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Satchels of gold

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Everything posted by Satchels of gold

  1. I know hindsight is 20/20 but a brilliant answer for Elieen to give would have been " I really don't like to discuss that out of respect for ......( insert ex wife's name that I don't know ) and Vince's children." Who could argue with that? or as ZM suggested talk to LVP off camera. Was she just looking for something to be mad over? I feel Elieen is bright and generally very likable but why she picked this hill to die on just escapes me.
  2. I personally don't care about Elieens infidelity, she's a grown up, things happen, but I strongly disagree that she is wracked with guilt over it. She has done nothing but call attention to it all season. I really don't understand why she didn't let that go and cross her fingers that it would be edited out. She seemed to be doing the opposite ,to what end I don't know.
  3. Lisar last scene with Eileen discussing Yo's divorce couldn't have made Yo happy either. She basically said Yo was sick because her marriage was crumbling and not the other way around. she tried to appear so supportive of Yo but that's not the Yo company line.
  4. Well Yolanda has said that there are people in her own family, who I assume have visited her, who don't beleive that she is sick. If you beleive the blind items, even David doesn't beleive it.....it's just another chance for Yolanda to be a victim.
  5. I've said this before but if Yolanda is shocked that they are questioning her illness she clearly is not reading her social media. I honestly don't know how this could be a surprise to her.
  6. I am very jealous that I can't have the bio identical hormones :( if you have the BCRA gene or a history of estrogen postive breast cancer you can't take them. I should just be happy I'm alive but I want to be alive AND sporting thick hair and dewy skin, damn it!
  7. that was a surgeon who has nothing to do with her other treatments. ETA great minds ZM
  8. And don't forget Yo is the self appointed spokes person for "Lymies" with no voice and she claims she is on the show to raise awareness so she really needs to be more precise/ accurate with her words. She is harming her cause by embellishing and exaggerating.
  9. I think LVP does not see her behavoir as manipulative because she believes everyone has their own agency and cannot fathom saying something controversial to please someone else. She may have "encouraged " Lisar to say Munchausens or been " directional" but wouldn't beleive in a million years that Rinna would say munchausens on camera she if didn't beleive it or be willing to stand behind it. People like LVP have a hard time believing people like Lisar exsist . Lol , I'm joking but I really do think it's a comparing apples to spaceship situation ( holla Carole) when you compare their definitions of manipulation . Lisar gave all of her power to LVP when she never asked or wanted it. I hope this makes as much sense in writing as it does my own mind.
  10. I really don't want to argue but I didn't mispeak. I stated chronic Lyme does not exsist but post treatment lyme does. Yo does not say she has post treatment lyme she says she has chronic lyme. Just because people say chronic when they mean post treatment does not make chronic lyme exsist.
  11. Yes thank God medicine is always progressing and new treatments become available. The things that Yo's doctor, Dr. klinghardt , beleives are not aligned with modern medicine including remote spiritual healing, disease is a manifestation of ancestral pain, and diagnosing energy fields. ETA he has not published any research . If he has solid evidence to back up his theories I Wish he would make them available for peer review. That's how medicine advances .
  12. I'm not saying post treatment Lyme disease doesn't exsist. But Yolanda has been clear that she doesn't have post treatment Lyme she has chronic neurological Lyme.
  13. i think there are a probably many reasons why Yo is not trashing David that have to do with mutual secret keeping and a possible pay out but I also think it's very much a part of Yo's personality to not acknowledge anger. IMO Yo does disappointed, sad, hurt, sick ,etc but she does not do anger. Anything that resemble anger gets redirected to other emotions and probably some physical malady. Now before my fellow posters unleash the cracken, that's just my opinion.
  14. Kyle doesn't post pictures of her children carrying her because she is to ill to walk. That's the difference .
  15. There have been so many articles and studies linked on this forum that show that CLD does not exsist. If people choose not to read them or believe them I don't know what would ever convince them. I put me faith in medical researchers and do not beleive that Yolanda and her doctors are on the cutting edge of medicine. Just wanted to add that practitioners of alternative medicines make a lot of money off people's skepticism, fear and ignorance with literally no oversight for the government or licensing body. They are not giving away these cures and supplements for free.
  16. Stay: LVP, Kyle and Kathryn Go: Lisar, Erika, Yo, and Eileen Let the record reflect ( I take my polls seriously) I would keep Rinna and Eileen to get rid of Yo. I voted stated for Kathryn although I have no strong feelings one way or another.
  17. Im not sure where to post this so I'll put it here. There was a poll asking who should be asked back that was circulating around Twitter, reddit, Facebook etc and it got a very large response, over 117,000. LVP won by a landslide , twice as much as the next person and Yo, Lisar and Elieen tied for last place with 2percent each. Here is the results if anyone is interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/4exy54/poll_results_which_rhobh_housewife_do_you_want_to/
  18. To all the Erika fans, the feeling is not mutual http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/04/17/erika-girardi-labels-rhobh-fans-immature-classless/
  19. Mohammad and Joanna are still friends she would not have proceeded with the lawsuit if she had any reason to beleive Mohammad actually said it. I have no doubt if it actually goes before a judge Joanna will win.
  20. She doesn't seem to be able to discern that there is a world of difference between saying Yo is milking her illness, being inconsistent, hell to even say she is lying for the attention and saying she has Munchausens. She keeps using the two different concepts interchangeably and I'm not sure if it's ignorance or manipulation.
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