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Everything posted by Skyfall

  1. The last two posts did not age well at all 😂
  2. If there is another season, just have them divorce off screen and whoever they would recast with have them be a potential suitor while the divorce is still new to Andi. Drama goldmine that many tweens and teens deal with. Sure death is a thing too but if they went with a death I think it should be a non family member car accident by a drunk driver. Having that happen to Ham brings him sympathy when producer would be better off having the audience hate him. Could even throw in that he cheated for a little extra push towards anger.
  3. Yeah there needs to be multiple people and maybe contestants appearing on 2 episodes especially with back to back airings
  4. Honestly I’m not a fan of Jamie and preferred the OG show when the build team got their own stuff to do and we got less Jamie.
  5. That is why I liked the “series” premiere guy. He lost the mil and countered. When the banker didn’t accept the counter and the luck went his way and she offered more than what he had countered just the time before he took it and ran. I do wonder how that would’ve played out if it was 750k lost and the million was still on the board.
  6. So Nikki Glasser wasn’t annoying in her appearance this week surprisingly. I also enjoyed the wink wink nod nod promotion of the bowl games while saying there were too many bowls.
  7. I would’ve countered the final offer with $500,000. If it got shot down at least I tried.
  8. Having been a Nolan fan for a while I am hoping this show can somehow end up on TV regularly in the future, but I’m loving it and the making the sausage that her podcast sometimes goes into.
  9. If they combined CC and FN they would have enough original content for their output.
  10. It’s going to be about the kids more than whoever the host is I would think.
  11. Kosta was on the FS1 show Crowd Goes Wild so he like is the most experienced being behind a desk with a live audience. The issue is that usually the most experienced for a fill in is almost always my least favorite (Jones, Bee, Kosta). I loved Oliver and Keppler was serviceable but was still inexperienced. I don’t think Wilmore ever filled in on TDS. I didn’t have cable back when Colbert, Carrel, etc was on TDS.
  12. As someone who grew up 30 minutes away from Lenior County and and who’s stepdad lived in that county for most of his life and made a ton of fish stew. Let me tell you. If you’re not a fan of fish or seafood in general, you’re going to be a fan of the stew regardless. Do mine the the bones though if you don’t use a boneless cut of fish.
  13. Is it just me or was her hair different in someway this episode?
  14. It may be 3 seasons and not years.
  15. They’ve skipped 2013 and 2016 in recent years as far as complete seasons are concerned. I think it’s a way to lessen the grind a series like Doctor Who can have while also getting more years out of an actor who since the reboot has only done three seasons. Changing an actor every three years isn’t ideal, but changing an actor every 4 or 5 years makes sense. Plus they will likely do a couple specials and start early 2020.
  16. Right but until he got into Guy’s cliche he was no where to be seen after the hour long special in his visio.
  17. The way of Justin Werner I hope. Don’t get me wrong I love Justin, I HATE Jess.
  18. We’re allowed to post porn videos now? ?
  19. Okay I totally want to ship Andi and Amber. Anber? Amdi?
  20. Starz goes for quality not ratings a lot of times. They’ve gotten lucky with Power and Outlander and I think that helps offset the shows that don’t set the ratings afire. I will say I think not going with HBO was smart as where would it fit AND not get lost in the shuffle?
  21. New forum structure. It’s quite honestly a bit of a mess at the moment while they test things out.
  22. If you haven’t seen the finale early on the app, the last part has been addressed.
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