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Everything posted by Skyfall

  1. Found a workaround thanks to reddit! Legal(ish?) too!
  2. Since its closer now, any alternative links for the show tonight? I’m not banking on cbs magically putting the hose on the app for those in the storm’s path even thoghythey should for special cases like this...
  3. This showmance might’ve saved his game. If he takes her F2 The Hive won’t vote for her.
  4. With Florence hitting me, my CBS affiliate has gone around the clock. Can anyone PM me the best alternative to watch the show live?
  5. Plottwist: JC actually wins a comp.
  6. The battle back should be at the beginning. Gives the poor first week evictee a chance to reenter and maybe stay longer than a week.
  7. I get wanting to push your child but at some point you need to realize what’s best for them and corse correct. He seems to enjoy the more artistic things and should be a path he takes along with dropping down to the Spec Ed path for mainstream classes. I like how the series is laid out cause it seems like none of the black students are really getting a say in what they want. For example you have the band geek trying to cut weight and start for the wrestling squad just to be around his black friends when he’s clearly more jazzed to go on the band trip. Then you have his coach purposely pit him against probably a D1 athlete just to get his ass kicked. Also don’t ask me how he’s doing both at the same time cause I have no clue.
  8. 20 seasons (roughly 19 years as 1 year had 2) plus CBB. So 19 years and 21 seasons of the same show. Not counting OTT as I didn’t watch nor have any info how that all worked out. If there are no production changes you can bet it’ll be him or Paul. I wouldn’t mind a Dr. Will but I’m not sure how he would do as a host.
  9. Yep and if that teacher who was trying to spearhead a program hasn’t already (this was filmed in 2015/2026 I beleive) she probably will be leaving soon if nothing has changed. I did like how the boy showed up to the showcase even when suspended but I hated how the other boy was told to stop seeing the facility member who was helping him.
  10. The Summer That Proudction Was The Gang That Couldnt Shoot Straight
  11. Most times they put the showmance up together to make sure one goes home.
  12. I’m thinking it’s going to come down to two ways on Thursday: Tyler putting up Brett and JC or Brett putting up Tyler and Angela. Both will renom KC if needed. At this point Sam SHOULD be safe as the house Mom and a potential F2 easy win if she makes it that far. I know Tyler wants to lay low but all plans go out of the window during DE and he knows it would be a great way for someone (Brett) to take a shot at him with the reasoning of “Its DE and I have to nominate someone.”
  13. Who he kidding, he knows it’ll be Kevin Hart! ?
  14. It was time for a short one again.
  15. Brett why not just take Angela to the final 2 instead? They would vote for you over her...
  16. Who has long skinny fingers? Brett why not just take Angela to the final 2 instead? They would vote for you over her...
  17. Also I find it odd Vegas has been quiet today about what HOH comp it would be. Maybe because there will be 3 comps tonight?! Okay doubt it but still she’s not one to be quiet. As I type that she speaks... https://twitter.com/realvegas4sure/status/1037864852612497409?s=20
  18. Expect the unexpected. Especially with this production staff.
  19. I wonder if we will have a surprise DE tonight. Could be a way for Brett to win and target Tyler or for anyone to target JC.
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