the disco music right, I think Jane's missteps about 1980 culture were deliberately included as comic relief.

    I really enjoyed this episode. However, what's the point of America being a gun-loving country if no one thinks to use one against the serial killer? They all try hand to hand combat against the guy with the knife. And why wouldn't Brooke keep him in restraints or at least his cell? And why would anyone allow their back to be turned to the psycho?

    • Love 2
  3. Glad to see Felicity play a more sympathetic character this year. 

    Those workers who died were locked in by their manager--right? And they did not put on the chicken wire to ward off thieves; it was used to keep them from running away--right? Yikes! I know that the guy who walked Jeannette around said otherwise, but he's clearly part of a cover-up.

    Laurie Ann's idea that sympathy =guilt is very common in business. If seen that attitude lead people to go the lawsuit route when they were previously just looking for heartfelt sympathy or an apology. 

    When Kimara went to her ex's house, his son called her auntie.  For a while I thought she was asking her sister's husband for his sperm. Double yikes!

    • Love 3
  4. 23 hours ago, slade3 said:

    Can someone explain the camera that Huck found behind Sandra's ear? Who would have put there and why didn't they remove it before dumping her body?


    11 hours ago, abbey said:

    I don't pay as close attention as I probably should, but this is the theory  I came up with last night.  I think Rowan/Eli put it there.  It is evidence that he is being coerced by threats to Olivia's life.  I think it was Charlie who made a comment when they were gathered around Sandra's plastic wrapped body that they found it in an old B613 (whatever it is called) dumping ground and he was surprised that they were still using it. At least that is what I think he said.  So Rowan dumped it there hoping that one of Olivia's people would think to look there, find the body, and then find the camera.  That way Olivia would have to believe him as she would now have proof  that they are using her well being to control him.

    I thought it was a tracking device and Huck hacked into it to see where she'd been and found the recording device(s).

    I actually enjoyed this episode and Huck's confusion.  He's been tortured so many times that he's paranoid and then paranoid about his paranoia. Although I guessed that Meg was a baddie, I was wondering if she met with that lady in public knowing that Huck was following her and wanting to mess with him.

    • Love 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    Didn't Maddie and Joseph refer to their affair being "last year"? They would have had to have an affair seven years earlier for him to possibly be Chloe's father.

    Maybe so.  I got the impression that last year was the most recent hookup but that it had happened multiple times.  I could have misunderstood.

  6. 7 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    It would be one thing if it was just Chloe that acted a lot older than her age - I get that she's supposed to be freakishly precocious (although I'm not buying her encyclopedic knowledge of music, period, no matter how precocious she's supposed to be.)

    Her musical instincts made me wonder if Joseph is her father--you know, someone with a knack for arts. I don't really believe it, but I did briefly wonder.

  7. 3 hours ago, mochamajesty said:

    Renata is a woman of action that's why I don't get her inaction here.

    Perhaps she subconsciously feels that taking her daughter to a psychiatrist is like admitting a failure on her own part--a failure to protect her child. It's a little unreasonable, but it might be hard for someone so successful to feel like she couldn't help Amabella herself.

    • Love 3
  8. 5 hours ago, mochamajesty said:


    I thought it was obvious that was the night of the party when the murder took place. Didn't she wear the same thing during the opening sequence?

    On rewatch, she's definitely wearing the Audrey dress and pearls and not the rape dress in that party montage.

    Is it possible that Jane uses pot fairly frequently? Could that be why she often seems so out of it? Regardless, I think Tom the cafe guy got her the pot for her drive (not that he knew she was going on a drive). He's seen her lose it a couple of times in the cafe and probably wants to help her de-stress.

    • Love 1
  9. So Shelby is definitely going to complete her hat trick of Haas men and hook up with Clay--right?

    Does anyone know of a detailed synopsis of this show from Season 1 Episode 1?  I am having trouble remembering who did what to whom in this show.

    I do think I like this new arc.

    • Love 2
  10. 2 hours ago, scrb said:

    Yeah I fail to see a good reason why they did it during the transition, instead of the early months of Keane's presidency.

    Plus isn't that part of the year dreary in NY and the NE?

    Yet they've had a lot of sun?

    Global warming.  ;)

  11. 3 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    I was so confused when they showed a just a frame of some young kids kneeling over a dead squirrel(?). I thought that maybe Amabella had been bitten by a rabid rodent! Those flashbacks/montages makes it difficult for me to decipher what the hell is imagined and what is "real."

    I thought it was an animal Ziggy had killed or been accused of killing

    3 hours ago, MaryWebGirl said:

    I agree that they've done OK showing that Jane doesn't have the kind of money everyone else does until last night when she had a crapton of joints! Although I suppose I could fanwank that she does the books for a grow-op or dispensary and they pay her in product.

    I think that's possibly a real explanation of why she is able to live in that neighborhood and do nothing but run and drink coffee all day.

    • Love 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, dmc said:

    Right agreed Jane is way too passive.  Also, Renata needs to take Anabella to see someone professionally.  I mean she won't talk to her parents, she keeps coming home with marks on her...as a parent, I would take her to see someone to talk too.  It would be really concerning to me to have a child that is afraid to speak up when she needs help.  She seems like a little girl that has some issues that need to be worked out. 

    I wonder if Amabella would open up to her dad if Renata could shut up for 10 minutes. In the absence of rational parents, I  hope they take her to Ziggy's psychiatrist so she can put the pieces together.

    13 minutes ago, mochamajesty said:

    I stated this before in another thread. 

    Most people on this forum blame the teacher for 'forcing' Amabella to lie about Ziggy and that Amabella should face no consequences for her lie.  That is not how I see it.  At the end of the day, Amabella lied and thus created a situation whereby Ziggy is bullied and ostracized.

    I do think that Jane should be stronger, too.   In the meeting with Renata she seemed so passive.  It's almost as if Jane has doubts, too.

    And I really thought that all of this was squashed by the therapist's report last week.

    I don't think we know yet that Amabella lied or (assuming she did) why. Yes, there should be consequences if she lied or was just mistaken, but they should be appropriate for the situation. She didn't volunteer that Ziggy hurt her. She was forced to choose someone while everyone was staring at her. However, the impact on Ziggy was terrible and continued after the incident, so she should be taught that it's unacceptable. Once we know why she did it and whether or not it was deliberate, the appropriate punishment can be defined.

    And I thought that Jane flat out said that she wasn't sure whether or not Ziggy did it.

    • Love 6
  13. 17 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

    It occurs to me that if Dar's fellow conspirators are attempting to tie up loose ends by killing Quinn, Dar will be next on their list now that Saul, Carrie, and the President-elect are on to him. I wonder if Dar has his own personal assassin to save him. 

    Peter Quinn was his personal assassin, but maybe he has a new one.

    • Love 3
  14. 49 minutes ago, lmsweb said:

    On re-watch, I just realized something. Jane showed up as "Celeste Wright" and then something happened with Saxon at his office. So if Perry somehow finds out about "Celeste" going to see an interior designer for some new place she's getting (which I think was the reason for the appointment in the first place) that's going to open a whole new can of worms into an already full puddle.

    Also, Ed and Tara (? - the directors wife) both know about the affair. The looks and dialogue between each married couple was heavy on it.

    I didn't consider what Perry might think. Yikes! And it fits with "it wouldn't have happened if Madeline and Jane hadn't become friends".

    I think it's Tori. Btw, I felt really sad for Madeline that she has been kicked out of the show. It seemed like the part-time job really mattered to her. Perhaps she will take over as director now that Joseph is hospitalized? 

    Also, the way that Ed ran to the hospital room looked like genuine love and concern to me. I am on team "not creeping on Abby". 

    Leave it to Renata to make Amabella's bullying about herself. I was on her husband's side on this one.

    Was I the only one annoyed at Nathan and Bonnie for not caring about the Facebook thing? I am not a fan of spying on kids, but most of the parents I know are open with their kids that they will periodically check on them in social media. 

    Jane pissed me off for driving while high. What would happen to Ziggy if she got in an accident?  I did laugh when she sniffed Saxon Baker.

    At the fundraiser scene at the end, did we see evidence that Jane is not the victim? If so, is she the only one of the main characters who's been ruled out. That part went by quickly.

    • Love 7
  15. I laughed out loud at M&M. So awkward. It's no wonder that guy wanted to move on quickly from that conversation.

    I really think they should have had Quinn regain his movement by now to make all this stuff believable. 

    I really appreciated the reminder that both Saul and Carrie got played by spies.

    Surprised that PEOTUS did not mention her kidnapping to Saul and Carrie. Do they even  know?

    I am really glad that Dar did not try to kill Quinn because he was becoming too super-evil, but I cannot believe that he would call on an unsecured phone.  After so many years in the biz, he would do things instinctively,  even when in shock. 

  16. On 3/13/2017 at 10:27 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Yes, I now think it's set in Alamance County, NC. That's about 50 miles from me. I thought the way the migrant worker sought out NC seemed odd too. That's why I wonder if he's really who he appears to be. 

    I wonder if he came to America looking for a relative who came here and disappeared.

    On 3/13/2017 at 5:45 PM, BeatrixK said:

    OK -- I'm totally in this season.

    Yeah -- the unspoken 'yeah...migrant is kinda what we need but let's not say it' screamed as loud as the 'not Walmart but totally Walmart' big box corporation squeezing the small farm. (Expect More pay less...Bentonville....yeah...obvious who that was.)

    Considering how topical illegal immigration is...I am very interested in this season, and I think it was a helluva good topic for them to pic, because this will be a very touchy subject for many folks -- it's just an ugly, inescapable truth of our economy and the American way of life:  WE don't get what we are used to without undocumented workers who are forced to work on the cheap. 

    This should be a fascinating season.

    I laughed out loud about the guy from Walmart (Bentonville) because I know a lot of people who work at the corporate office.  However, the director clearly doesn't know anyone from Walmart if they think they'd be sitting in such a nice office!  It's more like cubicle city.  But perhaps that suit guy worked for a distributor, not Walmart itself.  However, I hope they don't make it the "big bad company" since they are so nuanced about most other things.

    I thought the young girl sitting out on the street did a great job.  The look on her face when Shae gave her food was heartbreaking.  Glad she had enough sense not to go with Shae and her "boyfriend". Speaking of which, so sad to see how much the young victims justify their pimps.

    I really appreciated (enjoyed is not a word that applies to this show because it's so depressing!) the first 2 seasons and I think this one is good too.  However, I hate watching it on Sunday nights because it's a sad way to lead into the week, so I save it for later in the week.

    • Love 2
  17. 11 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

    I've been wondering, is it possible that Amabella is doing these things to herself?  The psychologist said that she felt Ziggy was being bullied.  We saw him staring at Amabella in what seemed an unfriendly way but I don't think Ziggy is doing this.  The previews show Amabella having a bite mark which would be much more difficult to inflict on herself.  

    Mind you, I have no idea, whatsoever why she might be doing that and I may very well be completely off base.  It's just so freaking weird that this stuff is going down in a school setting and there are no witnesses.  I truly can't think of reason she would do that but it almost seems more plausible that she's doing these things to herself in the girls bathroom than being strangled and bitten in the open and no one seeing it.  

    Plot twist -- the teacher is the one who is bullying her! ;)

    • Love 4
  18. 23 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    I did think of the idea the teacher would see the bruise and jump to OMG Ziggy's getting beat up at home! because we all know that woman takes Olympic sized leaps at the slightest hint of anything. She should go have dinner at Perry and Celeste's house. Wonder what she'd make of those two.

    She would be making googly eyes at Perry and thinking how lucky Celeste is.

    • Love 5
  19. Just now, DarkRaichu said:

    Not saying it was not creepy and I am not excusing the ogling, but there is a line

    There's more than a line, there's a CHASM.  

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.  BTW, was it really necessary for them to pile on to Nathan's offenses by making him mispronounce that word?

    • Love 8
  20. Just now, mochamajesty said:

    Whether Perry is insecure or not - does it matter?

    There are some things that are so horrible about a person that nothing else matters, at least for me.

    I have heard some say about an abuser, 'But he is a good father.".  Huh?  How can you be a good father and beat the mother of those same kids?

    It is the tendency to look for the good in people that keep women with these creeps.

    It matters in the way that properly diagnosing an illness is necessary for applying a cure or a treatment plan.  After all, it's better for Perry to be cured of his abusive behavior, rather than just having Celeste no longer be the victim.  It's great if she leaves the situation, but he will go on to abuse someone else.

    It doesn't really matter for the plot of this show.

    • Love 5
  21. It looks like Dar will undermine PEOTUS with the footage or blackmail her.  I hope they do something different instead and have him use the footage to win her loyalty.  Dar has been doing one bad thing after another this season.  They need to throw in a few good things to keep him from becoming a caricature.

    Everyone needs a mentor (or a father) like Saul.  He always comes through for Carrie.  Unfortunately, that probably means he will die before the end of the series.

    • Love 2
  22. 33 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    What the hell kind of yoga class does Bonnie teach? I've mostly done Bikram yoga so I'm too busy trying not to die of heat stroke to be doing whip it, upper cut, and serve the platter and whatever else she was doing in class.

    LOL. Violent acts like uppercuts and whipping things are not typical yoga poses.  She's created some sort of hybrid.  

    • Love 7
  23. 1 hour ago, mochamajesty said:

    Did Celeste see the photo? I think she did, but she either ignored the resemblance or is in denial.  Jane said she met him online? I can't remember.

    Perry is too obvious, but I can't think of another husband who has the same build as the flashback.

    I don't think Celeste has any reason to think Perry is the rapist. In her mind those crimes are unconnected.  

    Nathan is the only other father remotely close in appearance.  Ed and Renata's husband are much shorter.

    • Love 2
  24. Just now, susannot said:

    True.  But women who go to law school, and women who succeed as lawyers, tend to be loud, ballsy, and aggressive.  I don't know a single woman like Celeste.

    On the other hand, it's probably especially difficult for women like that to admit (to themselves or others) that they are in an abusive situation.  

    I don't think we know how long it's been since the abuse started.  Getting her to leave her job may have been an isolation tactic or maybe he took advantage of the fact she was already isolated by being a stay at home mom to try to control her.  

    • Love 22
  25. Just now, susannot said:

    I have to admit I do not understand Nicole's character. I'm hoping someone can explain it to me. I am a lawyer and have lots of female lawyer friends.  Literally not a single one married a good looking abuser who forbade them to work as lawyers.  The female lawyer friends I have had for my entire life would have recoiled in horror over marrying a man like that, good looking be damned.  I realize, dramatic license, but still, find very unrealistic.

    I don't know about Celeste (since I haven't read the book), but here are a few theories:

    1.  She had a previous husband/lover who left her for a younger woman because she was too career focused and she jumped at the chance to show she could be not obsessed with her career.

    2.  She's been told all her life that she's an icicle queen and responded to Perry, who "treats her like a passionate woman".

    3.  She thinks she deserves to be ill-treated due to daddy issues.

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