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  1. Has Khloe ever spoken about her reasons for choosing surrogacy? I know it's none of my business, and that she has a history of struggling to get pregnant, but was curious.
  2. Gallery Girls was early 2000’s. Bravo brought it back during the pandemic, and is was like a time capsule, I loved that show! Also here for Family Karma, a favorite of mine for sure.
  3. Second episode was pretty boring. Brad and his husband are interesting, but I'm not sure I care about any of the others. It's flat, and I wonder if that's an MTV thing.
  4. I'm not wild about Todrick being in the cast, it's kind of a distraction. He's so messy. Otherwise I thought the first episode was fine. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  5. I have to say this is still my favorite Bravo franchise, but this season has been a bit off. While the wedding was fun to watch, watching Vishal and Richa bicker all of the time is stressful. I'm not sure why they're even together? The wedding was likely because Bravo would pay for it, and Richa not signing the wedding license shows that she's not really committed to this. I agree that Vishal needs to address his drinking and what it means for his health. This isn't something to mess around with, but it also feels like Richa keeps him on a string. Is she even living in Florida full time? Wasn't she practicing in another state? Anisha was on WWHL after the show, so there's no question whether the ultimatum worked or not. Her designs were ok, but doesn't anyone see her really selling 10K dresses??
  6. Kim's house is the most depressing place I've ever seen. Devoid of color, warmth, it's just endless taupe.
  7. I gave up alcohol at the beginning of the year. Didn’t mean to do it permanently, but had seen so many positive health benefits (sleep, anxiety, weight) that it was a no brainer for me to keep going. That said, I is really strange to the be the only sober one amongst a group. I appreciated that Richa joined him in mock tails at the party, and then Monica joining him at dinner. It’s hard to be alone. That said, my concern around this situation is that his being alcohol free is being dictated by Richa, not by his own choice. This is never going to work if it’s not something that he really believes in. There will be plenty of temptations, situations like the waxing with his best friend suggesting it. He will question why one drink wouldn’t hurt, and if he doesn’t have a response to that, it’s going to be tough to last.
  8. I would love to be unaware of what he's doing.
  9. I am actually interested to see what she would do there - of them all, I like her design aesthetic the best.
  10. Speaking of their kids and social media - both Kylie & Khloe's boys aren't on social media at all. No names, no pictures outside of a foot here and there. Why do they deserve privacy and none of the other kids do?
  11. I love this dumb show so much - it's endlessly entertaining
  12. Arghhh. This is why I don't trust Netflix. I thought S2 was much stronger than S1 and was interested in where this would go.
  13. North looks a lot like Kim in that picture. I'm not sure the kids had anything to do with these costumes, but I have no doubt there will be more costumes for them.
  14. The only way I could like that storyline. Seriously, this season is really ... not much of anything. I keep watching to keep up with Laura Leigh (give that woman her own show!) and the crazy antics of Cher and her mom. It's all very scripted, and these folks aren't good actors.
  15. I guess you get what you pay for. Ye designed uniforms and parkour. DAILY SCHEDULE Full school worship Core classes of language arts, math and science Lunch & recess Enrichment courses including World Language, Visual Art, Film, Choir and Parkour
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