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  1. I loved this season. I was a little bummed or unsettled about Roy's 3rd wife being arrested. I felt like she'd been so abused and threatened (also with a horrible dad) and lied to by Roy about Dot. What did you all think?
  2. I think Moriah had to pick a girl after Johnny was picked--which seemed unfair.
  3. that wedding ring though.... *shivers*
  4. Great season. I like happily ever afters, so I'm glad they shared the money. Especially since those some of those people helped them get there. I was surprised there wasn't an eating challenge, but glad as well. I'm always grossed out at the eat and puke.
  5. Every time I read the name Gary, I hear it in Daisy's accent.
  6. Did they say why Zach missed it? Never mind-- found it. He was at a wedding.
  7. Yeah, I was confused about that too. I thought for sure he said antibiotics last time, yet this time he said he was shocked it was infected.
  8. I wondered if Turbo didn't hurt himself with that last kick. It looked like he made contact with the wood instead of the relic. And then used hiding that pain to lash out at Jordan even more.
  9. Watching! I was floored by Aaron Carter and his mom. Very difficult to watch.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. I hate to admit it, but it made me sad.
  11. That must have really hurt. I'm sorry she did that to you. (((hugs))))
  12. All I could think about was their poor feet, and sand filling the blisters.
  13. Chris spent the last 28 days making good friends with all of the jurors--going through his apology tour, patching things up, making friendships that wouldn't be affected by any backstabbing game play, feeding them, etc. I just don't see how that could be fair.
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