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Satchels of gold

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Everything posted by Satchels of gold

  1. I was disappointed in the utter thoughtlessness of the two of them settling this matter before hearing more testimony. Selfish bastards. I know, right? What about me? What about my needs?
  2. I think it hysterical that with all the different posters the one thing we can agree on is "George is disgusting ". Truer words have never been spoken.
  3. Let me preface by saying I feel for Brianna because having Vickie for a mom would be a living hell , however, her speech about how her life didn't turn out how she wanted it to didn't sit right with me. She didn't get to go to an out of state school, she didn't get to do doctors without borders etc. She is just so entitled.!! I would be thanking my lucky stars I got a college education. Maybe this is my own issue because I grew up poor and had to struggle financially to go to college and grad school . I would have been delighted and very grateful to have any assistance . God with so many complaints to chose from about growing up with Vickie this is what she picked? I have always liked Brianna and she always seemed like such a great kid but I don't like the woman she has become. Instead of bitching about what you didn't get to do why don't you try looking across the bed and figure out how you managed to be married to a raving maniac.
  4. I find it ridiculous that Tamra was crying over only having her kids 50percent of the time. She had Ryan 100 percent of the time and sent him off to live with relatives.
  5. They may not be upset but I am because this is what passes for entertainment. In my opinion it is so vulgar and crass I can't imagine what Bravo was thinking even letting that go to air.
  6. That's the thing Kristen, we women don't have to take that for the team or anyone else. That is one thing about getting older you learn that you don't have to be polite. My 50 year old self would have a lot to say to my 30 year old self.
  7. As the second wife of a man with two children who are now adults. The concept of only dealing with your ex until the child is 18 years old is a fairy tale. Contact doesn't stop until someone dies. There are graduations, weddings, grandchildren, etc. it so much better (but not easier) to keep things civil from the get go. I really wish these two could have settled long before the 11th hour. The only ones that benefits are the lawyers.
  8. Back in the day, women did not have sexual harressment laws to protect them like they do now. When George is on my screen I literally get a knot in my stomach. It takes me back to being a young woman working with the most vile perverted CFO ever to grace the medical community. We all had to grin and bare it or loose our jobs. It makes me sick to see Geroge assault a woman and have every one laugh it off. He doesn't come across as some harmless coot he is a malevolent sexual abuser. I don't think it was Ramona's place to say what she did but I'm glad she did it. I also loved that she walked out and didn't allow him to talk to her in that manner. I've never hated anyone on tv like I do this man.
  9. In the words of my girl crush Tina Fey "bitches get stuff done" . Bethenny, however, is just a miserable human being.
  10. What kind of a season cliff hanger is that?".........oh wait, it's real life? Never mind .
  11. I missed half of the reunion because my daughter was doing a fashion show of all the possible dresses she could wear to her dance this fri. But I sat her down and explained that she must be on the look out at all times because her soulmate might be at the dance and if she at age 13 , misses that she we be condemned to a loveless life. Or worse yet she could marry a "Charlie"
  12. My first quote I hope I do this right. Jason is so vanilla I think it's easy to paint him with the broad brush of each posters past experience. I also think Bethenny idealized what having a family meant. Yes it brings support and love but it also brings obligations (thanksgiving at the in laws anyone? ) and expectations. I don't think Bethenny really thought out what that would mean for her. She is used to doing her own thing and could only feign interest in Sunday dinners for so long. Bethenny obviously had a very chaotic upbringing and I think she is unwittingly giving Brynn the same kind of life. For example the assistant/godmother who has never been heard from again, the makeup artist/ guardian, god knows where she is. I think Bethenny finds stability and routine boring. Look at the way she ran her office. People coming and going, crazy schedules, no daily routine. That is how she choose to run it because that is exciting to her. Jason could never hold her interest. The run away bride painting was true. He could never catch her. Darn screwed up the quote. Sorry, I have a steep learning curve.
  13. Pulls up a seat. I don't want to get in trouble on my first day but I'm dying to know why people got banned on the last day of TwoP I didn't really read on the last day because I was just so sad. So the thin veneer of civility finally broke down? Do tell! So glad to see so many familiar names.
  14. When did Aneesa get good? Back in the day she sucked. Laurel even gave her props . I'm confused. I really hope they stick with the kill card format. Politicking can only go so far.
  15. Hi everyone so glad to see familiar names here. Thanks to PT for taking us in. I think ladybug is 100 percent correct Vickie was showing Lizzie exactly where she stood with her. Are we to believe that Vickie hasn't heard about Lizzie a hundred times before filming? C'mon !
  16. Twop refugee here. Thanks so much for welcoming us.
  17. Testing....testing....123. My first post on the new board.
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