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Satchels of gold

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Everything posted by Satchels of gold

  1. I'm picking the worst time to do this with all the upgrading going on but I'm changing my user name. If you have been following the national news NC is in the forefront of some awful policies for the LGBT community. I've been Nc socialworker since twop days so I'm attached to it :( now for something show related. I'm not surprised all that surprised at Lisar . I sort of knew she had train wreck potential , although I was firmly on the love train last year ( I'm owning it, damn it!) . Elieen this year, particularly at the reunion has been a big surprise. What happened to funny and insightful Elieen? I saw a glimpse of it in that TH where she says she bought 2,000 dollars worth of new luggage so Kathyrn would be impressed . Then she added a cute " because that's how shallow I am". That's the Elieen that I love. I never watched soaps so I only know her from RH.
  2. almost forgot, Kathyrn has really grown on me. I just loved her reaction to Kim and her wishing Kim well. I felt like the grinch when his heart grows two sizes. Yes I know Kim can be a pia but I loved Kathryn's compassion. I hope she gets a second season. I like what she brings to the group.
  3. I just want to say, I see you and I hear you. I hope you feel validated and know that I am owning my stuff.
  4. I actually wish I hadn't posted that. Not that I don't beleive it, I do. The season is almost over and I am sick to death of the whole lyme discussion. I'm kicking myself for reigniting it. at this point there is nothing anyone can say that will convince those that beleive Yolanda has chronic Lyme disease that she doesn't and vice versa. I'm sick of posting about it and I'm sure others are sick of it too. Honestly my point really was I hope that people that can least afford it don't get taken advantage of. That's it. I don't think Yolanda is a criminal and I don't know what's in her heart. Can we all just agree to disagree ?
  5. ^ oh of course. I should have thought about it for a few minutes more.
  6. what does broom and a broom and a rug mean? I must be too old or too young to know what this refers to. Lol
  7. right if Elieen knew wouldn't she say "Lisa that is a bad idea" or this being Elieen perhaps "how dare you!" And doesn't that fact that Elieen said Lisar called her right after point to the fact they all call each other to discuss filming and story lines. And lastly this shows that Eileen's "I'm shocked" to Lisar on the beach was all bullshit. I beleive she is co signing a fraud. Yes it's her right but it doesn't make it right.
  8. I'm pretty certain Yo was talking about Klinghardt clinic. It really made me mad ( dare I say enraged?) because when I was looking at his info when she first mentioned his name I saw of one family who sold their house to move across the country to be near him. They spend tens of thousands of dollars on his supplements and devices with no results. There was another girl ( I think around 20 yrs of age) who had a go fund me site begging people for money so she could get "this life saving treatment" that the rest of the doctors were too stupid to know about. I pmd that to a few folks , I'll see if I can find it and post it. Anyway those are the people I have compassion for and why I get so mad at Yolanda. She can afford to jet set around the world trying various remedies , these other folks can't. I wish she would stop spreading these lies about alternative treatments, CLD and lyme literate doctors. Save that for your Hollywood friends.
  9. Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with glitches. yes Mohammad made a public statement that he and Lisa were fine. Are they? Probably not ,but he most definetly did not make a public statement that LVP is dead to him, as much as Yolanda might wish he had.
  10. Jel I agree. Then you hear Elieen whispering to Katherine " I know you don't beleive it, but she started it". Elieen take a look at yourself , you have Brandi giving you " you go girl" on Twitter and the even Kim is calling you out. It's time for some self reflection on your reality TV career.
  11. Of course she beleives her. The enemy of my enemy.
  12. I love that Andy compared her to Mark Rubio, with her talking points. I find her inability to keep her butt in her seat odd. It really seems like she has no impulse control.
  13. I thought Kathyrn's choked up reaction to Kim was touching. It was funny when Lisar jumped on the wishing Kim well train she was all smiles then when Kim questioned her, she got angry very quickly. Her emotions certainly are labile. She really come off not emotionally stable.
  14. There are a bunch of folks on Twitter urging Eileen to stop, that she is committing career suicide.
  15. I sure some of you read that a zoo keeper got killed by a tiger this week. Apparently the keeper was very loved and was nicknamed the tiger whisperer as she had a calming effect on them. Anyway the tiger is getting death threats! Yes, a tiger! Honest to God people are f ing insane. Who would give Faye ( or a tiger who is ya know, being a tiger) death threats? It is just so out of the realm of my experience that it's hard to imagine. And just for the record I am an LVP fan but I see her for who she is. As I've said before I just don't care. I like mansions that look like hotels, miniature ponies, pink satin dresses and dynasty hair. if she leaves they will replace her with someone who has a regular mansion, normal dogs, a cute hair do and no British accent. No thank you! I love what Lisa brings to the show.
  16. I know you are not an LVP fan but she owned a gay night clubs in London, she's not going to be scandalized by a little pat the puss.
  17. And don't forget Tom referred to LVP as his only formidable opponent in the world. As his wife, that can't be fun to hear. I also agree that Yo poisoned that well from the beginning.
  18. Entertainment weekly votes LVP the best housewife of all time. http://www.ew.com/gallery/best-real-housewives Somewhere Lisa Rinna is breaking a wine glass and swearing.
  19. She's from the ladies of London cast and she has a husband so I don't think they are an item. Well at least Mo and David's bromance is still on. If those two crazy kids can make, maybe there's hope for us all.
  20. For sure it was a pot meet kettle situation. She clearly used Lisar people pleasing tendencies to her advantage. When Lisa wasn't attacking LVP to her liking she started to get angry stating " why do I always have to be left holding the bag?" Until Lisar got the message that Eileen was displeased that she wasn't confronting LVP. The biggest loser this season is Lisar. She is a grown woman conforming her behavoir to please either LVP or her bff depending on who's version you beleive. Either way that's pitiful. Get a backbone lady!
  21. That scene with Lisa and Ken was not organic. She's already said she called Ken crying from Dubai. He already knew the details and then some. That scene was just part of a montage of scenes where the ladies talked about their trip. I guess Ken wanted to make it known that Rinna is dead to him now.
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