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Everything posted by starfire

  1. Bentley is such a sweet kid, and it was so thoughtful of him to make the card for Taylor for Father's Day. I feel bad for Bentley because it is obvious he is very uncomfortable around Ryan. Who would blame him? Ryan was so rude and weird with Bentley, repeating the same questions and mocking his haircut. What a jerk! His kid was in a championship game and he couldn't be bothered to show up and show his support, even on Father's Day. Jen had to deliver Bentley to his couch and it was pretty apparent neither one wanted to be there. I am starting to like Taylor more. I don't like his ugly shirts, but he seems to be a decent enough guy and dad. It sounds like he actually has a full-time job outside of the t-shirts and Teen Mom. He also seems to really care about Bentley and is very involved in his life, coaches his baseball team, etc. He puts WAY more time and effort into Bentley than Ryan does, that is for sure.
  2. Maybe she is getting ready for another surgery, but 3 ounces of meat is commonly recommended as a healthy portion size for meat for any sort of diet....the size of a deck of cards.
  3. That's right. I remember that about his parent's house being searched. So I guess he is back already. I'm surprised Larry allowed that. Jen's brother and sister probably didn't want the non-paying leech in their house. LOL. Ryan will never grow up if his parents don't lay down the law and require him to get a job, find an apartment, etc.
  4. Jen doesn't seem to want him to grow up, which is sad. He didn't really "move out". Larry obviously kicked him out. Jen again came to Ryan's rescue by letting him move into a house she co-owns. Guess who is going to end up paying the mortgage and utilities when Ryan flakes out? He doesn't have a job and he can't make all that much from TM since he is rarely shown. Jen will probably bring him meals, clean the house, and do his laundry. I get confused with the timelines but I don't think it is related to the cat-killing because these episodes were filmed in the spring and the cat-killing just happened a few months ago.
  5. Wow, that sneak peak is intense. I wasn't all that surprised about what Larry said about Ryan. He has expressed disgust with Ryan before, but basically saying he never wants to see him again and he wasn't allowed around anymore was unexpected. I was surprised, however, that he said that if Jen doesn't like it she can pack her stuff and get out. http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/mg4g66/teen-mom-sneak-peek-larry-says-he-is-done-with-ryan
  6. I keep thinking what profoundly different lives Nova and Carly must have and will continue having. Makes me sad for Nova and thankful that at least one of Cate and Tyler's kids got out of there.
  7. Yeah, it's totally ridiculous Amber. Maybe if Leah lived a half-hour closer and went to night school it would be within the realm of possibility.
  8. Ryan usually looks baked to me. I guess it is possible he has a TBI, but I think there is a good chance that his laziness and lack of motivation is a combination of immaturity, being spoiled/babied his entire life, and smoking a ton of weed (and/or possibly other drugs and drinking).
  9. Yep, 7. Oddly enough, the first thing I thought of when I read Amber's "post mommy body" comment was that post=after and that she is getting a makeover because she is no longer a mom.
  10. Especially when the child is only there 4 days a month, and not even that some months. It's too bad that Amber doesn't want to fill up those short visits with fun things that actually include her interacting with Leah. I guess Amber figures that Leah needs something to keep her busy all morning while she sleeps until noon.
  11. Ah, okay. Thanks. I hope she pays a fair amount for child support now but Gary still deserves that money for Leah's past expenses. He took full care of Leah when Amber was in prison for a year and a half, and has had her most of the time since then. If Amber has actually been helping pay off Matt's child support debts instead of paying for her own child's back child support, that is pretty low.
  12. It has been said several times that Amber doesn't pay any child support. I think that's ridiculous if true as she makes good money and she rarely has Leah. Is the reason that Gary doesn't press Amber for child support is because if he did, she might been seen as more responsible and have more clout in court (if she actually decided to pursue more custody)? And Gary would rather have custody and decision-making power over Leah than Amber's money? If that's the case, Amber is pathetic and I respect Gary even more.
  13. starfire


    I have no words http://www.celebuzz.com/2013-10-01/heres-farrah-abrahams-cringe-worthy-girls-and-corpses-magazine-cover/ I need to quit Googling
  14. I wonder what Brandon and Teresa think about Tyler and Cate's pot use. They appear to be pretty conservative and I can't picture them being OK with it. Being in the position Cate and Tyler are in (wanting as much contact with Carly as possible) it seems so stupid to me for them to be flaunting their weed usage on the show, Twitter, etc. It's so unnecessary. Those two truly are not very bright when it comes to protecting their relationship with Brandon and Teresa.
  15. Here's the blanket that Tyler uses. He really likes it when the images reflect off his mirrored ceiling... (yes I need a life)
  16. I agree. I haven't heard her bring up anything negative about Tyler recently, but she has in the past at least a few times, about getting a real job and going to college. Mainly I responded because some people were saying that Kim is constantly saying bad things about Cate. I have not noticed that. Granted, I often get sleepy and lose some brain cells while watching the show, so if anyone who mentioned Kim says terrible things about Cate about her weight, her ambition, and so on, could let me know what episode, I will re-watch. I re-watched their interaction from the last episode and I didn't notice that she said anything bad about Cate.
  17. The only time I remember Kim acting concerned about Cate's ambition was when they were talking about college several seasons ago. This was when Tyler actually sounded like he had some ambition, claimed he wanted to go to college, and Cate didn't.
  18. I don't get the feeling that Kim dislikes Cate, but I don't think she wanted him to marry her and have another kid, at least at this point in time, when they haven't gone to college, etc. I think Kim may believe if they had broken up before Nova that Tyler would have done more with his life. Maybe I missed something, but some of the things people are saying in this thread, such as Kim is constantly ragging about Cate's lack of ambition, Cate's looks/weight, and so on, I have not noticed. I notice Tyler mentioning these things to Kim, however.
  19. His hair looks like a bad, fluffed-up toupee in that pic.
  20. I'm sure the prosecuting attorney that lives across the street is thrilled to have them as new neighbors. Matt even said they would keep him in business.
  21. I doubt that Amber has any idea how much work is involved in setting up and running a successful business. This is the woman who is so lazy that she sleeps until 11am even when Leah is over, and complains about the effort of having to drive 45 minutes to see her once a week, so I doubt she could muster up enough effort be a successful business owner.
  22. starfire


    I can't keep up with how often these people move. Did her house in Texas ever sell? Is she living in yet another house or did she move back to the one in Texas?
  23. Not to mention that they revealed on the show that Nova spends several days/nights with April every week. I'd bet they have other babysitters who watch her sometimes as well, like Butch, Kim, and random friends. Yeah, Tyler sure has a rough, crazy life.
  24. "We've earned this, baby!" --Matt "WE"???!! http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/91leb0/teen-mom-sneak-peek-amber-feels-uncomfortable-in-her-new-home
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