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Everything posted by ajsnaves

  1. Man, I loved this episode. It’s the little things that make it great. Like them sitting on the floor to watch the credits. And when Mariner left the holodeck, she stepped over the bottom of the letter box to exit. I thought I recognized the voice at the end too. Maybe it’s Phillipa Georgiou and this is a backdoor pilot for the new Section 31 series.
  2. Each episode has improved in my opinion. I really liked this one. I would love to see Ian as the hologram too. Maybe they could switch off, go in shifts. Really, there should always be somebody there with Ben. it has been years since I’ve seen Magic’s episode, so it was a nice refresher. I like the idea that he had to say yes to the nudge. Gives a bit of consent at least. As to the “waiting room,” maybe they’re in some unused storage closet, and nobody realizes it. One day Ian needs some pens, and they just walk in on a very confused guy from the 50’s.
  3. I took the whole “Alberta is a rat but it’s ok” thing as her friends trying to make her feel better. What are they gonna do, kick her out of the house? Plus, this is a potential income for the B&B, and Sam doesn’t want to lose that. Is it wrong that I kind of want Jay to die, so he can be best friends with Pete?
  4. Why exactly couldn’t Stella use the Blue Office? And how do these quarters work actually? Does Severide and Herman pack up their stuff at the end of their shift? Are there 2 other sets of quarters for first and third shift? And how does Boden’s schedule work? Does he only work every three days too, or does he work every day? Where is his comfy bed that never gets slept on? Why am I spending this much time thinking about this?
  5. I agree on the investigating. But they already have a dog in Kelly Severide. He’s incredibly loyal to his people as we see in this episode. Very protective. And he loves kids, and they love him. He’s a Golden Retriever on 2 legs. (And I mean that in the best way possible.}
  6. How long has it been? Isn’t this supposed to be just after Nemesis? So 5 or 6 years after the war by now. I loved this episode. Rutherford was acting just like I would have. DS9 is my favorite Trek, so this really gave me the feels. I was surprised Kira was back in the Bajoran Militia. And I missed Dr. Bashir and Rom.
  7. Every wedding in Westeros should involve someone named Joffrey getting brutally murdered.
  8. When did they go back to North Carolina? I thought they were in Canada now. Or are they splitting locations? While I question the truthyness of this episode, I still enjoyed it. I like when we get to see smug David. And that last house was fantastic. But I think I prefer Hillary’s in the end.
  9. And then have them realize they both have an “arrow guy”? I mean, think of the odds. Now I have to see this.
  10. Speculation on the who done it for season 3. After a year, Teddy finally fucked Oliver when he least expected it. And Charles apparently.
  11. Did we ever get confirmation that the “14” was not the 14th floor, where Charles Hayden Savage lives?
  12. I am going to have to rewatch. When did Kreps remove the hair from evidence? Was it before or after he met Cinda (Or whomever he met.)? Also, this just occurred to me, but that is a horribly managed evidence room. There did not appear to be any way to maintain a chain of custody if out of town detectives could just walk in an remove stuff.
  13. If this happened in episode 5 or 6, I would assume it was all a misdirect. Since this happened in Episode 9 though, I tend to believe it. Cinda has always been fishy too me. I’m wondering if she goes and creates the “cases” to then make the podcast happen. I also suspected that if Cinda was involved she would not do the dirty work herself. The Poppy reveal does give me pause though. I guess I am not smart enough to figure that one out. I will have to rewatch I think.
  14. Lorne has left the show before. It survived, after some rough times out of the gate. But they also gave us Eddie Murphy, Joe Piscopo, Harry Shears, Billy Crystal, and Martin Short. (As well as many more funny people. Tim Kazurisnki is still one of the funniest people ever on the show in my opinion.) And Lorne has produced some horrid seasons too, such as his first season back. Where he “killed” the entire cast at the end of the season, aside for Denis Miller and Jon Lovitz. What I am saying is, Lorne is not the end all be all of late night comedy. The show will survive without him, if people want it too. It will be rough at first, but new fresh blood behind the scenes will probably be a good thing. Again, only if people really want it too.
  15. I don’t think Glitter Guy is is the same one chasing Lucy through the Arcatacombs. They made a point of showing us that person’s shoes when we’ve seen them. I do think Det. Kreps is Glitter Guy though. The glitter AND the injury in his arm is too big a coincidence for me. One or the other maybe, but not both. But they seemed to go out of their way not to show his shoes, but they looked like standard issue dress shoes. As to why he didn’t arrest her. Maybe because she’s the victim. It was her bag that was stollen after she was accosted by masked man trailing glitter on the subway. I was actually pretty scared for Lucy this episode. Maybe watching this last thing before bed was not be best move. I was firmly entrenched in team Howard as the killer until this episode. But anyone who yodels like an angel like this can’t be a murderer. I refuse to accept that we live in such a world.
  16. I’m almost positive I’ve see the celebrity give the clues before on this version. I think it the contestant’s choice, and they almost always choose to give. Same as with the third round during the game. And given the quality of some of the celebs, I can’t say I blame them.
  17. I really enjoyed this episode. I think it pushed the plot enough to keep things going, but it also gave us some breathing space. I think we’re gonna be speeding through the rest of the season, so that break may prove invaluable when the whole season is taken into consideration. I too noted Theo looking at Mable while driving, and yelled. But I wonder sometimes if maybe we all take our eyes off the road more often than we realize. Not as long as we saw Theo while driving in Manhattan hopefully. It wouldn’t surprise me if we were to see ourselves like we see people on TV, we’d be horrified.
  18. It was Jay who shot it, right? Maybe he practiced it on a video game. I’m sure the skills are transferable.
  19. Whose apartment did Ivan leave the money filled envelope outside of?
  20. I’m wondering if the painting was even stolen. Maybe Bunny sold it years ago and had a copy made. Maybe it’s in storage somewhere. I think the painting is unrelated to the whole thing. It’s just a distraction.
  21. Adding an additional thought. It seemed like the they didn't know which direction to go. They seemed unsure of themselves.
  22. These things cost money. And they take time too. They're not gonna spend money when it is a "clear suicide." This did not surprise me at all.
  23. So while listening to the companion podcast I had a thought. Assume Lucy was near Charles’ apartment on 14. She hears screaming and we see the man in hidden passages. What if the woman screaming was Nina? And the man was Howard? He walked back through Charles’ apartment, and took the elevator down to 12 to then kill Bunny. Or maybe He started in Bunny’s and moved up to 14. Maybe he walked into Nina’s apartment by mistake, thinking it was Charles’.
  24. Didn’t they take it from Amy Schumer’s apartment when it was shown to be fake? Or am I making that up in my head?
  25. Thinking about these passages are making my head hurt. Where was Lucy? By Charles’ apartment? Them how did she hear the screaming? By Bunny/Mabel’s apartments? Why did she climb down 2 floors? Are we really to believe that Oliver climbed down 8 floors to Teddy’s apartment on 6? And then back up? (Charles is on 14, right?) Is Nina also on 14? Im gonna have to rewatch to gather and organize my thoughts.
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