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Posts posted by nara

  1. In all fairness regarding the fires, wouldn’t it have been stranger if they were living in the area at that time and were not affected by the fires? It’s like how many shows in NYC ignored 9/11, though I get it more for comedies that don’t want to bring the mood down.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

     The last part of the paragraph is where I strongly disagree.  I feel like--and I'm not trying to put words in anybody's mouth, I'm just going off how I interpret this--if my college professor or my boss wanted to have sex with me, I could always say no.  There was no pedophilia going on here--it's one adult saying yes or no to another.  Consent is the difference between rape and sex.  If the argument is being advanced that what Noah was engaged in was coercion, I'm not sure I buy that argument, but coercion "please have sex with me" or "if you have sex with me, who knows where your career can go" is nowhere near lack of consent, which is rape.  I mean, one is creepy behavior that should get you dismissed from your job and the other should have you locked up for a really long time.  I get distressed when society conflates the two, because they're so different.  The ability to say "no" in one area makes them completely different animals to me.  Being coerced into sex requires bad decisions from both parties.  Being raped requires bad decisions from one party.  My perspective.


    This episode was ok, I just have a few nit picks:  I didn't see any merit to Whitney's original argument against Audrey that Audrey should have thought about Noah's family before she accused him.  Whitney's presence as a daughter is really immaterial as to whether a person wants to speak up about the way they feel another person mistreated them.  It sounded so naive.  So...if someone does something awful to me (and I'm not saying Noah did anything awful, I'm just going off this train of thought), I'm supposed to check if the person in question has offspring before I level my charges?  Like, how does the presence or absence of offspring mitigate or aggravate the interaction we had? 

    So I get your point about coercion and rape being different, but I don’t understand why Noah should not be called out for a history of coercion. Should he go to jail? I don’t think so. But I would like to know if someone had a history of doing that. I would also be reluctant to put someone with that history in a position of authority.

    re: Audrey and Whitney, I thought Whitney’s complaint was not about Audrey saying what she experienced, but rather about jumping on the whole “his publishing deal should be gone” bandwagon. The latter was about hurting his income (and ability to hurt his family) vs. telling her own story. I could be wrong but that was my interpretation.

    14 minutes ago, LydiaE said:

    The script supervisor should’ve pressed charges against Noah, not told a stupid MeToo story. That was some evil shite he pulled there. Noah has always been mentally imbalanced and morally bankrupt. His affair just gave him agency to abandoned the nice-guy facade he’d been deceiving people with for 20+ years. 

    I doubt that the police could have done anything to  Noah. Misdemeanor larceny? More likely, they would have brushed it off as a prank.

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  3. The episode recap says something about Sam and Rosina but I don’t remember seeing them. Did I blink and miss something? 

    I guess we have definitively established that Demelza’s smarter than Ross. They both wanted to have faith in people, but she knew when to cut her losses.

     I hope Enys can apply his grief therapy to his wife. I hope they end up with children because Caroline needs another focus than her dog. Also, can’t she do more to help the school?

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  4. 18 minutes ago, HC87 said:

    Where is the 4th Solloway kid now? I forget.

    He had the good sense to leave the s—t show that is his family. But really, college. Of course, this makes no sense because he must be 23 or so by now...

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  5. On 10/6/2019 at 2:08 PM, mxc90 said:

    At the restaurant, Whitney and Noah couldn't get their story straight how Stacey was saved from choking in season one. And since we got two POVs of this story (Noah and Alison), we'll never know.

    On 10/6/2019 at 10:24 PM, nara said:

    Since we have 2 of 3 POVs saying Alison is the one who helped her, I think we can assume that was true.

    I was mistaken. In a rewatch of the pilot, Noah saved Stacey in his POV. I wonder why he remembers differently now...

  6. 7 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    OMG I can't with this. If anything people would feel sorry for her -- much like they did with Matt Lauer's wife. Even Georgina Chapman's business survived after the Weinstein revelations were brought to light. Worse still, Helen is Noah's EX wife. Why would she be on the hook for anything?!

    And I don't remember much of the hot tub episode, but Noah wasn't looking at anyone there like prey--wasn't it pretty much an orgy scene? I mean, I could get giving him the side eye if he were doing it at a spa -- but it was an orgy. That's what people go to orgies for, isn't it?

    And I'm sorry that the college girl got her feelings hurt by Noah. It sucks. But her accusations seem more like a #payback than they do of a #metoo. 

    Keep circling the drain show. 

    Actually, I think most businesses don’t want to be associated with a scandal. It’s completely unfair to Helen, but it doesn’t surprise me.  I actually think it might be a missed opportunity too because some people would hire them just to gossip with “the wife” in the scandal du jour.

    I don’t think the party was an orgy. I think Whitney was kissing a girl, but otherwise not having sex with anyone else. And I think it’s pretty natural that the conversation with Audrey would suddenly take her back to that moment. She would no longer see it as “super awkward run in with my dad “ and now through adult eyes see it as “my dad’s modus operandi with young women”. That would be a shocking realization to her.


    I really liked Audrey and Whitney’s conversation. And I think 2 things can both be true—Noah was unnecessarily demeaning to her and she’s pissed that she was attracted to a man who didn’t return her interest. Noah’s role was a teacher should have made his criticism more constructive AND Audrey needed to grow a thicker skin if she wanted to be an author. I think Noah should have lost his teaching job because of behavior, but not necessarily his book and movie.

    However, he did leave that woman naked /topless at a children’s party, and he didn’t think twice about publicly humiliating her. So why should Audrey care about humiliating him when she’s telling her story? My understanding is that her book is about herself and it has a brief mention of Noah (unnamed). She didn’t lie about anything, I think, or accuse him of being anything other than a jerk who was demeaning to a young woman. I am curious about the 2 other women who have accused Noah of varying levels of bad behavior. So far, we have Audrey, Eden, the script manager, and the student teacher. Have there been hints about the others? One of them accused him of an actual assault right? That might be the one from college....

    I also liked Whitney’s point about Noah’s behavior being normalized. I do think kids’ framework for what is normal in life does come from what they see their families do. It’s one of the reasons that abuse can be multigenerational. Whitney is also a whining, narcissistic brat, but that doesn’t mean she can’t have an insight every now and then. She has uncovered the cause of her seeking a relationship with Furkat, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t taking responsibility for making the decision to do so. In fact, I took her confession as a sign of a huge step forward in owning her choices. In my mind, finding a root cause and placing blame and two different things.

    By they way, I continue to be outraged when they say Descent was 10 years earlier. That would make Whitney at least 27 and Stacey would have had to be an infant during the first Montauk visit.

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  7. 7 hours ago, stormy weather said:

    May I say that, 3 episodes from the finale, I am ZERO interested in Noah's #metoo lawsuit? There's not enough time to approach the topic in a decent manner, they are digging up a plethora of characters I can't even remember and I don't care about in the least (Noah's blond friend, his lawyer, the publisher, the publisher's attorney, Eden, Audrey - who is she, btw? -, the Vanity Fair lady...), and we already know none of the things he's accused of happened. And now he has to explain everything to Helen and how the accusations are not true and Helen, who might have been thinking about getting back together with Noah, is gonna think again, but then in the last episode he's going to be proven innocent and the series is going to end with both of them smiling at each other which leaves a glimmer of hope for their future. Booooring! 

    5 hours ago, weaver said:

    Does anyone suppose that Noah will go out "screaming into the canyon at the moment of my death."  At this point it would not shock me.   Will he be in jail with all these accusations?   We know what happened last time he was in jail.  Is Brendan Fraser still available to play the guard?  

    I think that there is good chance that the last episode will feature a replay of Noah’s entire adult life in which he sees the truth about how he treats women.  A POV without his victim lens. (Apparently, his issues go back to college per the conversation with his blonde friend.) This replay will be an epiphany for Noah and he will honestly and sincerely apologize in public. That will be the true beginning of his “Ascent”. 

    • Love 4
  8. 15 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

    Eye rolled at the foreshadowing accomplished by Stacy's astronaut story. 

    I thought that she was deliberately creating a story about people reuniting to annoy Sasha and confirm her loyalty.

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  9. The moment Ned started egging the miners on to use more dynamite, I knew miners were going to get trapped and die. However, I have to admit I was wrong in assuming that Ned would be the cause of the disaster. 

    I know that the Warleggans are baddies, but do they really have to be involved in every evil possible? Slavery, child labor in the mines, heartlessly abandoning the miners?

    Glad to see Rosina again! I really liked her. 

    I like Demelza’s idea of teaching the kids. It will give Morwenna something to do that will make her happy.  And she’s right—it’s the only thing that will really help people.

    I wonder if Dr. Enys is being foolish to not consider the royal infirmary offer. Can he be more influential in that role and help the Cornish people on a grander scale? Maybe or maybe not, but I think it’s worth considering.

    George’s treatment was appalling! I do like that his illness is giving the actor some fun things to do. Interesting that he headed to Ross’s place when he was trying to escape.

    Ned continues to make me cringe. I also watched The Affair today and between the 2 shows there are too many people acting stupid. It’s getting my blood pressure up on a Sunday night!

    • Love 7
  10. I really enjoyed this episode—after a very long time. 

    I am glad that Helen took charge of Sierra, though it’s not her job to do so. (Might explain future EJ’a interest in the Lockhardts, because he might have heard about them while growing up with Helen.) However, this would have made more sense if Vik’s parents had rejected the child because he is illegitimate and half-white. What happened to Sierra’s movie role???

    I do like Helen standing up to Sasha. At the same time, Christianna is questionable IMO...Helen and Sasha’s relationship is not long for this world...

    Stacey continues to be an MVP! 

    I watched most of the Noah part through my fingers like a horror movie. He is so incredibly stupid, I can’t imagine it! I literally yelled at the TV a couple of times. At the same time, I don’t think he did anything with Eden and I don’t think his relationship with the student was quite what was described. I feel bad for him, but I think he’s digging is own grave. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Alistaire said:

    My single strongest reason not to watch Poldark, when it first came to Masterpiece, was that all the male characters except Ross were interchangeable for me. I'd dead serious when I say that it took me two years to sort out George, Francis, and Dwight. The actors who play their roles are all very handsome men whose handsomeness must be defined as delicate. And then there's Aidan Turner. Grrr. Alpha dog.

    I wonder if people would give a rat's arse about George if he wasn't played by Jack Farthing, who has only gotten better looking the longer the series has lasted while his character has only gotten more evil. If it needs be said, all three actors (George, Francis, Dwight) are excellent in these and other roles. But the casting director had to have rocks in his/her/their heads to case three leads with men who look so much alike. George, if played by an actor who wasn't good looking at all, would have been hated by the audience, because the character really is just another version of Dickens' Uriah Heep. Bad.

    Lol. Same thing happened for me with Veronica Mars. Duncan, Logan, and Troy looked so alike to me in Season 1 that it wasn’t until I rewatched the first few episodes that I could get them straight.

    I think that the only reason I have any sympathy for George is that Ross and Francis used to mock him for being non-aristocratic when they were kids. (Mentioned in an earlier season.) Although he clearly needs to grow up and get over it, those childhood insecurities can have long-term effects.

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  12. 3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    or a therapist or a psychiatrist or  even the local doctor to write him a prescription for Abilify.  Back then there were two choices when "madness" reared its head, send them to an asylum  where they would be alternately completely neglected and tortured with "treatments," or (the lucky ones like Mrs. Rochester) lock them in a room in the attic. You can't blame relatives for pretending everything's fine as long as possible.  

    Maybe Dr. Enys can help him...finally healing the rift between George and Ross

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  13. It was strange to see Ross as one of the more rational and not impulsive people in the group. 

    Even stranger to find myself agreeing with George that Ross’s inability to let go of Elizabeth played a part in her demise.

    I was glad that Elizabeth has not been forgotten. Geoffrey Charles’s memory of her was very moving and I gotta say that Heida Reed looked stunning in that scene.

    I actually like the conspiracy/counter-conspiracy story. Manipulation of public opinion is a timeless problem.

    Maybe Drake and Morwenna can adopt a child. Or perhaps they can provide support for Valentine. Taking care of children may help her heal.

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  14. 8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    At the restaurant, Whitney and Noah couldn't get their story straight how Stacey was saved from choking in season one. And since we got two POVs of this story (Noah and Alison), we'll never know.

    Since we have 2 of 3 POVs saying Alison is the one who helped her, I think we can assume that was true.

    6 hours ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

    This was the most disappointing part of the episode for me. I guess in the future, men are still automatically believed over women and easy to dismiss as "crazy."

    I don’t think it was automatic. There is a document signed by Joanie voluntarily committing herself for treatment and then a recording of her threatening Ben. If some stranger came to me saying that a 30 year old suicide was murder and that was the evidence, I would be skeptical. There is no real evidence supporting arresting him or even taking him in for questioning.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Alistaire said:

    I’m surprised by the lack of empathy for Morwenna and Drake on this forum. Morwenna’s story is unquestionably the ugliest and most violent I’ve ever seen on television. There was nothing boring for me about the very brief scene between them in the season opener. I’d wager many marriages either are perpetually sexless or temporarily so, for any number of reasons. 

    I suspect that the lack of empathy is due to the fact that most people are watching Poldark as a fun, escapist show, not a realistic view of life. There are other shows that people watch because they reflect real life very well, but this is not one of them.

    I would never be annoyed at a real person for struggling to deal with the type of trauma that Morwenna has experienced. However, I confess that I find it boring TV, and I hope that she is able to heal quickly off-screen.

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  16. 1 hour ago, nodorothyparker said:

    He played Bonnie Prince Charlie on Outlander as the most uselessly incompetent fop to ever half ass a rebellion against the English crown.  It's a pretty entertaining performance even if just for the line reading of "Mark me, I will take my own life if I am forced to go live in godforsaken Poland."

    I had a little drinking game for when he said “mark me”.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    I'm surprised that Demelza was that stupid, to trust a woman she just met who has a grudge against her.

    Doesn’t Demelza’s older brother need a love interest? If so, he can save Tess’s soul.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

    Why do you keep referring to her kids as adopted?  

    I thought it was mentioned that they were adopted because she didn’t want to pass down her genes...

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  19. 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

    OMG! I swear I was thinking exactly that.😮 Maybe she has some Solloway genes by osmosis or something. No man can look at her scowling, sulky, perma-bitch face without going into a fit of uncontrollable lust.  Of course, every man wanted Alison too.

    Lol. You’re right about Alison, but I think in her case it was mostly people who knew her and had spent time with her, right? Cole, Oscar, Scotty...she grew up with them. Noah was the first lust at almost first sight. 

    • LOL 1
  20. 9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Until EJ said that his father died before he was born, I was sure that he was Oscar's kid. Same dweeby personality, and way too invested in other people's business. But Oscar was alive as of last season, so unless there's a retcon, EJ can't be his kid. As to the speculation that EJ is Eddie, technically Vik was still alive when Eddie was born. And why would Eddie become obsessed with the Lockharts of Montauk if he grew up in LA and doesn't have any relationship to them at all? Even if he had a relationship with Helen growing up, I doubt she talked about the Lockharts much.

    I feel bad for Joanie's husband.

    If EJ is Eddie, then I think it’s more likely that his interest in the Lockharts is a coincidence, not some link that he feels. The issue I have is that I don’t think the actor looks 7-8 years younger than Joanie. Off to IMDB I go... However, I would prefer him to be a random guy. 

    I do like his theory about trauma...

    Everyone throws themselves at Joanie...Are we sure she isn’t really Noah’s child?

    Overall, this is the only episode this season that I have enjoyed. Still not a fan of the random sex, but I did like the mystery.  I appreciated the flashbacks and seeing Luisa again, but the voice of Alison was a little jarring IMO.

    Btw, Luisa sweetie, when your face is that wrinkled, you can probably stop dying your hair. That was odd looking. 

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