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Posts posted by nara

  1. On 3/9/2020 at 12:07 AM, Msample said:

    Why did G’ulom tell Tasneem he couldn’t guarantee her safety ?  He’s running the place now.

    I think he was saying that now he is going to renegotiate alliances from his new position as president.

    Haqqani’s son will be involved somehow in this, conspiring with the evil Russian guy. Though it would be a twist if the Russians did manage to turn Carrie into a brainwashed asset who deliberately got the president to make the Sabotaged trip

    Overall, loved the episode. It’s been a while since I have yelled at my TV as much as I have the past couple of episodes. “Get the f-ing black box!”  

    (On a side note, I find myself willing to hand wave away some of plot holes and goofy moves—but when I watched Game of Thrones I found plot holes intolerable. I wonder if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that I care less now.)

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  2. 1 hour ago, AheadofStraight said:

    It actually was a book character name, many years before Diana ever knew of Tobias!

    Lol. I assumed it was a combo of Tobias Menzies and Graham McTavish! Maybe it was just fate!

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  3. 7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I'm trying hard to be neutral on Roger, but he was being a dick. The reality is Jemmy's paternity is a 50/50 toss-up. Brianna telling Bonnet she was pregnant with the expectation he was going to die the next day, wasn't some reprehensible action; nor was accepting the diamond. At best, the stone is Jemmy's ticket home, at worst it can be sold and used for his financial support. Brianna would've been a fool not to take it. 

    Does anyone else feel like the plot is moving really slow? We're five episodes deep and still bogged down with the search for Murtaugh. If it's currently 1771 or 1772, there's going to have to be a pretty generous time jump to get to the Revolutionary War (if they're planning it as part of S5). 


    I actually understand where Roger is coming from. Frankly, it’s normal for someone who has never experienced that kind of trauma to not understand the complex emotions that led Bree to visit Bonnet and say what she said.  (I remember a former boss who was sometimes nice and sometimes pervy to me. When he was fired I burst into tears, partially from relief and partially mourning the aspects of him that were good. And his behavior towards me was no where near as horrible as what Bree experienced. ) A logical person would assume that Bree would 1) never want to see Bonnet again, 2) Never want to forgive him, 3) let him die thinking his line died with him, and 4) consider his give an insult fling the diamond in his face.  When faced with the situation, though, people act in sometimes surprising ways.

    Because Bree handles herself with strength and hasn’t wallowed in the rape, Roger mistakenly thinks she is unaffected and is therefore indulging his own insecurities—related to Jamie, related to Jemmy, related to not protecting Bree, etc. He’s making her lack of transparency about him, rather than about her need to protect herself. That’s pretty selfish, but human. I do hope they resolve his issues this season and move on.

    I actually like the slower pace, to a point. The first season spent a lot of time on getting to know the world and characters, and since then it’s been one disaster after another. I like a slower pace, but would prefer more depth on known characters like Marsali and Fergus than the randomness of the stories with the woman who let her husband rot away and the star crossed couple.  Perhaps those will tie in more later.

    Other musings...

    I thought for sure that the romance novel in the beginning meant we would see Bonnet. Btw, it was a good reminder of how romances can have idiotic plots related to noncon sex leading to love.

    I am glad someone mentioned the option of a university finally.

     I appreciate the sweet nod to former actors on the show in the name Graham Menzies!  I assume this was not a book character 😉

    Will be interesting to see if Jamie experiences any long-term impacts from murdering Knox. It could create a further rift with Murtagh.

    I wish they would age Jamie more. I get that Caitriona’s looks are more of an ageless quality so it’s easier to realistically age her up, but Sam looks younger than his real age IMO so it’s even more important to age him up.

    So now Claire invents penicillin and Jamie invents...darts.  I am assuming the penicillin will come back and bite them somehow... 


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  4. Ok, am I the only one who thinks Jamie is a terrible dancer?

     I am getting tired of Jamie’s constant picking on Roger. I hope we don’t have to wait until the end of season for that to be resolved.

    I really want Fergus to have his own arc. Tired of seeing him relegated to bit player.

    Liked the reminder of the obituary that is hanging over their heads and the reminder that Claire cheated on Frank.

     I am not sure I liked the resolution for Ally and Morton. Living in sin has far more consequences for her than him.  TBH, I thought Claire would perform an abortion that would create tension with Jamie.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Pallas said:

    Yes. It's never happened that a Vice President  has challenged a President eligible for another term. It looks like Warner and Wellington missed a clause in the deal they struck with the now-VP.

    I thought he was the speaker of the house who got promoted to VP when the previous prez resigned 

  6. I knew POTUS was doomed, but it still made me tear up...I guess I feel like peacemakers are often the ones targeted. In all fairness, it could be an accident...

    I thought veep may have been behind it, but he looked genuinely shaken.

    Do we know the new VP? 

    Glad Max didn’t leave. If he had, those young soldiers would have died and he would have felt guilty forever. Was the helicopter that Max didn’t take POTUS’s?

    Glad Carrie saved Samira. That will come in handy at some point...

    I always assumed Saul was Jewish, so was surprised by his “Jesus Christ” swearing.


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  7. On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2020 at 7:45 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Haqqani was right - he made a mistake by not killing Jalal. I know that no one wants to murder their own child, let alone their only surviving child, but FFS he tried to have you blown up, dude!

    When Haqqani told Saul that he would declare a cease fire the next morning, I was afraid that Jalal was going to sneak back and kill him that night.

    As soon as that guy started talking about how they hadn't had any attacks because of their good luck charm Max, I was like shhhhh, don't jinx Max! I need him to survive this season.

    I loved that Carrie and Yevgeny got around Mike's bug the old fashioned way - regular old noise.

    I thought for sure the guy who tricked Jalal would suddenly kill Haqqani.

    The guy who thinks Max is a good luck charm is a goner IMO.

    On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2020 at 10:17 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Yeah, the VP likes national security advisors who don't get kidnapped. 

    More convinced that Jenna is a double agent and that her seemingly lower competence is part of her cover.

    That VP is definitely working his own agenda since he is from the other party (Republican, I believe), but I think it's the third time Saul has been kidnapped--right?

    On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2020 at 8:06 PM, WaltersHair said:

    I said last week that something was wrong with Jenna. She said she was admiring the tradecraft, but she could have meant the Russian guy, not Carrie.

    That would be a nice twist, if Jenna was a double agent.  I honestly thought they were building up to Carrie having a female friend for once.  I think Mike is the bad guy--there's a reason Carrie doesn't respect him.  Pure speculation, of course.

    Just watched this episode today, so it was strange to hear while a real-life deal with Taliban was being announced.

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  8. Can someone please kill Stephen Bonnet already? My wish is as follows--going to put in spoiler tag because although it's pure speculation and I have not read this or later books, I want to be respectful.


    I hope they convince the English that Bonnet is Murtagh and get him hanged.

    I hope that Brianna and Roger move to the city where he can get a job using his writing skills, which I imagine were still somewhat uncommon among settlers.  Perhaps they can have an engineering firm and he can be the business side of it,

    I like the new role for Marsali, but want more Fergus!  I was hoping Claire would take Roger on as her apprentice and give him something useful to do, but this probably makes more sense.

    I do think we have seen the beginning of the next "Claire is a witch" episode.  There will be some outbreak that is blamed on her experiments.

    • Love 7
  9. Am I the only one uncomfortable with a burning cross and its relationship (in the future/our past) to the KKK?  I thought that Claire, Brianna, and Roger might have had a more modern reaction to it, but they are white so they might not be expected to have the same visceral reaction as me.

    Otherwise, enjoyed the new season start.  Hoping to see more of Fergus and Marsali than we got in the past couple of seasons.


    Forgot to mention that I am happy Frank was remembered during the wedding.

    • Love 3
  10. Overall series MVPs: Dwight Enys for having the most common sense (though the bar is low) and Aunt Agatha (for laughs).

    Actually, on a side note, this decade has been a good one for older white ladies: Aunt Agatha, Dowager Countess of Grantham on Downton Abbey, Helen’s mom on The Affair, Judi Dench as M, the cast of Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, etc....

    • Love 6
  11. I am going to miss this show, even if it annoyed me at times.

    Special shout outs to photography/ cinematography, music, and location scouting . That final shot was awesome.

    I do think this episode was rushed and some of the plot points could have happened earlier in the season, rather than giving Ned so much time. Ross/Tess seemed to come from out of the blue, for example. 

    I liked George coming through in the end and also his request to Ross to let go of Valentine. That final view of Elizabeth was moving. I would have loved to hear that’s george was publicly lauded as the hero in the situation—the irony of that would have been funny.

     I thought the duel was a little ridiculous but I can live with it.

    I was furious with Ross for dragging Drake into the risky plot while his wife was 9 months pregnant.

    I thought the Dwight/Caroline rapprochement was well done. Especially well acted by Gabriella Wilde IMO.

     I am glad that Geoffrey Charles didn’t get a pat happy ending. This was realistic yet hopeful. I do wish more was done to emphasize that he and Valentine are brothers. And what about Ursula? She’s been forgotten

    Ross’s plan was absurd. To rely on a sole rider to relay the invasion info was risky. He could have planned it with that man who subsequently sent him on the mission—that would have made more sense.


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  12. 3 hours ago, Razzberry said:

    I think her incompetence as a nurse was directly responsible for his death.  This is another reason why I don't understand the choice of medical professional for her background.  For most people her (non) actions would seem reasonable, but an R.N. would know to take him to hospital or at least watch him carefully for the next few hours and not put him to sleep.  If Alison had been strictly a waitress or drug mule she'd have been far more sympathetic to me.


    Long Island breathes a sigh of relief.

    I think that’s the point. She should have known better but she still missed the signs. That’s why she feels so guilty for the rest of her life.

  13. 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

    I mentioned that upthread. Ground level dumpy room - sure, let's leave the curtains wide open so everyone passing can get a show. These weren't two teenagers so hot to get it on they forgot to close the drapes. Not cute at all.

    I was wondering where he got such expertise in dance that he could do the choreography. Really. Where?

     I don’t think any expertise is required. He could have just watched some YouTube videos.

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  14. 18 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

    Stacey in this episode looked a lot like Sarah Treem. 

    That could be why she was reluctant to recast the role with an older actress and age Stacey up appropriately.

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  15. 12 minutes ago, purist said:

    Agree about confusing all the dark-haired, middle-aged white guys. This is Merceron, the magistrate with powerful connections (played by Tim Dutton).


    And this is Hanson, mahogany merchant and Cecily's father (played by Peter Sullivan).


    Another similar-looking dude is William Wickham, the one who has enlisted Ross as a spy, but I couldn't find a photo of him.

    Would it kill them to dye the hair of one of these guys or slap a wig on him? 

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  16. 2 hours ago, scrb said:

    The greater role they gave Whitney in this last season seems like the other fillers like Janelle and Sierra, just trying to make up for the big hole left by Wilson's abrupt departure.

    At least Sierra had some role because of EJ. Janelle’s story was a road to nowhere. Luckily  she escaped from the Solloway world of stupidity.

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  17. 24 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

    I liked that Stacey became the writer rather than one of the boys. Her perspective must be interesting because she was so young when her parents broke up and got back together. Whitney and Martin were almost out of the house by that point but the whole thing must have taken place during her earliest memories.

    Stacey showed her literary chops in that astronaut story. Would be great if she published it.

    20 minutes ago, stormy weather said:

    - what are the odds of Colin's parents both missing the flight for completely different reasons? When he said he was from Northern Ireland and his dad had been arrested I thought "here we go with The Troubles" and I was SO thankful they didn't go there, too.

    - the whole flash mob was super clichéd and also how did Whitney know the choreography when she joined at the end?

    - at the father-daughter dance when Whitney was alone in a corner Helen should've told Martin: "I think you should go and slap your sister" instead of "dance" because it's HER fault if her dad's not here to dance with her and Helen shouldn't feel bad for her.

    - I still don't get why EJ wants to be with Joanie so bad. She's clearly unhinged and she's insufferable! She even got more mad at him when he revealed that he was Eddie (who, to Joanie, is a complete stranger anyway) than he at her when she revealed she was married! And then they get in the car and just leave, presumably to Vienna, without packing a bag or even locking the house door? 

    - Stacey drinks champagne. Stacey is 12. 

    - I'm sorry, maybe I'm an emotional glacier but the last scene of Noah dancing on the cliff was pathetic. Maybe it doesn't help that I hate that song. Also, how can Noah still remember the choreography of the flash mob 25-30 years later?

    I thought Colin’s mom missed the flight because her husband was arrested...

    Noah said that Whitney ordered the flash mob. Perhaps she provided the steps? Also, aren’t flash mobs passé?

    Why's there even a father-daughter dance at a wedding where the bride’s father is not present? Was that meant to be a comment on the stupidity of Whitney’s friends?

    Re: EJ’s attraction to Joanie— it reminded me of a speech I heard by Jerry Sandusky’s adopted son. His birth family was horribly abusive. When Jerry started being handsy, the son didn’t know what normal family behavior was and thought this was a normal way of showing affection. (That was an incredibly sad speech he gave, and I’d be surprised if there was a dry eye in the hall.) EJ is Sierra’s son. He may believe subconsciously that this erratic behavior is normal and may be conditioned to be drawn to it.

    Stacey drinking champagne is more proof that she’s the younger sister from Hotel New Hampshire who just stopped growing. She’s really 17.

    I think it’s believable that Noah remembers the routine. I remember the steps to a dance routine my sister and I did 30 years ago. If you repeat it enough, it becomes muscle memory.

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  18. I am so glad this is over.  I have been watching for closure and now I have it.

    The good of this episode:

    Stacey is a published writer. 🙂 Maybe her next book will be “Trying to Grow”. 

    Margaret joining flash mob. She was a good sort. On a side note, I don’t think you’re supposed to announce a flash mob like that...

    Whitney’s wedding dress, especially the lace overlay. Did not care for the coverups she used, but I appreciate that it was cold.

    Noah -Joanie discussions and the subsequent impact on her reunion with her family. (Is it bad that I thought, Noah is much wiser now that he can’t get it up?)

    i liked the Noah Helen reunion. Predictable, but it does happen in real life too.

    Martin speaking for all of us in questioning why anyone would marry Whitney. Stacey for telling her off. Helen for finally calling Whitney out.

    The bad:

    Goofy hijinks to leave the wedding. Not in keeping with the characters or the tone of the series. I literally yelled out WTAF (the words, not the letters) so I am glad I did not watch at midnight.

    It still annoys me that they didn’t cast an actor that looks a little South Asian as EJ...

    The lobster roll being in such great shape while the police station has been abandoned.

    Noah buying the Lobster Roll, where his affair began and Stacey almost died. It feels like a slap in the face to Helen.

    Where was Noah’s sister during Whitney’s wedding? I hate when relatives are forgotten.

    Noah claiming that Whitney would always keep Colin’s life interesting. I do think he’s right about Whitney being passionate. However, she’s also abusive and it is a mistake to romanticize that.

    Aged Noah looks more like a 100 year old than an 80-something. But if I didn’t know in advance that we would see old Noah, I would not have recognized him (except his teeth) so maybe it’s a wash.

    Overall, glad to have watched the series but I don’t think I will ever watch anything by this  creator ever again. Some people are simply not great at multi year stories, but do very well with 1 or 2 seasons.

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  19. 59 minutes ago, Diane12251 said:

     Finding out if Whitney is still the bitch she always was. 

    “Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things?
    You're still the same old girl you used to be”

    (with apologies to the Eagles)

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  20. Off topic. But does anyone know if the lighthouse in the credits is the same one as in the final season of How I met your mother? For some reason I just noticed it in this episode.

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  21. MVP was Caroline for forcing those men to sign a document that they found nothing. Second was that miner (whose name escapes me, but he’s been solid for the series) for helping Demelza gain the confidence to deal with the forgeries. Would love to see Tess hang! Third was John Conan for being a cutie pie!

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  22. I enjoyed the episode.

    I liked the honest conversation, especially Helen admitting that she didn’t have Noah’s back and Noah confirming what I always thought—Alison’s need to be rescued was a key factor.

    I felt sad for Noah—thinking for 25 years that his wife threw away that lovely letter...

    A couple of things:

    Helen missed an opportunity to tell Whitney the truth about Scotty’s death.

    As someone mentioned above, why does Helen not have a purse?

    It felt like they were strolling from the fire rather  than quickly getting to safety. Maybe that was to facilitate the conversation, but still...

    I wish we knew if the kids bothered to check to see if they’re ok.

    And finally...is it bad that I hope Sasha saw the same newscast with the burnt shell of his car? 😆

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