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Everything posted by crowsworks

  1. He's getting ready to hit Mop and as everyone predicted - 'My Kids!!" Butt is losing his mind -
  2. It's an old joke that in the case of SOAP characters is usually true. In this instance I think Tara wants hubby's money with a side of Abbott money for a snack. She seems like a character who lands on her feet and if anyone ends up dead it will be Ashland.
  3. I'll bet Victor had all his kids tested. ...as adults. Which brings me to Nick...... when he strut-strolled out of Jack's house after being immensely rude and condescending I so wanted someone - anyone - to give that aging board shorts bro a super wedgie. All he was missing was a backwards ball cap and a skateboard. He and Dummer are so much alike, always ready to believe the best of themselves and the worst of others. Do it, Show, wedgie that superannuated frat boy. He's waiting for someone to go blind so he can sucker punch them.
  4. Shadam coming up? Chey being the new cuddlebuddies. I can see Chelsea getting Clo to bring her some date rape/viagra pills to slip into his coffee.... and then inviting Sharon to come see her...errr them....since she's the human tribble.... not the first guy she's raped
  5. WHat the hell Kummer? Yeah Sally held Kyle down and forced Tara onto his gerkin. Hey dimwits...Sally kept your secret from Jack when it might have scored her some points. I Think Tara is a user... so put her with Nick. I once heard someone say a woman doesn't leave her husband unless she has another horse in the race. She might not be riding him yet but she has him in the corral. Sounds like "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" Tara.
  6. DNA tests in GC. Like I said - you can't go in Lowes and change a blind order without 3 passwords and a red Vest BUT not in GC where anyone can waltz in and change medical documents. I blame Sharon...no reason The tenth DNA test is free punch card or Asian Grandson. That might be good if they made him involved with the mission with Chance or....anything but Kung Fu. Time for MM to come back as Hilary... I alway knew Nate has her comatose self and Devon's bebbe (He's too nice) somewhere - come on you knew there was going to be a baby somehow.
  7. As the Meanie who came up with MWT... I have to be honest. The writing on the Amanda/Victor talk was good. I fully expected Victor to say that he told Neil to handle Richard and that to be a bone of contention for Devon and Amanda....but NOOOO Ok we had to listen to Victor go on about the ORPHANAGE....but then he told Amanda about "Rick" and ended her delirium about her Dear Fambly. I just wish he'd said Paul was the PI he recommended.
  8. She got what she wanted - room at the Abbott hotel. they can revisit the sticky I did laugh at the Queens Gambit dream... ya got a Check Mate Adam!
  9. Attention MWT's ---It's called Grammarly Maybe but I don't think so... Does he have pictures of CBS executives with goats?
  10. I did love his line when Clo accused him of Judging her - Better than a REAL judge. Didn't Sally know? This should be good when Jack finds out. My cousin loves it. She's a real fan girl. I think Vic is going to hit that - for a while at least - until he pisses her off. Till then Billy will go nuts - after she will go full Nikki on him.
  11. Taking bets - when is the "Who killed Locke" story coming up Lets see....he's going to hit the sheets with Vic so Billy will go crazy. He'll threaten Summer, Kyle. and Jabot so all of them will at least shout in public "I'll kill him!" Even Jack and of course "Close your eyes so I can punch you" Nick He threatened to Hotel....so Phyl. Prick for some reason... and of course the most deadly threat -- Nikki. of course it will be his wife. Or Adam and Sharon ...no reason
  12. Why do I suspect Victor to go "Muwah-ha-ha" as he gleefully rubs his hands. He's going to send crazy Gaspy off into the wild - Prick 'helps' an insane woman escape....that never turned out badly. Hope he hides his doggie. Meanwhile Chelsea will be gasping, plotting and probably stroking Oliver who apparently died of starvation 'upstairs' unless Adam is taking care of him. That might be a cute scene if lonely Adam goes back to the PH and is seen with the cat. Surely someone has a striped kitty they could loan the show...they could sprinkle catnip on Adam to make it like him. Much like Victor tying a pork-chop around Summer's neck so the dog would play with her.
  13. Or maybe stash a high tech (from Walmart) camera recorder to broadcast her prancing around like a loon Nate has her in the boathouse with her baby...Nobody is that nice Connor could come back as an angsty 16 year old to join he young set. Somebody remind Nick that Adam Gave him his own child as he raised Christian/Sullycan for a while so even though Adam was his bio dad, Adam didn't put up a fight. Nick is raising Adam's kid. Victoria is raising Chelsea's daughter. Summer has been passed around like a hot potato. Now Abby is getting a Devon/Abby baby maybe. Of course with GC's crack doctors they will have twins with one being Abby's and one being Mariah (Possibly Tessa is in their somehow) They might have one of Lily's old 19 yr old eggs confused with Abby's and it's triplets. Victor and Jack's jizz is mixed up in this somehow.
  14. Love the Chelsea/Rey/Victor scene here. Chels saying she Really didn't use That much Poison. You go girl. Rey can look really mean when he wants to. Chelsea will probably end up in the Newman Wing at the local Nervish Horspital. Adam can show her where the tunnels are. Clo will have a melt down and want a deal to testify OR the show might just forget she was there and accessorizing fashion AND the crimes. I wouldn't trust the MWT's with any mystery or mystery adjacent storyline. They have the attention span of goldfish. (sympathy tho, Mystery Stories are a bitch to write)
  15. Their sons are going to kill them.
  16. It's the only reason I'd love them to re-do Delia's hit and run. Make it Kelly with Prick thinking it was Drunki. Not because I care about Adam - I just want to see Billy and Clo's heads explode. Delia can ghost Billy and remind him it's his damn fault she's dead....again.
  17. Connor locked him the the coal bin I still think Tara used Kyle as a sperm donor and hubby has found out. She'll probably kill him and blame a Newman or Abbott. Watch and Dummer get the kid to raise. Sally knows about Harrison and hasn't told Jack that his darlings have been lying to him. She didn't stir up the Ashland mess though. that was Oilyballs. Loved how Rey made the whole Faith in the hospital thing about him.
  18. well Max showing her how - my gosh - he did everything but hide the insulin inside a rubics cube. and that Needle....yikes Points for Bloom having a friend. Nice. Of course they will do the suddenly i'm a lesbian storyline instead of renewing the Bloom/Reynolds love story his mom destroyed. Love it if he walked in on moms and a man. one of the most novel was the Eastern European doc on ER. An anti-vaxer came in with a sick child and the American doctors were momentarily stumped until he said Measles. Of course the kid died, along with a couple folks in the ER on Chemo and with immune issues...and the pregnant doctor had to sweat it out.
  19. Is Adam in the walls at the ranch? ALA JT? If Victor can hire a PI to search America why can't he hire one to check out Chelsea. You know, stick a camera under the door and catch her dancing around like a ghoul. This show is too dumb to live. My Caplock got stuck. Come on Chip, find out stuff and make Clo fess up for a deal or become a single dad while she goes to prison.
  20. Nah. she's killed several people including Kyle's mother - with a rock - to the head - while drunk, so it was ok.
  21. It's also why a billionaires who use surrogates keep it super-secret. Kidnapping would be a real threat. You would pick someone with kids who lives somewhere else.
  22. today she was in full Jackie in Dallas drag. and Prick was in his black leather jacket of virility OVER his BTOV.
  23. OMGNO!!!! Keep repeating Jack "The cooze fucked my worthless brother and they both laughed at me, often." We do realize that ANY evidence Rey found is worthless - of course the truth will come out after an embarrassing amount of time. Victor - there are such things as PI's I think Tara want's to escape Ash and is lying to get Kyle to protect her. If EB is leaving they should keep ice water pissing Locke. Victoria could cuddle him to drive Billy nutz. Maybe Chelsea will murder Rey and say "Adam....did....it..." Only he and Sharon will be in Kansas having Barn Sex
  24. I wish Victor would can her and he and Adam run Newman and she and Billy and Lily can merge Colfaxix and Chance com and deal with Locke. Anyone think Vic will hit the sheets with the monster...Billy will lose his mind.
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