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Everything posted by starfire

  1. It may (or may not) be because he is not an employee of Viacom. Creditors aren't able to do a traditional wage garnishment on independent contractors because their earnings are not considered wages.
  2. Most of these people...Amber, Cate, Ryan, all seem like they are about 20 years older than they are, and not in a good way at all. They are all useless, unemployed, lazy, burned-out hags.
  3. Who in their right mind would be happy to have Ryan's heroin-soaked sperm impregnating her? Mackenzie is obviously insane.
  4. He tries so hard to look sexy and sultry but it is not working. That hat makes his head look about 2 feet tall.
  5. starfire


    Right Michael..... you want us to believe that she "settled" for what she sued for or for $2,500,000 MORE than what she sued for? What a nut.
  6. I feel so bad for Leah. Her "mom" is supposedly too depressed/mentally ill/busy filming to see her more than a handful of times per year, but she is perfectly fine to have a baby she will supposedly be with and take care of 24/7 (I feel very sorry for the new baby, too). This all must be so hard for a little girl to comprehend, and she deserves so much better. Amber should be ashamed of herself, but all she does is make excuses. She has no respect or appreciation for everything Gary and Kristina have done and continue to do for Leah. Thank God Leah has good, caring, stable parents in Gary and Kristina.
  7. I thought I glimpsed this on the show but thought I must be imagining things. LMAO. MattTwo has to walk over that mat every day? And doesn't throw it away himself? Hilarious and pathetic....and very, very weird.
  8. I pray that Catelynn gets another IUD put in, stat. She and Tyler are definitely not in a good place to have another baby right now. I hope she gets the help she needs, but I tend to doubt that another 30-day stint (probably with no professional aftercare - likely just occasional visits with Kinko's Kathleen) is going to meet her needs. I felt bad for Tyler. He can be a jerk, but things have been intense for him lately. One week he is driving his dad to treatment, the next his wife.
  9. Things are always weird when Farrah and Sophia are involved, but I think it was especially bizarre that Debra was along on Michael's engagement vacation. The scenes with all of them were just so strange and awkward -- with Debra professing her love for Michael and Amy, kissing Amy, getting all emotional and dramatic, and just in general being there. I thought the actual proposal was sweet, but you can tell how whipped they are that they went along with Farrah's weird "ex at the proposal" plan. I haven't decided if Amy is a saint or just as nutty as the family she is marrying into.
  10. David looks more and more like the Unabomber every time I see him.
  11. I wonder if they ever caught the person who murdered Brittany's dad and if Roxanne was ever a suspect. With how scary and out of control she is, I would not put murder past her.
  12. Is 9 months not enough time for some people to come up with a name for their baby (or even 2 names if they don't find out the gender prior to birth)?
  13. Amber's crying, yelling at Gary, general unreasonableness, ridiculous excuses, and running off stage like a child pretty much highlighted why she doesn't deserve more time with Leah. Gary was being very calm and reasonable, and Amber was a mess. Gary said Amber hasn't seen Leah on her Wednesdays all year. Was this not filmed in October? That would mean for 10 months Amber has had excuses to not see her daughter, for approximately 40 Wednesdays. Even if it was filmed a few months before that is a still an amazing amount of time to miss, and then she has the nerve to minimize it and make it sound like she had good reasons for not being there. And we know she has missed weekend visits too, for whatever lame excuses she comes up with: traveling, being in the hospital, depression, not feeling well, surgery, etc. Her words mean nothing because her actions (or lack of actions) speak volumes. Poor Leah. The last few shows have clearly shown she is growing up and is not buying Amber's bullshit excuses for not putting her as a priority. Amber has all the time in the world, and if she wasn't such a worthless, selfish, lazy "mother", she could have proved herself to Gary and had Leah for overnights by now. Amber knows the courts would never side with her so she doesn't even try with them. I am proud of Gary for putting Leah first and being calm but firm with Amber.
  14. When Dr. Useless asked April something about what upset her most about what Cate has current issues with in regards to her growing up years, April said Cate's dad abandoning Cate. Dr. Useless even asked her again if that was what upset her most, and she said yes. Um, April...you are more upset about what someone else did than your own abuse of Catelyn? You are a piece of shit. You may have not have left the home but you pretty much abandoned her too, and apparently Cate had to do a lot of the raising of Nick while April was using, treating her kids like shit, and being a worthless mother. When Dr. Useless asked her the 2nd time I thought he would bring up April's abuse and neglect of Cate (and Nick, too) but of course he didn't. I can't stand the guy.
  15. I love how Matt used to proclaim that he didn't care what people thought about him, that he just ignores the haters, and so on, and now he is writing a book to get the "truth" out there. He can write whatever he wants, but I would bet money it will not improve his reputation one bit. It will probably just expose him as more of a con man.
  16. She should just rent a horse now and then if she feels like riding (or walking a horse around). She probably needs serious riding lessons. Going on a few trail rides at a horse therapy camp does not a horsewoman make.
  17. I really hope she doesn't buy a horse. The poor thing would likely end up neglected, stuck in a stall all day, every day.
  18. Debra is so pathetic and weak, and such an enabler. I imagine she is on Farrah's payroll, but she doesn't need to take so much abuse. If she took off for a few days or didn't, I tend to doubt anything would really change in the long run. Farrah might throw more shitfits, threaten her, try to power-trip her, insult and demean her, etc., etc., etc., but what's new? And I don't believe Farrah would cut Debra out of her and Sophia's life. Maybe for a few days until she needs a babysitter, someone to assemble furniture, or someone to cut up strawberries at the yogurt shop. Farrah needs her around to be a workhorse for her, a 24/7 babysitter, and someone she can abuse regularly and will put up with it. Farrah knows deep down that Debra and Michael will put up with anything and she needs them. And I don't care if Debra did smack Farrah last year. Big deal. I think Deb's a nut, and I don't normally believe in smacking/spanking kids, but Farrah deserves to get her ass kicked and more. I start getting filled with rage just watching her be such an incredible monster, lol, so a smack doesn't seem like a big deal at all to me. I would pay money to smack her, and I hope some day to see someone like Tonya Harding kick her ass on Celebrity Boxing or some such show. Farrah overdramatizes everything and plays the victim, just to try to deflect from her absolute insanity. I am actually surprised Farrah has not gotten her ass kicked by some random person who watches the show and sees her out in public.
  19. I can't believe Cate and Tyler are sinking so much money into that mobile home. Maybe it is in a better area, but I like the style of their other house so much better. Anyway, when they got the estimate to fix the previous contractors fuck-ups on their new house, Tyler said that would put them $20,000 over his planned budget. LOL, good grief. If I paid a contractor and they did such shoddy work I would be raising hell and filing lawsuits, not just ignoring it and moving on like Cate. Those floors were awful. So they are paying all that money for the floors to get re-done and siding put on. Tyler's getting nervous so the porch will wait. It appeared they only got one estimate and Cate was pushing hard to go with it, seemingly not caring about all the money they already wasted.
  20. Nellie was so mean to poor Bunny! Laura never wanted to sell Bunny to bitchface Nellie, but bless Laura's heart, she really wanted to buy Ma the stove for Christmas and needed some quick cash. It was bittersweet as Pa had ordered the same stove for Ma and had handcrafted Laura a saddle for Bunny for Christmas. Then Nellie faked that she got hurt by Bunny and was paralyzed. Laura waited on her hand and foot, feeling guilty over it, until she realized she was being played. Then she told Nellie she was taking her for a ride in her wheelchair and pushed Nellie in the wheelchair down a steep hill into a creek, much to the dismay of her mom/bitch Harriet, whom I believe screamed and dramatically fainted. Nellie got up and walked, proving she wasn't really paralyzed. Thank God for Nels, the only sane one in the Oleson family who gave Bunny back to Laura as he knew his daughter was a total bitch to Bunny, lied about the paralysis, and didn't deserve her. Unfortunately with Cate, it won't be nearly as good of story. We won't get to see Michael Landon's fine self, and we won't get to see Cate in a wheelchair getting rolled down a hill into a creek. It will probably involve a bunch of tears, weed, April, and the ASPCA.
  21. Last year I got several full-size Yankee jar candles for $12 each at Ross Dress for Less. I wasn't after Christmas, either. Just a random time. Haven't seen them lately though.
  22. Catelynn apparently should have been appointed a guardian by the court. I don't recall it ever being talked about on the show, and I don't think she was emancipated. I just Googled and found this info about Michigan adoption law. "A court-appointed guardian must act on behalf of any unemancipated minor parent who consents to an adoption of a child or who releases a child to a child-placing agency for adoption." http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dhs/DHS-PUB-0823_221566_7.pdf
  23. I know that Maci and Taylor are seen with beers quite often, but has it really been shown that either of them binge drink on an "extremely frequent" basis? Maybe they have been and I have missed it, but as far as I know they may just be drinking one or two beers. I sometimes wonder if MTV and/or Maci and Taylor get paid for Bud Light product placement as it is shown so often.
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