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Everything posted by starfire

  1. Does anyone know what the arrangement is as far as when Isaac is with Jo? Does Jo have Isaac every weekend (every other weekend?) and Kail during the week? I remember when Jo first moved near Kail, he didn't want to increase the time he had with Isaac. I can't recall his reasoning but I remember thinking it was a bit weird -- he move states to be nearer to Isaac but doesn't want more time. Then he has a child with Vee and has all the time in the world for her, 24/7, because he apparently has nothing else going on.
  2. Aside from Jenelle's insincere "pretending" that she actually wants custody of Jace, I think she knows that her record would likely prevent her from gaining custody. I think if she lost custody of Kaiser, she would throw all kinds of violent fits, but deep down she probably wouldn't really care and might even be relieved. She would probably do what she is doing with Jace now, bitching and moaning, but taking no steps to earn back custody. Her actions show that she doesn't truly love her kids or want to be a selfless mother to them. I think she knows Jace is better off with Barb and she resents it deeply and has serious anger over it, but she never does anything about it. I feel very bad for both Kaiser and Jace, for all the fighting and drama they are exposed to, and that they have awful parents who refuse to (or are incapable of) getting their shit together and provide them the life and childhood they deserve.
  3. I really hope that Cate actually benefits from the help, but since it is the same short-term treatment center Leah went to, I am not that optimistic. Leah doesn't seem to have changed at all, and she is obviously not involved in any aftercare. These women need serious inpatient help from qualified professionals with ongoing therapy afterwards. They also need to be honest and admit they have problems and really want help and be willing to change. Being in inpatient treatment for a month is not going to change anything if they remain in denial, don't have the self-awareness to recognize their problems, or aren't willing to work hard and get out of their comfort zones. I still hope that Cate gets something positive out of the experience and follows up with therapy afterwards (with a different and more qualified/skilled therapist/psychologist than the copier room therapist).
  4. That looks like a potential fire hazard. It might be time for some deep conditioning, Kail.
  5. Great, thanks. I now have an image of Kail dressed up like the Energizer Bunny, hopping all over campus in crotchless panties.
  6. LOL....you are right about that! I guess we didn't even need to see David to know he must be a complete scumbag.
  7. David was a complete jerk for putting down Barb after that first meeting, especially when he knows Barb has raised Jace. A good, respectful man with class would never have done that, no matter what Jenelle was saying. And of course this was all said with kids present. Just from that scene I could tell he is a complete loser, just like Jenelle.
  8. LOL @ “You’re looking luscious like an avocado from Mexico” I don't think I could really appreciate being compared to an avocado..
  9. I wonder if the kid ever gets anything other than hotdogs and Kool-Aid.
  10. Maybe I am missing something, but I am not seeing a correlation between Kail's comment about "family" and Jo and Vee's engagement. The way I read the Instagram post, Kail is saying she and Vee are now "family" because they are getting along much better than they used to. kaillowry: "It took some time... More on my end than any but we made it! So happy to be where we are now, best birthday gift ever = finally becoming family!"
  11. I thought it was kind of bizarre that Barb met with Jenelle to discuss how naughty Jace had been throwing cars and dog bones at Barb, etc., as if she wanted Jace to hear Jenelle's input on how bad it is to do things like that. Jenelle is a hair-trigger tempered violent sociopath who is waiting for her court date for throwing a glass in someone's face, not someone who has any credibility lecturing a child over throwing things. Barb needs to get Jace some help and possibly cut Jenelle out of his life until she can get her shit together, if ever. I can't believe all the screaming, fighting, custody talk, and other drama that poor kid has been exposed to. No wonder he is acting out.
  12. I wish the trust funds were set up so the moms did not have access to them, and they were turned over to the kids at 18 or when they start college. It sounds like the dads don't have access, according to Adam. Some of the moms, like Kail and Chelsea, I think could be trusted to safeguard the money, but Jenelle and Leah can't be trusted to not siphon off money for their own selfish desires. I wonder if Barb is in control of Jace's money. Does anyone know if Jenelle pays Barb child support?
  13. Maybe you guys are right and Leah had already called numerous times, who knows. At least the lawyer can bill her!
  14. Both Kail and Jo were young and immature, but I don't really blame Kail for moving out. After Jo broke up with her, it wasn't really that ideal of a situation for her to be living in his parents basement. She had a right to live her own life. If I am remembering correctly, she was much more motivated and independent than Jo as far as school and working at the time. With her background and no family support, I don't think she was doing too bad for an 18 year old kid with a kid. Around here, for some assistance programs, you are technically considered homeless if another family is putting you up.
  15. I don't think it was out of line for Leah to call her attorney to ask if there was any news on her case. Since it apparently had been a month or more since the court date, it seems reasonable to ask when she could expect to hear something. While I can't stand Leah, I thought the attorney could have been more professional and informative. She could have at least said something like "it can take up to 45 days to get a ruling" or something like that. She could always bill Leah for the call if it's that much trouble.
  16. It wasn't Section 8 from what I recall. She went into some sort of single mother's housing program after she left Jo's parents house. She stayed in their homeless shelter for a few days prior. She was working at the time and going to school. This was 5 or more years ago, when Isaac was just a baby and before the big money started rolling in, so she may have legitimately qualified for public assistance.
  17. I also wonder what many of these people do all day. Chelsea and Cole work. Adam claims he works as a personal trainer. It sounds like it's very part-time at this point (5 clients), but it sounds like even he is trying to build up his customer base. Kail goes to school full-time. Javi works. Even Nathan apparently goes to school. But what do Jenelle, Leah, Jo, Gary, Amber, Tyler, Cate, etc., do all day, especially when they don't even have their kids with them? Even if they make enough from Teen Mom to rationalize not working, it would be nice to see them do something productive, like volunteer work, coach their kids in sports, and so on. Leah is wasting her life and throwing away precious time that could be used with Ali before she is completely confined to a wheelchair. If she had her shit together, she could be volunteering at the girlses school, spending quality time with them and helping out the teachers who are dealing with Ali falling numerous times a day.
  18. Leah is rude as hell to expect her sister to pick her kids up for her just because she is "tired" when it's time to go get them. It's not like the school is a few blocks or miles away. It's a 1.5 hour round trip. It appears like she has done it before because we didn't see Leah call the school to let them know her sister would be picking them up instead of her -- she just grabbed her blanket and passed out on the couch. I don't think any elementary school lets random relatives and friends pick up kids without explicit permission from a parent/guardian. I wonder how many people are on Leah's "okay to pick up my kids because I am a worthless mother" list.
  19. What about the house flipping income? Somebody posted that those houses are in his name only. I hope the mothers of his children are reporting all of this. It would be hilarious if one of his baby mamas ends up living in one of the flipped houses. That would serve Matt and Amber right.
  20. I'm surprised Jenelle wasn't weeded out by the college during the admission process. Legit colleges who train students for the medical field, and place their students in externships out in the community, routinely perform background checks. Some do drug testing. I have no clue how Jenelle could have passed those things. (not to mention the ethical and professional standards she should have been bound to by training/working in the medical field)
  21. Looks like he was paroled on 8/6/2015. I didn't know his real name is "Darl Lynn". http://mdocweb.state.mi.us/otis2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=262573 I see no mention of domestic violence or assault on that page. I thought that was why he went to prison most recently and is on parole (for attacking April).
  22. How convenient that she is now posting breakfast photos. God knows how long Addie has to wait to eat breakfast when she is stuck in the car on the long commute taking her sisters to school. Put a box of Cheerios in the car or SOMETHING, Leah. Your kids deserve better.
  23. For what it's worth, free breakfast has been available to all public school students in NYC since 2003, not just those who are low-income. In many NYC elementary schools, they have started serving it in the classrooms instead of the cafeteria during the first 15 minutes of class (this is to reduce the associated stigma and so students do not have to arrive early to eat). The classroom breakfast program is apparently expanding to include all public NYC elementary schools within a few years. http://www.schoolfoodnyc.org/OurPrograms/breakfast.htm
  24. I wonder if Nova will be staying with April during Cate's rehab stint or if Tyler will actually step up and take care of his child 24/7 while Cate is gone. I am not convinced Tyler would take that great care of her on his own. Grandpa Butch is there to help out...I guess.
  25. Any parent who allows their 6-7 year old child to watch Teen Mom should be horsewhipped within an inch of their life.
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