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Everything posted by mlp

  1. I don't think she's similar to Tregaye either except for sex and race and that was my point. I'm inclined to think that FN wanted to add a female of color to their cast of cooks/presenters and they thought Tregaye would be that person. When she didn't work out, they may have leaned toward Jamika whom they already knew and who would have been a big improvement.
  2. I loved Jason on the Holiday Baking Show but I don't remember him being quite so extroverted. He's a character but he comes across genuine and natural, not like he rehearsed folksy comments. I still adore him. Blake was cute but boring. It was pretty obvious he wouldn't last long. Toya needs to go soon. Her hair is ridiculous and she had a very unpleasant face during her critique. By the end of Comeback Kitchen, I thought maybe Matthew had learned a few things and toned down his smug act but he strutted on stage right back to Matthew 101. He has credentials and skills but he needs to grow up a lot. I like the young guy with the red hair and the big black guy with the biceps. The rest of them are still a blur. I despise Robert Irvine and I don't like Monti Carlo a lot better so I was dismayed to see both of them at the judges' table. They both seem to feel that their role is to be as picky as possible plus Irvine uses a tone of voice calculated to be demeaning. I hope he's not going to show up as a regular.
  3. LOL. Matthew has the training and skills to succeed but he's just not likable. I thought maybe they'd go with Jamika as sort of an upscale replacement for Tregaye who apparently hasn't worked out (which we could have told them) but she didn't do very well with her speaking bits. I wasn't crazy about either of them.
  4. See backformore for the perfect description of the show. Nailed it.
  5. I wasn't impressed. It seemed like a lot of filler material, much of it staged, strung together to try to fill an hour. I'll watch again just for the heck of it and then decide if I want to stick with it.
  6. I think Geoff Britten is a very nice guy who loves his wife. I also think he's not anywhere near as driven to win as most of the others because he's already done the ultimate feat. He seems to be having fun no matter what happens. If he really, really wanted to win these events, he wouldn't have Jessica on his team because she's just not as good as most of the other women. I don't think he cares. He just wants her to participate too. I was glad Flip's team took the win over Towers of Power. I don't actually dislike those guys but their constant "bro" stuff gets old in a hurry. I respect that they're firefighters but they seem a little old for all the BFF carrying on.
  7. I don't understand what they're doing wrt choosing someone to return to the main competition. They started out with 7 or 8, eliminated two during two episodes and have 5 or 6 left but the finale is next week. Are they going to just pick one from the remaining bunch? I guess they'll have to but why would they do it that way? I'm thinking the people left are Danushka, Matthew, Jamika, Rob and Joy but I thought they started with an even number so I must be forgetting someone.
  8. If the producers got enough positive feedback, maybe they'll have the ANW segment longer next year - if they do it again. If you subtract all the commercials and promos for Red Nose from the hour, the ANW part wasn't very long. I watched the second hour with Bear Grylls and Julia Roberts and it was soooooo phony. I would much rather have watched two hours of Celebrity NW.
  9. I was surprised to see Gail also. Too bad her appearance was spoiled by Sunny Anderson's loud nonsense. I laughed when Bobby tossed the stuffed animal to the spectators. Then I was surprised when I saw that Sunny was holding it during the wrap up remarks at the end. Do they film that bit first somehow (which makes no sense) or did she actually take it away from the woman who caught it?
  10. I really enjoyed it too. I didn't know who any of the celebrities were but I liked them all. They were all good sports. The fellow named Derek something is really good looking. He looks like a young Leonardo Dicaprio only cuter. I loved the way the regular ninjas all seemed to be having a ball. I'm glad I taped it so I can watch it again.
  11. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't record the one on James Beard. I hope it shows up again some time. The one on Julia Child seemed to be taken directly from "Dearie," her most excellent biography. Both were super. Jacques Pepin tomorrow. Sorry for being off topic.
  12. OMG. Throw in Melissa and Robert Irvine and I'd set fire to my TV.
  13. I like Ludo but I did wonder why the PTB had him and a female chef I'd never heard of judge the final and decisive competition instead of Iron Chefs. Several of the current Iron Chefs judged earlier episodes so it's not like none of them were available. That seemed really odd to me.
  14. This was an exciting week for sure. I liked so many of the competitors that it was hard to decide who to root for. I've always liked Paul Kasemir so I felt sorry for him when he fell at the end. Drew always gives it everything he's got so he deserved his win. I love Matt and Akbar as hosts. They're not doing the shows just for the paycheck. It's clear that they know the ninjas and they really get into the competition. Watching them go bonkers when unexpected things happen always amuses me.
  15. I agree. Alton was great on Good Eats but now he seems to enjoy being acerbic and sometimes downright nasty. He's become much too impressed with his own importance. I think there should always be three judges on competitions. I wish FNS would get rid of Giada, keep Bobby and add Tyler and Valerie. They all have good chemistry together.
  16. It seems like FN could have brought back a better selection of past contestants. Maybe they tried and others didn't want to be subjected to the stress again. I am grateful that we don't have to deal with the Butcher Babe and some others. I don't recall ever seeing Jamika before. She said she's been a judge a lot of times and I watch basically all the competitions but I don't remember her. Maybe she's been on Chopped Junior and I paid no attention to her or something. She comes across as a prettier, classier version of Tregaye but a Tregaye type nevertheless. Too loud and impressed with herself for me. The only one of this group that I actually like is Danushka. The first time I ever saw her, she was on Chopped and I couldn't stand her. Then I saw her a couple more times and I "got" her and now I think she's a hoot. I'd watch her if she had a show.
  17. Wait! Their anniversary? Bobby got married again and it wasn't all over the food news? I'd never heard of her and I can't say I cared for her much but I agree she was easier to take than Katie Lee. She looks a lot younger and more attractive in that IMdB photo than she did on BBF.
  18. I can't believe I'm going to say this but..................... I think I actually like Justin Warner now. I think he grew up. I liked George and figured him for a chef also. I thought the pathologist would turn out to be a rabbi - although that would have been too easy a guess.
  19. I could have written your whole comment, Bastet. My favorites were the older couple. They were both funny and good-natured and I knew I'd like them if I met them. Like you, I knew they were toast when they overcooked the clams. By the end, I was hoping Jonathan and Corey would pull it off. I couldn't guess which the judges would find worse - a greasy fritter or uncooked pizza dough. I couldn't quite imagine that pizza dough would make a tasty turnover even if it had been cooked. Personally, I'd prefer the grease.
  20. I really enjoyed this episode too. Guy's mom is a hoot and I liked all the other mothers. I even actually liked Justin Warner for the first time. I suspect that Justin is very intelligent so I wonder why it took him so long to figure out that his smart-alecky schtick wasn't helping his image. If Beau is 45 y/o, his mother must be older than she looks. His affection for his mom came across as very sincere. On some previous episode a couple seasons ago, they had those tiny carts and one of the contestants was a big guy who just picked up the cart and carried it instead of bending way, way over. I wondered why Beau didn't do the same. Maybe the producers made a rule against doing that as I haven't seen anyone do it since.
  21. Ah. I'll bet that's how they give Stephanie the win. Any chef can beat any other chef on any given day but I'd have a hard time believing anyone could beat all three Iron Chefs one after another especially since they're all highly experienced and seasoned competitors.
  22. When this show started, I was rooting for Stephanie to win it all and hoping Sarah would be sent home right away. By the time this episode started, I was pulling for Jason Dady because he was the only one of the final three I actually liked. I wasn't surprised they kept the two women from Chicago but I was disappointed. I suspect that Alton as the only judge maneuvered his decisions in that direction. Sarah must have been sobbing in the wings after she lost. Her eyes were bright red during her last TH.
  23. I was sorry to see Kevin Bull go out so soon - and he messed up twice on the same obstacle. Daniel Gil is one of my favorites so I was very happy he and his team pulled out a win. The 5' girl he selected (forgot her name) may be a contender.
  24. My sister lives in Honolulu. When I was there, a Chinese friend of hers took us to an authentic, non-touristy Chinese restaurant and one dish was chicken feet. Once I got past the visual, I thought eating them was similar to eating a chicken wing without much meat on it. OK but I wouldn't order again.
  25. This was an exciting episode with so many surprising mistakes and lead changes. I was sorry to see Jessie Graff and Nicholas Coolridge lose out. Matt Wilder was really impressive. I don't remember seeing him on the regular season. If I did, his name didn't stick in my mind.
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