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Anyone else watching via Hulu get kicked out because the “live event ended”?
Too much time spent lingering on uninteresting conversations between people this season. I think most people agreed that we would like to see more of all the people casted in any particular season rather than camera time only being given to the main couples in the beginning, but I don't think anyone was interested in extended scenes devoted to any one couple. In the end they're just plain folks. Nobody wants to hear my partner and me blathering on about nothing much either for minutes at a time.
I've never watched Vanderpump so all I knew about Tom was the big cheating scandel that seemed to be talked about everywhere. I do watch RHoNJ though and thought Dolores would be more astute. I guess she only comes off that way in comparison to the rest of the cast of Jersey because she doesn't seem to be one of the sharpest players of this game.
I haven't watched Survivor in years so I was never on board the Carolyn train like others who already familiar with her and her particular brand of play. I didn't really care if she left or not, however, the one thing I didn't want to see is her leaving before Danielle! Danielle is acting so proud of her excellent skills while the truth is that this is one of the lamest bunch of contestants for weeks now. The left that have any ability to reason and make deductions are also easily mislead. Her gameplay is exactly what I remember going back to her first go at Big Brother which is basically just shit talking other contestants. Does anyone buy her saying she wants to bring Britney with her to the end and share the prize? I don't!
Out of this particular cast? Yeah, but their thinking is too scattered. Too bad because they have actually had some good critical thinking at times. I'm glad Sam was given an opportunity to explain his background and how his silence means he is listening. I hope they were able to hone in on Carolyn and Danielle before the end. There needs to be a reel of Carolyn's expressions and Danielle's overacting (particularly that shaking bit) at the reunion.
Real Housewives in the Media
ichbin replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
For those of you missing Sonja you have the opportunity to hear her at her quintessential best on the episode of Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald that was released today. She is the first guest and it went as most of you can imagine. There wasn't any mention of her ex so I'm guessing it was taped prior to his passing. It is Sonja at 100%. -
Right...it would have been better to disparage and degrade her in the public eye like she did to him? To classify what she started as an inappropriate joke (and for what reason in the first place?) seems to be giving her some undeserved grace. To be clear, I think they are both idiots, but his response to her didn't come out of nowhere. What she started was both unnecessary and crass.
Was she deserving of what Brynn dished out, no, but she exists on her own planet. Her whole "Good? I want them to be afraid of me" shtick was ridiculous and a really bad look. Then she goes on folds for Brynn. She's obviously all talk. She really does come off like a vacuous nitwit. She's lucky she was gifted looks to fall back on. Are any of them friends? Everytime "friend group" is mentioned my eyes are about ready to roll out of my head. I don't believe any of these people have anything to do with one another on a personal level.
Real Housewives in the Media
ichbin replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
What are the odds she will refer to herself as a widow at some point? -
I think she looks better this season than any of the past. I don't know if she's had work done or if what she had has settled in and softened. Whatever the reason, I think it is an improvement. Please someone explain to me why this woman is being given a pass. There has been plenty shown on the episodes without even going into all the tidbits which have shown up on social media. She's been miserable to so many cast. members with no reason shown, particularly toward Britani. Don't get me wrong, Britani is special, but Mary has been unnecessarily cruel toward her (as has her bestie Angie). They don't have to like her but they don't have to be mean either. Imagine if someone had told Mary that she looked inbred. This is the thing, none of the others need to make nasty comments to her or put her down. Britani is more than capable of making herself look bad. I can't recall her being mean toward any of the others as they have been toward her just for being who she is. Jared doesn't seem to be any prize despite his family name which apparently means a lot in the SLC area. Bronwyn, however, was out of line with her below the belt comments appearing on social media and I think she was deserving of him giving it back to her. Just imagine if it was one of the husbands making nasty comments about the anatomy of one of the women. They would be hanged, drawn, and quartered! Bronwyn doesn't get a pass because she is a female in this day and age.
I watched the first episode without having looked into it much. I thought it was going to be a thriller/action type of show so it came as a complete surprise when it took that turn at the end. I should have paid more attention to things like the ducks. At first I was thinking, "oh, good, something different", but then I started remembering shows like Lost and From where each episode seems to only exist in order to throw some new puzzle piece out there...the shows that eventually become exhausting/exasperating to watch because the questions far outweigh the answers. I'll give it a chance, but.... Stars Hollow was on the Warner Bros. back lot in Los Angeles. I've spotted bits of it in quite a few things since then. Paradise is shot around Los Angeles. https://thedirect.com/article/paradise-where-filmed-hulu-locations-real-life. There might be some spoilers in this related to the first three episodes.
Ramona was mocked for years prior to the boot and any perceived racism was not part of it. As far as racist behavior goes, Mary came right out of the gate making eye raising comments that were pretty much brushed aside in addition to not exactly being a team player within the cast.
I don't disagree. The Bravo powers that be have never been consistent in their treatment of people though. For instance, compare the way Ramona was treated (on RHoNY and on WWHL) to the way Mary has been treated throughout her time on SLC. They share many similarities in their delivery (if anything I think Mary is worse in total) yet Mary seems to be handled with kid gloves and deference while Ramona was not. Again, I'd like to know the reason for that.
Is no one else distracted by Justin's mouth full of Chiclets? They're veneers, right? Should be a cautionary tale for anyone considering having that done. Has there been any reference to Robert Jr.'s wife/girlfriend who we last saw hanging out in his bed? This, this, this!!! I feel that she is getting a huge pass on all of the nastiness and poor behavior she has displayed. As a parent, and a human, I have sympathy for what she and her son are going through, but I can keep that separately in my mind and still dislike her as a person. Not once can I recall her ever displaying any remorse or regret for any of the horrible things she has said about her cast mates which were mostly unwarranted. I suspect there is reason for her becoming more actively involved this season than any other time in the past and have my doubts it has anything to do with actually wanting to be there or interact with any of the others, including her new bestie Angie. Who knows what actually happened considering how her story changed. She's another person who seems to fancy herself the smartest in the room and capable of bamboozling everyone much like Brynn on RHoNY, as though nobody is smart enough to catch their inconsistencies. Both could tell me water is wet and I wouldn't believe them based upon what I've seen and heard from either. I dont' think this is actually that far off. I also noticed she appears to be very intent on really listening to what is being said and like there are copious mental notes being made.
I don't think the intent is to embarrass so much as to simply diminish others in the eyes of others. Brynn's whole gameplay triggers some still strong memories from my youth when one member of my friends group behaved in the same manner. She was everyone's friend until she was apart from them when it seemed she felt it her job to crap on them and make them look bad for reasons known only to her. It was sick. It was dangerous. To this day I'm not sure if she did it to make herself look better or if she did it just because she could. It wasn't fun watching Brynn whiplash from poor, unfortunate victim to making snide remarks such as she did in reference to Jesel's glow up. If she told me water was wet I would have trouble believing her. I've never been particularly fond of Sai, but I did love her looking Brynn in the eye and asking just what it is she does for a living.
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