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Everything posted by Skyfall

  1. Why is Metta not doing any interviews?!?!
  2. “JC was running things” What?!?!?!
  3. Wait...Sam is NOT in the have not room making crafts?!?!
  4. “Floaters, you better grab a life vest!”
  5. Can we lock this and have the live discussion in the live feed thread? We were going for 500...
  6. Doing doing my small part to get to 500! To keep it on topic: Fuck you, Fessy!
  7. Messenger bots via Facebook and Kik are common, CBS just had t used them this season.
  8. Can we ban Swaggy tweets please?
  9. And by then Rockstar would be host!
  10. Fessy asking who flipped after there is a blindside on who wins.
  11. 500 when we are at 476? Ehhhhhhhhh only chance is if the episode thread on Monday doesn’t go up until after the episode.
  12. If Terrance was in a slower track they would be slower and could devote more time to a student not fully there.
  13. I’m shocked one of the music channels never brought it back.
  14. And it’s the moment that might’ve ruined Tyler’s game. He retreated his social game after that and then Tangela happened.
  15. Jada is the type of person that does/says things and expects everyone to agree/listen to it. She can’t take constructive criticism nor find a middle place (physics teacher) because she’s hyper sensitive and a teenage (read: thinks she’s always right). It’s a bad combo and I’m sure the edit isn’t doing her any favors but at the same time I think this is her general attitude.
  16. I believe as long as it’s through official means (like the app) you don’t need spoiler tags.
  18. I’m surprised they’re not indulging his very obvious tick/defensive mechanism of having his good on. Sure it’s revealed in tonight’s episode that his mom wants the hood down, but in most cases schools would usually not make a big deal about it given his circumstances.
  19. So I made the post after halfway through the episode and the second half was riveting. Apparently there was an event that took place at a basketball game that caused the administration to single out the leadership classes (to not get into too many details about it before the TV premiere) and Terrance’s fall semester journey was capped off well if a bit heartbreaking, but man Ke'Shawn's fall semester story ended with a plottwist that was surprising and yet you could see tidbits of it during the season.
  20. So the new episode on the app (premieres on TV on Sunday) is interesting. Of course a white student was like “Why aren’t you following white students!” And then of course it took the producers forever to find suitable students. Which FYI I looked it up and the baseball pitcher went to a community college. Lastly, Jada needs to cool it. The other students were right, she was trying to create an issue where there really wasn’t one and then she gets defensive because she’s Jada.
  21. That DR could’ve been referring to Angela winning though.
  22. So when is HOH Part 1 and will it be on feeds?!?! Technically it wasnt renewed and if there were a lot of departures CBS might’ve thought best to pull the plug.
  23. They really should’ve had the jury house on Sunday to kill time and show Angela joining also.
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