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Posts posted by nara

  1. I enjoyed this show but I agree that the mystery was mediocre.

    Of the family, I liked Greer and Will. For all her uptightness, she’s the only one with a lick of sense. And I agreed with her in episode one that Amelia should not be wandering around in her bra. But that hair color was an atrocity.

    I really thought a final reveal would be that Abby was pregnant with Tag’s child. 




  2. If I recall correctly, there were some Camerons that tried to raid our friends right  after the Jamie / Claire wedding, so I wonder if Rob is trying to settle the score with the McKs. Or perhaps he is trying to save Geillis. 

    Or maybe he is going to France to ensure his ex’s family doesn’t become rich. Maybe they made their wealth by selling supplies to the “Americans”.

  3. I guessed that Jemmy would travel back but thought Rob would take the boys to the tunnel for a fun, secret outing and lose Jemmy that way.

    I wonder how far back in time he’s trying to go? I had assumed to some time before he got divorced but I guess it has to be the 18th century.

    I like how Buck now has Roger’s back and told him about the hot-eye. I think I’m going to use that expression in real life.

    Glad William got acquainted with the reality of war—it’s not all honor and victory. It should make him wiser going forward.

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  4. Good for Brianna for besting those jerks of colleagues and putting them in the Eid place. That one guy who wouldn’t drink with her will be a problem.

    Rachel is a bit of a flirt— Ian and William!

    Brianna and Roger are idiots for not immediately reading all the letters.

    That creepy tunnel is clearly how the guy hanging around Lallybroch came through time. No idea who it could be, though.

    little Ian James is a cutie! We now have a target for Bug.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:


    And now we have the 'just think of where you want to go'. Well, did Claire think about getting busy with a hot Scottish guy the first time she heard the stones? No. Then why did she go back? Because. I don't think the author has any set rules. I don't really care per se, but it is kind of funny. 

    I thought it was because she had BJR and the time period on her mind due to conversation with Frank and Rev Wakefield

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  6. Re pining for Joan: Rewatching Morse after years of Endeavour. I always thought…


    Morse was too inappropriate with women during investigations, but now I get why he always shoots his shot after missing the opportunity with Joan.


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  7. 3 hours ago, Magnumfangirl said:

    Hmm...so Morse sets up Lott's murder, but he's upset about Thursday committing a murder?  What's the difference?  

    The man Thursday killed had not raped and murdered anyone and was poor Big Pete who had suffered and grown up the tough way.

    However,  based on the what they showed it looked like manslaughter not murder— and maybe even self defense.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    I am confused about the Jacobite gold.  I feel like I missed and / or forgot something about that.  Why did Jamie think he was entitled to it more than the Bugs?  Jamie kicked them off the Ridge, killed the wife AND took the gold.  Seems out of character to me… can someone explain this for me?

    This really made me mad. I thought Jamie would do something unselfish with it, but him keeping it was not better than the Bugs doing so

    • Like 1
  9. A slow paced but good episode.

    We called it on Allan, but I would have preferred it if Malva was a willing participant vs. a molested little sister. I am glad that chapter is over…

    How has William grown up when no one else has aged a say? The youthful looks of Jamie and Lord John are jarring. Also, he should look more like Jamie.

    Poor little Amanda. Glad they made the choice to go to the future rather than Claire miraculously operate.

    Disney product placement! I can’t believe they went every year! I guess the Randalls were wealthy!

    Scenes with meeting baby Amanda and the goodbyes were all well done. I don’t know why everyone here seems to hate the Brianna actress—I think she has done a good job. 

    So now we have the fire. I hope all of our friends survive. But have the Bugs been stealing? That would be sad. But if the Fraser’s hold them accountable they could reveal where a certain body is.

    i don’t recall any mention of Brown. I guess it will come up later

    • Like 2
  10. Great episode. Finally, I have some must watch TV again. 

    I liked that they resolved the Claire prison issue. I don’t think Christie killed his daughter. I think it will be revealed to be Allan later. I also noticed he avoided the question of the baby’s father (also Allan IMO). 

    Laughed when they embraced and the guard said “That is not permitted.” It reminded me of “No touching!” from Arrested Development.

    New characters that I hope we will see again are Sadie for comic relief and Governor and his wife.

    I really enjoyed the debate between Bree and Roger. When do you stand up for others and when do you protect yourself? I honestly don’t know what I would do if put in that difficult situation. I completely got each of their positions on the topic, which is what made it compelling. Even from the beginning, Bree plunged fearlessly and recklessly into the past to save her parents.    Not sure Roger would have done that, even for reverend Wakefield. 

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  11. Since it’s unclear if most people have seen the season 3/series finale I will put my thoughts in spoiler mode. 


    I found the Charlotte-Colbourne romance to be insufferable. I get that they had to scramble when Theo James decided to leave but another surly guy was not the only path they could have followed. I actually like young Stringer better for Charlotte—though I think we can all agree that Theo James is swoon worthy. Young Stringer could have returned to Sanditon after his studies.

    Given the relationship of Charlotte-Colbourne in season 2, I think I would have preferred having Charlotte have a friendship to love relationship with Ralph in season 3 and have Colbourne marry Lady Lydia instead.

    I liked the Augusta-Edward storyline and I liked the way it ended—with him having changed a little, as evidenced by his sacrifice for Augusta’s own good, but not having had a ridiculous personality transplant. I loved his reaction to the idea of being a clergyman. 

    I would have liked to see more of Susan’s dilemma with a summons from the king. It never occurred to me to wonder how much choice she really had in the matter and I would have liked some insight into history here.

    How is Leo still wearing short hair and pants in public in the last scene? I am all for her tomboyish, but there are still conventions that it’s unlikely Colbourne and Charlotte would ignore. They should have at least changed her hair to show some aging of the girl. Augusta was looking quite grown up at the wedding.

    I liked the ending related to the development of Sanditon. I really believe business growth and worker welfare are not mutually exclusive.

    I found Georgiana’s overall storyline a little uninteresting, but I am glad she ended up in a place to use her fortune for good.

    I wish Arthur could have ended in a better place. The duke has to marry someone, though, but the next person might not be as understanding as Georgiana.


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  12. On 3/20/2021 at 5:59 PM, shipmate said:

    I just binged the whole series and am dying to know... what is the outcome of the visit to the Hebden Women’s Disco?? 😆

     If no more series are being produced I would love the author to tell us what happens to everyone in the future.  I would especially like Gillian to find some happiness and levity in her life since her story has just been one wave of darkness/hardship after another. (Seriously, girl, sell the farm! You're in your 50s and Raff isn't taking it over)

    In my mind, at the end Robbie comes back and they finally have a happy and healthy relationship.

    But the end seemed unfinished—I assume this was a Covid issue. They were working up to a murder reveal by Cheryl— which I assumed would be the cause of Robbie coming back. Additionally, what happened to the long lost son Gary. Was he even mentioned in the last few episodes? He was a huge part of season 3

    However, overall great show.

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  13. On 11/25/2022 at 9:59 AM, dargosmydaddy said:

    Even if Michael had no inkling of Morgan's existence until Annika came back, you'd think sitting around ON HER BIRTHDAY might trigger the math for him and cause him to go hmmm... Yet judging by his attitude in the final scene (and the very innocent way he brought up her father to Annika), this was not the case. It just seemed very odd to me, unless Annika has outright told him at some point that he's not Morgan's father (which I wouldn't put past her).

    Assuming there is a second season, he may think about the timing. It was a very rough day after all…

    The sad thing is that he has turned out to be a great dad and Annika often relies on him as a sounding board and advisor on parenting.

    On 11/15/2022 at 9:55 PM, janeta said:

    So can Annika not swim or something? How come what's his name is always the one ending up in the water?

    Michael is introduced in the first episode as the diver of the team.

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  14. I am obsessed with this show… from “call me Annika” and the Moby Dick references to the last line in the series/season, which literally caused me to emit a high pitched squeal. 

    I love the actors, the breaking of the 4th wall, the sulky teen.

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  15. On 7/21/2022 at 7:18 PM, theredhead77 said:

    A few final thoughts on this episode - I'm doing my best but they all sort of blend. I knew Chip wasn't positive when he showed up at Alex's. Her live-stream was odd, at best. I imagine the audience were people who wanted to see a train-wreck. I hope season 3 shows his wake-up call and that he walked away from this toxic relationship.

    I hope Daniel makes it to his grandfather. Someone upthread said they were waiting for the police lights to appear while he was talking with Mia. I was, too. Those early days were terrifying, sleeping in the car, peeing in a bottle is 100% what I would expect from someone in that situation. And if he comes back, he better have an anchor chair. 


    Chip-Alex is toxic but I kinda find myself hoping these 2 crazy kids get together. 😆

    I absolutely think people would watch the train wreck Alex show. I mean, how many Real Housewives, Kardashian, and other shows are there with people making fold of themselves?  It’s going to go viral and it will spawn memes. They will start out malicious and then earn the show a cult following.

    I also thought Daniel would be shot by the police. The MeToo storyline is now played out and they need another compelling story with characters that can be grey. Police brutality is exactly the right topic. It would be interesting for them to tie to Reese’s real life encounter with the police in which yelled at them and nothing happened to her— in contrast to what would happen to a Black person in the same situation.

    I am surprised at how many posters hate this show. It has it’s weak moments this season, but I think the Alex-Chip-Mitch scenes are consistently compelling.

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  16. 32 minutes ago, SeanC said:

    This is an interesting case of how adaptation choices and casting affects the way things are perceived.

    In the books, Viserys was 29 at the time of his remarriage, while Alicent was 18. The choice of her over Laena was very expressly about wanting to marry an adult woman who was relatively close to him in age, rather than a child (which he had already done previously at his family's direction with Aemma).

    Whereas here, several different changes have been made:

    - it's not clear how old this Viserys is supposed to be, but clearly he's older than his book counterpart, going by, among other things, that they've aged up Rhaenyra and cast 48-year-old Paddy Considine in the role.

    - Alicent has actually (seemingly) been aged down from her book counterpart, and turned into a peer of Rhaenyra, a relationship that didn't exist in the source material because Rhaenyra was nine years old.

    I like the choices so far. I think it makes sense to make Alicent more nuanced than in the novella. I remember people calling her Alic_nt and I think people will emphasize with the show version more.

    I am curious about what will be made of all the king’s injuries 

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  17. Very rushed Will/Bonnie romance in the final episode. It didn’t have to go that far in my opinion.

    And why couldn’t Leonard operate a successful business with profits doing to help the poor? Seems like a good business model to me.

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  18. 8 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

    Sidney's name on the box! Our first direct (kind of?) Sidney reference in how long? Very fitting considering this awful Will romance nonsense.

    Are we really supposed to buy Will being head-over-heels in love with the fiancee after sleeping with her twice and knowing almost zilch about her???

    Will u idiot. Let's hope u actually keep your word and this fling is done.

    In addition to Will not knowing anything about Maya, there doesn’t appear to be any chemistry between the two of them. I rewatched the very first episode and felt like there was a lot more heat and longing (and humor) between Sidney and Amanda…

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  19. I actually enjoyed this episode a lot and felt the stress of Jamie and Claire in the standoff. 

    Honestly, I left this episode wishing the British would defeat these stupid Americans in the upcoming war (and I am American- 🤣). The “justice” and willingness to kill people who had done so much for them was appalling.

    I was happy to see Ian come to the rescue!

    Tom Christie is an interesting case. I think he instinctively knows what a loving couple Jamie and Claire are and that it’s unlikely he cheated on her. He knows that Malva was not to be trusted but could not publicly deny her claim. His guilt and genuine belief in justice causes him to want to do right by Claire. It will be interesting to see how far integrity will take him…

    So glad they resolved the Jemmy paternity question in a positive way. Made me smile! 


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  20. I do think that 2 young women of the Fraser household getting pregnant outside of wedlock reflects a little badly on Claire and Jamie and their moral leadership (for the period). They really have to pay more attention to the norms of society if they want a peaceful life. It’s irritating how little they learn from their experiences. Jamie threatened someone when he should have been showing himself to be wise and nonviolent and Claire tried to carry the little coffin. She could have easily asked Bree to take it. 

    On the other hand, Go Lizzie! Very sexually liberated of her. I was not really expecting that. I thought the brothers would fight over her. Handfasted to both brothers. Very clever of her! However, if they play it cool the brother can live with her and her husband and no one would be wiser.

    So they have successfully gotten Fergus, Marsali, Bree, and Roger off the Ridge. I guess we’re heading towards the fire about which Bree read (season 4?) that led to her coming back into the past. Glad that many of our faves are out of the way.

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  21. On 4/18/2022 at 9:27 PM, dbklmt said:

    No!  There are two more episodes with the next on April 23rd.  Probably skipped this week because it was Easter weekend and STARZ didn't want to offend anyone.  

    Yeah, they showed Claire being raped on Mother’s Day in the US. Maybe they learned their lesson 

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