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Posts posted by nara

  1. 7 minutes ago, kjwillis93 said:

    As for Ed, I really do feel as though all of this "creepy" behavior is a major red herring. I'm not sure he's behind the murder-mystery. 

    But when it comes to Amabella, I am genuinely confused as to who is behind the bullying. What are some of your predictions? (And don't spoil anything if you have read the book). 

    It's possible that Ed is just horny from not being able to have sex with his wife.  That may be leading to some inappropriate stares and comments, but may not be indicative of bigger issues.  (I'm so confused about him.)

    Re: Amabella's bullying, the twins are the most obvious option.  Chloe is another possibility.  If Abby is anxious at home, she could be too.  Whereas Abby is old enough to recognize and express her feelings, Chloe might express them more violently.  I hope not, because I really like her (and her hair flip in the credits). However, I kinda want it to be Skye (because Nathan and Bonnie annoy me -- no fault of the actors) or Renata herself.  Speaking of the twins, I forgot to mention in my comment upthread that I was terrified that Perry was going to beat one or both for crunching cereal too loud... :(

    • Love 7
  2. On one hand, I am enjoying each episode of the show.  On the other hand, I want it to be over so we know who did what to whom.  AAAAARGH!  Great show! In the absence of Game of Thrones and Outlander, this is my only appointment television.

    I thought that "Edvis" Presley was awesome.  Ed seems like a great sport and Madeline was all blasé about it.  I loved him and Chloe together too.  In fact, I think that both Chloe and Ziggy showed that the kids > parents on this show.

    Surprised but not surprised by Madeline's affair.  Not surprised that it happened but I was surprised by the frequency.  I guessed that her passionate fight for the show might make the community theater guy fall in love with her, but I didn't expect it to be returned. This may be unfair, but until that reveal I was thinking that Ed was being unfairly painted as a pervert.  When I realized that Madeline was sleeping with the community theater guy but not Ed, it immediately made me wonder if her instincts were keeping her away from her husband.  That's probably completely unfair, but it was the very first impression I had.  (But I'm not sure if I would feel that way if I hadn't read people's suspicions of him in this forum.)

    However, I do think that Madeline is a complete jerk for having an affair.  I wonder if guilt is behind her self righteous manner.  I also now wonder how much of her fight for Avenue Q is about "fighting Renata" and how much is about "preserving her hot affair".  Clearly, very little of it is actually about artistic expression in general or Avenue Q specifically.

    I really liked the reveal that both Celeste and Madeline are not satisfied by being moms 100% of the time.  Not a mom myself, but I understand that that's the dirty secret that mothers are often ashamed to admit for fear of being judged.  

    Did Abby leave home with alcohol or was Nathan paranoid?  I couldn't tell, so I don't know if Bonnie was being too permissive, or if she's possibly the only normal person in town.  

    By the way, what's with Nathan's desire to pick a fight with Ed?  Personally, I think he's all talk, and despite being bigger than Ed, he would back down quickly if it actually came to blows.  That big talk about punching Ed makes me wonder if he's the rapist--a desire to make himself the big man, but wouldn't actually fight someone his size...

    In case anyone wasn't sure, that teacher is clearly prejudiced against Ziggy.  Amabella flat out said that they were friends and the teacher ignored what she aid and immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was the one bullying her.  Maybe the teacher's the one who gets murdered by angry parents!  And by the way, why didn't she suggest Amabella see a psychiatrist who could help her discuss what was happening to her? No, let's focus on demonizing the outsider.

    I think this was a good episode for the shrinks.  Ziggy's therapist recognizing that he's a nice kid, but potentially being bullied was right on.  She was kind to immediately address Jane's fears. And I loved the way Celeste's therapist's expression changed when she realized how controlling Perry is.  I hope she's able to make Celeste see the light.  

    And Perry thought he was being so subtle when he suggested a new baby after recognizing that Celeste might want to go back to work.  You're so obvious, jerk!

    • Love 21
  3. 5 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

    I may be misremembering but didn't Eli bloviate and speechify a whole lot of "I AM God" stuff? Now GOD works for another shadowy organization?  Assuming the lady in red was their representative. Man, that's just tiresome and redundant. I'm not here for that crap.

    Maybe she's his split personality.  I don't think they've done that yet on scandal.  And the fact that she's dressed in red is symbolic of the devil?  JK.

     I agree with you 100%-- it's like the opposite of Matryoshka dolls and is boring

    • Love 2
  4. On 3/9/2017 at 11:05 PM, Athena5217 said:

    Have we ever seen the woman with Papa Pope before? 


    On 3/10/2017 at 4:48 AM, slade3 said:

    The woman in the red dress is Jeff Perry's daughter in real life and this was the first time we saw her. I like the new twist that someone else is pulling Rowan Pope's puppet strings, but the idea that there's a new B613, or some other spy organization, crushes me. I've never liked the B613 story line and really don't want to deal with another one like it. Rowan also seemed out of character to me and I didn't like it. I dislike him intensely and don't want to see a cowed Rowan.

    Vanessa is a mess. I'm not enjoying the new casting either. I don't believe Rowan would have chosen this Vanessa for Jake. She's too high-strung and messy. Jake was really cruel to her, too, so I hated their scenes together. I guess Mellie will be president and Jake will be VP, so Vanessa is here for the long-haul and I'm sorry about that. I had known the actress was from Glee, but I couldn't remember what role until she started shrieking. I really hated her character on Glee and I can see I will hate her character on Scandal, too.

    Thank you both for your comments.  I had no clue who that woman was.  However, I've taken to paying bills while watching Scandal, because it's not been worthy of my full attention in a long line, so I thought I'd missed something.  I didn't even realize there was a casting change for Vanessa, and the 2 actresses don't really look alike!  Scandal, please do something to make me stop multitasking while watching you!

    6 hours ago, Vyk said:

    Did Bellamy do anything before Scandal?  I don't remember her from anything I've seen in the past.

    LOL, I was home sick earlier this week and saw her on a very old episode of Law & Order (Angie Harmon timeframe) in which she played a conniving young woman from Niagara Falls.

    • Love 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Atlanta said:

    Zoe has inherited some amazing genes. Neither of her parents have aged and both are extremely attractive. Lisa could pass as Zoe's sister. I want to know their skincare secrets. :D Lenny has drunk from the fountain of youth as well. I wonder what Audrey she'll be. Did Hepburn ever play a hippy? I know she was a beatnik in Funny Face.

    from the credits, she looks like Audrey from the Embassy Ball in My Fair Lady

    • Love 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Evagirl said:

    As much as I like time-travel shows, I'm not feeling this one right now.  I love the new comedy "Making History" because it's very funny.  It's not supposed to make sense.

    They show John seamlessly blending in the 21st century and H.G. struggling with everything.  John knew how to pawn stuff to get money (and he seemed to know the value of a dollar in today's market), he picked up on how to use a cell phone with no problem.  He rents a hotel room and he isn't surprised by indoor plumbing, electric lights, TV or anything.  They show H.G. struggling to master everything, even staying out of the way of automobiles.  I don't like this.  It makes John seem so much smarter and on top of his game, while H.G. is a bumbling, fumbling nutty professor.

    It's all over the airwaves about women being killed, yet women carelessly allow John to pick them up in bars and not give it a second thought.  

    I'm going to give it a a couple of more shows before deciding to delete it from my DVR schedule.

    I can rationalize the watch issue by saying that John reads people well and guessed that the guy was lowballing him. He then countered with a very large increase. If the jeweler flat out refused, he could still come down in price without any issues.

    I think that people sometimes  find it hard to believe that good looking, charming men (and women) can be evil. They assume that beauty = goodness. 

    • Love 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

    I wanted to smack Abby for using the guidance counselor to hurt her mother. Madeline is a strong personality but is approachable and Abby is far from a delicate flower too scared to discuss living with her dad. I find her very manipulative ( like her mama), and wonder IF Abby tried To seduce  Ed-perhaps to hurt Maddie? That did not look like a lustful gaze that Ed had on his face-more like apprehension. 

    I thought the situation was that Abby was called to the guidance counselor's office to discuss her sudden bad grades and the counselor got it out of her that she was anxious at home.  

    • Love 5
  8. Dar Adal must die or get his comeuppance. Otherwise, I may have to crawl into the TV a la the girl from The Ring and take care of it myself! (Yes, I know she crawled out, not in.)

    When Carrie calms down, she may realize that she has infomation about the bombing to trade for PEOTUS's help. 

    I wanted to get violent with the social worker, but she was in fact just trying to do the best thing for Frannie. It must be ghastly going through this process in real life. I do wonder if Dar has planted cameras in Carrie's house and he reported the sleeping with gun incident. It would be easy enough for the social worker to corfirm it with Frannie. And even if Carrie is suitable as a caregiver, she hasn't done anything to justify not letting her see Frannie in a supervised visit. Anyone know what would normally happen?

    On a less important topic, I appreciated the Brody mention. I know I am probably in the minority,  but I would like for Frannie to meet her siblings some day.

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Kbilly said:

    You would think Renata would try to keep it down a little in that office...my goodness!

    Interestingly,  one of the songs in Avenue Q is "You can be as loud as the hell you want when you're making love"

    • Love 5
  10. 3 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I heard 'drone', too.  I wouldn't think too much about their professions and their income, though.  At least the show bothered to give them jobs at all.  (Hello, This is Us.)  

    One of Maddie's kids mentioned Avenue Q has F-words.  Maybe that's part of the outcry.  I would think a community theater would have some more adult content and some other kid targeted productions but I don't know much about it.  Maybe this one has historically had only family-friendly plays.  

    Avenue Q is AWESOME! However, it has graphic sexual situations ("full puppet nudity" is how it was described on the sign), references to porn (one song is called "the internet is for porn"), masturbation, one night stands, etc.

    • Love 2
  11. I think Celeste and Perry are the only characters that have shown nudity on the show (Gordon's rear was slightly visible in this episode, but not a lot). If so, do you think it's supposed to be related to their "passionate" relationship or because they are the only actors who allowed it in their contracts?

    Re: Abby, is it possible that she wants to move out because she sees herself as an obstacle to Madeline and Ed's marriage? Abby is the reason Madeline still thinks about Nathan and that attachment has come between her and Ed on a couple of occasions. 

    • Love 3
  12. 10 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Keeping a gun under your pillow with a child in the house is a bad idea, Jane.

    Ok so here's the thing.  Perry is abusive and that is bad and I am not in any way suggesting Celeste has it coming.  But I have to give her a side eye that she keeps making these plans or doing things with the kids and not telling him.  Any dad who loves his kids would be pissed at that.  Now obvs he goes way too far and I can't condone his reaction.

    I wonder where that gun will be used, since it doesn't appear to be the murder weapon. Unless the broken bones mentioned belong to a shooter, not the murdered person.

    Regarding Celeste, she seems to see control over the children (or their affection) as her only power over Perry. Dangerous game to play.

    9 hours ago, mochamajesty said:

    Any therapist will tell you that patients lie. I am sure that therapist was watching body language and listening to not only what was said,  but what was not said.


    Ed was looking at Abigail very inappropriately when she was outside.

    Zoe Kravitz is the spitting image of her mother. I wonder if Bonnie's sexiness is going to be a thing later. Renata's husband sure liked it. Coupled with Renata's statement about his sex drive.

    Bonnie's sexiness is already a thing. A couple of witnesses were making snide comments about her. She is not endearing herself to the mothers.

    9 hours ago, archer1267 said:

    I wasn't watching Jane's flashback scene on the beach that closely, but the man's footprints abruptly ended on the sand, didn't they? It made me wonder if he had drowned. Did anyone else see it that way?

    I did too, but perhaps it is just symbolic of him disappearin without a trace.

    It will be interesting to see how Abby likes living with Nathan and Bonnie. Sure , it's fun to visit them, but I feel like Nathan, in particular,  would get annoying fast, and Bonnie would  attract too much attention of teenage boy friends.

    • Love 2
  13. 5 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

    I'd be sufficiently entertained watching 19th century visitors gawp at/adjust to modern times, but the writers were determined to throw them immediately into a crime thriller. 

    What was the point of Stevenson not killing the female hostage? Why pretend to stab her, and for whose benefit?

    I agree. They got used to modern times awfully quickly. That could have used more explanation.

    My assumption was that the fashion designer hostage was stabbed by John and that someone went back in time and changed things...but I could be wrong.

    2 hours ago, BooBear said:

    I thought it was bad too. First it dragged. It should not have been two hours especially since they raced though the 1890s part of it. Freddy Stroma is a poor actor. 

    They either should have had a 1 hour or 90 min episode or spent 30 to 40 min in the 1890s with a slower reveal of John as Jack.

  14. Interesting premise, but I am underwhelmed by the execution.  

    There were a couple of moments in the pilot that I couldn't buy.  First, the "girl from Texas" gave up her gun to a man 1) she barely knows and 2) she doesn't know is a decent shot?  If she had kept the gun, she could have shot John, instead of letting non-violent HG miss the opportunity to take him out.   Then, Jane leaves John's weapon in his grasp after knocking him out, enabling him to recapture her an the other lady.  Third, HG opens the time machine, knowing that John is inside with a weapon?  Why not wait for Vanessa and her people? Or at least be cautious when opening the door? I'll give him a pass because he's not had the benefit of decades of movies and television, but what's Jane's excuse?

    The guy in the baseball cap and Vanessa's husband intrigue me, so I'll watch at least one more episode.  However, the charm of the two leading men may not be enough to overcome this poorly written story.

    • Love 6
  15. 1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

    I guess I don't see what the point of kidnapping the President-Elect was.  Was it really to make her look like a wimp?  The media was already toying with the idea that it was an assassination attempt.  It was all rather ridiculous IMO.  Furthermore, she didn't seem all that pissed that she had to basically steal the housekeeper's phone, get caught, convince her to sneak her out of the compound and then drive back to NYC because the Secret Service was acting so strangely.  Fire all of them? Fire Dar Adal?  Fire anyone connected?  She seemed suspicious and everything but come on.  I want to see some fury. She's the leader of the free world and couldn't even communicate with her Chief of Staff?

    I think her vengeance will rear its head after she officially takes the oath. And I think it will be awesome.

    • Love 3
  16. 13 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

    Who did Sookie kill?  Is that a GG spoiler I don't know about? 

    Lol. I love the idea of Melissa McCarthy playing Sookie in Trueblood! 

    • Love 1
  17. So are we thinking that Dar Adal made a bomb go off in NYC so he could have the president-elect kidnapped and her credibility put into question? That's what it looked like to me. Also, is he creating a shadow CIA organization? Maybe they can do a crossover with Quantico...

    Glad to see Astrid and hoping she's not just a hallucination.

  18. 1 hour ago, kikaha said:

    When Annalise rummaged through the burned out ruins of her house, she found a metal box with a photo in it.  The photo showed Annalise lying in bed with a new-born baby, and Sam standing next to the two of them.  Sorry if I'm dense, because I didn't see all this season, but did Annalise have a baby? 

    As I understand it, when babies are are that close to full term and die, it's fairly common for family and baby pictures to be taken and for there to be a formal funeral, as it helps withe grieving process.

    • Love 4
  19. 22 hours ago, slade3 said:

    I didn't remember that Fitz told her to do it. Her expression makes more sense now.


    4 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

    There was nothing in the show that Fitz did order Abby to do it. In fact, the show did everything it could to indicate that Fitz didn't know. Which probably means that it will turn out as Nara said, because there's nothing Shonda likes more that a good misdirection.

    Yes. To clarify, I wasn't saying that we saw him tell her, just that I thought that had happened offscreen. 

  20. On 2/16/2017 at 11:39 PM, reggiejax said:

    I just wonder how Cyrus is going to explain away the fact that he was in that cell when the cannibal prisoner was murdering the guard. 

    Oh who am I kidding, this is Scandal, they're going to completely forget that particular bit and Cyrus will be back in the Oval, in some capacity, by the time the season ends. 

    I think he could say that the cannibal overpowered the guard, came and forced the guard to open his door and then Tom's door. Cannibal was then planning to kill guard and then Cyrus and Tom. The fact that he was lying on the ground next to Tom would work in his favor. It would look like the cannibal forced both of them to lie on the ground.

    On 2/17/2017 at 4:32 AM, slade3 said:

    Olivia is our leading lady and, though she has been impossible to like lately, I've been hoping things would turn around and I would be able to root for her again. Even tonight, when she was on the phone with Cyrus, I started to hope that she would say, "I'll look into it." That's how open I am to trying to find a way to root for her.

    I've hated Abby since season 1, but she hasn't bothered me much lately. Until last night. Wow, my hate for her returned. Her facial expressions when Fitz was yelling at her infuriated me. Who the hell does she think she is? I really don't want to watch much more of her.

    I agree, Olivia has been insufferable this season. She should have been sure before running to Fitz,but she was so focused on winning that she sent an innocent man to jail and threw the country into chaos.

    I interpreted Abby's expression as "WTF are you talking about?" As in, "We discussed this and you told me to stop the death penalty, so why are you saying the opposite now?" I'm probably wrong, but I guess we shall see,.


    On 2/17/2017 at 9:28 AM, Empress1 said:

    Hi FNL Billy Riggins! (He was the guard.)

    Thank you! I was wondering who that was.

    On 2/17/2017 at 9:40 AM, Good Queen Jane said:

    So what FEDERAL crime did the cannibal commit that put him in a FEDERAL prison? Drugs, assassinations, hate crimes, voter fraud (loved the outraged voter gang, hee) I can understand, but killing and eating family members, no matter how horrific, is not a FEDERAL crime punishable in a FEDERAL  prison. 

    And why does Abby care whether Cyrus gets the death penalty? She pushed him out as Chief of Staff and never showed any concern for him before. So why would she go behind Fitz's back to make sure he doesn't get executed?

    And why do I care about any of this anyway?

    Do we know for sure that he was being truthful about being a cannibal? He choked both the guard and Tom and didn't bite either one I think. Perhaps he was just messing with Cyrus and committed some sort of federal crime.  Of course, on TV they just throw everyone into prison together. I remember watching a show with a coed prison...

    Abby may have doubts about Cyrus's guilt. She knows that this lot includes quite a few murderers and miscreants with motives. 

    23 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    I totally missed that he got $2 million. When did they reveal that?

    Usually on TV when someone gets paid to confess to a crime they didn't commit, the money goes to a loved one or family member. Maybe Tom has a kid we don't know about or something.

    If Jake is the one who paid him, maybe he promised a plea bargain or outright presidential pardon too for turning on Cyrus.

    13 hours ago, Emma9 said:

    Every Single Person In The World turning against Cyrus might have painted the picture they wanted, but it makes no sense in practice. Where were the desperate-for-publicity lawyers lining up to represent him? Same goes for whoever the real fixers are in DC now that Liv's lost interest in anyone whose last name isn't Grant. Mr. Easily Bribable Guard should have been inundated by reporters who'd pay buckets to get smuggled in for an interview. There are probably a good number of key Democrats who'd try to get him off, guilty or not, just in hopes of avoiding the president being a Republican instead. And what about the Secret Service? If Cy's theoretically innocent until proven guilty, don't they still have some obligation to his welfare?

    He would definitely have a dream team defending him. What became of that rival fixer who went on to work with the VP and date Abby? Honestly, I cannot remember.  He would have taken on Cyrus, especially if Abby asked him.

    And you're right on about the Democrats. No way they would have abandoned Cyrus so completely. If I remember correctly, Mellie and Fitz each collaborated with the people who murdered their son in order to achieve some common goal.  And look at all the other strange bedfellows Scandal politics has brought together!  The Dems would have found a way to cautiously distance themselves from Cyrus in public, while still having behind the scene connections in case he can be proven not guilty.  Think of the field day they could have with playing him as a victim of Republican misdeeds. And there is no direct evidence against him--no paper trail of him asking or paying Tom, no evidence of what made Frank mad at him, etc.--right? 

    10 hours ago, Oblique Angle said:

    Director Webster has gorgeous skin.

    Oh, Fitz. You are such a cliché. But I guess Angela is a grown-ass woman and can handle being used in your special "abuse of POTUS power" and "no, I don't have a Black woman fetish" ways.

    She really does have great skin.

    I get the impression that Angela is just sleeping with him because she knows she can have more influence over him a la Olivia. I also thought that bringing up Abby's demand was not accidentally done. She deliberately ratted out Abby after having sex with Fitz because she either knew that Abby had lied or she thought bed would be the best place to change the president's mind.


    I really liked this Cyrus-focused episode. The multiple fake outs had me going. Cyrus being double-crossed by the guard, who found something that the prisoners wanted--to beat up Cyrus. Cyrus being double-crossed by Elizabeth. The fake suicide plan. The final attack on the guard.

    When Cyrus "awoke" in the hospital, I thought it was another fake out and that he and Michael pretended to fight so that Cyrus would trick the guard into letting him in the garden and getting him beaten so that he would be sent to the hospital wing or an outside hospital. I thought that he gave Elizabeth the letter knowing she would betray him and take it to Michael. Then, they would use the beating to get him granted house arrest. Of course,  that idea turned out to be wrong within a minute of my coming up with it.

  21. I am not supposed to cry watching a comedy!  This came as a complete shock to me.  I hate, hate, hate the loss of Michael and Michael/Jane and now I really wish she had been pregnant.  That being said, I think the time jump is a good idea because we can get Jane's grief in small doses, rather than having a completely somber rest of the season.

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